Sunday, December 17, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 7, 2017

Lindsay Lohan had an interesting discussion last night with this cable reality star. When I say discussion, I mean arguing. Apparently there is a recent client that the cable reality star snagged that Lindsay really wanted for herself. If they had been at any other location, I have no doubt they would have had more than just words for each other.

Stassi Schroeder


  1. Looking at the two of them, Stassi doesn't look as ridden hard and put away wet and Lohan does. It probably didn't take much work for her to snag a client from Lilo.

  2. My dog could snag a client from Lilo... then again my dog is adorable.

  3. How far she has fallen. Poor Blohan resorting to fighting w/ reality stars since no one else will give her the time of day.

  4. i look at linday and think, god, if she'd just get clean and get some counseling she could lead a productive, prosperous adult life. then i look at her parents and am convinced she's doomed to be trash forever.

  5. If LiLo had a brain, she would do what most actresses and models do. Keep there sh*t together so she could do one movie a year, even a little indie. Then, go and whore around the mid East so she can supplement her income. Not to mention if she were still a working actress she could demand more from her clients.

  6. +1 Andi F... If she COULD get her act together, she could create one of the most epic comebacks ever. But sadly she is too fried to figure that out.

  7. how do these loser e listers even make it post worthy ? i just cant...

  8. LiLo probably clients list:

    Pauly Shore
    Andy Dick


  9. Maybe if we had parents like the one Lilo had, that sold her to producers, we would be in the same mess as she is. She started very young, so I can only imagine that she was assaulted really young, which would explain a lot. Put yourself in her shoes. Look at all the tweeters, they all have substance problems, IMHO, they all are trying to cope with their past. Miley, Selena, Zac, Demi, the list is unfortunately very very long. Don't judge people, the man in power showed them it's the only way to progress in the industry, so it's logical they expect the same thing as adults. My 2 cents.

  10. OMG, she's what? 30? whatever, she's a grown woman. she had a shitty childhood. so did i. i didn't turn to hooking and scamming.

  11. Whorefights! Where's Count? I figured he'd be happy to weigh in here.

    But seriously, @Bibi, I was sexually abused as a kid too and I've never been a hooker or a drug addict. Lindsay made, and continues to make, choices for herself. She alone has the power to make her life something different. She just doesn't want to.

  12. Maybe if we had parents like the one Lilo had, that sold her to producers, we would be in the same mess as she is. She started very young, so I can only imagine that she was assaulted really young, which would explain a lot. Put yourself in her shoes. Look at all the tweeters, they all have substance problems, IMHO, they all are trying to cope with their past. Miley, Selena, Zac, Demi, the list is unfortunately very very long. Don't judge people, the man in power showed them it's the only way to progress in the industry, so it's logical they expect the same thing as adults. My 2 cents.

    @Bibi, I'm with you. Just because we like to gossip doesn't mean we have to lose EVERY portion of humanity. This poor woman never stood a chance.

  13. Rafael, add another name to your list: Artie Lange.

  14. You can always tell when Enty has a slow news day--he throws Lindz into a blind. Stick a fork in her, she's done, y'all!

    The reason she turned out the way she did is because, like all the other starlets, she never heard the words 'No' 'You can't.'

    She stole from upscale Hollywood stores. She owed or owes her attorney thousands in unpaid fees, while the woman kept her from doing time. Her mother is/was in foreclosure. Don't know where Dina lives now, nor do I care. She ruined her sister's life. Who knows what SHE is doing these days. Her father? Let's move on. She bilked numerous people out of their money when they were only trying to help her get it together. Remember Oprah's futile quest? Remember the Russian kid who gave her the super expensive 'engagement' ring she didn't want to give back? People in NYC let her live in their condos rent-free. She stole swag and sold it. She stole a woman's fur coat, wore it, was photographed in it, and was forced to return it. Her bull-in-a-china-shop mentality has been on display her whole life. She has gotten away with everything! I do not feel sorry for her one damn bit. One day she will pull one of her stupid moves and it will have fatal consequences. She is playing with the Pit Bulls now and they bite!

  15. I have my doubts about this one but nice try.

  16. When 'client' is used, is this a reference to someone paying for having sex with these 'starlets' and do a large majority of these girls become prostitutes as a second job? I'm clueless on this, so enlighten me, someone?

  17. @Boo, Dina Lohan goes to Singles Night at an upscale restaurant near me. She has been arrested a few times on her way home for driving while intoxicated.

  18. yes jennifer -- the term "yachting" is also used here for celebrity prostitution.

  19. @jennifer-go thru Enty's archieves. will answer all your questions.

  20. Tara Reid is also a drugged up hooker but she's a total sweetheart by all accounts and she isn't a horrible human being who is a total succubus on society.

  21. Lindsay deals not only with what would have been done to her but also the effects of a very unstable home (substance-abusing mother and physically-abusing father). On top of that she's either acquired or inherited a likely personality disorder, at a glance probably Borderline. She's very lost but at the same time, she thinks she's going after what she wants.

  22. @Boo, totally with you here. I grew up in LA and lived there for nearly 50 years. Been watching this one since oh, about 2006 and she is just not redeemable due to her own actions, not her crappy upbringing. Sure, she didnt have the greatest childhood but I've seen infinitely worse who actually wanted better, she just couldnt care less and thinks her life is 'just fine' the way it is. No sympathy whatsoever.

  23. @jenniferlowrents all celebrities have a price. They do it kinda as a side job.

  24. listen, if these dudes are paying top dollar for ugly ass bitches like LL and Stassi, I definitely have a chance, shit. I'll yacht for a year and be set!
    I'm kidding of course but good lord, you know they're getting pissed on and beaten if they're paying for these used up looking chicks.

  25. Thanks to all who replied. What a life to live for the sake of a little fame. smdh.
