Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Today's Blind Items - The Boys Club

There is a big name out there. A very big name. He can take down a whole lot of people with him. He is a writer and producer and we call him BC. Along with an already shamed A list actor, he was the first to force this A list director to have sex with him for a future in Hollywood.

BC passed that same trait on to the director. BC has several production partners. Each of them are a little piece to the puzzle. Each of them owns a company which is directly involved with other companies that all are mixed and matched with BC and his two partners. One of those projects is a boys club. An actual club similar to a boys and girls club. One where for some reason, girls are not allowed. They only want to help "boys." The partner of BC who started this was groomed and shaped by the A list director who is a very frequent guest to the club and a very frequent viewer of the footage from the cameras installed everywhere in the club.

There are estimates that maybe a hundred boys have been molested by this group and their business partners. It could be more. There is another secret player behind all of this and that is an offspring of one of the partners who is also a lawyer. They pay her a lot of money which she spends on partying and she handles all the shell games with the companies.


  1. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Damn! Producers are making directors have sex for jobs. Maybe just drop a bucket of bleach on hollyweird (seriously NOT a threat!) and clean it all up. I wonder what the STD situation is there

  2. I wonder if this is tying back to the Relativity Media blind from a few weeks back?

  3. i think i know but don't want to be the first to throw these names out if i'm wrong.

  4. George Lucas\Francis Ford Coppola?

  5. Christopher McQuarrie-writerproducer if Usual Suspects and Soacey/Singer?

    1. He’s married but that doesn’t mean a thing-frequent Singer collaborator

  6. Well obviously Singer and Spacey... But BC has me confused

  7. So BC is a writer/producer but not a director? That takes a lot of the big names out of the running. But something is telling me that this all traces back to DEN and Geffen and Singer. I could very well be wrong, though. Do we know if the “boys club” is still around?

  8. Christopher McQuarrie as writer producer looks a good guess

  9. But Singer sort of brought McQuarrie into the fold. Not the other way around. So it doesn't match that McQuarrie would force Singer into having sex with him.

  10. "One of those projects is a boys club." Like we talked about the other day: predators often find ways to involve themselves in organizations designed to help children. Even if they have to create them sometimes.

  11. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Doubt it's McQuarrie/Singer. They started their careers together so McQuarrie was never in any position to force Singer to do anything for a job. Also, is McQuarrie - who is also a director, by the way - really a "big name?"

  12. McQuarrie has a healthy line in Mission Impossible movies, so definitely qualifies as a big name if it's him.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. @just sayin': Spill it. Please.

  15. Anonymous10:52 AM

    According to IMdB, Geffen has never written a thing. So he's not BC.

  16. Yeah I was gonna say the same thing about Geffen - he never wrote.

    I think people should keep Spacey but test removing Singer. Could it be another Spacey movie?

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. who was running gramercy pictures when they put out usual suspects?

  19. having a hard time getting anything to post today, auntie. these would be new names added to the pedo mix and i really don't want to say them if i'm wrong. i will but want to see if someone else does first, also do some sleuthing.

  20. Could writer/producer mean songwriter/record producer? Is Enty usually specific about functions?

  21. Richard Zanuck and Stephen Spielberg

  22. Enty when are they going to bust Singer??? Please post a blind on what you know about his investigation.

  23. I can't post anything today. Site keeps freezing and crashing. Hope this one gets through. I will be back later.

  24. Anonymous11:11 AM

    How about Brian Grazer for BC?

  25. It doesn't say the a list director is singer. Considering the people he knows(tommy girl etc..)it looks like mcguarrie.

  26. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Meant to add: Brian Grazer is listed as the writer of 'Splash' and 'Housesitter'

  27. How about frequent Bryan Singer collaborator, John Ottman, who is a producer/composer and did the music for numerous Singer movies, including his first few.

    He also did the music for Singer's 2015 TV series ... Battle Creek (BC).

  28. Alan Ball for BC?

  29. BC = Ron Howard? I ‘now, just writing that makes me feel sick.
    But it fits.

  30. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Ron Howard is a director. I think Brian Grazer fits better for BC.

  31. This one is hard.


  32. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Bruce Cohen or Alan Ball for the producer and Sam Mendes for the first time director on American Beauty.

  33. Kevin Spacey and Bryan Singer...?
    No idea who could be that producer though.

  34. Yeah, paging Himmmmm, Come in Himmmmm, your gifts are needed.

    I suspect Singer is part of this but I don't have the knowledge or energy today to begin to figure it all out.

  35. well no one's mentioned them yet but i want to do some more research. i think i'm on the right track.

