Thursday, December 07, 2017

Today's Blind Items - She Wants To Talk

With everything that is going on right now, this former A list mostly television actress (MD) who all of you know, wanted to talk about something that has been bothering her for almost two decades. When she confronted this former A+ list mostly television actor (ML) about it, he threatened not only her life, but also with financial ruin from his legal team. He also said that even if she managed to let people know, that he could take her down with him.

Here is what happened. Back in the day MD and ML were co-stars. They were both cheating on their significant others. ML and MD shared a love of talking about age inappropriate sex and roleplayed it and even watched child porn together. They did this for years. Then, they started talking about it for real. The next thing you know, they were having sex with an offspring of MD when the offspring was probably in kindergarten or just before. This went on for about six months to a year before the show ended and the two co-stars drifted apart.

Now, the person ML was with at the time in a relationship would help him with his fantasies but drew the line at finding someone real and had no idea that ML had been sexually molesting and abusing a young child.

Fast forward a bit more and ML and MD end up together again in a drug induced haze and they take turns abusing MD's offspring again. This time the offspring decides to tell someone and tells her dad.

The dad does not go public but does split with MD and takes the offspring with him. He also shares the info with the significant other of ML who also walks away from the relationship she had with ML.

Fast forward a few more years. ML and MD no longer get together because ML has found another woman in his life who shares the same fantasies and is also willing to do it in real life too. She offers up her offspring. A boy this time. When the boy tries to fight them, ML and the woman force him to take some drugs to make him more compliant. They screw him up to the point with drugs, where he will probably be messed up his entire life.

As for MD's offspring? She is a mess. Years and years of therapy and being forced into silence by everyone close to her. She has been in and out of rehab and has tried to kill herself. She is being used by men two and three times her age. So, MD may be talking now, but she never spoke before, and she is as guilty as ML.


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Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ. And this is considered normal in Los Angeles?

Anonymous said...

Damn, I am stumped. Himmmmm, are you still alive? Did you make it out of Ventura?

Who fits under the category of, "TV stars from the '90s who likely hooked up while the show was going and now have offspring who are in and out of rehab?"

Count Jerkula said...

roseanne/john goodman

MontanaMarriott said...

Heather Locklear and Jack Wagner?

Guesser said...

It says my comment was saved, but so far, no. And yes,she needs to be exposed.

sandybrook said...

This is dangerous but I'm trying to match up Don Johnson for this as the guy....(blogger better not give up my home addy and phone #)

AvignonVagabond said...

Heather Locklear Charlie Sheen on Spin City?

Amanda said...

Heather Locklear, Charlie Sheen, Ava Sambora as the messed up daughter

fionafab said...

As an attorney, can't you talk to the authorities confidentially and let them know who these scum buckets are? Hope their home burns down today! James Baldwin's book, The Fire Next Time, seems to be coming true in California.

aanjheni said...
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Useful Vidiots said...

These are the best BI's, though horrible, if they help expose evil motherfuckers.

Colonel Blake said...
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Count Jerkula said...

Helen Hunt/Paul Reiser

Meredith Baxter Birney/Michael Gross

Maddie Hayes/David Addison

Murphy Brown/Miles Silverberg

Maya Gallo/Dennis Finch






Daisy/Uncle Jesse

Colonel Blake said...

The Colby's was a spinoff of Dynasty back in the 90's. That's all I got.

Amanda said...

ML = Major League= Charlie Sheen?

sandybrook said...

Ava Sambora isn't old enough based on the way the BI reads it should be someone 25 or older..

Anonymous said...

I hope not, but my thoughts went to David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, which would be devastating considering X Files was,my first favorite show.

Dog Mom said...

I have a hard time believing this one. A mother uses her 5 year old daughter for sex with her costar? I just cannot wrap my mind around that if true.

If its true, then it would be an A list actress who lost custody of her daughter to her ex-husband, and the daughter is now grown up.

Alexandria said...

That's a tough one for me to even try to guess. These blinds certainly are making me paranoid, You never know who happened to have age inappropriate fantasies and if they will act upon them one day, ughh.

AvignonVagabond said...

Ava would have been 5 yrs old when Spin City ended filming in 2002

aanjheni said...
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Colonel Blake said...

@Count: Funny you mention Flo/James. James was on Wendy today as he is the illustrator of a new children's book. She asked him a question and refused to answer. Not that it matters, was just interesting, I guess. BUT, he would take us too far back, further than "almost two decades."

Jayne Townsley said...

I want to vomit.

Tricia13 said...

David Caruso/Eva La Rue-CSI Maimi?
She has an 18 year old with her ex and he has an SO with a son I believe (Lisa Marquez)

Tricia13 said...

He came to mind because he’s such an exquisite asshole

Amanda said...

As much as I don't want it to be true, Charlie Sheen (undoubtedly A+ mostly TV) was on Spin City with Heather Locklear in 2000-2002 so Ava Sambora is the right age if they molested the kindergarten aged offspring for 6 months to a year.

sandybrook said...

Sambora didn't get custody of Ava, he went to court to ask for joint custody. Heather filed for the divorce and I'm not sure there's another kid.

Cinnamon Sticker said...

I don't know who this blind is about but I don't think Heather Locklear fits. Charlie Sheen seems to fit but not HL.

Unknown said...

Tatum O'Neal for ML? Joihn McEnroe divorced her in the nineties when their third child, a daughter, was young, and had custody. "Drug haze" could fit and she did some tv in the nineties.
But she's not really "mainly tv" and their daughter was too young at the time of divorce to fit.

Orvilla Bedinbacher said...

This is all just too much

amused bush said...

