Friday, December 08, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 2, 2017

Sexual harassment wouldn't get this A list director to stand down and honestly, it probably wouldn't get him fired. He would just be suspended. The underage sex he is trying to write checks for right now though would end his career. Although, cc: Woody Allen.

Bryan Singer (Guess the check wasn't big enough considering the lawsuit filed yesterday)


  1. Is it true he has been totally dropped by fox's studios? I know Disney is buying fox to bring x-men under marvel! But I read a post on reddit saying they have totally dropped him! Hope so!

  2. It got him fired too.

  3. And the leftist degenerates keep piling up.

    1. Hmm, as opposed to the President. Honestly, it is sickening but unfortunately it seems to be across all of society...

    2. Anonymous9:26 AM

      The President raped minor boys? Oh my god.

    3. I never said that and the original poster never said that. Vidiots said 'degenerates' and given the recording of him, I think he qualifies for that.

      Anyway, I don't want this to get political, I'm just saying that it seems like there is disgusting behaviour from everyone who has power, be it left, right, or whatever :/

    4. Useful vidiots, you're orange man crush with small hands and Reagan-Bush had plenty of underage sex. Expand your reading material if u can read?. I don't mean that as a joke. Most Trumpians cannot read.

  4. This awful movie Woody Allen just released may finally finish his career off.

  5. So happy he is falling fast. He,sure is one confident MF talking to TMZ..

    1. This is the second time I've heard of TMZ! They went and released Chester Bennington's autopsy repor that also include things that shouldn't have been released to the public. Darn shame on her after reading the recent blind!

    2. TMZ is a joke. No real stories besides fluff pieces and photo ops.

  6. You're right Wonker, I mean look at all the disgusting things Clinton got away with in the Oval Office and still gets away with. I mean just read some of the blinds!

  7. Dude was 17, not underage in Washington.

  8. The shark murdoch wants his disney money. BTW back in the 80's at xmas, rupert used to go to dinner with his pal thatcher at chequers(UK camp david), the other guest? jimmy saville.

  9. Singer caught in the wringer?
    Going broke from getting fingered?
    Methinks his twinks'
    underage drinks &
    more than twinks' winks
    and evil kinks
    caused his jinx and
    will empty his Brinks
    as he sinks.
    Whole thing stinks.
    Lock him in the "Clinks"! I'm writing like Count!lol.
    I need a break!
    Where's the eggnog?

    1. @Himmmm: i'd hate for you to go through the expense of rallying yer Jews for such an untenable gimmick infringement suit, so i will accept the following as a settlement: 3 of the tribute nude selfies broads here have sent you (anonymous of course, i dont need to know the broads screenname) 1 of which must have the dumper in full view (closed or spread cheeks, whatever ya got) OR a signed copy of that friggin Amber Tamblyn book, so i can gift it to canopener and get me some Christmas Butt.

      I eagerly await your respnse and a swift resolution to this matter.

  10. @kristaylor

    You've....never heard of...TMZ????????????????

    How do you live?!?!?!

  11. I thought it was widely known he's into twinks.

  12. @Hmmmmm - That's cool rapping. Very Eminem (and I love Eminem) :)

  13. I got more of a filmed at Folsom jazzy count meets Dr Seuss with added trombone by shel silverstein vibe

  14. What time you start happy hour today, Lucy? No fibbin.

  15. haha, himmmm. i'm so old it read like a limerick to me.

  16. Enty - I guess everyone has forgot the fact that Bryan Singer has a 1 year old son. I'm scared for the baby boy.

    1. OMG I can't even with that....surely his partner knows about him right? That poor child.

  17. Oh hey, Count You have competition. And so has Hollywood Undead.
    Become a gangsta Himmmm! And You can even keep wearing a mask lol!

  18. And back to the thread: Good luck now Singer lol. A bit too late for that.