  36. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I know he's mostly known as a director, but what about James L. Brooks?

  37. WHAAAAAATTT???????
    (spits sandwich out of mouth while pulling spandex costume out of ass).
    Sorry...was busy...WHEW! Okay where's the fire??

  38. @just sayin' - You sure know to build up tension :D It's past 9 p.m. where I live, I still have hours to spend at my computer (assignment deadlines), but I just keep peeking here to check if you've said anything ;)

  39. Not to sidetrack OT but did you folks see that Netflix kicked Danny Masterson's ass out today?
    And Singer's fired from Queen and all FOX projects?
    THAT'S good news at least.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Obviously the shamed actor is Spacey.
    I wanna say Singer as the BC guy.
    Michael Dougherty as the victim of Singer who is the director?
    Don't know if Mike's A list, but he's about to direct a huge A list project coming up.

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Dougherty is a friend of friends. Friends who wouldn't tolerate this kind of thing for ten seconds. Not him.

  42. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I hope they just cancel the Freddie biopic.

  43. Not John Ottman. Friend of a friend. He's a nice guy. He went to USC w Bryan that's how he knew him, no way. McQuarrie? Why would he be forcing Bryan to sleep w him? Has to be whoever was funding Bryan. But the writer part is throwing me off.

  44. I would think that BC is someone older than BS. Someone who was established enough to suggest and guarantee a future in Hollywood. Spacey isn’t BS type. He would’ve been to old.

  45. Himmmm, BC can’t be Bryan Singer - BC is described as a big name producer and writer. Enty would’ve just referred to him as a director. Although he does and has produced and written. But he seems to be the director who BC banged to get his break. Or a different director?

  46. What if there's a tiny bit of misdirection here, and "first to force this A list director" should be "first to be forced by this A list director"? Do things fall into place then?

  47. Good point Itttt. But I'm fairly sure on the female lawyer part, but one tiny detail is jamming it up for me. Still trying to remember about this club thing. I'll be back later when I figure it out.

  48. Simon Kinberg? Top writer and producer in business. Not a director. Has worked on most of Singers projects the last 15 years. Writing and producing them. Writing and producing the new "The Hardy Boys" movie? Boys club?

  49. Michael Dougherty definitely is in the mix of the pedo group, along with Jason James (aka Jason James Murphy, convicted child molester https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/hollywood-casting-agent-convicted-child-272205) who worked on Superman Returns (the movie premier at which John Doe No. 117 accused Goddard and Singer of sexual abuse) and credited with screenplay or story on a couple X-Men movies)

  50. himmmm...i'm looking at the initial "w" for this...right track?

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Blame the Daily Mail for today talking about this site.

  53. DAMN, I hate they can't lock these bastards up for what they did to all these kids. Makes me sick to my stomach.

  54. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Alan Ball. Best known for writing "American Beauty" (for which Kevin Spacey won the best actor Oscar), "Six Feet Under" and "True Blood".

    The production company for American Beauty was Jinks/Cohen. Jinks/Cohen split into two separate production companies helmed by Dan Jinks and Bruce Cohen. Bruce Cohen started in the DGA trainee program with Steven Spielberg on "The Color Purple" and later became the associate producer and 1st AD on Spielberg's "Hook".

    See: http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2017/11/todays-blind-items-long-time-coming.html

  55. Is the female attorney Alexandra Pakzad? Dana Brunetti's "girlfriend" (but used to be married to a woman). Brunetti (known a--hole) was involved in the Relativity mess and is Kevin Spacey's business partner.

  56. What about Roland Emmerich as this A list director? I agree that it is likely Singer, but Emmerich is also gay and alleged to be a co-host of Singer's underage sex parties. His career started in Europe, so whoever BC is could have forced him to have sex with him so he could come start making movies in Hollywood. Could BC be Emmerich's longtime writing and production partner, Dean Devlin??? He has a wife and kids, so I don't think it's him, but he is a big time writer/producer...

  57. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Is there anyone in Hollywood besides Mark Hamill apparently who is not a degenerated drug using rapist freak? And they wonder why box office grosses are down.

  58. How about Gary Goddard?

  59. BC = Bryan Cranston?

  60. Also I can't help, but think that Joel Schumacher might be involved...? He would be my guess, but the blind says that the person in question is only writer and producer..

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. annie roo: i think you're right that the daily mail article brought new traffic, which is great for enty, but terrible on the server. they totally piggybacked off of a daily beast article yesterday written by mandy stadtmiller which was 100x better and based on an actual interview with enty this week. if you did't see it:
    ‘Who’s Next?’: The Mysterious Blind-Item King Who Exposed Weinstein, Spacey, and Lauer Before the Media

  63. himmmmm signal flashing again...do lwx2 and cw fit in the blind? looking in a very different direction from singer.

