Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Today's Blind Items - The Web

Ever wonder why one widow looks like she is grieving every day, all day, and the other looks like she is getting ready to party all the time? Well, lets go back in time a bit to the first widow. We all know she is a black widow who only cares about herself and her survival. Right up there with that is how much she loves money and fame. So, when a couple of people came to her and offered her a great deal of money to make some of her past crimes and foibles go away, she was all ears. When they offered her a chance at her own reality show down the road, she really listened. When they told her that her A- list (PJ) celebrity husband was going to divorce her and enforce that prenup, she was 100% on board.

They provided her with drugs that were much stronger versions of the ones her husband used to take. Her job was to get him hooked again. They told her exactly what to do, and how to do it every step of the way. When that first wire transfer hit a relative’s bank, she was the most enthusiastic helper ever. She might not have been there to commit the actual crime, but she was part of the conspiracy to kill him and she has had no problems with the money and fame she has received after his death. She is so greedy and so concerned with herself that she never even asked more than a few questions about why anyone would want her husband dead.

Contrast her situation with another widow. A widow who became one not that long after the first. She was married to an A- lister (RJ) herself. She would never have done anything to harm her husband. Nothing. Someone could have offered her millions of dollars and she would say no. Every day she grieves for her dead husband. She grieves for her family. She also grieves for the people that her husband and the other A- lister were trying to help.

Her husband was an inspiration to so many troubled youth and teens. Naturally those people reached out to the A- lister when they struggled. About a year or so before his death he was told by one of the teens that he had been sexually abused. The teen talked about others who had all been abused at the hands of the same group of people. The teen named some names and our A- lister knew who some of the people were. In fact, he knew one of them really well. That one is a permanent A+ lister who has been known in the past to make his problems go away permanently. When our A- lister approached him, the A+ lister advised him to not pursue things any further and to let the matter drop. It was shortly after that conversation that our A- lister talked to his friend PJ and told him what the teens had said and his conversation with the A+ lister. At that point, PJ and RJ went and spoke to the A+ lister. This time, they were warned more strongly and threats were made about their careers which the A+ lister could destroy.

PJ and RJ started interviewing the teens and recording the interviews. No one knows how that information got back to the A+ lister. Did PJ or RJ or both send him a video? Howv


  1. Cornell and Bennington, sounds like. Curious what crimes Sicky Icky Vicky has in her past, though.

  2. PJ - Chris Cornell (Vicky K)
    RJ - Chester Bennington (Talinda Bennington)

  3. +1 on the Cornell and Bennington. And the relative to whose account the money went would be Vicky's mother. As per a recent blind, Vicky's paying for her silence.

  4. You know, I've read about the connection to the pedophile ring and these two guys and I thought it was a long shot.

    Apparently not.

    1. Same. I heard whispers that they were possibly going to out a pedo ring, but dismissed it as crazy conspiracies. A few months later, #metoo happened and the possible theory started seeming more plausible.

  5. Would the A+ Lister be John Podesta?

  6. Who is the perm A+ lister? I don't think that Podesta fits that description.

  7. Reminder that snopes is compromised:


  9. David Geffen came to mind for the permanent A+ lister.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I was thinking old school and checked celebs who died the same year as Robert Kardashian. John Ritter would be my guess. No clue about A lister they confronted.

  12. Jay z for the a Lister. Worked with Chester and Kanye called him out before.

  13. Is the last part a typo or did he not finish the post?

    "Did PJ or RJ or both send him a video? Howv "

  14. If it's true that Chester Bennington is actually John Podesta's son (and that Pizzagate is more than real) then maybe the A+ lister here is Tony Podesta or John Podesta himself -- which would explain why PJ and RJ would feel they had some sort of leverage on the A+ lister who, instead, being probably devoted to Satan or something, had no problems getting them both killed.

    1. No pizzagate. You are ridiculous.

    2. Hows that going for ya so far

  15. this is a great example of how conspiracies can be true sometimes. I remember people linking chester and cornell to pedophilia and them wanting to expose some of the major players.

    and then they ended up dead.


    this guy has people killed to protect his skeletons. I wanted Singer to go down, I still do.


    he thinks because he's a billionaire that he's an untouchable billionaire.

    good luck paying off the internet, bitch. you cant kill it either.


    1. +1000! Preach! Want more proof, look up Eric Esrailian. Chris so called "friend". Who killed him? He did.

  16. oh, forgot to put my answer but its been said about anyway:

    Chester Bennington has the genuine widow
    Cornell has the fake evil co-murderer widow
    Geffen is the A+ powerful man who is part of the ped0 group that abused all these young men and boys

  17. Cornell and Chester

    AND DAVID MOTHERFUCKING GEFFEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey gang, this one is clear for a reason. It is GEFFEN and nobody else. Geffen for the A+ lister. Believe me, I know. Too bad the site was attacked before Enty could finish the post. Go to his twitter for more info.

  18. Sorry but this is the only way I can communicate to you now:
    ENTY: If you get this, I'm on a plane getting the FUCK outta Hell-A. Too much smoke for me. FYI: I have some guys working for me who also work at Blogger. They're on it. They're into the backbone of the site, and going around your top-tier credentialing to override and switch the flow of those DDOS attacks to a mirror. No damn clue what that means. I'm no expert, just repeating what they told me. I paid them out of pocket for it so they said it should be back running clean again soon. Within the hour at least. Figured you wanted this solved asap. Sorry to do it without asking. And yes, just so everyone knows - the attacks were trackbacked to the same root. Wanna guess where it points back to? Don't need a blind item to solve that one buddy. Be well and stay firepoof. Literally!
    In the Air -

  19. Thank you himmmm and Enty.. Power to the People. This is the beginning of a revolution! We will conquer the evil that tainted Hollywood and America!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. What a ridiculous Himmmm post, can't believe anyone still buys that shit


    DDoS- Denial of service attack.

    Nice try, Geffen, but you can't take us all down.

  23. I don't know where else to go with the following information.
    I like CDAN but actually do not comment on more than two three boards. However, I have interesting news. Only you can spread it, especially if you are from South India. Nikki Minaj, American Singer, was in the news a few months ago for having secretly donated to various Indian villages, with the collusion of missionaries. Sounds great, but why the secretiveness. The news broke in May 2017. Well, Nikki Minaj's brother was recently arrested for pedophilia and child sexual abuse in the United States. Wonder why she was SECRETLY paying these villages for two years before the story broke? Some of the village kids in TN recently reported sexual abuse to a priest who hid the information till the protestant priest's wife told people.

  24. when i read the comments i thought you are saying chris and chester were pedophiles!! careful with the wording please!! i grew up on this music and fan of both! but i never heard they were going to EXPOSE!!

