Saturday, December 30, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 6, 2017

This late night talk show host is trying to work his magic by trying to stab one of his best friends in the back to get their plum job.

Andy Cohen/Kelly Ripa


  1. Did anyone see Kelly Ripa on Broad City? She was so funny and that episode was terrific!

  2. Does Andy wanna hook up with Seacrest? Maybe Seacrest doesn't wanna hook up with Andy??

  3. Seacrest is hooking up with the BTS twink. He has no need for disgusting Andy Cohen.

  4. The answer doesnt make sense. He wouldnt be trying to replace kelly ripa, but become the male cohost.

  5. Karen, no, he wants to replace Kelly and be the other male host with Ryan Seacrest, if I'm reading that right.

  6. 1) this blind item could be in reference to when they were all vying for the New Year's Eve CNN spot? Ripa was on the short-list for co-host w/ Anderson Cooper.

    2) or if it isn't the aformentioned, then it could be in reference to the morning talk show and if so, then let's be real. seacrest will never allow it. he's a bit of a control freak.

  7. Cohen is that guy in high school who was voted Mist Likely To Be A Dick

  8. I think @Glue is right, Kelly thought she was doing NYE,and Anderson picked Andy instead. No way Seacrest was going to cohost with Andy.

  9. Azealia Banks should be Anderson's co-host. That would make it great viewing. Watching Anderson cringe when he first started with Kathy Griffin was fun. Banks would go so much further and make it a true NYC NYE

  10. Anderson should be teamed up with someone who would challenge his CIA deep state friendly reporting. I'd actually watch that.

  11. Anderson and Alex Jones?

  12. Cohen is a TERRIBLE host. A toddler could read a TelePrompTer better than him. He's uncomfortable to watch.

  13. @ Ms. Cloud - Cohen has a "nervous energy" which doesn't make the viewer feel comfortable while watching.

    1. Coke has been known to have that affect on people...hee he

  14. that show would get cancelled in no time. Andy is too much of a sychophant, he doesn't have an personality of his own to hold a daytime show where he would have to keep it "clean".

  15. Anderson and Alex Jones? OMFG! The world isn't ready for that combo. I would have guessed Kathy Griffin and the New Year's gig. Kelly Rippa is a surprise! Kelly has personality, Andy has none. He wouldn't last. He's so extremely one-dimensional that every guest he's ever had on his show is more interesting to watch and listen to than he is.

    He needs to cut down on the coke and booze. He's clearly lost the plot if he thinks he could take Kelly's chair.

    1. John, if I could get your input on my new posts to "the church" blind, I'd appreciate it.

      I think I'm onto Geffen's money laundering web and shell corporations tied to Saudis, UAE, art museums, and eastern European Sex trafficking rings

  16. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I don't like Kelly or Ryan either, but, Andy is a tool.
    I'm waiting for him to get karma payback for his bitchiness. 😀

    1. I don't understand Kelly Ripa's appeal or whether she has any actual fan base. And she seems as awful (personally) as any of them.

  17. I've always liked Anderson Cooper but I really have to side-eye him if he's such good buddies with an asshole cocksucker like Cohen, that's just low and disappointing. One is judged by the company they keep.

  18. Live! With Ryan and Andy.

    Sounds horrible.

  19. Not understanding the Anti-Andy comments. They are all so aggressive, like they were written by Kathy Griffin

  20. Clearly I’m alone or at least in the minority here but I like Andy and Watch What Happens Live a lot. I think it’s fun in a refreshingly mindless way and I think he’s good at his gig. I don’t get an asshole vibe from him at all while watching him.

  21. No to Andy, No to Ryan. She deserves better.

  22. @Finding & Amy, I'm not Kathy Griffin (I promise). I'm not a fan of Kelly Rippa, or Ryan Seacrest, or of Kathy Griffin either. But I like all of them more than Andy Cohen or Anderson. Kelly Rippa is a bit too me-me-me. She was better when she had Mike as her co-host, and after he left and crossed over to the dark side at ABC she morphed into mega bitch mode. Looks like Seacrest has tempered some of that. She seems to have let go of her rage.