  64. IMDb posted list of people who are involved in Bryan Singer sex ring, I don't know how reliable that list is, but maybe by any chance this person is on it..?


  65. Blogger Alexandria Anna said...
    IMDb posted list of people who are involved in Bryan Singer sex ring, I don't know how reliable that list is, but maybe by any chance this person is on it..?


    I am astounded that imdb are letting these pages stay up as long as they do.

    Alan Cumming, oh my stars did not see that coming... gutted if this is true.

  66. @Alexandria Anna - It was posted by an IMDb user ChrisTreborn, not IMDb itself. It was posted in April 2014, so it's likely incomplete. ;) But a good find anyway.

  67. I put on a Netflix movie for a three year old the other day The Magic Snowflake. When the name Weinstein appeared I just wanted to turn it off. Not logical I know but that was how I felt.

  68. Mag - Oops, sorry about that, I didn't notice, I'm veeeeeeeeeery rare IMDb user. Nevermind then, hahaha.

  69. just sayin' = cw maybe but figure out the timeline.

    Sorry, I'm literally on the phone right now talking to somebody who worked with Singer a LONG time. He just told me FOX-Marvel canceled Singer's Xmen TV project, and have "deleted" his name off the entire future production board. Which they do before filing with the DGA. WOW. Go Fox!

    I talked with a lady boss at FOX last night who said the word came down from Murdoch - get rid of everything Singer is doing. They wanna scrub it clean to appeal to Disney stockholders!

    Will get back with you.

  70. Murdoch ahh.. that explains a lot. Are Disney squeaky clean though?

  71. just sayin’? whose initials are those?

  72. ooh gingersnap, that's hot stuff.

  73. Himmmm ... no need for the Spandex. That shit's just uncomfortable, especially after a decent lunch.

    Just the mask will do.

  74. Steven Spielberg, Harrison Ford, George Lucas,
    Joel Schumacher. There’s more but this is all I can think of at the moment. They probably have nothing to do with this blind, but I’ll bet my soul that they are pedos!


    So Gary Goddard is BG who teaches Bryan Singer (the director) how to rape underage boys. The actor is Spacey.

    All of that is obvious.

    Figure out the lawyer and GG's partners.
    Then you're right there next to outing the boys club.
    So who in the hell were/are Goddard's multiple biz partners?

  76. I meant Gary Goddard as BC not BG.

  77. Gary Goddard has two organizations Landmark Ent. and Goddard group.
    Landmark has two other founders, Tony Christopher and Baron Christopher..
    Are they involved too?

  78. Or..BC = Baron Christopher..? Just guessing.

  79. of course Landmark creates theme parks loaded with kids - duh!. Also I had heard there was something weird related to the Hershey's Chocolate World (they created).

    I can't find anything on Baron Christopher as it relates to Landmark.

  80. Gary Goddard is from Blythe, California. BC.

  81. BC is Gary Goddard (the king of Disney's theme parks and asian theme parks - he designed them all in the modern era!). He produced Broadway plays, movies, and TV. And molested Anthony Edwards when he was a kid. HE was the other one - with Singer - who was accused over the rape of boys at pool parties. That is - before they intimidated the poor victim.

    Goddard's associates include 2 Star Trek producers:
    Roger Lay Jr. and Eric Carnagey


    HERE IS A MONSTER YOU SHOULD ASK about Goddard, and who his cronies are: it is Goddard's lawyer, Alan Grodin. The man in charge of protecting a child raper. SO it begs the question...is he part of it too? Or just content protecting them and silencing victims? Ask him. Here's his page. And read those accomplishments. Wow. Very well connected. I hope he dies of ass cancer alongside Goddard and Singer and Spacey:


    (cut and paste it I don't know how to hotlink).

  82. Yeah yeah I know it's Goddard, I just thought that his co founder's initials was the clue pointing at GG :)

  83. Good guess Alexandria.

    Again - sorry I cannot hotlink but go read this letter. Now, after reading it - know that your own child, or your nephew, or some poor kid with no family - is being raped by this same person. It is still going on now. And he's still being protected by lawyers:

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. So former business partners were Michael Jackson and Prince Alaweed, so Jacko really was a pedo; hung around with too many of these guys. Wonder if the Arabs are talking and this is why these leaks seem unstoppable.