  25. One of the best blinds ever . . . .

  26. Geffen was always a weasel scumbag from before he conned his way out of the mail room at WMA.

    Confronting him head on is a sure-fire way to lose as evidenced in this blind. You need to target the weakest links in the criminal ring and put the screws to them to get them to squeal and give up the goods. Already, members of his most depraved “clubs”, much higher up and closer to him than he thinks, are giving up the goods.

  27. Looking forward to the day that UCLA scrubs itself clean and removes all traces of David “L is for Lecherous Lawrence” Geffen from its campus. You can take that that “All letterhead and correspondence must note David L. Geffen” and shove it up your vile ass!

    This will all break, the momentum is far too powerful now. The key is to go after the weakest links and keep hammering away at them, building the pressure until they crack and squeal as is inevitable, taking down more and more of the foundation of the house of cards, toppling the higher ups - the billionaire scumbags and permanent A++++ list legends etc.

    Time’s person(s) of the year are the silence breakers! This is just the beginning folks, this coming year will be something to behold.

    If these scumbags think this will all be swept under the rug and end as anything but very badly for them, they are either extremely stupid, and/or extremely arrogant, or they haven’t been paying attention.

  28. Thank you Himmm! Safe Travels, hopefully the smoke and fires clear soon.

  29. Was trying to get on here earlier to post. But I kept getting frozen out and kicked off. I see you guys solved it.

    I tried to post something on the other blind too about the boys club and that was just impossible. The freezing and crashing was ridiculous. I must have somehow gotten fingered. My firewall was being torpedoed and then I got knocked completely offline for a while.

    I'm setting up a new firewall.

  30. Time for the sex abuse teams at the police department's LAPD and so on to bust this open

    1. LAPD is the most corrupt police force in the US

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Btw, speaking of pizza n pedos, I was reminded of this interesting article. Not so much Michael Jackson himself, but the portion about Darlene Craviotto, who is a writer that was working on the screenplay for “Project M”, the Speilberg/MJ Peter Pan film that eventually turned into Hook (sans MJ). Remember those recent blinds about (Neverland) Ranch visits?

    Annnnnyway, very interesting read here in particular the portion discussing Darlene and what turned into a book she wrote about the experience, and in particular mention of a Hollywood music company where the long running rumor was that MJ had been molested for a long period of time by an executive there. Note the incident Darlene writes about with pizza and a young boy occurred well before the MJ accusations began. Who was the Hollywood music company exec though? Tommy Mottola? Jose Menendez? Geffen?

  33. Is this blind even finished? What does "HOWV" mean? Typo? Is Enty ok? With that article about him other day, its like someone came up behind him w.chloroform as he's typing the blind & drags him away. Like those old mudrer mystery shows. lol!

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. WOW srsly??
    Have you been hacked?

  36. enty was cut off mid-sentence by the slow server. the problem is hackers doing ddos attacks - distributed denial of service. as himmmm says above he's got people who've fixed it but it goes bad a gain a minute later, so the 2 teams of coders may be fighting each other?

  37. With the articles out about Enty this week, who knows HOW long this will last. Maybe the veterans on here can say as I'm new here.

  38. if you don't know, corey feldman is doing a live twitter q&a tonight to address the reports of his taped naming of his molesters. i think it's on twitter anyway: @Corey_Feldman, but his website's

  39. Anything we can do to help?

  40. Himmmm is getting a bit full of himmmmself again. Take a deep breath. @John Doe,the site is being g attacked,not your computer. There are obvious problems in the blind,the Vicky story is getting ridiculous. However, Chester left a long daily journal, which was meant to be seen. Maybe this could put the story out there once,and for all. If he didn't was t it public, it would have been hidden,or addressed to Talinda or someone he trusted. Chester had said something terrible happened last year,but didn't give a y clues. Chris said there was going to be a big announcement at a charity concert that he didn't, live to perform at.

  41. Anonymous4:08 PM

    @Enty: You clearly suggested that Chris was pushed to suicide in a previous blind.

    Why are you implying murder all of a sudden? It hurts your credibility when your story is anything but consistent.

  42. Trying again,excuse the typos,and repeats,as I got another Error502 message. Methinks the Vicky hate is being used to distract a bigger story. Chester would likely get caught up in a situation like this. Maybe those stories that sounded ridiculous a couple months ago are true. Maybe the book Chester was said to have shown Chris was this journal,where he kept names and info for reference, and he was too distraught or scared to involve anyone after Chris's death. If not,maybe it can clear up something, and they can finally rest in peace.

  43. Mein Gott, I couldn't access the page this evening, I was restarting my phone, computer and wifi 1000 times, switching to blogger and Google acc back and forth and got so pissed off I went to sleep lol. Later went on Enty's twitter and found out it was an attack.

    WHO IS THAT?? Was it Boy's Club blind that pissed someone off or something..?

    Stay safe Enty and Himmmm all 4 of You, shit gets real.

    Interesting read about the wife. MORGAN is a supposed friend around the time they hooked up. Brings some credibility to what this post suggest...js

  45. Here's the thing, doubters: don't like it here? GTFO.

    On the Widow Cornell's side: GTFO.

    Those of us who have been here since 2006 (me) will still be here. You go post elsewhere. Buh-bye!

    1. +1000. Many new troll since the article on Enty hit.

    2. Agreed, Krab. The anonimity of the web is a blessing (Enty blinds, Himmmm, and the great sleuths that comment here) and a curse (people who throw out nastiness they'd never dare post under their real names). Don't like it here? Then leave it for us that do!

  46. I'm not sure I understand the blind, was Chris and Chester killed..? They both could still live today, if they didn't got in trouble with Geffen...? 😯

  47. +100000000000 Krab.

    Think this or any other BI is bullshit? Then GTFO 🖕🖕🖕

    Were the Harvey Weinstein BIs bullshit? Were the Matt Lauer BIs bullshit? Bryan Singer, Bill Cosby, James Toback, Woody Allen, Jared Leto, Francos, Afflecks, Alec Baldwin, Dan Schneider, Bill O’Reilly, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Gary Goddard and the entire DEN co-conspirators, the list goes on and on and on and on...

    And Geffen. And Diller. And maybe even Spielberg and/or Lucas. This coming year is going to be a shocker.

    Burn them ALL.

  48. +200000000000000000 itttt and krab. i hope this comment posts. most of mine have not today. interesting. follow me on twitter for more updates on what's going on @cdanjustsayin. thank you drumstixx for letting me know!

  49. This is definitely about Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell. I always felt something was very off about there "suicides"

  50. +800000000!

    I love the point thing, it's like Mario Kart, but so much better.

