Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

Do you want to find yourself in the same company with Jennifer Garner as she counts the number of ways her life is so much better without Ben Affleck stumbling home drunk every night smelling of hotel soap and perfume that didn't quite come off in the shower. Well, then e-mail your photo to Each weekday until Reveal Day, I will be posting Reader Photos. As always, please be patient as I post them in the order they arrive.

Two parts today.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Reader Photo #5
Beyonce and Jay Z pretending like he didn't hook up with someone the night before.


  1. #1 is I Do the Robot! Welcome back cutie pie! (And hi to the other readers too I think
    #3 and #4 have been in this section before too!) The thingy down below thinks I'm a robot though😣

    1. Hey! How are ya?! Thanks! I've been creeping around for the past 4ish years. Figured it was time to share my mug again. 😂

  2. too many attractive women.....can't take it! ;)

  3. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I post in every reveal day photo for years. I am on the left with my cousin on the right.

  4. I am number five:) I try to post a reveal photo on reveal dats for the last for 4-five years. Longgggg time reader. Sometimes post- er. Sorry if this is a repeat- I think my comment got kicked off. Hi everyone.

  5. Young readers! Cute pictures and baby is adorable!!!

  6. Replies
    1. You know I adore you, Fru. ❤️

  7. I am really hoping to see the almost perfect form of @CountJerkula. When are you posting your pic? I imagine you as a young greek god.

    1. Surely you jest...right????

    2. He ahhh ....

  8. Hi Sarah Hi BrooklynGirl from ex (and forever to stay that way)Brooklyn Boi.

  9. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Sandybrook, I left Brooklyn in 1991, and New York in 1998, and never looked back.
    Proud to be a Brooklyn girl and a New Yorker, but, have lived in St. Thomas, Ketchikan, Alaska, Washington state, Montana, Las Vegas, and currently in Milwaukee with relatives due to two consecutive accidents which broke my left leg, twice in two and a half years. So, that's my story.

  10. Bey looks great for having twins.

  11. Anonymous5:05 PM

    The readers look better than the celebrities!

  12. Ugh Brooklyn Girl that's rough and if you were asking me that question cinnabun, I'm not jesting, I've never even considered going back to visit NYC, I left there because I had enough and a beach in Florida sounded fine to me.

  13. Ahhhhh Enty posted my photo! 🙈👋🏼

  14. Seems to me that Jen Garner misses those days of having Ben around and isn't moving on.

  15. Enty, you must be very proud to have so many readers and so beautiful!
    And SarahElizabeth, that baby is SO adorable!!:)



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