  86. Boys club = Soda Pop Club? (Alphy Hoffman)

    I believe he was connected to Marc Collins-Rector, Chad Shackley, and Brock Pierce and their company DEN (Digital Entertainment Network) accused in Michael Egans pedo lawsuit.

    1. See that’s what I was thinking, which is why I was wondering if the boys club is still in existence. Alphy’s Soda Pop is no more, right?

  87. Maybe there is a chance that all of them will sink, with Goddard, Spacey and Singer, and all of this will end soon.

  88. Soda Pop Club? (Alphy Hoffman)

  89. @Himmmm, the Boys Adventure club? Roger Lay Jr is the Pres of the LA chapter, started last year.



  90. Holy shit! one of the BC business partners is definitely billionaire Frank Giustra.

    Giustra is...
    Vancouver mining tycoon (hence the BC?)
    Best friends/charity partners with Bill Clinton (and Jeffrey Epstein IIRC)
    Founder of Lionsgate Entertainment (!!)

    Giustra runs a sketchy charity LITERALLY called “Boys Club”, among many other sketchy charities involving runaway youths and refugee children.
    Just look at his twitter profile and you’ll see what i mean:

    Icing on the cake? Giustra executive produced a sleazy cop thriller called “Sunset Grill” in 1993; with Gary Goddard listed as co-producer!


    FWIW, one of Lionsgate’s very first films was a remake of “Lolita”...

  91. Just want to bring up that Dana Giacchetto was a business partner on DEN with all these other jokers.

    Interesting fact - he was identified in Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book as a "material witness" to Epstein's crimes. Most people think it was Courtney Love that was circled - but if you look at the arrow drawn into the entry, it's pointing to the name Dana - those two were living together at that point based on that book about Gaicchetto.

    And before you rule out Jeffrey Epstein as being part of "the Boys Club", check out this article by Taki Theodoracopulos. It definitely seems to hint that Epstein had "varied" tastes. And Taki may know too - those two were friends and had lots of friends in common through the club "Pugs - the World's Most Exclusive Gentleman's Club." I would kill for Enty to get the inside scoop on that group.


    One more fun fact - Giacchetto named his cockatoo Tiberius Caesar. Who knows their Roman history - specifically writings by Suetonius?

  92. WOW!I've said it before and will say it again.
    You folks are ASTOUNDING! Seriously!
    Great work.
    A damn shame the DA's office won't hire you guys - it would be worth it! Yes - Lookout & BayAreaGirl - follow both of those leads and see what it leads to. Especially other partners. They always have these PR photo ops for their public events. Wonder who else would show up? That is, if they've not been scrubbed already. Because I assure you that they know the earth is sliding beneath their feet each day. Just because someone is in a photo op doesn't connect them, but if a famous person is in a photo and their name is associated? They allowed it. See if those clubs have connections to any GIANT ENDOWMENT $$$ foundations/charities. And other billionaires or LA politicos tied into it? Keep in mind it would be years ago probably, because nobody would associate publicly with them since the allegations of the pool parties came out.

    1. Guistra 100million to Clinton Fdn

  93. OT, John Travolta's Got movie just got pulled from being released by Lionsgate. This might be the beginning of that ball of twine unraveling.

  94. from above:

    Off topic, Gotta movie

  95. Gotti

    damn my lack of proofreading!

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. Genuinely astounded by how quickly you all got there...!!
    @Dog Mom - verrrry interesting. Wonder how fast this will unravel...

  98. For anyone who's new at this digging stuff: when you find web pages that seem germane, it's a good idea to archive them. You can go to an archive site like archive.is and enter the URL of the page, and it'll make an archive copy of it. Helps in case they scrub the page later. It's also a good idea to save a copy of your own, if you know how to do that in your browser. If they're big enough wigs, sometimes they can get archive sites to remove copies.

  99. I left for a few hours and this blew up! I agree some amazing sleuthing going on. I am amazed at how great the ones here are. That being said. I received my new Vanity Fair magazine today, its still in the wrapper but the cover is amazing. Love the guy in the middle. ;)

  100. Can I just say (as a longtime lurker and sometimes commenter) that you all are freaking incredible? Hats off to ya :)

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. LOTS to get through on this site but take a careful look at his site in particular the names on here folks:


    Haven’t done a full index (hopefully someone can do so, saving anything noteworthy) but the image directory is here:


  103. This thread is blowing my mind. Finally, all the dots joined up right back to our man Epstein.

    I think I need to lie down.

  104. @yvie - If you look back to the blind about director who took kids on trips to a ranch with carnival rides (a week or two ago), it's pretty clear MJ was not as innocent as people want to believe he was, I think.