  51. Speaking of suicided singers, I figure I might bring this up.

    Remember that famous album cover for Nirvana's "Nevermind"? David Geffen was not a fan of the naked baby penis and wanted it covered up. Kurt Cobain said they could put a sticker on it that says "If you're offended by this, you must be a closet pedophile."

    The articles about this interpreted Cobain's statement as some sort of "fuck you" to the public at large. But does that make sense? Not really. A pedophile wouldn't be offended by the picture - in fact, they'd like it.

    I always interpreted Cobain's statement differently. The way I read it was saying essentially "No one could be offended by this picture. Except for the one closeted pedophile complaining about it" - referring directly to Geffen himself. Needless to say, Geffen let the album go out as is.

    When was Kurt Cobain's suicide? During the police investigation into Michael Jackson's pedophilia in 1994. Geffen and Jackson had been friends for a long time until Geffen cut Michael out of Dreamworks - which was formed in 1994.

    If you watch An Open Secret - the Digital Entertainment Network guys are afraid Geffen will have them killed. In the blind above, Geffen allegedly had those singers killed. If the cops in the MJ investigation started looking to MJ's associates and started to have questions about Geffen - who do you think is the first person they'd ask? Maybe the one who referred to Geffen as a closet pedo.

    There was another Digital Entertainment Network investor though who was involved in the Cobain saga as well. Cobain's money manager - Dana Giacchetto. Quite something that Geffen and Giacchetto were both involved with Cobain and investors in DEN.

    And for those that think Geffen did it for the money? Yeah maybe. In fact, Giacchetto supposedly made a lot on Cobain's death. But I also think it could have been a combo of motives, not just a single one.

    1. I was thinking about this too. If for years I blamed Courtney until I learnt it wasn't Courtney that got Kurt hooked on H. But after reading this I really think Geffen had something to do with it!

  52. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Watched a documentary on this that focused on the DEN network, or channel, which was an internet channel by kids for kids back in the 90’s. I’d bet the backers are some of the same people still doing the moving and shaking today in the pedophile rings. One of the fall guys who got off easy is now on the board of Bitcoin. Brock pierce. And I believe his old cohort, Marc Collins-Rector may be on the board as well.

  53. P.S. oh and Danny Masterson, David Miscavige, and the rest of the evildoers in the organized criminal organization we know all about now?


  54. Enty is posting the blinds on his Facebook page, folks. Check there and Twitter.

  55. Surprised no one has brought up the tmz article about his previous suicide attempt by apparently hog tying himself then taking a dip in his pool. Making a last minute decision to break free. And his wife trying to keep that out of the coroners report. All seems odd. How does one hogtie themselves in the first place

  56. I don't understand. Cornell didn't have a drug problem per his autopsy. Where are the drugs he was supposed to be hooked he on? Ativan wasn't considered a high enough dose for concern.

  57. Chris Cornell
    Chester Bennington
    David Geffen

  58. Reading this blind I had goosebumps and feel like I want to vomit! If this has any truth to it.. enty, this is one time I wish you were off base but it makes a bit too much sense. Otherwise, these two deaths just seem so suspect happening as they did one after the next.. rip chris

  59. I highly doubt Himmmm gives a carp about you calling him a coward
    We LOVE himmmm!
    Shits gettin real 🙌❤

  60. PART 1
    Thank you Alexandria - much appreciated. And yes, indeed very "real".
    As for understanding the blind? This is how I read it: Chris & Chester were in the process of putting together actual evidence (including video) of those who had been abused by David Geffen. Somehow, Geffen found out.

    (Which is easy when you consider how many tons of people in the entertainment industry would bend over backwards to kiss Geffen's ass because with a phone call he can give you a career or end one not to mention make you rich. And Geffen & Co. represent a LOT of money & power - so even managers, agents, accountants, etc. working for a musician would sell them out. Why? Because an artist or actor is only 1 entity - but Geffen & Co can buy and hire MULTIPLE bands, actors, projects. Just like when an actress is raped by Harvey W. and tells her agent and the agent does nothing? Because Harvey is a BUYER and can hire/buy MULTIPLE actors/projects from the agency, thus meaning far more money than any 1 actress can bring in. Geffen & Co. are the same way - so that's why even those close to Chris & Chester could get sold out to Geffen).

    Anyway, when Geffen discovers Chris & Chester's work to expose his abuse? Geffen & Co approach Chris' wife Vicky. They make an offer of fame/money if she'll help silence/neutralize him. Or whatever will make it so that his platform to expose abuse is silenced. They tell her he's gonna divorce her & her prenup says she gets zero.
    She agrees, for her own sake. They give her drugs - like Fentanyl - much stronger than the OxyContin Chris used to be addicted to (or something similar). The money's transferred to Vicky's mom's bank account. Vicky encourages Chris' relapse, and with stronger drugs. This is not an instant process, it takes months. When Chris is touring, fighting the bi-polar fight and going from drugs to withdrawals and back? He takes a bunch of Lorazepam and in the depths of depression/withdrawal/self-loathing, after a conversation where Vicky berates him worse...he hangs himself. Vicky wasn't there, but the person that was? Works for her. She doesn't skip a step. NOW she can be famous, with Geffen & Co. help; her mama's and family's help too. She never stops to wonder WHY Geffen wanted him neutralized. She doesn't care about anything but fame, money, and playing the widow role (all she'd have lost had he divorced her). She's been shopping her reality TV show pitch all over town - which everyone knows.

    When Chester hears of Chris' demise, he is devastated. Apparently there's more to it than we'll ever know. He feels he can't go on - or possibly is put in a position or receiving threats (maybe to his family) or blackmail, or facing being "set up" by Geffen & Co. Either way he's feeling something to where he is in a situation that he sees no exit for himself or his family. No hope. And he wants to take the easy way. He too kills himself. Thus, he too is neutralized. (So this blind has Vicky as black widow & Chester's wife as grief widow).

    David Geffen & Co. have won, again. I'm not sure WHAT got cut off the blind Enty was writing. Due to the attacks on the site and traffic. Obviously the video still exists that Chris & Chester were preparing. Maybe they felt invulnerable and showed it to Geffen & Co? Maybe they got the video(s) and destroyed them, or maybe the video(s) still exist in someone else's care? Don't know. Maybe Enty will re-load the original full item. I didn't write this blind so I cannot say for sure. This is just what I got from it, and based on the information I personally know of the situation. That's why I wanted to re-write it for you Alexandria, and others. But again - I didn't write it.

