Friday, December 15, 2017

Your Turn

Favorite Star Wars movie.


  1. Star Wars the original

  2. Replies
    1. I tried to watch the first one, and gave up after 20 minutes. Never tried another.

      Don’t much care for movies filled with actors I don’t care for.

  3. A New Hope. Empire Strikes Back may be the better film, but ANH will always be my first love.

  4. Last night, Anderson and I went to the new Star Wars themed restaurant in downtown Atlanta.
    I ordered the Wookie steak. It was a little Chewy.

  5. The original. And not the version that of it that George Lucas has since butchered, but the original original, as it was released in 1977. All the rest are crap, including TESB and ROTJ.

  6. As a kid Return of the Jedi. As n adult, Empire Strikes Back.

  7. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Hardware Wars. The original with Ham Salad and Fluke Starbucker

  8. I like that one where Spock chases Rutger Hauer and Daryl Hannah.

  9. Anonymous10:41 AM

    First one. It was like nothing I had ever was pure joy for me.

  10. Just watch "The Last Jedi" last night.
    Still, the first is my favorite.

  11. Phantom Menace 😂

  12. Empire.

    Not related: How did Disney orchestrate a 93% score for The Last Jedi with critics pre-release?

    Much of it was prequel bad and the audience score is 60% and dropping.

  13. In favouritism order;
    A New Hope, Return of the Jedi, Empire Strikes Back, The Force Awakens, Rogue One, The Last Jedi, Revenge of the Sith, Attack of the Clones, and lastly, that other one whose name we shall not mention.

  14. Han Solo died in Carbon freeze. End of story.

  15. Empire

    The last jedi is the worst garbage i have ever seen

  16. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.

    1. Anonymous1:17 PM

      Bean is that you

  17. EMPIRE as preformed by Christian Bale & Gerard Butler in REIGN OF FIRE.

  18. All after the original were just a means to sell more toys.

  19. I wonder if each trilogy will just repeat the same story. The last two basically parallel or mirror storylines from the the original and the empire strikes back.

  20. A New Hope. Is the Last Jedi any good? Trying to decide if I should go watch it or wait for it come online.

  21. I have never understood all the Star Wars love.

  22. ALL OF THEM!

    But really, the first one, no question (modded original version).

    Of everything post-1983 I really like Rogue One the most. And I have nothing against the prequels or the modded originals, there are some amazing scenes.

    Post '83 I think I like the Force Awakens the least. The petulant teenager baddie smashing up his room was pitiful. But I'm not the target demographic anymore.

    A friend let me play Republic Commando on his computer and I immediately shot my bot co-stormtrooper to bits and laughed so hard I could hardly breathe. That was good too.

  23. I've been a huge fan since the first one was released, and I didn't think that anything would ever turn me off of the S.W. universe. Until last night, when we saw Last Jedi.

    My favorite will always be the first one, the awe and wonder that it provoked in my friends and I has never been equaled by any of the others.

    Acad, I guess you are right, I'm no longer the target demographic.

  24. Episodes 4,5,6. The Last Jedi was quite spectacular and really good. Liked Force Awakens too.

  25. None of them.
    Live long and prosper instead. Trekkies rule!

  26. 1960's "Star Trek" (television version). 🖖🏼

    *Runs away before she gets mobbed*

  27. The first one was entertaining, although I have no desire to see it ever again. The Empire Strikes Back is an excellent sequel cranked out by pros under studio pressure, with no help from George Lucas. It deserves some sort of special recognition. It "made"the franchise in a very real sense. Unfortunately, the rest of them are crap and the whole thing should just die.

  28. None of them! #trekkie

  29. I loved the original and Empire, but Return of the Jedi lost me halfway through when the tribe of teddy bears showed up.

  30. Geez, all these Spock Suckers...ewww..NO

    1.Empire Strikes Back
    2.A New Hope
    3.Return of the Jedi
    4.Force Awakens
    5.The Last Jedi
    6.Rogue One
    7.Revenge of the Sith
    8.Attack of the Clones
    9.The one that shall not be named



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