Friday, December 08, 2017

Four For Friday - Forget Me Not

About a decade ago, life came crashing down hard on this, at the time permanent A list celebrity. After what happened he has laid low for much of the decade which endangers that permanent A list status.

At the time, our permanent A lister was traveling all over the world. He was making a lot of money, but not enough to support his lifestyle. He wanted more. He also had a huge sexual appetite, but like most people in this spot, it was not anything anyone would consider normal.

It turns out, one of his best friends at the time was this now convicted child rapist/molester with the powerful friends. Much like his best friend, our A lister also owned an island and knew he could have something similar.

While the friend focused his attention on the US and Europe, our A lister focused his attention on Asia. While the friend focused on connections, our A lister focused on making money. A lot of money. On his trips to Asia, he met with some people who specialized in tourists wanting children or young teens. Our A lister arranged for a group of 20 of these teens to get visas to "study" in the country where his island is still located. The government of that country makes a lot of money from the A lister and also had many of their own government ministers at his home on the island.

The teen and tween girls were set up in a dormitory adjacent to the main house. Then, our A lister made bookings with Asian companies for his services. The thing is though, his services for years were one price and then beginning that year about a decade ago, his fees quadrupled. The difference was what men paid to visit his island. For close to 18 months or so, our A lister was making millions of dollars a month. Just a ton of money he was making so men could rape these tweens and teens. Every two or three nights, the boat carrying 10-15 of these men would pull up to the dock and then be replaced three nights later with another group of men.

At some point, our A lister got cocky. He started filming the tweens and teens and sending out little clips and photos of them across the internet to make the dollars flow even faster. He also met a woman who he thought would be into that kind of thing and invited her to come to the island so they could explore together. She came and then almost crashed his whole world.

She went to the feds. The next thing you know, our A lister has all his cash seized and they find evidence of the porn and money laundering and he knows he is going to jail for a very very long time. To make matters worse for him, all of the men who had paid in advance to visit the island complained to the companies they paid money to. Those companies were also mad because the agreement they had in place to supply teens for money was now canceled.

Our A lister was looking at decades in jail. Then, the most fortunate set of circumstances came to be. Some new people came to power and they decided to look the other way. They made everything just go away. They even managed to make the woman who turned on the A lister look like a loon. In return, this group of people got names and contacts and also all those clips. It is amazing what power can do. The A lister probably won't ever get his old luster back, but it beats spending all that time in jail.


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