  61. PART 2 (cont'd).

    TO JOHN THE SAVAGE (great screen name):

    You said that in the last widow blind I said the blind was NOT ABOUT Clinton, pedos, etc. And that's RIGHT. THAT BLIND WAS NOT about THOSE THINGS. THAT BLIND was about FRAUD of a charity. Okay? See the distinction? You are mixing things up, Mr. The Savage. And I hate repeating myself, but I'll go slow so you can follow…I DID NOT WRITE THIS BLIND, or the other widow blind. ENTY DID. SO please, Mr. The Savage, don't accuse me, lambast me, and rip into me simply due to an obvious confusion. We all misunderstand things, so I'm not personally upset by your attack. Thanks for caring enough about me to devote your time to it though. (and PS – I'm a big fan of your cousins, Mr. The Baptist, and Mr. The Revelator. Great family!).

    Thank you Nik, Krab, Jane, Ittt, Just, and others here in this awesome family of which I'm humbled just to be a member. FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO CRITICIZE HIMMMM for what I/we have written in comments? I want to say "thank you". Your feedback and opinions are always appreciated, and is respected as having the same right to an opinion as anyone else is. But I do take umbrage at you mis-stating the facts and mis-stating what I/we have written in the past. Let me be perfectly clear: I HAVE NEVER ATTACKED SUSAN SILVER. PERIOD!!
    There was a time, many years ago around the time when Chris & Vicky first got together that I met Vicky and got to know her. Very charming, at first, and easily wins people to her side. She's a very convincing Psychopath and con artist. She's done it to A LOT of Chris' friends and associates. If at any point I may have derided Susan in favor of Vicky? then I apologize. I know Susan and have always respected her. But I am human. If I was mad at her I may have taken a jab at her, as friends and others do. But when I learned of Vicky's true nature and how evil she is? I went to great lengths to help Susan and try to stop Vicky. I failed. I will not share more than that. My last comment on the last widow blind was very clear on my hatred of Vicky. If you can pull examples out of that of me bagging on Susan? Then…uh, derp. Ok.

    As for Himmmm getting full of Himmmmself? Sure, okay, probably. Thanks for your opinion. But remember that I and WE are real humans, have real human emotions, and more stresses than you can imagine. We not only don't get paid or get favors for anything here. It costs us. A LOT. So if you want to rip into me or us? GO ahead. If it makes you feel better. But you're taking away from the blinds and the nature of the site - which is the story. I and We are not the story here. Ever. But we're human and we too ride the tides of human emotions, from playfully joking and sarcasm, to anger and rage. But if somehow we disappoint you? Perhaps you may wanna reflect on the fact that anonymous commenters on a gossip blog are disappointing you somehow. Not preaching to 'ya buddy, just giving you some context and perspective. Sorry to disappoint you.

    A LOT of people go through a LOT of hell, in the middle of firestorms, shitstorms, media storms, and make sure you can come in here and criticize me, or Enty, or tell the world how fake we all are. Obviously not in the same league of the hell, pain, stress, and storms that victims of abuse, rape, and molestation have to endure. But by all means, let's please feel free to kill the messenger. Thank you for contributing. I promise to try to keep my comments focused on the blinds at hand. If those of you criticizing me/us will do the same. Thanks for thinking enough of me/us to share your opinion. It is as valuable as mine or anyone else's. Except Enty's. His opinion is holy writ, carved in granite, and tattooed on David Geffen's ass cheeks in micro-lettering every morning. But please, let's continue to stay classy.

    (THE END).

  62. The perm is mete-fore for Permanent A+. This is not an actor. This is a political figure head and is out of the country at the time. Has not spoken to his wife since her book was published. He will go down in History. He makes his issues always permanently go away. Dont cross this one.

  63. I love Blind Items but this just reads like fanfic, and it contradicts other blinds you've published about Vicky. There's plenty of scum out there like Geffen, Singer etc without going down this stupid "pizzagate" rabbit hole.

  64. i wanna give himmmm a hug. rough day. la's on fire and so's cdan. sorry if sound silly, i'm a mom and my kids are all grown up so i feel very nurturing lately. also i'm on cold meds. anyway, thank you himmmm for putting out so many fires today and of course, for being there for us every day. do your tech guys think we're over the worst of this?

  65. It is a sad thing to say but the "PizzaGate" is a deep deep rabbit hole. It is not small at all. Yes, I believe Himmmmmm and that it is very emotional on many levels especially if you have ever been abused as a child.
    The Geffen Theory is a perfect fit for this for sure and it would be a beautiful take down.
    Geffen though has other powerful players and these players are part of the biggest Pedo ring there is. This is why this A+ figure is not an actor or into music. I think these guys Chris and Chester went above Geffen and that A+ is who told them to drop it. Not to say that Geffen didn't have his minions doing dark work with Vicky.
    All plausible. But this is bigger then Geffen. Very well could be Podesta as he is the very one that had #SethRich killed cause Seth was onto them. like white on rice and no don't get all racist bs on me. just a metaphor.

  66. Thank you "just" and "Lindsey" and so proud of your strength of survival. That's my personal heroes ;-)

    I hate to repeat what's been said ad nauseum, again - because I am not the subject of the blind. But will repeat it one last time: this account and those posting on it have been multiple people over the years. It's no big mystery. Sometimes we did it together, sometimes on our own. So 1 of our opinions may not have been another's. Sometimes we disagree and sometimes we fought (not to mention a lot comes to light over 7 years about people). Like how you can enjoy working with a director only to find out he abused an actress and you never knew. It happens.

    Just wanted to remind those curious about why the discrepancies over the years in any comments. I won't be posting on that anymore but wanted to leave it here. Likewise, after commenting on any thread/blind after a while I usually move on and don't revisit it to try and get into a reddit-style flame war with people who create anon screen names in the last month. I'm not 12yo (well, some days maybe). Moving on is important in life. How nice it would be if others would too.
    Have a great night and week my friends, and keep those in LA in your thoughts/prayers (esp. brave firefighters!).

  67. Thank You Himmmm very very much for taking time to explain this, thank You, thank You! And thank You for all the work all of You, Enty and Himmmm, we know how hard and potentially dangerous (but hopefully not omg) it is. Thanks to You guys, there is a chance all the suffering that many victims go through will stop.

    If we're already showing some luv, I wanna give You a smooch! (sorry for I have no inhibitions..or brakes..? Restraints..? Lol)

  68. careful alexandria or you'll get count's hopes up! if you're as young as your photo i feel protective of you too, lol. crazy, crazy day. love to everyone, be safe.

  69. Hahahaha thank You Just sayin' I appreciate it soooo much! 😀

    I'm pretty sure we can handle Count.....right?(????????) Lol! 😂

    1. No inhibitions helps, but i'm gonna have to bring my own restraints? You dont even have some handcuffs or zipties laying around?