  105. @Rinky - A lot of the sickest players in this "post-Weinstein-era" are Epstein-related. Spacey is easy - we all knew about the plane flights on the Lolita Express, but Enty had a recent blind about him being on Epstein's Orgy Island (the blind was not revealed, but we all guessed the same).

    Harvey Weinstein is connected as well. Fabrizio Lombardo - Weinstein's Italian connection that set up poor women for the worst - worked with Jean Luc Brunel. Jean Luc Brunel was Jeffrey Epstein's key co-conspirator and allegedly provided him innocent French models as young as 12 years old.


  106. Meh, pics are most if not all “work related”. Odd numbered are the large pics with evens being the thumbnails/tiles of the same pics.

    GD he did the Universal Studios Conan show?!? That was my childhood favorite.

  107. @JSlims ... checked the Tiberius/Sureonius reference.


    "In his Life of Tiberius, section 43-45, Suetonius offers a description of the sexual habits of a man who is powerful enough to go "beyond good and evil". The section is offered her in the translation by J.C. Rolfe.

    [43.1] On retiring to Capri he devised a pleasance for his secret orgies: teams of wantons of both sexes, selected as experts in deviant intercourse and dubbed analists, copulated before him in triple unions to excite his flagging passions.

    [43.2] Its bedrooms were furnished with the most salacious paintings and sculptures, as well as with an erotic library, in case a performer should need an illustration of what was required. Then in Capri's woods and groves he arranged a number of nooks of venery where boys and girls got up as Pans and nymphs solicited outside bowers and grottoes: people openly called this "the old goat's garden," punning on the island's name.note

    [44.1] He acquired a reputation for still grosser depravities that one can hardly bear to tell or be told, let alone believe. For example, he trained little boys (whom he termed tiddlersnote) to crawl between his thighs when he went swimming and tease him with their licks and nibbles. Unweaned babies he would put to his organ as though to the breast, being by both nature and age rather fond of this form of satisfaction.

    [44.2] Left a painting of Parrhasius' depicting Atalanta pleasuring Meleager with her lipsnote on condition that if the theme displeased him he was to have a million sesterces instead, he chose to keep it and actually hung it in his bedroom. The story is also told that once at a sacrifice, attracted by the acolyte's beauty, he lost control of himself and, hardly waiting for the ceremony to end, rushed him off and debauched him and his brother, the flute-player, too.

    Subsequently, when they complained of the assault, he had their legs broken.


    Sounds right up Epstein and friends' alley, doesn't he? Power and an appetite for children of both sexes as well as anything else they can get their paws on.

  108. My first comment ever
    You people are freakin genius. I couldn’t stand by another few years

    BC is Frank Giustra. Residence in British Columbia. (BC) Owns Lionsgate and Thunderbird Films
    And a slew of other billion dollar entities. Connected to Clinton and Epstein As for the writing part; “Recently, Giustra started Fiore Music, and Westsonic Music, and spends much of his time writing lyrics. He is also a guest blogger on the Huffington Post, under Dear Rich People.” The other 2. Are obviously spacey and Bryan Singer He started the " boys club network" (BC)
    Giustra could bring down everyone w him. Omg!!!

  109. Anonymous8:08 PM

    My god. Does anyone have a wall of post it notes tracking all of this? It's unreal (jaw drop)

  110. Frank Giustra with Lionsgate! Lionsgate today abruptly cancelled the release of John Travolta’s movie Gotti. Set to drop in 10 days. You KNOW something’s up.

  111. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Holy Cow Lindy, I didn't realize it was set to drop that soon, talk about last minute. It sure sounds like things are unraveling.

  112. ^THIS is the power of CDAN'ers! Keep up the good work guys. Thank God Himmmm is on our team!

  113. I’m still trying to figure out who the lawyer is.

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. Rinky - thanks for the Tiberius stuff, saves the rest of us a fair bit of background.

    Holy shit this site is a gold mine. I wonder if this will be blown up tomorrow or what. Wow.

    Love you guys, love this community. I can't wait to see what happens next.

  116. Wild guess Female Attorney - Erin Brockovich

  117. Himmmm, was the St. Charles House super rich billionaire who died recently, purportedly through the work of his own son, ever identified?