    To me, there's just something off-putting about Cohen. He's a drama queen and a back-stabbing fraud who seems to really hate women. Obviously I don't mean because he's gay, I mean REALLY hate women. I've read about some things that he has discretely done to hurt the careers of others. Super creep. He is an educated dude with a pretty face and he's a snappy dresser, but there's actually not much going on upstairs in there. He reminds me a lot of the Canadian prime minister in the latter respect--- in other words, a dolt with a nice smile and great hair.

    I'm not so sure what's going on in that weird relationship between him and Anderson, and even though they are vehemently denying it I feel certain that they have had sex together. Why they would bother to hide that is another mystery. What kinda took me aback was when I saw what the two of them did to Kathy Griffin. I think everyone agrees that the stunt with the president's head was in poor taste, but Anderson and Kathy had become very close friends and Andy worked with her on Bravo for years. True friends would scold you or avoid you for a while if you pissed them off, but these two tag teamed with TMZ and went for Kathy's jugular and then they shunned her completely and act as though they never knew her at all. What kinds of friends are these? I cannot stand Kathy but I felt bad for how they threw her under the bus. That was not cool.

    The REAL reason I don't like Cohen though is because of the many stories I have heard about him having sex with underage boys. I was a child victim myself. I don't see anything to celebrate about people who victimize kids---no matter how pretty and famous they are or how much money they have they will always be a pile of excrement in my mind.

  23. @ Schnieder, I will take a look at the Church blind later. I'm still working on a theory about that whole thing.


  24. @Schneiderisnext,

    I went back to the Church blind and reviewed your posts. Excellent research!

    Extremely amusing how hard the rabid fans of Hillary tried to derail the dialogue. They should let it go and calm down because Hillary will NEVER be the president.

    That being said, thank you for this research. I hope you don't mind that I copy your posts and add them into what I am working on. I will give you full credit for your work.

    1. @John Doe

      Absolutely! Thanks for your time/research. Let me know if you need anything/when It's posted

      Also, check out the newest stuff at the bottom of "the Church" blind. Soros is involved

  25. +1 John Doe. I agree w/ you. I think Andy and Anderson completely threw Kathy under the bus. Let's be real - frickin' Kevin Spacey and Bryan Singer currently are getting more love from the public than Kathy Griffin.

    I personally don't understand the intense hate for her. I don't like some comedians' acts but I don't HATE them and wish death upon them.

    Kathy Griffin is honest. She doesn't play that Hollywood bullshit game. She lays it on the line and I don't care if you can't stand her humor, but she sure as hell deserves at least a little respect for being one of the few women in Hollywood who actually hustle their ass off and did not get to where she is in way of Gwyneth, JLaw, Chelsea Handler, etc via casting couch.

    So much hate for someone who is honest and works her ass off, but the same people who hate her have love for assholes like Franco, Spacey and James Woods!

    I'm not some Kathy fan girl either. I have seen her in live in stand-up comedy concert (I'm a huge stand up comedy fan so I have seen a LOT of comedians live) and one thing I will say in her defense, out of ALL the comedians I have seen Live and on stage - she is one of the few who made the entire audience laugh from beginning to end. There was an 80 year old lady sitting next to me who was in tears from laughing so hard. Can't say the same for other comedians...

    I think the public also has a serious "mob mentality" when it comes to people in the news. If the media tells the mob to hate someone, they will. I have watched people on social media say the same exact thing two different days and get two different reactions and I watch the mob mentality turn into a social virus. It's a pity people can't think for themselves.

  26. Glue, you're right, she was honest. And her honest hate contradicted the lie they tell from their desks, that all the hate is on the other side. She had to be stomped down for the sake of their narrative. I never cared for her much, but they've started to make me a fan.
