Thursday, December 21, 2017

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

You too can look up at photos such as Robert DeNiro wearing shoes only Tom Cruise could love while filming with Al Pacino on the set of their new movie. Just six more chances to remain to get your photo in Random Photos. Then on Reveal Day I will post them all again on one of the biggest days of the year. Feel free to e-mail them to Don't worry if you have not seen yours yet, you will.

Two parts today.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Reader Photo #5
Reader Photo #6
Reader Photo #7
Teri Hatcher and her daughter out to lunch yesterday.


  1. Reader #1 - hello!

  2. Hello beautiful readers!

  3. Gorgeous Readers🍾🍾puttin the “starlets “ to shame🙌

  4. Notice the shoes on DeNiro. He has super lifts because the man he is playing was six foot four! Al is super tiny in real life. DeNiro not a whole lot taller. Can't wait for this film. That said, I hope all my premonitions about the US being nuked by N Korea are wrong! It has become all-consuming, I am afraid. A client of mine called two days ago in a cold sweat, 'Are they gonna blow us to hell, Boo? If you just hint at it I will quit my job (he's a famous magazine writer) and move to Vermont and live on a farm!' I felt so badly for him. Don't want to be the one responsible for his retirement from print!

    1. LOOOOL! That reminds me of how I was in this dinner scene (in my first film) and they had to have me sit on a cushion so I wouldn't look too small sitting next to the actor who's supposed to play my husband. He's a lot taller than me! 🗽👩🏻🚕🍂💛

      That's very interesting about North Korea nukes because I've been having dreams about white/blue American planes attacking a Sakaar/Moroccan-like South Korea and then I woke up and saw a news story on Al-Jazeera about some drama with their national airline (which are blue/white—teh same colour as in my dreams). ✈️

    2. What I don't understand is there's another photo of Deniro in flat shoes and he looks the same if not taller. Photoshop?

    3. I don't understand why there would be two versions of the same photos and why someone would like to Photoshop such a thing, Zophie? Where do you see said photos?

    4. There were two similar photos on Daily Mail, one with the platform shoes on Deniro and one without. He looks the same height. It makes no sense to me honestly.

      And what's up with the North Korean premonitions and today a tweet by Elon Musk and his rocket. Hmmm....

  5. As usual, the readers and the dog are outstanding. I think the lady with the dog is the same lady from yesterdays randoms who said she was waiting very patiently for several days to see her pic posted.
    I think possibly DeNiro is playing a role of a real-life thug who is much taller than he is, thus the clown shoes.

  6. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Jesus Christ count jerkula will be up all night jerking off to the reader photos

    1. Lmao! Have you seen the link in his bio? Be forewarned, it leads directly to a young girl getting fucked by three guys, and no "I agree to watch porn" popped up when I put it in the browser. So suffice it to say, I think count has tons of JO material!

  7. @Boo Heame: You yourself need your own column. I just love your personal history stories. Think about it.

  8. Hi, Cole:

    Part of the deal with the Spirit World decades ago is I would not draw attention to myself or become a celebrity intuitive. I have kept my promise so far. Tempted? Many times when the rent was due. Thank you for your kind words. I somehow found CDAN and feel I can share things with all of you. I enjoy it a lot. Happy Holidays.

  9. Reader #1 is #1 in my book.

  10. I am reader #7. Thanks for posting my picture Enty.

  11. Blue Bell is model gorgeous!

  12. Thank you Sandybrook! Wish men in my area thought the same :)

    1. Anonymous5:17 AM

      Give the nerdy guys a chance. You can always take them shopping but you can't magically make someone decent

  13. Sometimes, life is lonely... I have been a reader of CDAN for years and all you comments brighten my day!

  14. What's up with two photos of Deniro and he's wearing those lift shoes in one and flat shoes in the other but looks the same height compared to Pacino? It's weird.

    1. No teh man in front of him his the one wearing the lift shoes. His right foot just happens to align with the guy he's walking with.

  15. wow #7 you're gorgeous!

  16. Awww I met Terri Hatcher and her daughter once many years ago when I was visiting friends who lived in Beverly Hills - my friend and I both had daughters a year or two old and we went to a Music Together class - Terri was there with her little girl who was the same age as ours. Terri was very pleasant - just a normal mom like the rest of us. The daughter has grown up to be a beauty.

  17. Blue bell - damn girl you hot!

  18. ^^^ agreed. Blue Bell, you say that men in your area don't find you lovely? C'mon now, no way am I buying that! :-)

  19. Is reader #4 Kristin Chenowith? If you are, I am a big fan

  20. @max power - I stated incorrectly. Wish men in my area of the same faith (born again Christian) felt the same :)

  21. Woohoo! I finally made it! #3 here! When we went to see Garbage and Blondie. Hello to all the lovely readers!

  22. Hello, #3! Have a good weekend! 🍸