@count, John Goodman is still married though...

Kristie Alley and Kelsey Grammar?

Poppies115 said...

Lisa Bonet

Megerz said...

This is beyond disgusting. Around 20 years ago? What about someone from Melrose Place?

Mag said...

@sandybrook - "Two decades" is an approximation, which Enty frequently does. Once he said "nearly two decades" when he meant just over 14 years ;)
The fact that HL filed for divorce, not RS, does not have to mean much, as people enter into various arrangements for various reasons (protecting the child from public revelations of this kind would be a good enough reason, I guess). The timeline works. HL/RS divorce filing came in 2006, as did Denise Richard's filing for divorce from Charlie Sheen. In her divorce papers she claimed she had caught CH watching gay porn with underage boys. Makes sense to me.

americanpanda said...

ugh this could be anyone.
I didn't know this but i looked up actresses who lost custody and it said that zoe kravitz at the age of 11 decided she didn't want to live with her mom anymore and she requested to live with Lenny on a permanent basis. Things seem ok now i guess. Ya learn somethng new every day

Sadie Slays said...

David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson.

According to Wikipedia, Gillian's daughter was born in 1994. The daughter would have been kindergarten age around 1999-2000, which the X-Files was still airing. Duchovny has a reputation for being a sleaze, and Gillian has always been kind of creepy herself.

(Long time lurker, first time commenting. I really don't want to believe it's them because I'm a huge X-Files fan, but they fit the description better than anyone else so far.)

Count Jerkula said...

Jessica Fletcher/Sheriff Amos Tupper

Dingbat/Archie Bunker



Morticia/Uncle Fester

Hot Lips/Klinger

Amanda said...

If it's not Sheen/Locklear, I could see it being Kelsey Grammer and Kirstie Alley. Her daughter is 23.

Land Manatee said...


Amanda said...
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Unknown said...

Who's the woman with the young son that ML moved onto if it's Sheen?

texasrose said...

Given the ratings and costarring on same show not a lot of options.(amanda has one.) I sure hope it isn't Locklear but it is probably supposed to be Sheen/locklear even though some of the details don't fit exactly. They never do fit exactly. I wonder if this will ever be revealed?

Mag said...

@Sadie Slays - Anderson and her daughter's father divorced in 1997 when the kid was only 3 years old. This doesn't fit.

Megerz said...

ML is A+ list mostly television actor. Isn't Charlie scumbag Sheen also considered a movie actor?

texasrose said...

The only A+ mostly Tv actors that have been mentioned above are Seinfeld, Sheen, and probably Grammar.

Colonel Blake said...

@Count: Your second list, hillarious!!! lol

witwritergirl said...

Hope there's an express lane in hell for these folks.

Unknown said...
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longtimereader said...

Not heather!?! damn this hurts.

ErisGuy said...

A mother uses her 5 year old daughter for sex with her costar? I just cannot wrap my mind around that if true.

Wrap your head around Marion Zimmer Bradley & Moira Greyland.

Thursday November said...

On board with the Sheen & Locklear guess.

Would explain some things with all of them today.

Don't forget Enty's other reveals about the real reason Denise divorced him, while pregnant with their 2nd daughter. She found out he was into little girls.

Gordon Scott said...

If it's Charlie, would Brooke Mueller fit for the much later hookup? She does seem more than a bit kinky.

Duchovny/Anderson: David is an amiable sleaze, but word at the time was that he and Gillian did not care for each other at all, on the set. So it's hard to picture them hanging out between takes.

Amanda said...

I'm trying to make MD fit for Heather Locklear. ML is probably Major League for Sheen.

Jon said...

Brooke Mueller doesn't have an older son that I can see. Can't be Sheen.

Unknown said...

Piper Mary Klotz - Gillian Anderson

Those eyes say it all

DH said...

@Amanda - Melrose / Dynasty?

Amanda said...

@Jon It doesn't say the woman with the son was his wife, just someone he was dating. Could be any of the pornstars he had a taste for. We don't have any information on the woman with the son.

@DH I was also thinking Melrose Dynasty. I really think it's Sheen/Locklear even though it doesn't fit perfectly.

Mag said...

@Unknown - I've replied before, but I'll repeat: PMK was 3 when her parents divorced. The same year that Duchovny got married to Leoni (who only divorced him in 2014). This doesn't fit this story one bit.

EastCoastGirl said...

Lisa Bonet

Sus said...
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Unknown said...

@EastCoastGirl if it was Lisa Bonet, who was the co-star?

Marlin said...

I can’t imagine Richie Sambora keeping quiet and not killing him if this was HL and CS. Hoping this is a made up blind because this is sick sick sick.

Count Jerkula said...

Mark down Usefull Vidiots as a fan of Incest blinds. Ty

Unknown said...

@ErisGuy, good example. And a non-Hollywood example of another industry (science fiction/fantasy literature) where a lot of it was known and accepted.

Decent people have trouble even imagining how someone could want to violate a child like that, but we don't really have to understand it. We just have to know that they do.

Locklear doesn't seem like the type (and apparently there is a type, because they have face recognition software now that can spot a pedophile with surprising accuracy), but then sometimes women will do insane things to please a man, and who knows how drugs twist things further. And Charlie Sheen will clearly stick it in anything that he can get a grip on.

I started to type that Gillian Anderson doesn't seem like the type, and then I stopped for a bit. I'm an old X-Files fan thinking of Scully. I don't know Gillian. Sigh.

Itttt said...
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Queen Bee said...

*GAG* This is HORRIFYING & I hope these monsters are exposed & taken down :( Poor kids never had a chance!!

