Sunday, December 17, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 7, 2017

It took forever to finally get rid of Danny Masterson and now, another serial groper/assaulter is being pressured by the same forces to keep his job. He was all but gone, but apparently the group knows where to apply pressure and the A-/B+ list mostly television actor from multiple almost television shows will continue working.

Jeffrey Tambor


  1. They suspended filming didn't they?? so he and everyone else isn't working. But then it's December in Hollywood and everything usually shuts down in any case.

  2. I'm pretty sure it's December pretty much everywhere on the planet, Sandy ;)

  3. He is the worat of them. Harassing is tranny is skeevy shit. I wouldnt hire him.

  4. I knew him back in the day and never, ever, ever saw bad behavior.

  5. but let's discuss the most glaring and important issue here. isn't an emmy for lead actor plus multiple nominations and starring in two hit shows enough for "a-list mostly television actor"?

  6. "pressured by the same forces to keep/quit his job

    "Quit" makes more sense in that sentence, Enty.

  7. JT has had a long career and appeared on some great shows, but nobody watches that piece of crap he stars in this year.

  8. It's December here @low key but Hollywood closes down all of December. It's also 80 degrees here too but after a week of 40s and 50s my sinuses have waved a white flag😥

  9. I suspect it was actually "Dr." Phil who was the abuser but no one can tell which is which.

  10. Sandy Hollywood doesn't close down all of December, at most 2 weeks before. I worked on a studio lot and trust me, that money must be made.

  11. So Jeffrey Tambor is also $cio? Good lord, i just took the Oxford online test last night to see what the hey and OMG what weirdass questions, totally targeting the weak-minded (do you believe people don't like you, basically). Wow, that was completely weird AF. Thnak goodness my closest $cio center is like 5 hours away.

  12. Count, I knew you were like a damn Oprah, you would not hire love love your comments .

  13. Snit, I was wondering if there were allegations on anything else he was in. It just seems out of left field (kind of like Dustin Hoffman).

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.
