Sunday, December 31, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 29, 2017

Perhaps this one named A list rapper/producer/sexual predator/statutory raper/child molester/sometime reality star should worry that the parents of the teen he got pregnant will file a police report against him and throw him in jail for a decade instead of threatening her. He recently told her he would cut off the money he was paying her if she said anything negative about him. Umm, you raped her. She can be as negative as she wants and you should be in jail.

The Game


  1. Enty you fooled me with “one name” - I hope he goes down.

  2. I dunno how Khloe K could've slept with that nasty thing and then with French Montana too. Blech!! Nasty ass men.
    Same with "blow up doll," Kylie, those boys she chooses, blech!

  3. Well they are whores and pigs so there's that problem.

    1. LOL my mom always said you attract what you put out 🤷🏼‍♀️ I knew he liked them young but this is deplorable (in the pre-election meaning)

  4. And he's paying blogs to recant the story. He's sick and I fear for his daughter

  5. This one is actually false guys. It's been proven that the baby the teenager has been taking pictures of is actually her mother's child. Not hers

  6. Anonymous8:52 AM

    The blog fameolous said the girl was saying her moms baby was his and was scamming him. Is the a new girl jow or the same one?

    1. Truth or not
      If he wasn't screwing underage girls, he wouldn't be able to be scammed...js

  7. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Entry or fameolous both my faavs there is s discrepancy some where but wit who..your both reliable af



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