    2. Count...SETTLE DOWN FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! lol.

  70. Well, Himmmmmmm I appreciate your commentary and these stories. I was a victim of childhood sexual abuse myself and I can usually recognize it when I see and hear certain things. Nowhere near as bad as the stories that I am reading here, but still. So, its personal to me. The world may look pretty but there are evil people in it, and shit does happens---even if people refuse to believe that doesn't change anything. I don't understand why people come here to bitch about the site and troll other people. If you don't like it then don't make yourself unhappy. Go to another site. Its easy, just click the red X in the top right hand corner of your browser and close the page.

    By the way, speaking of abuse did any of you catch the news yesterday about the Corey Feldman saga? Back in 1993, when he went to the police to file his report he said he gave them all the names of the pedophiles who raped him and the other Corey and other teenage boys at the Singer parties and other venues and that the police did nothing. He said this many times during his interviews when he began to make his rounds on TV in recent weeks. People were calling him a liar because the Santa Barbara police repeatedly told reporters that they have no record of such a report from Feldman.

    Well, all of a sudden the Santa Barbara police announced yesterday that they found the taped recordings from Feldman's report. They refused to release the details on the tapes but state that the tapes have been turned over to the LAPD. Only now they are doing this---after 24 years! How sad that a kid came to the police for help and gave them all the information about the abusers and the cops did NOTHING!

    Is it a coincidence that all of a sudden, now that shit is going down everywhere in Hollywood that they 'found' the tapes? What are the chances that these tapes are going to disappear from the LAPD's evidence storage facility? I'd bet money on it. Especially if the names of the big Hollywood pedophiles are on them.

    Link here:

    People were laughing at Corey and calling him a drama queen when he said he feared that people would try to kill him if he went on the air and named names. But, given when I am reading in this blind he has reason to be fearful.

  71. Anonymous9:32 PM

    I’m a frequentr site “viewer” rather than “commenter” but I felt the need...

    Anyone dismissing BIs on this site obviously isn’t familiar with its track record. I appreciate Enty for the posts & give tremendous credit to all the internet sleuths. Truly impressive! As with all trolls, not worth debating. Trolls will always be trolls.

    Lastly, big fan of @himmmm. Whomever you may be. I love that you are willing to share your time & insider knowledge with us. Obviously from reading the comments, you have more fans than critics. Hope to see you often. Thank you! Xo

  72. Wow, thank you Mr. Himmm for explaining this blind. Geffen really needs his turn as does Vicky. Wow. People, don't criticize Enty or Himmm! We're all in this together trying to expose corruption! We love you Himmm

  73. Himmmm - spot on and ‘nuff said. I was going to say in response to the “omfg you said something contradictory X number of years ago” that, well duh, peoples opinions change - of events, of topics, of cuisine/food preferences, and especially of others. I know mine certainly have of MANY people I thought I knew and others I had formed incorrect opinions of. All throughout life, but in particular in the past few months.

    Oh and one last one for the road! I forgot about the Rodent! How could I have let ratface ratfuck slip my mind! Brett Ratner 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🐭🐀

  74. Doctor Bumfinger - what the f*** You're doing? 😔

    Do You have any common sense?
    Don't like the blog, please leave.
    Okay - let's say that maybe we - Enty and Himmmm "fans" like to read fiction, and maybe we don't care if it's truth or not.
    And we don't want people to come here and call names anybody.
    Enty changes his mind sometimes, sometimes changes details on what?
    At the end they're trying to help abused people, more often than not - kids 😔 it's all that matters.

    I hope these aren't real names, well probably not, because how would You know - but I hope these aren't people who are posting, because You might get someone in serious trouble.

    I don't get people sometimes.

  75. Thanks Himmmmm. Definitely hard to move on. Sometimes I wonder if it is worth it and I totally get why it sucks people down.

    John Doe, I am sorry you too had to go through abuse.

    I know what its like to wonder if you are ok as an adult if having a relationship and where it leads makes you sick cause as an adult you feel different. I know sounds crazy but its A REAL FIGHT! Never in all my life have I shared those feelings.

    I did read @JohnDoe about Corey and the tapes resurfacing today. You are correct in suspecting that they will end up missing. However, I think they will be lost in transit. I have worked in law enforcement and know darn good and well there are dirty ass cops. There of course are good ones too. Just like in life there is good and evil. I just don't think that the "transfer" will make it. It will be intercepted since someone big knows it will be a HUGE payoff for them.

    I still believe that Geffin had his minions do the dirty work. But the person they went to is so big in the Pedo Ring and they didn't know it when they approached him. Sad and sick.
    I want these Pizzagate freaks alllll exposed. This is a massive travesty!

  76. @AlexexandriaAnna totally agree. WTF?? Go away and do not come back. its anonymous for a damn reason.

  77. I appreciate Himmmmm's insight with the blinds; they're like a decadent treat one gets to indulge by happenstance.

    It's been established that there's pedo rings where powerful people congregate.
    If there's a venn diagram of powerful people, there'd be representatives from DC, Hollywood, and the world of Big Business, and there'd be overlap where all three converge; we see photographic evidence of this via fundraisers. Why does it seem so implausible that those with the money, power, and connections would grow jaded with things and seek out new excitements and taboos?

    If one is defining Pizzagate by what the media always states (children being sold in a pizza joint's basement by Hillary Clinton) then yes, it's not true. What is true is that in the DNC email leak, pizza is mentioned with non-food connotations. It's true that 3 children were uber'd in and advertised as pool entertainment by a Clinton insider as part of a social gathering of movers and shakers. It's true that the owner of Comet Ping Pong Pizza is a part of the Clinton clique; he hosted fundraisers for HRC's campaign, is a buddy of John Podesta (as Chief of Staff for Bill Clinton's presidency, that means he was one of the 6 select people who can issue orders to the CIA; as Secretary of State, Hillary had the same power in that respect), and had for years on his instagram account, post pictures of kids with creepy comments alluding to anal sex with infants, men attracted to little boys ("chickenlover") and infants teething on bundles of cash. Decent folk tend to side-eye things like that, especially when talking about it tends to get it shut down; twitter, reddit, youtube... in addition to deliberate misinformation propagated by talking heads to keep the populace controllable. Pizzagate as defined by those actually researching it, is much bigger than a mere pizza joint.

    If you haven't seen the documentary, Conspiracy of Silence, I recommend it.

    Based off The Franklin Cover Up/White House Call Boy Scandal(but leaves out the SRA aspect which is very prevalent in the book) Made by the BBC, it aired three times on American television before the rights were bought, and the tapes destroyed before the fourth scheduled showing (which was listed in TV Guide) An unfinished version survived, and it's been uploaded (and saved for posterity).

    For those of you who post things regarding the topic, I suggest saving your information in the blockchain; it can't be scrubbed off the net. Sites like and are options. Wikipedia has already scrubbed the Presidio Day Care scandal (involves SRA on California army base) and several other entries have been edited with a clear bias. Archive and screenshot everything.