Itttt said...

The following is just my opinion, “Allegedly”, yadda yadda fine print legal disclaimer etc.

ML (A) is 100% most definitely Major League (Asshole) Charlie Sheen. You know, one of Corey Haim’s rapists...who also has had many many MAAAAAAANNNNNNNNYYYYYYYY other victims. The bottom barrel scumbag shitheel who will and has fucked anything and everything with a pulse, and undoubtedly many things without a pulse. Also undoubtedly not all willingly. He’s also the guy that fucked countless people bareback rawdog even though he knew for years that he was HIV+. Forgot about you in the other thread so from the bottom of my heart,🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOU x1000000000000%, Charlie. You most wicked CUNT. Your despicable hide will boil in tiger blood for all eternity.

Heather, it is long past time but not too late to come clean, lay the cards on the table and let the chips fall where they may. In fact, there is no better time than right now. You are and will be believed, supported, forgiven and loved.

The truth is the most powerful cure. The truth is freedom. The truth is light. Let it shine. Bask in its wonderful glow. The truth shall set you free.

Zenny said...

"Those eyes say it all". Are you a fucking psychic? A mind reader? Gimme a fucking break.

Colonel Blake said...
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Count Jerkula said...

Marlin: wasnt Sambora alleged to have been caught shooting up w/ bon jovi's daughter? I think there was a blind here saying that was why jon gave him the boot from the band. I wouldnt be looking to him for any moral high ground.

Jayne Townsley said...

+1 to all the Heather/Charlie guesses.

Her life the last years screams guilt ridden and not coping well.

alisontheoriginal said...

Stephanie Seymour for the other woman.

Rinky said...

@Eris .... Wow. I had to google the reference.

I knew about the Marion Zimmer Bradley/Walter Breem scandal, where she married bearded for Breem, knowing full well he was grooming and molesting young boys in their home, because it gave her cover for her own homosexual interestsbut I had no idea until now she also preyed on her own daughter. So, not just a self-centred, cold, cowardly bitch but an incestuous, active pedophile too. Charming.

That woman was a monster. Another one who hid under slew of so-called 'feminist' and 'progressive' stances to hide her own degeneracy. I believe she turned to the church in hr final years. Not surprising as death appraoched, she probably started getting cold feet about what was to come post-mortem giving her criminal appetites and behavior.

Anonymous said...

Tried to post before... Proudly lurking since 2007. Okay.... I’m just socially awkward. Big thanks to Enty and y’all for working to expose these evil bastards.

Drama said...

If you're looking for other examples of this sort of awful insanity, google Ian Watkins, the UK Rock singer with Lost Prophets. Truly horrifying abuse of power case involving children and at times even infants, and co-ercing female fans. It happens, sadly.

FWIW, I can't see why a few core people keep pushing the X-Files conspiracy, considering none of the parts fit. It's more than likely Sheen & Locklear, as Itttt detailed!

Rinky said...

Yeah, I'm in the UK - the Watkins case was huge here. His name is up there with 'Saville' as a catch-all byword for 'wholly degenerate child molestor'. Sadly, as with Saville, police corruption and unwillingness to believe the main whistleblower and witness to his disgusting conduct meant he got away with it for years longer than he should have. As did his bandmates willingness to not ask too many questions about his secretive behavior and turn a blind eye to his unwholesome shenanigans with increasingly underage fans. Yeah, they didn't 'know' about the baby rape fetish, but then they didn't WANT to know what Ian was getting up to in his private time as long as the band was raking in the cash.

Rinky said...

I just found Moira Greylands's article about her familial molestation. it's grotesque - both parents were at it although her father was more interested in his boys. Of course drugs and neglect were also involved. She claims Zimmer Bradley herself was raped by her own father, thus her lesbianism, and that Breem was molested by a priest as a boy. It's very disturbing.

B said...

No. There are more normal people in LA than weirdos. The weirdos make the rest of us look bad.

B said...

I really can’t see Goodman doing something like this.

Terry Teratoma said...

I know ENTY changes details, but I would look closely at husbands who got custody from moms. It doesn't happen that often, so it would be the most useful tool to solve this. Although I think most of you solved it already.

Marlin said...

@count. Yes I do remember reading about Richie Sambora and Bon Jovi’s daughter. But...I remember years ago reading a long detailed story about Heather Locklear, she was the All American girl, I can’t imagine her doing that to her five year old daughter. And did Sam Ora get custody? Zoe Kravitz went to live with her dad after divorce but again, I can’t see Lenny Kravitz ever letting mom have visitation after such a thing. Wtf mothers especially are here to protect their kids. Maybe you’re right, that is maybe why Heather can’t get her life together now, the guilt. Drugs omg what on earth brings people to this.

Marlin said...

Sambora. Sorry damn spell check.

Colonel Blake said...

Heather Locklear. "She Wants to Talk" and a 2002 Spin City episode was called "Let's Give Them Something To Talk About" ????

Natasha said...

Does MD stand for major douche?
Wait, wasn't there some WB program called Table of five where the Dad was later nailed for being a pedo?

ML could mean Major Loser you know.

youdontsay said...

The whole time reading this, I'm thinking David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson. IMDB says that Gillian kept her daughter Piper hidden from the public eye for years.

From a Whisper to a Scream said...

Don't know if anyone has beaten me to it, but Locklear and Sheen appeared together in 1997's Money Talks. So that takes their association back a few years prior to Spin City. Oh, and did I mention it was directed by Brett Ratner?

Glue said...

+1 Melvin - DD and GA of xfiles

ps. can i also add: W.T.F??!!!!!

