Friday, December 01, 2017

Your Turn

Do you prefer Christmas shopping online or in person?


  1. This year, I am only hanging candy canes on my tree that are in mint condition.

  2. I shop online but I do go to the Malls not to shop but to see the Christmas decorations.

  3. Definitely online 😬

  4. I do a little of both, as little as humanly possible.

  5. I am now only giving experiences, because my friends and family don’t need any material goods.

  6. online except for the gift cards ill run to target or cvs. from thanksgiving till at .east two weeks after xmas i stay away from the stores. i can't deal with people

  7. online x 100000000000000000000

  8. hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha, good one, enty!

  9. Online by far for almost everything.

  10. In person before thanksgiving, online after, and in person Christmas Eve; by then we’re all in it together so people aren’t as grumpy.

  11. Oh lordy, online only. Everyone becomes a total asshole once december 1st rolls around.

  12. We shocked our grown "kids" with 'Gift-less Christmas' this year.

    I shop mostly online now.(Our daughter schooled me how.)

  13. My son is grown, and lives to far away, my entire family actually, so I buy for my dog and my grandkids, those i get exclusively online so they ship, and that means, Amazon takes all my money. My 12 year old pup is getting a new dog bed, and I branched out and ordered it from Sears. ;) only because I had some free points or something of the sort that amounted to about 15 bucks off.
    For my husband, we do not really do much for each other, I liked to hit the local hippy store and get him some gifts of crystals. I am cheap at the holidays.

  14. i'm old enough to remember trying to order the first "available online" items from fao schwartz in the late 90's. their customer service was so bad (phone agents were in the dark that these items existed). i remember thinking, "online shopping's such a great idea but it'll never take off".

  15. My kid is the only one i wrap gifts for. Everyone else gets gift cards. Usually get his "big present" online, then go to a store to browse for smaller stuff.

  16. You're dad goals af Count, that's raaad!

  17. Its fucking frightening that loser is someone's father

  18. In person the day after Christmas

  19. Online except for stocking stuffers, I'm not a fan of battling the crowds.

  20. Online and with Ebates. It’s free $$$!

  21. @DoubleA: thank you.

    @OB: not as frightening as yer rancid cunt. I hear that for $10 you will stand 20' away from a picnic, to draw the flies away.

  22. Online for sure at the Goopstore...
    “Like me you will admire how Gwyneth just refuses to be held back by facts”.

  23. The difference between Capitalism and Socialism is
    With Socialism, people get everything they need from The State
    With Capitalism, people get everything they need from Amazon.

  24. Online. I despise crowds. And the older I get, the less I like going shopping at all, which I used to love.

  25. My family no longer does Christmas gifts. The last thing any of us needs is more mass produced crap made by third world slaves ending up in over full landfills. Fck this mass orgy of consumerism. Sing some carols, cook some beautiful food, and spend time together instead.

  26. +1,000,000 mc98033. watching black friday crowds on tv scares me for the future of society. we had a crash in 2008 when credit was way too easy and people refinanced their homes to buy more crap, accessorize their homes like the rich and famous, or pay off credit card bills. hoped people learned from it, but it's starting all over again.