    Pedophilia isn't a partisan issue; any decent person is against child sex abuse. I think people, no matter what way they lean, can get behind that notion.

  78. Bumfinger didnt even wait till after Christmas to pull back the curtain on Santa. Love the cruelty.


  79. @DoctorBumfinger let me point out that although you are trying to out someone and possibly get them killed what you are doing should be banned.
    How can you say "Prescription Fraud"? You have zero proof and as someone who have complex regional pain syndrome and has had to take extensive medications allllll my prescriptions were real never once was it fraud. so save your sanctimonious asshat bullshit for someone else.
    Leave @Himmmmmmm alone and stop posting things you clearly know nothing about. You do not know that he legally got his prescriptions from his oncologist and neurologist which I might add is totally legal and that is the way its to be done. Some of us deal with an immense amount of physical pain everyday and you have NO right to judge anyone. So, case and point if you want to say shit you know nothing about then shut the hell up!

  80. Fuck you Bumfinger, yoiu're probably aligned with the same assholes DDoS'ing this site. Go fuck yourself.

    Not saying I don't believe you, I'm saying you're a piece of shit and nobody cares what you have to say.

    You're like Lindsay Lohan leaving comments under alias accounts when the Daily Mail makes posts about her.

    Go fuck yourself.

  81. I also thought that the timing was weird, fist these attacks and now this. Probably more is yet to come, let's just brace ourselves lol. Whatever.

  82. Seriously, Bumfinger? Did you have those old links bookmarked to pull out for the moment you want to derail this site? FFS, that's old news. 5 years old. Get over it. We love Enty. We love Himmmm. We don't love you. Take your agenda elsewhere.

  83. @Mandi Rei Serra, No I am not referring to Pizzagate as in comet pizza etc. Just as in the most bizarre ordering of said "PIZZA" etc. I know how real pedophilia is and its not a joking matter. I know what I went through and to this day still struggle with it. Sure there are days that its not thought of...However, the pizzagate for me is just an easier sir name to give this sickening powerful group of disgusting PIGS!
    Not sure if your comment was directed to me. Just wanted to clarify.
    Thanks for the link.


  84. Sue Ellen Mishkey said...
    Can I just say that I think that Himmmm is the poster previously known as lessuckno et al. I didn't think that until that post up there. I recognize that vitriol.
    himmmm responds:
    Thanks friends :-) And Sue Ellen dear? Not sure of whom you reference, but I’ve always only been “Himmm” (or Me -lol) minus the time I gave Enty a pic and Enty posted it on-site WITH my freakin’ REAL NAME as a thanx! MAJOR embarassed!

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. Enty pls get rid of burnfinger and dj erickson... unanimous vote was taken

  87. Anonymous2:36 AM

    wow, this Geffen is one evil person...hopefully he will receive one huge smash...

  88. Anonymous2:56 AM

    ...and nasty, horrible Vicky...

  89. Himmmm, I don't know if You will see this, but I reallyyy hope You will...
    You said a while ago, that You wanted such gif and I worked sooo hard to make that happen for You lol!

    And timing is good too.

  90. Please people, see the big pic of what's happening here:
    1) Himmmm is being his/their usual awesome self/selves by being purveyors of truth: Geffen is a pig and a criminal.

    2) CDAN is experiencing DDOS, disruptions etc immediately after daring to have dialogue about Geffen.

    3) Generic trolls arrive to start the commenting war.

    4) Himmmm posts long, multiple comments that pretty much say the same thing: I don't write the blinds, I just comment like dverone else.

    5) Specific troll Bumfinger arrives and slings shit like an angry zoo monkey.

    Put it together, folks, and PLEASE don't waste time answering Dr. Bumfinger Geffen's comments. Himmm is getting legal heat. CDAN/Enty is getting legal heat. Source is from Geffen. Treat Bumfunger (typo, it stays) like those "I make $5,000,000 a day working from home" spams that show up on every comment forum.

    Enty, we love you.

    Himmm, we love you all.

  91. Sooo, the bodyguard who was outside of Chris's room that night didn't attempt to hard to break down the door as was implied? Chris's room had two steel/fire proof entrance doors. She stated she was on the phone with Chris and called the hotel security begging them to go up and let the bodyguard in as she thought Chris was having a heart attack---they didn't react. The bodyguard continued to breaking down the two doors himself who then found Chris in the bathroom, hung. Vicki came back into town after his death was listed as a suicide and met with the medical examiner to try to reverse the decision of suicide to erotic asphyxiation.

  92. Sorry DJ Erickson & Dr. Bumfinger, and I hate to pop your bubble here but that person is not Himmmm and is not affiliated with this account. I do recall several years ago however when a reporter contacted that person, and he contacted his lawyers - who successfully shut them down when he proved he wasn't part of Himmmm. I know, because me co-horts and I provided his attorneys with the proof. Looks like you're probably due for the same treatment. You should realize that things you say carry over into the real world when you hurt or cause damage to innocent people.

    YOU HAVE NOW BEEN TOLD THAT THE PERSON YOU MENTIONED IS NOT A POSTER OF THE HIMMMM ACCOUNT. And through this very public notification, you've been asked to stop posting that person's name or email address because he is not posting here. So by continuing to do that to an innocent person, you are knowingly and willfully, intentionally trying to cause that person harm. Please stop and do not do it again.

    You realize you're dragging a person into something who has nothing to do with this? That's wrong morally, and on every level. I hope he does get lawyers and Google/Gmail to ban you for doing it. But what stumps me is why you would do something like that? Do you crave attention? Are you trying to harm CDAN because of other interests you support? Or hoping to hurt CDAN so other blogs become more popular?Are you really so skewed that you willfully come to a blog where others are content to enjoy the community - and try to cause trouble (especially for innocent people)?

    Why not just go back to whatever sites you have been at? Or whatever sites where you feel the attention you so obviously crave? Why do you come in here and want to bother us - troll us - and upset people? It's a big web, find a site or sites that appeal to you and what you are doing. THIS IS NOT IT. Can you not realize that other than the other profile(s) you use, that nobody here likes what you are doing? Sure, we disagree with each other and are critical of blind item opinions, but not of attacking people or dragging innocents into this.

    Many don't know but the entire reason Enty had to change to the other format? Was due to people like you. See, Blogger cannot allow an Admin to ban people. But the other format did. So we don't want to go back to that format. But maybe if it keeps evil people from using this as their childish troll-pen? Then maybe Enty should. Or you could just do us a favor and stop what you are doing.