Natasha said...
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From a Whisper to a Scream said...

Auntie Histamine: even better, there's another episode entitled "Look Who's Not Talking."

Dog Mom said...

Eris and Cail,

I just looked them up. GROSS!

Tricia13 said...

I love Alan Toussaint.... saw him live (RIP) and what a great song

Colonel Blake said...

@From a Whisper: I think those with the other clues nails Heather. Then pair her with Charlie. If it IS her I'll just throw up.

Rainbow Lotus said...

I've read about it on CrimeWatch, it's so horrifying but it happens

Cinnamon Sticker said...

I changed my mind and agree that this points strongly to Heather L and Charlie Sheen. I didn't realize Spin City was on the air for six years. Ava would have been five years old in 2002 when Spin City went off the air.

just sayin' said...

puts a new light on the feud between heather and denise when denise started dating richie. they had been "besties" prior to that. this could be what brought richie and denise together in the first place, and made denise less than concerned about the girl code of not dating a friend's ex. and maybe it was sambora who triggered denise to look for kiddie porn. she/they clearly wanted sheen taken down for it, but i can see sambora not going public to "protect" ava from further trauma (being known as the sex abuse with her mother girl forever after). this is the sort of sophie's choice situation that keeps predators safely in hiding.

Rosie riveter said...

Very good guess! These last two days have made me feel so queasy. I'm so happy this is all coming to light, but tbe pain of some of these poor children, now adults, and the others that have been targeted for speaking up- its heartbreaking. I'm not religious, but God bless them all and give them strength to speak even if their voices waver.
There is STRENGTH in numbers

Unknown said...

Natalie Kenly and the goddess time period was some weird shit.
She has a younger child and never, oddly says a bad word about
sheen. She was supposed to be a "nanny" for the boys. I think
maybe? Enty is being kind. I think ML did this to his own young boys.

Unknown said...

@zenny not a psychic, just a recent rape victim. Thanks for your support, xoxo

Cinabun said...

Well this just sucks. I loved The Mists of Avalon. :(

Gordon Scott said...

Moira Greyland has written a book about growing up with Marion Zimmer Bradley and Walter Breen. It's in final production and should be published before the end of the year, I think. I heard the editor describe the editing process for it, and he didn't enjoy it at all.

Cinabun said...

BI reminded me of the Watkins babies not even old enough to walk/talk. I was more shocked by the mother's particiation, though, truly incomprehensible.

Jen said...

I'm trying to understand why they're a blind item and not rotting in jail. This is vile.

Dog Mom said...

@Unknown, I am sorry to read that. Please take care of yourself.

Unknown said...

Could MD stand for Mommie Dearest?

Unknown said...
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Cinabun said...

Not a newbie btw. I'm just here off & on, usually for a month or so until it's not fun anymore (i.e., trolls, etc).
Ijs ;)

OB said...

@itttt you are spot on as usual--except do you really think if this came out HL would be supported, forgiven and loved? Its hard to believe that any woman who willingly allowed that to happen to her daughter would be anything but shunned and possibly jailed?

Megerz said...

@ just sayin You explained that perfectly. It all makes sense. I always felt like Denise Richards was trying to protect her and Brooke's children from the drug abuse etc. and was also holding back her side of the story with the Richie Sambora scandal. Turns out it was most likely worse than any of us could ever imagine.

Unknown said...

@alisontheoriginal might be onto something with Stephanie Seymour...

I wasn't able to find any reports that Sheen and Seymour were dating eachother again in the late 2000s (they dated officially in the early 90s), but I did find this interesting nugget from 2011...

"The supermodel, 41, and her son, Peter Brant Jr., 18, provoked "ewws!" across the Internet after photographs of them hugging and kissing on a beach in St. Barts appeared online. In one photograph, Brant Jr. appears to be kissing Seymour on the mouth and brushing his hand over her breast."

Sheen would've been abusing Seymour's son around age 15-17, same as Corey Haim...

More recently, Peter Brant Jr. has become a typical hard-drinking bad-boy socialite...

Doug said...

I just searched for images of Denise Richards, and I was struck by the haunted look in her eyes in the more recent pictures.

Drumstixx said...

This is too fucked up! Children need to be protected. I have a friend who works against child trafficing in DC. I showed her the blind about Heather O'Rourke and she said she is sad to say but it was probably 100% true. She sees this shit everyday and then goes home to her family. I ask her how can she sleep and her response was " I get to see this scum of the earth put away. " Himmmm hope you are safe somewhere far far away. If you get time please let us know if it is HL and CS? If not, I want to know, they need to be exposed. Thanks Himmm thanks Enty. It's hard to read but if shit like this is happening it has to stop!

Liv said...

Unfortunately, I think this blind is referencing the twin boys Sheen has with Mueller. Particularly Bob. They both exhibit signs of abuse. Heartbreaking.

+1 for Charlie and Heather. It fits.

Unknown said...

@just sayin, Yes, it's tough. My first impulse is to kick the other parents in the teeth too, for not reporting it, which could have prevented abuse to other children. But I understand the protective impulse and not wanting to compound the trauma. The same thing happened over and over in the priest sexual abuse scandal. No teenage boy wants the whole town to know he was being diddled by an older man. Even talking about it could make the damage worse. So the parents don't press charges so he won't have to testify. (A nice check -- for his therapy, of course -- doesn't hurt.)

Itttt said...

Forgot to comment about the “is this considered normal in LA” - HELL NO, this beyond sick, degenerate behavior is not considered normal in ANY CIVILIZED, DECENT SOCIETY. Also, LA is chock full of transplants...lots of sick fucks are attracted to the place like moths to the flame. Surprisingly few natives born n bred. But we’re here, fighting the good fight however we can. Even in the face of what seems like (especially recently) an ocean of filth.

