Friday, December 01, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 28, 2017

This A- list celebrity offspring used to be a reality star. Oh, she also did some reality judging and then did some more reality. All of you know her. While doing a guest spot on the show, she went off on her assistant for allowing people to bring food near her. Our A- lister has a hate hate relationship with food and tries to eat just once a week.

Nicole Richie


  1. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Not surprised. I have no idea how she was able to birth two children

  2. She obviously starves her self, but it is annoying when you are dieting or watching your weight and someone is eating pizza or ribs next to you. Not that this happened, but it’s still relatable.

  3. How do you only eat 1x per week? I’m guessing that is just an exaggeration for the blind but you never know. My blood sugar would be wacky and I have no diabetic or any other insulin issues.

    1. Maybe it's juice cleanse all week and only one solid meal?

  4. A past reveal, stated she only eats out of her own garden, even bringing eggs from her own chickens to resturants and telling them how to cook them.

  5. I used to be anorexic, you can't only eat once a week. When she gets hungry she probably drinks a bunch of water and like one bite of something. I would eat some corn pops (less than a handful) and smoke a cigarette.

  6. She reflected her appetite in her son’s name

  7. She's probably on Tara Ried's cum and cocaine diet.

    1. I wanna be her dealer.

    2. @angry: for both? You would be running low on cum by day 2.

  8. ED's are no joke, hope Nicole gets the help she needs!



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