    Just please stop trying to cause harm and hurt people. No one is attacking you or hunting you down online or in the real world. (Of course someone's attorneys may now be). Because you may think you are - but you are not as anonymous as you think you are. I normally would ignore you, but cannot stand an innocent person getting hurt or threatened (especially due to me and my associates posting here). It's dirty, childish, and can cause real damage to people. So please stop, and if you just want to tear into people here please go somewhere else. CDAN is a community of intelligent, kind, and grown-up people (mostly). This is not a place to hurt innocents. Thank you.

  93. This one really saddens me as a teen in the 90's I grew up on nirvana, sound garden, Alice in chains, REM, pearl jam and a whole load of other bands. I hope someone has these tapes or evidence that would out the whole load of em. Good work entry and himmmm love what your doing!

  94. What is a, and who is Kristen Scherer? Just reading the publicly available contact info for Bumfinger and DJ...Bum email and DJ's single contact? Just asking, what do I know anyway.



    I had some people work on this overnight. They forwarded YOUR PERSONAL INFO on to the subject you mentioned, with an offer to provide attorneys for him. Regardless, by Monday I imagine you, your parents, your coach, and others will be getting contacted very soon. Your school won't take it lightly, I promise. KIDS should not be playing in a real grown up world. It will destroy your chances of wrestling. Even in Hanover. It's a pain that's far worse than your cauliflower ear ;-)

    (Thanks Kris and everyone for the support, I just hate it for the other guy. Too bad they don't have an age limit to keep kids from adult parts of the web!).

  96. And DOCTOR BUMFINGER - I mean OWEN, please go back to Alex Jones Infowars, the Drudgereport, and your tinfoil hat pals, okay? I know how much you love the 2nd Amendment and all, but there are other laws too Owen. Even in Michigan. Gotta feeling those 2nd Amendment "lawyers" you think you know? Won't work for free when than innocent guy you harassed sues you. It's expensive. Might wanna rethink that. Especially because I recall from back when that he was a disabled veteran of Iraq War. Not really noble for a proud 'murican like yourself huh Owen. Even your pals in your movement won't back you on that.

  97. To everyone else?
    Thanks again, and I feel better knowing my friends are helping that innocent guy. As for me? I'll comment on other threads but am done with this one. Have a good day.

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. Himmmm thanks for sticking your neck out for your friend! CC fans have had a hard time wrapping our heads around the widow's narrative. Can't imagine what it's been like for those that loved and knew him. Stay safe!

  100. @Himmmm I work in media and your insight and courage is so admired. Been dealing with this strange world for 15 years and now it makes a lot more sense why I've always felt I was never getting the full story.

  101. This is why we can’t have nice things.

  102. ever wonder why Macaulay Culkin s band is called "the pizza underground "? what's up with the pizza references everywhere?

    1. Good point. Very GOOD POINT!!!

  103. Good Lord. It’s called the Pizza Underground because it’s a pizza-themed Velvet Underground tribute band.

  104. “Dr. Bumfinger”...nice handle! You sound like a failed Bond villain discarded on the cutting room floor, which coincidentally enough is what Geffen will be when all is said and done. We know you’re not him, for as much as he likes to “take matters into his own hands”, he’s nothing more than a LITTLE and I do mean LITTLE, chickenshit coward who wouldn’t dare get his hands actually dirty himself because he and everyone knows that even a ten year old victim could take him in a fair fight (meaning the kid isn’t drugged). I could put him in my pocket! But is he there, looking over your shoulder as you furiously type away, bRking orders and commands and edits? Does he have his finger in your bum right this instant? Or maybe you’re Bryan Singer! We know from Justin Smith’s twitter comments that Bryan likes to forcibly jam his fingers in his victim’s bums...along with his love of trolling social media (for twinks and younger). So maybe your handle IS actually quite apropos!

    Regardless, it doesn’t matter who you really are or who Himmmm or Enty really are. For them, that’s because they’re bigger than a single person. They’re like the God damn Batman. They will keep on keeping on, fighting the good fight, shining the light of truth justice and the American Way against the scum cockroaches frantically scurrying now.

    So Talley Griffith, Melanie Griffith, Andy Griffith, DW Griffith, Griffith J Griffith, your Auntie Petunia Griffith twice removed it doesn’t matter - the cause matters. The message matters. And justice matters.

  105. whoooooooooahhhhhhh! and himmmm drops the mike! what a badass! angry, repressed little boy bumfinger is now sucking his thumb in a corner. +1 to everyone standing up to trolls and defending himmmm and enty. who cares who they are, we're here to out bad guys, not destroy the good guys. why oh why did i have to get the flu THIS week. it's all i can do to catch up between naps. love you guys.

  106. Wowie. I believe the posters who outline why they think this is Cornell and Bennington. Poor guys severely underestimated the depth of evil Kariayannis and abbetor Erasailian will stoop. Note that prescribing Dr. E's mentor Kerkorian formerly owned the MGM hotel Cornell suicided in, and so has deep ties there to quickly keep that particular event moving. Meanwhile, Vicky, and Esrailian, while not at work at the David Geffen Med Ctr, continue their nonstop self-award dinners in their devotion to "vulnerable children." It stinks coming and going.

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. Himmmm, I really enjoy what you bring to this site, and I understand being upset/angry about what some people have written in this comment section, including the fact they are trying to doxx you.

    But implying you have gathered personal information about two of the commenters feels just as threatening. Especially if, as you suggested, one of them is a child. Copying their bad behaviour only brings you down to their level.

  109. Agreed, Incurably.

  110. Don't fuck with the pros here, you DDOSers and n00bs can kindly piss off.

  111. Aaaaand here come the scolds tsk-tsking about stooping to imaginary levels. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who defends Kariannyis/Geffen/Esrailian/Weinstein, etc trolls on any level is part of the problem. You don't know the real story and are a goose sitting on your couch.

  112. Between the Nicki Minaj and the Michael Jackson comments I'm realizing these comments are more like blinds themselves.

    LTTTT - My guess is the record executive that molested Michael Jackson is Quincy Jones who has had allegations in the past of pedophilia from Tevin Campbell.

  113. This is the best comment thread on the best blind on the best gossip site, ever.

  114. 🎼 🎶 Oooooooohhhhhh nothing could be sad-der than seeing scumbags’ careers go splatter on the...Ceeeeeee-DaN 🎵

    Hey Dr. Bum-Bum!

    You’re a Bum, now here’s a finger 🖕

    VICTIMS: being the first to stand up and speak out is an impossibly hard road to trailblaze, but the greatest rivers begin with a trickle. There is no better time and opportunity than right now to stand up, speak up, say enough is enough and you won’t take any more lying down, being quiet, being silenced, and end being a victim and start the process of justice, whether by court of law and/or court of public opinion. You will be believed, you will be supported, and you will inspire other victims to step up and step forward.