Rinky said...

Didn't Denise Richards take in Sheen and Mueller's twin boys and then eventually report at least one of them was dangerous to both her animals and her daughters, displaying violent, psychopathic behavior ad have to give them up? Something along the lines of them attacking her daughters, having huge violent meltdowns and her catching them sadistically throttling her small dogs or something? A child who had been subjected to forced drug abuse and incestuous family abuse as well as being witness on the daily to whatever other fucked-upness went on in the Sheen/Mueller household would be a prime candidate for anti-social behavior early in life.

Miss Demeanor said...

Sheen/Locklear were my first guesses. I've read a few times that Heather is an unusually "hands off" mother, almost like there's always been a detachment.
Denise made the child porn references herself after she left Sheen. For those who are thinking of Brooke Mueller, his next conquest with the son may have been someone not famous, before Mueller came into the picture.

Liv said...

This blind also lends sad context to an interview that Denise gave:

"I was no longer friends with Heather months before Richie and I got together. I don't want to say what caused the split, but she and I weren't even speaking then. It wasn't ever like we'd be shopping and go back to her house and I'd flirt with her husband. Yes, I got together with Heather's soon-to-be ex-husband, but no, I didn't have an affair with him. If Heather and I had been friends at that time, I would never have crossed that line. But we weren't. The friendship was not salvageable, and in the beginning Richie and I just talked as friends because we were dealing with similar situations."

They were dealing with "similar situations".

Beyond EMF said...

Lovely example of a man 3X her age using Ava. "With pastor, child talent manager, and photographer on his resume, it's unclear what creepy leaning occupation Joe Simpson will select next."

Rinky said...
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Rinky said...

If Locklear (if it is her) did come forward, I don't think she would get much in the way of 'love' btw, and rightly so. She's a rapist, a child molester and a degenerate piece of shit if she speaks up or not. Developing a conscience about it decades too late is all very well, but she she should serve the rest of her life in prison for what she did, as should Sheen (if it's him).

Nobody who throws kids, let alone their own kids, under the bus to satisfy their own utterly deviant sexual fantasies is worthy of a shred of respect, affection or forgiveness from wider society. It's really one of the worst things a person can do. Owning up to it decades after the fact doesn't mitigate from the crime one bit. It's one of those crimes that even people who aren't fans of capital punishment sometimes makes exceptions for.

Funny what hides behind a pretty face. I used to think Locklear was gorgeous back in the day. Now I see the human equivalent of an open sewer. As for Sheen, it's been apparent that he's a malignant tumour who needs permanently excising from life for a long time now.

delete account said...

Couldn't even finish reading it, it was too sickening.

Victoria said...

This is disgusting on so many levels. It seems a lot of guesses point to Locklear/Sheen. I used to like Sheen in a Two and a Half Men but after the past couple of years I find this guy is absolutely disgusting. I think we need an AMA with Angus Young. I bet he has some good gossip.

I truly hope the children in this story get the help they need.

Catwoman said...
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Dave said...

I'm coming to this late, BUT . . . I agree that the personalities sound more like Charlie Sheen and Heather Locklear. On the other hand, ML could be Duchovny's character Fox MuLder. Gillian Anderson's character Dana Scully was an MD. And the post title "She wants to talk" could be a shout-out to the X-Files phrase "I want to believe."

Itttt said...

OB, re: love, forgiveness, support, redemption etc. - yes that was definitely the part I was conflicted over writing in my previous post.

BUT, if a person comes clean FULLY, HONESTLY, and genuinely begins down the long, hard path to redemption (vs. continuing on the road to perdition), while it most certainly will not be easy, they may one day redeem themselves in the public’s eye. That does not mean there will not be a price and penance to pay (and punishment). But quite frankly, they should do it for no other reason than because it’s the right thing to do. And, that lifting that huge burden of guilt they have been carrying, speaking the truth, will be a tremendous relief.

As much as I would love to honestly say “who am I to judge?”, I do and we all do, to some extent or another.

Even Charlie should be a man for once in his miserable life and confess. Come clean, let all the skeletons out of the closet. But he won’t, because he’s the type who would have to have it beaten out of him until there were (false) teeth and bone bits in his bloody stool. Not necessarily a bad thing, unlike the many many bad things he has done. Shout out to Marty while we’re at it, I mean what the fuck were you thinking unleashing this plague on the earth. Just couldn’t be a father and reign him in huh? I mean, if ever there was a candidate for time travel abortion/getting put down, he would be surprisingly high on the list.

Catwoman said...

I don't claim to know who this Blind Item refers to.
When Heather Locklear and Richie Sambora were getting divorced, I believe that he requested joint custody. Does anyone know whether they actually had joint custody? This seems unusual if there was child abuse involved. Wouldn't the non abusive parent want sole custody to protect their child from further abuse?

OB said...

Itttt, from that perspective--the truth shall set you free--I see where you're going with this. And forgiveness from your child, who probably still loves you somewhat regardless of what you've done, should be first and foremost on this person's list of goals to accomplish.

Great comment, we can always count on you as one of the posters here who thinks before they write and tries to add to the discussion

Rinky said...

Itttt ... I suspect Martin Sheen is the root of his son's dysfunction, by example, neglect or active encouragement.

Count Jerkula said...

I love the hypocracy of the Rosie Pig commenting in sex abuser/predator posts. Tell us again about drugging and sexually abusing college girls, Rosie. Some noobs may not know the story and i dont feel like googling and screencapping.

