Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Random Photos Part Two - With Reader Photos Part Two

Hailee Steinfeld and
Paris Jackson hanging out in Hawaii.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Reader Photo #5
Reader Photo #6
Reader Photo #7
Reader Photo #8
Mark Wahlberg and
Ryan Phillippe love taking their shirts off.


  1. Reader #4-your hair looks EXACTLY what mine is SUPPOSED to look like! (But mine doesn't!) Very pretty!

  2. Hi Readers part deux! I wonder if Count sent in the first one?
    Heyyyy Hailee *waves* I have a beach too, you can stay here for free as long as you want!
    Not so much Paris, have too much art on you.
    Then there's the 2 tools at the bottom 😣

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Hailee is quite lovely isn't she. A pert behind certainly doesn't hurt. Warms my 43 year old bones up damn its cold today

  3. CDAN readers are so beautiful! I tried to take a selfie but my fourth chin had other plans. Now the phone is stuck between my third and fourth chin and it won't give it back.

  4. HAHAHAHA! My Christmas wishes arrived 😂🎄 Thank You Enty, I'm soo honored to be on CDAN! And hello fellow readers!

    1. I love that you called us all filthy animals!!!! 😂😂😂😂

  5. Hey readers!
    Hailee-Happy Birthday and awesome thing you did while on vacation 🤙

  6. Hi Alex, if Hailee refuses to come to my beach, you're welcome to take her place!😶

  7. Oh we have matching hats with Hailee 🎅🎅 So where is Your beach Sandybrook? 😄

  8. Florida very close to Cape Canaveral, you can watch rocket launches while you sunbathe on my beach.

  9. Hi Readers, you look great! Blech - Ryan Phillippe. Very Scott Eastwood-like. Double Blech.

  10. Sandybrook, that is sooo awesome, I've never seen any rocket launch, but would love to one day.

  11. I made it, cool. I love seeing all the pics.

  12. Readers look better than most of the celebs. Yay, Readers!

  13. Jeez, last reader pic day, I put mine up and I got told I should look in the mirror if the mirror can take it. So I kept mine out this time. Glad to see all of our happy looking CDAN buddies looking good. And nice to read the positive vibes in the comments.

    1. Sorry to hear that Shawn... that’s sucky. Sounds like certain people that used to post here -really cruel and unfortunate types.....

    2. Hopefully this year’s experience encourages you to participate again next time! I’m really sorry that there were such awful people last time around. It seems like maybe those people have moved on? You didn’t deserve that, no one does. Next reader photo time though you can always wait until the last submission day to see how comments are going and see if you’re feeling up to it. Just a thought?

    3. Ouch, sorry you had that experience! I have been more of a lurker than poster, but people seem a lot nice than those from the past. I'm no beauty queen, but figured I'd give it a whirl.

  14. Yay. I'm finally there. Thanks!

  15. Oh Ryan Phillippe, how I remember being soooo in love with you back in the day. Now here I am sharing space with you on my favorite website and it isn’t nearly as cool as it would have been back then because you’ve turned out to be suuuch a tool.

  16. Im sorry they did that Shawn, normally we dont do that.
    Alex youre always welcome in Florida! :D
    Which one is lana and which one is mothersauce?

  17. imma guess #8 is mothersauce :O

  18. @sandybrook nope!😀

  19. Ooooh thank You so much Sandybrook!
    And Shawn, haters gonna hate, right?

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Hmmm glad I didn't bet the apartment I'm trying to get Alex to. Imma go out on a limb and guess you are #5!

  22. Ahhh...because you're calling yourself Lana T., I was going along as a Lana Turner type for your picture, so if I had guessed I would have said the one right below you. Because, over the years I've been here, there have been an amazing amount of good-looking people here, many hesitated because they felt they couldn't measure up. And they turned out to be wrong, because they measure up just fine, just like you do Lana T.😙

  23. Wahlberg and Phillipe? I don't like muscles like that. I would prefer 'normal' looking physique. just isn't attractive to me. am I in the minority?

  24. I quit-- but I knew #5 was a shot in the dark.☺ I'm probably down to 4 possibilities though.

  25. Sandybrook, where is your picture then?

  26. Haylee is such a thirsty little trick. She has decided that her coke diet made her look thin enough to call the paps three days in a row. She LOVES the attention. Too bad bc I thought she was headed for a serious career.

  27. @Blue Bell my picture got posted in 2015. Once was fine, since I dont like having my picture taken and havent let anyone do it since then.

  28. HI!!!!! Very niceee!!! Your invitation to my beach abode is in the e-mails!

  29. @Sandybrook: I wanna come to the beach too!!!! It's -10 here right now!!! HELP!!!!

  30. Ok I'll take pity on you just bring booze and more booze 😎

  31. Hold on, is hailee hooking up with paris!?!

  32. Scandi Sanskrit, it's home alone reference hahaha!

  33. Reader #3 here! Taken on my 45th bday this August in NYC.