  115. I am so upset I missed all of this yesterday. I noticed there were issues when i tried to post a comment but i thought it was due to extra traffic since Enty is blowing up now.
    Himmmm, you go!! Don't let bullies keep you down!

    This is definitely referencing Cornell and Benington. I'm sorry but too much of a coincidence that they committed suicide while their careers were still going.

    I never heard of Cornell's wife until he died, and ever since then i have heard nothing but some fucked up shady shit.

    Where's there's smoke there's fire.

  116. I can't read everything commented on here because I'm still at work.

    Just wanted to say I hope Ent and Himmmm have bodyguards they trust because this is turning into something quite frightening.

    And thank you both for blowing the lid off this, and the whole cesspool of human garbage taking advantage of others. When the news broke that Chris Cornell died, I insisted to a friend something was really fishy. He seemed happy (though I've heard that when someone decides they're going to end it, they feel good about it), and why would he kill himself while on tour?

  117. I mentioned this before. I saw Chris Cornell/Soundgarden live in concert the weekend of April 29th in my town at Welcome to Rockville. They were the closer on day 1. As an older attendee of these metal festivals, I grew up on Soundgarden and had never seen them live.
    Chris was amazing his voice was on point, he was having an amazing time. I was in total shock then a few days later when I heard the news. It still breaks my heart. Sadly Chester had a huge influence on my life, my husband listened to him (still does) while coping with his PTSD and Bipolar, as did many ppl. We only saw Chester once, and that was also here in Jacksonville in 2013 but he was fronting for The Stone Temple Pilots, not Linkin Park. It will always be my great miss seeing them live, along with AC/DC, and Pink Floyd. sigh.
    Such a sad story about them. Especially the horror of depression they both lived with. Its not a pretty disease at all.
    I can easily understand how Ativan could have pushed Chris' depression to the forefront, for my husband, its the xanax he was prescribed that sent his depression and anger and PTSD into high gear. NO ONE believed me when I would tell them, not him, not his doctor, they all said it was me. But FINALLY after 7 years they pulled him off that medication. Now if only we could live in a legal state, fully legal, as that is the only thing that helps my husband, keeps him calm and sane.

  118. Times are gone for honest men, sometimes far too long for snakes...

  119. So Hmmmm had "his people" track me down and call my high school and make trouble for me, but he can't have "his people" go after all of these alleged rapists and abusers?

    I think you and Enty are frauds spreading bullshit, not the champions of truth you pretend to be. Thanks for getting me expelled for harmless trolling on a stupid gossip site.

  120. OMG, dying with laughter, YOU GOT EXPELLED. Wow, boo hoo dickweed for poking at people sexually abused, killed, etc. AND naming innocent people with malicious intent. Yes, your expulsion is simply horrific. Good luck with the lawsuit.

  121. Oh and PS, love that DJ Erickson is now Ben Grimm and the Dr. Bumfinger and DJ Erickson comments have mysteriously vanished...*poof*

  122. This comment has been removed by the author.

  123. In this day and age there are still people who cant properly mult on the internet? Takes less than a minute to make a throwaway gmail acct w/ zero indentifiable info. Then use a proxy to come to this site, because they see yer ip address on the back end.

  124. I got arrested, tarred, feathered, hung, drawn AND quartered. And banned from the state of Michigan. THANKS A LOT.

    (This is a friendly reminder about how easy it is for anyone to appear / claim to be to be a previous commenter. This is also a repost as I'm an idiot that didn't get the name right first time).

  125. Someone tried to dupe my acct back in the day, but all ya had to do to tell the difference was click on the profile. Join date and profile views give it away.

  126. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Kevin McCallister's fave food = Cheese Pizza

  127. Nobody better lay a finger on Bryan Singer’s Bumfinger. When Enty posts an update later about the new Singer lawsuit, it will be good to also revisit the archived 14 part twitter accusations leveled against him by Justin Smith.

  128. R.I.P. & Godspeed to both Chris and Chester.

  129. I know this is late,and Himmmm wants out but I want to clear up something I coldn't before. I want Enty and Himmmm to continue on.They goal is likely David Geffen, and going after a gossip blog is small potatoes for him.He will lose everything, if anything comes out. If , as is likely,he had people killed,what is a couple more? The point I made about Vicky, already demonized, is an easy distraction. You can also say the same about Courtney Love, and Kurt's death was likely profitable for Geffen.Kurt would have retired or at least broken up the band.The best way to divert attention is to put out an alternate story,one that has some truth, but can never be solved because it isn't true.I do not want what happened with the Natalie Wood story to happen with this. It was used to discredit the site,so keep it in check,so stay safe, carry on, and in the end,find the higher truth.{sorry about that].

  130. Also, if possible, please try to finish the blind.

  131. Dr Dean Lorich who led a relief effort in Haiti for 2010 earthquake victims was found in his apartment with a knife to his heart. The pedo abuse in Haiti is all over the blinds. Ex Kevin Spacey

    Read more:
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

  132. Dr Dean Lorich who led a relief effort in Haiti for 2010 earthquake victims was found in his apartment with a knife to his heart. The pedo abuse in Haiti is all over the blinds. Ex Kevin Spacey

    Read more:
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

  133. Dr Dean Lorich who led a relief effort in Haiti for 2010 earthquake victims was found in his apartment with a knife to his heart. The pedo abuse in Haiti is all over the blinds. Ex Kevin Spacey

    Read more:
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

  134. @Kellygirlnyc, other deaths, including "suicides" are invoved in this, a woman who was investigating this, plus a government official.Linkin Park was well known to be involved in earthquake relief there,and at least one of the projects was connected to the Clinton Foundation.

  135. ................................Geffen a nd Brolin and Streisand

  136. ................................Geffen a nd Brolin and Streisand

  137. Except for the Detroit police force. One reason Cornell had two wildly varying times of death. He was murdered, all the accessories were paid off very well by the entertainment moguls who currently own the MGM hotel there. Forget anything you heard about "conversations" between Cornell and VK before the show; they were long since hostilely, legally separated & nothing she could say or do would tip him towards drugs, much less hanging himself from an exercise band. Chris' high-profile death was a warning to those who would defend children from wealthy men with sick appetites. Chester's death was copy-catted to drive that message home - he was left at home alone, and they got to him. Geffen, Esrailian - we have no idea how deep the Armenian mob was into the pedo trafficking. But VK & her mother are in fact Armenians who changed their name so they could be fake Greeks. V's brother, at 16, got away with vehicular manslaughter while he was drunk - let that sink in. In NYC, he KILLED a woman with his CAR and walked away without a TICKET, DRUNK, at 16. Think these people have connections?



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