Itttt said...

Bye I’m not saying this actress, whoever she is, is not culpable, is not guilty - quite the contrary, she absolutely is. But according to the blind, she has attempted and is attempting to come clean. I do not want to discourage that. I want to encourage that voice - it’s most certainly far better than the cohort’s response. Agree with you all though as to the guilt of the parties.

I hope for love peace happiness and comfort for ALL the victims out there on this planet we all share. And holy/unholy/karmic/righteous justice for all ne’erdowells. How’s about everyone getting what they truly deserve.

You can call me Elle. said...

Holy crap. How did I miss this? My copy of Mists going in fire pit. There is so much crazy there. My heart hurts.

Victoria said...

I really don't know who this is but am adding supporting facts to other's guesses:

"This went on for about six months to a year before the show ended and the two co-stars drifted apart."

Spin City starred both Locklear and Sheen. The final episode air date was April 30, 2002.

Ava Sambora was born October 4, 1997. She would have been 4 1/2 by the final episode air date or around age 4 when the last show was filmed. "..with an offspring of MD when the offspring was probably in kindergarten or just before."

I don't know that this person needs to come clean to the public but I hope she does to her daughter and has worked as extensively as possible with her in therapy.

P.S. The Gillian/David guess doesn't seem to fit based on the dates I mentioned above.

Basil McAllister said...

Would you describe Sheen as a former A+ list mostly television actor?

Sue T. said...

"Would you describe Sheen as a former A+ list mostly television actor?" Yes! Absolutely. He was at one point the highest paid actor on TV. That's A+.

Cinnamon Sticker said...

@Basil - Sheen was once the highest paid actor on tv, so def former a+ list

Victoria said...

*I* would describe Charlie Sheen as a former A+ television actor, yes. I think it depends who you ask but I think most under 40 would know him from Spin City, Two and a Half Men, and Anger Management more than any movies he did.

Basil McAllister said...

I understand that now since I am not American. I suspect that outside the US he is known mostly for his movies.

BTW you are correct, Enty addresses him in the same way here:

Sue T. said...

I was staying at an Airbnb in Copenhagen a couple years ago and turned on the TV, and "Anger Management" (starring Sheen) was on. So I think his shows aired all over the world, though perhaps in some cases only on satellite channels, thus he may not have been as famous in other countries.

Unknown said...

OT Singer sued! Yes!!

OB said...

I just dropped everything to come by and post the same. Per TMZ they broke the story. 17-year old boy. And so it begins--finally!

Peopleknow86 said...

It sounds like Heather led left richie though, and now the other way around. “Richie was genuinely shocked when Heather blindsided him with a divorce filing.“

Peopleknow86 said...


Himmmm said...

MKL: Thanks, doin' fine. Xmas shopping ;-)
Thanks Alex, luvd the gif.
Not sure on the blind. Too many offspring mentioned.
Nothing would surprise me about Charlie Sheen, and that's sad.

Itttt said...

That is truly sad. And one last nail in the coffin on this BI I forgot to note previously - who also has a pattern of behavior as clear as day, backed by many many many eyewitness accounts and better yet, text evidence, of threatening physical violence and murder against people who “cross” him, in particular his ex’s? Texts and court filings filled with such comments as (may be paraphrasing here because most are full of colorful language) “I will end you”, “I will kill you”, “I will bury this knife in your heart” “I will bury you” blah blah blah blah bitty blah - Carlos “my momma should have swallowed me” Shitbag Sheen.

Glue said...

My apologies if this has been posted already.

Bryan Singer Sued over Alleged Sexual Assault of Teen Boy

John Doe said...

I tried to read this one a few times and just could not read to the end. This is the worst one yet! These people need to be in prison.

@ Katherine, I just read that Singer has been sued again. He has to be really worried this time. Even if he paid people off in the past they may still come forward to out him. I hope they do.

Itttt said...

Let the dam break and wash him and the rest away.

US Olympic Gymnastics team doctor/serial sexual assaulter Larry Nassar was just sentenced to 60 years in the pen, Al Franken just resigned - keep it coming! One by one the dominoes are falling.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Are you serious about the facial recognition software that spots pedophiles? It sounds like that old myth about certain facial features indicating you're a psycho/sociopath, and none of it is true.

Anyway, this is disgusting. No child should be abused but this small? Makes me never want to have children I'd be the most paranoid mother in the world.

Itttt said...

In a stunning twist, the “alleged” 🤨 incident took place on a yacht and NOT poolside/at a pool party. Yacht owned by Lester (🤨 nickname “the molester?”) Waters. Add him to the list?

“Famed director (and “alleged” 🤨 underage boy drugger, molester, and rapist) Bryan Singer is being sued for allegedly forcing a 17-year-old boy to perform oral sex on him and then raping him, but Singer categorically denies the allegations.

According to the lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, Singer was on a yacht in the Seattle area back in 2003 ... a yacht owned by wealthy tech investor, Lester Waters. The suit claims it was a party populated by young gay males, including the plaintiff, Cesar Sanchez-Guzman.”

Dumb said...

I just recently started reading this site, some of it's true, but this just screaaaaams Bullshit. I'm sorry but this is like some sort of Hollywood fan fiction type thing

Unknown said...

This says alot

FeistyPanda said...

There are only 2 offspring mentioned. The first is the daughter of the woman, who was 4/5 when the abuse started 20ish years ago. The husband of the woman got custody of the daughter when he left her.

The second offspring is the son of the man's newer girlfriend, whom he got together with after his wife left him (around the same time the woman abuser's husband left). This boy was drugged and something went wrong and he now has probable lifelong issues.