  118. Just adding this, food for thought: https://www.politico.com/story/2017/05/04/jeffrey-epstein-trump-lawsuit-sex-trafficking-237983

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. i couldn't do much earlier but hope this leads somewhere. following up on bay area girl's groundwork:
    google map street view of "boy's adventure club" at 140 sierra view road, pasadena

    the registered owner of the boy's adventure club is roger lay. he seems to specialize in star trek documentaries. the principal contact on its corporation wiki is jennifer hart. there's a cingular wireless number listed for her but it's registered to a different woman in pasadena. lay's company which founded the boy's adventure club, lay/carnagey entertainment,llc lists thomas hart, cpa, as their contact,so related to jennifer hart?
    roger lay imdb
    imdb list of projects worked on together by roger lay and gary goddard

  121. Bc is bohemia club

  122. the jeffrey epstein trial had been slated to begin today but the judge has postponed it:
    palm beach post: Judge delays, tries to rein in X-rated civil trial of Jeffrey Epstein

  123. himmmm's likely referring to the clinton foundation.

    goddard's famous associates in the michael egan lawsuit that was dropped (as seen in "an open secret") were singer and garth ancier and david neuman. ancier has been the programmer at fox, the wb, the cw and nbc entertainment. neuman was the president of disney television.

    goddard of course does massive design work for theme parks, but he got his start in show biz as a cast member in the hoop-de-doo musical review at disney's fort wilderness in orlando.

  124. dog mom - if i were a betting person i'd say they cancelled the gotti movie because it's awful. travolta's gotti characterization looks so bad to me.

  125. I was traveling all day so couldn't be part of this but watching from a "distance" that's some beautiful mind shit right there!! Love your work cdaners 👊 @himmmmmmm always a pleasure!

  126. All this sleuthing is great. But I always wonder with these things if they will ever break. A syndicate of rich pedophiles of that size would be global news for weeks. If there's a paper trail obvious enough for internet sleuths to crack, there's got to be some media company brave enough to publish it all, shirley?

  127. So, I took the wise advice of @Himmmm and looked into Frank Giustra's past gala events from a while back.

    Sure enough, the list of celebs is long, distinguished, and all too familiar to CDaN readers...

    Here's the first event I found:

    At this Toronto fundraiser for the Clinton-Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative in 2008, the following celebrities attended:
    Tom Cruise
    John Travolta
    Elton John
    Robin Williams (noooo)
    Mark Wahlberg
    Eugene Levy
    Norah Jones

    But the cherry on top is from Bill's 60th birthday bash in 2006...



    "[Giustra] threw a 60th birthday party for Bill in Toronto in 2006 ***emceed by Kevin Spacey*** with other stars in attendance. The Clintons' take was a cool $21million 'donation' for their Foundation."

    Guests at Bill's 60th bday bash:
    Paul Shaffer
    Billy Crystal
    Sarah McLachlan
    Tim McGraw
    James Taylor (wasn't he outed as an underage rapist along w/ Dennis Wilson in a recent blind?)

    Giustra is also a key player in the ongoing Uranium One scandal, but that's a whole other ballgame (...or is it?)

    If anyone wants to dig through the corporate history of Lions Gate, have at it:

  128. @Lookout -you are one hell of a sleuth! Thank You! Impossible to pry self from computer!

  129. I have a feeling that all this FG-BCN/RF & BC-CF stuff leads to trafficking.

    As for the Harts - I was onto them too until FG came into the picture. Their names are so common, it’s difficult to really figure out who they are.

    There was a woman attorney involved with the Crescent FG but can’t find much on her either - Jennie Lavine

    Another GG piece of puzzle - maybe - his company - COO? Barry Kemper? He also is an assistant director at ESCAPE Theater (for kids) in Santa Clarita. He’s been with GG a while.

  130. Oh...and following the FG lead I learned that one of his companies Fiore Group financed a Warren Beatty film. Could be something. could be nothing but look at all of the other producers involved -


  131. Blogger My.answer.is.xyz said...
    Oh...and following the FG lead I learned that one of his companies Fiore Group financed a Warren Beatty film. Could be something. could be nothing but look at all of the other producers involved -


    Reading the story line I am reminded of Jane Russell who was deeply religious but had demons. I do wonder if there is a tie in here. Howard Hughes designed that infamous bra for the film she did. There are some uh oh names in the cast list as well.


  132. Drama said...
    All this sleuthing is great. But I always wonder with these things if they will ever break. A syndicate of rich pedophiles of that size would be global news for weeks. If there's a paper trail obvious enough for internet sleuths to crack, there's got to be some media company brave enough to publish it all, shirley?

    Drama I just hope that the relevant folk read all this sleuthing and bits of a jigsaw fall into place. Media cannot publish without proof and that takes a lot of time and money perhaps fruitless investment if they cannot find concrete proof. Also the media cannot bite the hand that feeds them. Lets be honest most folk do not subscribe to a paper magazine to read worthy stuff, rather to see their celluloid tv heroes and what they are doing.

