Saturday, December 30, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 14, 2017

You would never know by looking at him at a premiere that 12 hours earlier this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee was lying half in a street and half on a curb dead drunk after a wild night out.

Tom Hardy


  1. Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

  2. He's Irish, he drinks. He drinks a lot. No biggie.

    1. He’s from East Sheen in South West London, and contrary to popular belief Ireland isn’t a nation of drunks

    2. He definitely isn't Irish but like many of us including myself descends from the Irish. He's a Londoner.

  3. He's been a cokehead in the past, and I thought it might have taken a wonder drug to get him looking so chipper after a bender like that. Hope he hasn't relapsed.

  4. After a certain age, the ability to appear all breezy and fantastic after a night that (for whatever very understandable reason) ends in the gutter is a superpower.*

    *No, I do not have it. Not even close.

  5. That's scary. Once you reach a certain age, it's time to refrain all together or reduce it to special occasions.

  6. If you drink that hard, cocaine relapse is a certainty. I hope he wakes up.

  7. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Could we have the location of the street, please, in case it's a regular haunt? Happy to help the man home.

  8. Believe it, I used to work for a non-profit & can spot drunks.

  9. He's English. His maternal grandmother had an Irish surname.

  10. What the F is he doing, doesn't he have very young kids to stay alive for?

  11. The Brits drink like fish. They love going on binges. I know. I was married to one.

    1. We're not all like that and I can name a lot of other countries that are similar or worse.

  12. But a binge that leaves you lying in the gutter passed out? That's self-annihilation level drinking, a death wish, if you will.

    1. Nah it's just a British Saturday night out. If you don't wake up in A and E, it 's a win.
      You should checkout Geordie Shore!

  13. Us drinkers occasionally misjudge our levels and drink 4 or 5 more then we should and wind up shitfaced on our asses. Shit happens 😥.

  14. Why wasn’t I there to take him home??

  15. A pint and a fight, a great British night!.....and finding Tom Hardy in the gutter is a bonus, possibly.

  16. ahhh..Dunkirk premier and promo time.

  17. All hail Tom Hardy!

  18. He is an addict and I assumed he was a recovering one. Shame he's gone back.

  19. Ha! You Irish and British braggarts are lightweights -- #s 21 and 25 worldwide for highest alcohol consumption per capita:

  20. It figures most of the ex Soviet Union countries are the worst drunks. One of the Russians I knew back in Brooklyn said they were so bad they would syphon ethanol out of cars and drink it for the alcohol content. Not something I'd recommend, but they were broke and couldn't afford anything else.

  21. Cheers for the stereotype. He's not even Irish!

    Americans gave us the Irish drunk stereotype because they're lightweights who brag about drinking 4 coke sized cans of natty lite and think they're hardcore. Most Irish they meet in the states are on holiday mode so will drink more than they would at home too. I did it myself.

    Anyway, it's easy to get carried away when you're having a good time.

  22. Alcohol tastes gross, and puts me to sleep. So I don’t drink purely for those reasons. If it tasted good, and I was able to stay awake, I’d be a drunk, for sure. I’ve never understood its draw. Beer, wine, hard liquor, blech!! The second it hits my tongue my face contorts and I’m shaking my head, which in itself is an amusement for my husband.

  23. +1 Shawn McGuire -- maybe there's a gene for liking/disliking the taste of alcohol, as there is for other foods (the "supertaster" thing).

  24. On what planet is Hardy Irish? He's English, from Hammersmith in West London, where I spent 18 years living and working. He was brought up in Richmond upon Thames, an extremely affluent borough of Greater London. His mother has some Irish in her ancestry but that does not make him remotely Irish. It's not like America where anyone who can prove their great, great, great, great grandfather once sniffed a Guinness is an honorary Paddy. My mother is from Glasgow, Scotland and my father from Copenhagen, Denmark but I was born in Manchester and it says English on my passport. Contrary to what Americans might think I do not actually toss the caber just because my mother is named Morag ;)
    The whole of the British Isles has just the same drinking culture as Ireland but it's not how we are portrayed in US media and entertainment. I suppose we have Seth MacFarlane to thank for that bullshit.

  25. @Shawn McGuire


    I can occasionally drink half a glass of beer or wine, but most the time one sip and something in my biology rebels. All my head says is "Get it Out!" Many assume I'm in the program while I'm out socially, which irritates me no end. I judge no one for drinking. It looks like a hell of a lot of fun. So don't judge me or make assumptions, k? Usually I can get away with carrying a fancy glass of sparkling water around. I simply cannot drink very often and wish I had realized this back in my college days when I joined everyone in their "fun" but felt miserable and depressed.

    It has to be a gene thing.

    The Brits don't drink more but their behavior while drunk is definitely something else. Sleeping it off in a gutter seems perfectly acceptable. We Americans drive home and if we don't kills someone on the way we trash the living room.



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