Thursday, December 21, 2017

Your Turn

Your most annoying habit or a vice you try to hide from others.


  1. We had a secret cooking society in my all girls high school. I was a member, but got banned after I spilled the beans.

    1. You are a national treasure Candy❤️😉

  2. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I like to fart around other people then laugh my ass off. Hey, don't judge.

  3. Nothing because I have no f*cks left to give.

  4. Probably my obsession with Over vs Under roll for toilet paper. If I go to someone's house and it's an under roll, I'll change it.

  5. I am helplessly addicted to chapstick. If I'm wearing something that doesn't have pockets, like at the gym, I keep it in my bra because I have to have it on me at all times.

  6. I sneak a cigarette now and then.

  7. Reading this site - hope nobody ever finds out.

  8. My elderly next door neighbor was in the laundry room this Monday when I took my clothes down. She smiled and said, "You sure spend a lot of time on your phone, don't you?" I spend zero time on my phone. I asked her why she thought that and she said, "I hear you talking in the living room all the time."

    Oops! She knows my secret! I talk to myself! And yes, I answer back!

  9. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I love singing, always done privately due to my exquisitely horrible voice. And I like to dance around the house.

  10. I started smoking again. No one knows or they're too nice to say something. I imagine I reek even though I wear a scarf on my hair, a "smoking jacket" and wash hands/brush teeth when I'm done. Can't stop sucking the devil's dick....

  11. Josefa Reina videos instead of anxiety meds. My husband would never let me live it down if he knew. Endless teasing.

  12. Hey, I have something in common with @Boo, @Dena and @WickedBee: I talk to myself all the time (luckily I have a quiet voice, so the neighbours don't hear lol); I love my Chapstick too; and I've started smoking, which is really stupid as I have a major operation in January! - the worrying makes me smoke more lol.

  13. I'm a horrible slob. I park my car far away from other cars so nobody looks inside it. Sometimes I don't do the dishes for days!

  14. Sing to myself daily.....while listening to Spotify. Love my music

  15. I obsessively wash my hands and am exceptionally tidy and I never want to breath anyone's air and I won't eat other people's food (today was bad, I fake ate a cookie baked by co-worker.) I am also big-time recluse I don't like going out as everyone kinda really gets on my nerves. I am kind of an asshole but I am really clean and super polite asshole just please don't breathe in my direction or leave any trace of your existence in my home or auto.

  16. I don't talk on the phone on my days off from work unless it is unavoidable (e.g. making a doctor's appointment). I work 12 hour shifts in a job that requires a lot of phone calls and it has made me hate talking on the phone. Much prefer text or email.

    Like Lucy I am a recluse.

  17. Reading this site.

  18. I constantly have random tunes playing in my head, and I often start singing along. Not the whole song, just bits. It must drive my husband and colleagues crazy. Now playing ... "I left my heart in San Francisco" ... whyyyyyy?

    1. Yes! Sister Act 2! 😉

  19. I pick at my cuticles until they bleed and hurt like hell. I try really hard to stop.



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