  133. I'm afraid this won't break because Internet sleuths put the pieces together. See: pizzagate. What we're doing here is the same thing: finding connections, spotting things that look wrong, finding more connections, following the money, etc. As long as it's just Internet sleuths talking on blogs and forums, it can be discredited as tinfoil hat stuff. Maybe Alex Jones will talk about it and then apologize.

    It will break when someone who actually has the evidence in black and white (or color) assembles it into a tidy package and takes it to some media sources with the message, "This is coming out. You can have the scoop, if you want it. We will make sure it gets enough mainstream attention that it can't be sidelined and buried. But it's coming out with or without you." Weinstein in the New Yorker, Lauer in Variety. Or, alternatively, the ringleaders are all arrested, but we haven't see that yet.

    The system is breaking down because of Saudi money, specifically the lack of it flowingly freely through the Clinton Foundation (and others, but that's the biggie) anymore. Many of those princes arrested and their bank accounts frozen were big donors, and the biggest was the one mentioned here already, who was hanging upside down by his feet in the Ritz recently. Saud had more money than God, thanks to selling us oil over the years, and they were buying American. The perps here still have a lot of money -- at least one billionaire among them -- but they aren't in Alwaleed's league. So they're all getting pinched hard, and cracks are showing. (They'll be getting pinched harder soon when all the investigations of the CF break, and we see why so many attorneys with experience in money laundering were really needed.)

    I don't want to discourage anyone from sleuthing; I've been doing it a long time myself. The sleuthing is still valuable so the facts are there when people are ready to see them, and I think it puts pressure on the powers-that-be to act. But temper your expectations, because it's a real bummer when you pile up enough evidence that, even if you don't have a smoking gun, should convince any reasonable person that there's some very disturbing stuff going on, deserving of a real investigation by cops and lawyers -- and the public shrugs it off as wacky conspiracy stuff.

    By the way, remember the crazy theory about Pam Anderson carrying Hef's blackmail material to Assange? Now Assange is hinting that Pam might be testifying to the House Intelligence Committee soon. I'll bet that's a sentence you never expected to read.

  134. Agree on all the sleuthing. I meant more that there's enough here to get started on some good ol' investigative journalism (a la the Weinstein thing) which I'm sure is happening. But if there's enough of a trail online, one would assume there's enough out there to build a factual picture. But as others have said, that can be silenced with money and threats.

    The Clinton foundation is the biggest open secret. I'm amazed 45 hasn't blabbed about it, given it would be the ultimate "drain the swamp" instigator, but then we're into politics and away from froth. As you were...

  135. I am starting to think that in the end, most of these underage blinds will end up connected, including the blind with the musician and the two underage girls. It's starting to look like "all roads lead to Rome", or at least have a lot of the same players.

  136. Itttt, he was not... Btw, who really owns Place St. Charles? http://placestcharles.com/new-orleans-building/

  137. I wonder if the “Boys Adventure Club” was founded before that South Park Episode or after...

  138. The only thing I'm sure on, is Bryan Singer as the Director. No clue on the rest.

  139. This will all break, the momentum is far too powerful now. The key is to go after the weakest links and keep hammering away at them, building the pressure until they crack and squeal as is inevitable, taking down more and more of the foundation of the house of cards, toppling the higher ups - the billionaire scumbags and permanent A++++ list legends etc.

    Time’s person(s) of the year are the silence breakers! This is just the beginning folks, this coming year will be something to behold.


    If these scumbags think this will all be swept under the rug and end as anything but very badly for them, they are either extremely stupid, and/or extremely arrogant, or they haven’t been paying attention.

  140. Corey Feldman's recorded statements to the Santa Barbara Police Department were finally found:


    1. That’s exciting! Can’t wait for more details to spill out... 🤞🏼

  141. @Drama, he did blab about it, at the Al Smith dinner. No one in the press seems to have been interested in figuring out what he meant. Ah, he was probably just being wacky again. As you say, off-topic.

  142. search porn star LEIGH RAVEN. recent tattoo on her right hand is O'Rourke...

  143. You guys are amazing with your sleuthing skills. Have been reading for a while.

  144. Random googling, purely speculating, rabbit holes to everywhere... it's all so elite! Playing or not playing, blackmail or complicity, pick your ponies!!
    GG ---> http://variety.com/exec/ron-burkle/

    "other wealthy figures who had been gossiped about in Radar had put pressure on Radar's backers, Mr. Zuckerman and Jeffrey Epstein , to stop financing the magazine."


