Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

Do you dream of being in a Wahlberg family Christmas card? Yeah, me neither, but I do like their hamburgers. Anyway, if you want to see your photo in the Random Photos, there are just seven weekdays remaining. Reveal Day is fast approaching. So, e-mail your photo to

Two parts today.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Reader Photo #5 - I have to include what she wrote to explain the photo. A lot of stuff in one sentence, but very well said. "Attached is my reader photo...I jinxed Edelman when I met him in May (because I'm a Steelers fan, but I hate Ben R because he's a's the only jersey I have though) and he was out for the season due to an injury during the Lions/Pats pre-season game.  And I live in Michigan.  I think my jinx was effective.  ;)"
Reader Photo #6
Reader Photo #7
Tom Hardy filming his new movie in Atlanta.


  1. Hi Readers. All great looking people as usual
    The pedophiles in Hollywood are wanking off to Wahlbergs kid in a bikini I bet.

  2. Helloooo gorgeous readers! Helloooo gorgeous Tom Hardy!

  3. Reader #6, I often have that look when reading some of the blinds.

  4. Geeetings readers! You are all super charming lookin’(#4 looks like she’s in my neck of the woods)!

  5. Am I the only person who finds the idea of a family Christmas card photo with dad shirtless and everyone in bathing suits creepy?

  6. Seachica, no You're not the only one hahaha!
    Enty said it best - I don't dream of being in that Christmas Card. 😂

  7. Anonymous12:23 PM

    What happened to his third nipple

  8. Great looking readers! How come I got Steven Tyler and you guys get Tom Hardy!

  9. I was secretly hoping to get Tom Hardy too lmao 😂

  10. I would love to spend a day in London with Tom Hardy just hanging around. I know he must really miss his beloved doggie around holiday time. He's the best.

  11. ^ Is he? I remember reading Blinds in the past few years about his horrible on-set behavior, especially on Mad Max.

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      I'd like to see you on your best behavior after months in the African desert

  12. @Normal - Charlize managed to be on her best behavior. I'm not just talking about MM, there are other incidents of him being difficult.

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Just read your link. Love his comment about problem solving. That seems to be the thing with artistic endeavors. "Best idea wins" fucking love Chris Nolan for that

  13. Oh yes. I'm always happen to be the token guy amongst a plethora of lovely women. :-)

    Oh shit. Will that comment get me sued?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. You know how some actresses have been labeled as difficult and now recently we know it's because they wouldn't sleep with a producer or a director?

    Maybe Tom Hardy has gotten labeled as difficult because of the same reasons...just sayin.

  15. Thank you CDAN-ers for defending Tom Hardy. A person who has never met and will never meet him labels him difficult. Try being one of the most talented people on the planet and have to work with mental midgets and not get testy. I did it for 48 years. Taint easy, McGee.

  16. @Sandybrook: Hahahahaha (cough) hahahaha (cough, gurgle, coooooughh) haha
    Don't make a smoker laugh!

  17. Irish Londoner Reveal Day for this time around is New Years Day when the Enterns and Enty reveal the answer to several Blind Items all day and most of the night. He also republishes all the readers pics and at the very end he thanks all of us for being loyal readers and we thank Enty back for being Enty. There is another Reveal day on July 4th and a mini reveal day the day after American Thanksgiving.
    @Max Power the guys who send in pics don't compare to the beautiful ladies, but they aint chopped liver or liverwurst and onions sammitches either.

  18. Tom Hardy seems like total class act. Even if he really was difficult to work with, it's fine by me, if I had a chance to work with him, I'd take it hahaha. It's not like he's violent or something.

  19. Anonymous4:01 PM

    @Alexandra I agree. I love Tom hardy. being difficult is hardly something I'd want to send him to the gallows for.

  20. Thanks Sandy! Looking forward to it (while hoping no one I like gets has anything to have exposed)!

  21. Love seeing the reader pics! Still patiently waiting for mine. :)

    (Now the rest of us worry who we'll be sandwiched between.)

  22. Thank you for your public service, Reader #5. 😂😂😂😂

  23. About to change my Blogger name to Vampire, because my circadian rhythms are a pox on my existence... but I am loving the reader pics! <3

  24. Happy Holidays Everyone! ❤ #7

    1. Pretty pic, Monique! 🙂

  25. @sea chica

    I just see a happy family, after a long day of fun on the water. This must have been a special day for them they wanted to share with loved ones.

  26. Reader #3 is just awesome! I am getting all kinds of great vibes from this photograph. Who are you,dear? Come out, come out, whoever you are!

    1. It's me, Boo!
      I've got nothing but love for you too, girl!