FeistyPanda said...

Angus joined a Hillsong-like church, which is why he was written off the show (after releasing a video diatribe ripping into the show). I am not sure how forthcoming he would be, or if it would all be through the lens of a super religious person.

FeistyPanda said...

Angus joined a Hillsong-like church, which is why he was written off the show (after releasing a video diatribe ripping into the show). I am not sure how forthcoming he would be, or if it would all be through the lens of a super religious person.

rocky619ca said...

@Unknown-please do not disrespect the site.

Unknown said...

Does anyone have any idea what the hell happened to Charlie Sheen when he was a child to make him this way or was he born an evil fuck?

MindYourPsAndQs said...

The threats to kill his former costar somehow made me think of Bruce Willis, with all of his gun toting, bullshit machismo, but I draw a blank on the costar (can't see her being that drugged, sick & kinky).

MindYourPsAndQs said...

Oops, continuation of aboce: all of his older kids have been screwed up & in rehab.

Sd Auntie said...

Shirley/Rerun...Rip! NO WAY NOT THEM

Rinky said...

Re: Singer:

I knew Fox were cleaning house so fast and so thoroughly for a very specific reason beyond the Disney sale. They knew something was coming down the pike that could make them look really bad, and here we are with a rape lawsuit from an underage boy.

Does Singer strike anyone else as the type who'd suicide rather than face the music/

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sd Auntie said...

You always say this so just go away already. Seriously

Rinky said...

Unknown - I know some stuff does seem too out there to be true, but often the actual truth is exactly that - out there.

Read the Zimmer-Bradley link I posted upthread and consider the house of horrors that the daughter, who helped put her own father away for raping a boy as well as testifying against other molesters in the extended family, was brought up in. If you detailed what she was put through in a blind and said the people involved were famous writers and professional opera singers (which they were), it would sound crazy and far-fetched. It's not though, it's actually true.

Sd Auntie said...

Whoever it is, needs to be exposed and charged. That poor child!

Alp Beck said...

Prescient and on the nose.

Itttt said...

Oh look, how timely. Charlie caught on tape threatening to melt lover’s face in a fire during drug fueled raging meltdown over makeup. And looking gaunt and haggard. Charlie’s final days? Confess before you go, Asshole!

Peopleknow86 said...

It never mentions other person is married. It says significant other, and that he left with the child.

MiddyCat said...

I'm so sorry that this happened to you. My heart breaks for you. I was raped many years ago & the only way to get through it is seeing a therapist, having someone who will support you and allowing yourself to heal. Sending love, prayers and hope to uoi right now. Xo

Peopleknow86 said...

It also doesn’t say anything went wrong with the boy. Just that they fucked him up w drugs...(prob got him hooked for life).

Itttt said...

Singer is blowing up online, and it’s NOT getting scrubbed and disappearing. No way they could keep up even if they were trying. He’s being thrown to the wolves - good.

Through his asshole-ttorney/spokes-hole/spokes-monkey, he vehemently and categorically denies all allegations leveled against him in this case. What about the claims Justin Smith made recently? Ohhhh and there are a few more on the way. Stay tuned, come Monday the victim count will be double digits bet on that. Hell, there could easily be high triple digits when all is said and done.

Count Jerkula said...

Phunkee: i always figured its just cocaine induced narcissism. The entire world is here to feed his ego and everything he does is fine, because he wants it and he's so much smarter and specialer than everyone else, dammit, he desrves it. Sweaty, greasy haired, coke fueled narcissism.

346NYC said...

I get a feeling the star whackers are hatching plans to have Sheen Suicided soon.
He's always been a liability but in the "Age of Aquarius,"
things are reaching a breaking point for these demons.

Count Jerkula said...

Scooterchick: Cybill Sheppard. Had a daughter in 87, 2 yrs before Moonlighting ended (89), divorced in 90.

Count Jerkula said...

And she definitely kinky, cause according to her wiki, she was banging everyone in sight on the Last Picture Show set. Director, Co-star, Screenwriter, and Location Manager. I'd bet she gave a sound guy a handjob too.

Count Jerkula said...

Sheen is way to full of himself for suicide. All they gotta do is keep him quiet w/ free blow until AIDS takes him.

Count Jerkula said...

I think i made a valid case for Maddie Hayes/David Addison further down.

designace001 said...

Alot of us have been following the unusual number of sealed Indictments that started piling up across the country around Thanksgiving. Just that week in Los Angeles/Central District there were 426+-. Nationwide it jumped from 800 something before Thanksgiving to over 4,000 after. They are taking some big group of somebodies down.

A reason too that these perps feel protected and the normal adults don't talk, because it's a group, a well organized big, vscary group.


the rest

Urthor said...

@designace001 is that unusual for the time of year? Not unusual to have seasonal flood of indictments. If it's real that's hilarious however.

Tea said...

Enty can you please go to the police.

Count Jerkula said...

What is Enty supposed to tell the police? "Hey i heard some 5th hand info about incest rape 20yrs ago and i have no evidence. Please take time away from crimes you are trying to solve, go harass these people and see if anyone starts talking."

Unknown said...

Without getting into specifics for obvious reasons, how would someone like Enty theoretically know the details of this case? I haven't been here long but this is the sickest story that I've read so far.

Unknown said...

I always thought Denise was hiding abuse of kids. She always confirmed she was not friends with Heather anymore. Heather has been near suicidal the last couple years. And she never defended herself when Denise implied she hated her. Never told her side.

IamLegend said...