    "used to go together like peanut butter and jelly, bread and butter, unprotected sex and gonorrhea. They were bros before that word was even in vogue, having met in 1992 on the Democratic fund-raiser circuit. After that they were always together, doing guy things: They hit the links. Had sleepovers at one another’s palatial estates. Flew around the world.." http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2010/03/ron_burkle_spills_about_severe.html

    "Elite Model Management did not return a call and an email requesting comment."


    it's like the Ouroboros at this point and time, eating it's own tail.

  145. I will beg to differ on the Time cover page. They screwed up by putting Taylor Swift on. Keeping in mind SHE DID NOT SUIT THAT DJ. HE sued HER for defamation,etc., and she just countersued. (Also, she wouldn't be photographed with all the others in the article, she demanded she be photographed separately.) How's THAT standing with other females!
    Why wasn't Ronan Farrow included keeping in mind had HE not spend HIS OWN money to finish it would never have been brought to light because The New York Times rejected it.

  146. uummm...because Ronan is too close to the real story which is about children, not women. "Me too' imo although completely valid, is an attempt at media damage control, hence the cover. They do not want you finding out the bigger story of complicity is about children and human trafficking.

  147. love your points about taylor swift and ronan farrow, auntie!

  148. This is just sickening - if someone had evidence of these heinous crimes they would be a hero to get it in the right hands.

  149. @Himmmm

    I don't see anywhere where the female atty that is related to a prominent A listing is listed. The one I think it could be is Lisa Bloom. She practices in both of the worst pedo places I think there are. New York and Cali. With all her recent revelations with Harvey W. I totally believe she would absolutely run the "fake companies" she seems to just be in it for the money period. No moral compass. Much like her mother Gloria.

    @Drama, I am positive. In fact I would stake my life on it that 45 knows about how corrupt and what is going on with the entire pedo rings as well as the much much much corrupt failing Clinton Foundation. That is just a tragic pitfall as that isn't money for anyone but themselves! Sick freaks!

    This all just kills me when you think in this country alone over 800,000 children go missing and are never found every year. Think about that for just a moment.

    Keep digging until all these scum are uncovered!

  150. Mark Collins-Rector, Brad Pierce, Chad Shackley, Garth Ancier, David Newman, Gary Goddard. Look em up.

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  153. First time commenter - I've been reading for the last few months and enjoying the rabbit hole.

    >This reminds me of The Franklin Cover-up story associated with Boys' Town / Franklin Community Federal Credit Union which was really just a front for a pedo-ring. I heard the detailed story on the Sword and Scale podcast and recommend it (episodes 5&6). Not sure if/how it fits into the bigger picture but some similarities to Singer/Geffen/Clinton/Spacey M.O.s... even a strange connection to the RNC & George HW Bush.

    Gut feel is that they're all connected somehow :(

  154. i agree volunteer. the fact that lawrence king is alive and well and working in washington dc with several children's charities is damning. this is the kind of guy we need to be focusing on and exposing.

  155. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Dana Brunetti

    Remember THEY CALL HIM BC
    Doesn't mean that's the first letter of his 1st & last name

    He's a powerful producer in Hollywood
    Business Partner - Kevin Spacey
    Can be an asshole
    Not sure as to whether he is heterosexual/bi-sexual/homosexual

    Does he have a nickname?

    I'm not saying its him BUT, he's on the radar for sure.

  156. Goddard Group resort design. Joe Francis, Punta Mita...something.

  157. List of Boys Club founding patrons here http://boysclubnetwork.com/story/patrons-and-partners/

  158. On a completely separate (but possibly connected) note, author Bret Easton Ellis accused Director/Producer/Writer Roland Emmerich of hosting underage sex parties with Bryan Singer ... Emmerich directed 10,000 BC.

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  161. I think the female could be Jamin Dershowitz she's a lawyer and I think her father could be partner Alan Dershowitz who was implicated in a lawsuit as part of Epstein's Lolita express. He has connections to Spacey and his son is a Hollywood producer and his daughter and actress.

  162. Look at this Boys Club

    funded by Lionsgate Films, other big money and...
    "Frank Giustra - CEO Fiore Financial Corp; Clinton-Guistra Sustainable Growth Initiative"

    a well known sicko, does visit the program. Check out his name on voat.co/v/pizzagate

    BC could refer to province of British Columbia (where it is) or Boys Club

  163. Look at this Boys Club

    funded by Lionsgate Films, other big money and...
    "Frank Giustra - CEO Fiore Financial Corp; Clinton-Guistra Sustainable Growth Initiative"

    a well known sicko, does visit the program. Check out his name on voat.co/v/pizzagate

    BC could refer to province of British Columbia (where it is) or Boys Club



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