@unknown - You have no idea. Don't come to a site and start calling bullshit. Especially after those of us that have read this site for years aren't the least bit surprised about all the "bombs" being dropped now. We've known about most of them for years. It would be nice for them to be false, but sadly they're not. And heeey Himmm!

Mr Selfdestruct UK said...

This was the first thing that came to mind when I read this!

Itttt said...

Count, agree on the coke (and other narcotics) fueled narcissism. They significantly affect brain chemistry and rewire the brain. You couple that with an already spoiled, elitist narcissist asshole who was effectively non-parented and this is the end result - nothing is off the table, nothing is taboo, and nothing is wrong in their mind.

Sadly, I was just like so many others, laughing off Charlie’s rants and ravings and clear signs of antisocial/sociopathic/psychotic behavior as “ohhh that’s just crazy Charlie being Charlie”...and most shamefully “oh Denise/Brooke/Kelly Preston/random John and Jane Does 1-9999 et al. etc. - they’re just being cranky old sourpusses, trying to bum out badboy party time all the time crazy Charlie...they knew what they were getting into”. Now however, the past few years have revealed the horrible despicable truth.

Colonel Blake said...

@Beyond EMF: No reputable model company will represent Ava as she's not "model material." That's probably why she ended up with Simpson. Seems everyone's daughter out in CA believes their daughter is model material. Look at Reese Witherspoons daughter. She's participating in a Paris, France debutante ball. What?? Don't get me wrong. These girls ARE pretty. BUT, there are THOUSANDS of "beautiful", size 00 young girls who will be chosen over "pretty" every day. These parents have set them up to fail; they will have no education to fall back onto, nothing but a trust fund to blow through, if they're lucky.

Colonel Blake said...

@Designace: Kudos to you for your work. I'm impressed.

Unknown said...

Sponge Bob.

Honkeys and Blow said...

Long time lurker here.

I've been going over and over this, looking at it from every angle, and the only one that makes any sense is HL and CS.

A-listers, almost 20 yrs ago, drugs, he's a documented pedophile (if you consider the claims made by his ex abt child porn, etc), she wants to talk, he makes threats (which he's known to do). She's been in and out of treatment for years, maybe this is part of her reconciliation with her past.

What doesn't look good for DR and RS is that DR and CS appeared in one another's movies, etc. years afterwards, and RS and HL are still hanging out/vacationing occasionally w/ their daughter, etc. Maybe that's a harsh judgment to make, but I feel like if I knew my ex had subjected my child to sexual abuse (or had participated in such a thing), I can't imagine ever making amends or being friendly with them. But that's just me.

Unknown said...

I was thinking about how someone like Sheen can become so untouchable that everyone around him puts up with abuse or turns a blind eye to it for years. It's hard to imagine being scared of him, but I guess in some cases it's more about the power of the people who have invested in him and protect him.

That reminded me of when Max Landis was a guest of Red Letter Media (a tiny movie review/production company in Milwaukee). One of them made a joke about someone being in the hospital more often than Charlie Sheen. Max's eyes got big and he said, "How am I supposed to get Fox to pay for my trip out here if you say things like that?" One of them asked, "Does Fox own Charlie Sheen?" Max's eyes just got bigger and he clammed up. Might have just been goofing around (he's a goofy guy), but maybe not. Maybe everyone knows there's a line you don't cross with Charlie jokes, if you want to keep working.

Unknown said...

@Scandi Sanskrit, yes, there's an Israeli company called Faception that claims their software can pick out pedophiles, terrorists, geniuses, and several other categories with at least 80% accuracy, just by analyzing faces. I can't vouch for it myself, but it's being worked on. Spooky stuff.

Marlin said...

@honkeys. I could maybe picture a clean and truly tearful repentant HL begging RS to let her have contac5 with her daughter and blame it on the drugs. Man I used to love HL. This shakes me to the core. My heart breaks for these kids. And as a mother, I KNOW you can’t blame a parent for a child’s sins but......wth kind of dad was MS????? And wth didn’t he forcibly commit CS either to rehab or a mental health facility. Haven’t heard much about the brother but he is nothing like Charlie. Again where is MS? The real kicker is I can remember Charlie being funny and charming and likeable. Those demons run deep in him and I believe he is truly mentally disturbed. From bad childhood, drugs, bad genesi have no idea. But realize believe his only salvo now is death and he can face His maker as we all will. Have to believe anyone who could do these awful things is already in hell on earth. But no excuse for the victims. Truly heartbreaking.

Marlin said...

And kudos to DR for trying to help and protect these kids. I really believe CS threats and that he is quite capable of following thru on them.

designace001 said...

@Auntie Histimine Thanks but I can't take credit, I'm not sure who compiled the actual Pacer docs, this is/was a group effort. To answer Urthor from what we can assertain this is a HUGELY anomalous number of sealed indictments for ever, at anytime. It has been suggested by people who work in lawyering/courts that the nationwide numbers at any given time are generally less than a 1,000. The numbers btw continue to grow exponentially I understand they are in the range of 6,000 sealed indictments now. 6,000 sealed indictments in 18 days, something up?

longlonglongtimelurker said...

Long long long time lurker.

This isn't Heather/Charlie. It's Kirstie Alley. "She Wants to Talk" is a play on "Look Who's Talking."

Not sure who the man is though....

Krab said...

But would CoS allow Kirstie to talk?

Kate0704 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HeatherAM said...

This was my first thought too. So sick.

Liv said...

I don't think so. Her pre-divorce TV show was Cheers and can't make any of the costars work.

Why do you think it's her?

Unknown said...

+1 for Cybill Shepard and Bruce Willis.

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