Sunday, December 31, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 29, 2017

This exiled child molester who used to disguise himself as an A-/B+ list mostly television actor with a long running hit show to his credit is set to emerge from exile and be cast in a project for the first time in years. I guess they believe his story and aren't worried about the half dozen women or so who are waiting to strike if he lands this new gig. They all share the same type experience as the one who brought him down.

Stephen Collins


  1. I won Guess the Predator yesterday (I feel the shame typing this, but I'll take whatever glory I can get on this last day of 2017)

  2. I don't understand this. How is he walking around free? I hope the victims and their families take him down.

  3. Considering today's current climate, I think he's going to be quite surprised at the backlash. Old Hollywood is not going to push this down our throats.

  4. No way people will let him back

  5. Somebody made a clever comment yesterday that they should write this into the show. That would be a great idea. There are about 750,000 registered sex offenders living in the US, according to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. What do those people do all day? Where do they live? How do they interact with their families? Do they still see their old friends, and if not, how do they make new friends? That's a TV series waiting to happen.

  6. Such a shame he turned out to be a vile, no-good pedo POS. I hated his sanctimonious @ss in 7th Heaven, but warmed up to him as Dennis and Dee's good Samaritan bio father in Its Always Sunny. No more! He and Jeffrey Jones both need permanent exile.

  7. Kill him off on the show...

  8. Unless we're gong to kill off all of the 750,000 registered sex offenders in the USA, we should figure out how to represent them in TV and movies. There are tons of murderous drug lords, evil scientists, etc. on TV and in the movies. Gotta be room for a sanctimonious touchy type.

  9. Stephen Collins did that already in "Penance" playing a pedophile priest

  10. As son as he resurfaces, the #DrainTheSwamp operation will catch him. Prison time will not be easy for that PoS.

  11. The thing that confuses me about this entire story is how legal is Faye Grant's secretly recording him in a therapy session? I'm glad she did and outed him, but I'm curious if it would be permissible in court.

    1. Grant says she had nothing to do with it. What the truth is, who knows? He's gross.

  12. @Don, while I'm always happy to see a predator taken down, I think the idea of recording therapy sessions and submitting them as evidence is a very, very bad idea. Who wants a society in which we can't let our guard down anywhere for fear that what we say will be used against us? Therapy should be a "safe space" to explore thoughts we wouldn't mention in other contexts.

  13. I agree and that's why I question how it was legal to begin with. I know it's hypocritical to say I'm glad she did it when I would be furious and seeking every legal option if it happened to me, but if there was a fear of it happening again, I think it was necessary to out him.

  14. Perhaps thats the difference though - some people might want to explore thoughts they have and not act on them.. he did these things so maybe it was professional duty at that point? But understand both of your points and agree.

  15. As a southern middle of the road Christian conservative, I actually LIKED Seventh Heaven. It was our "family night" show for many of my sons younger years. I enjoyed the morals that each show taught. It was when they pulled the crap with Jessica, similar to the Lisa Bonet thing with Cosby, that I stopped watching, and my son was older so we switched to Smallville, until it got weird.
    I was actually shocked when the news first came out about him. My understanding is that most cases exceeded the statutory guidelines for prosecution. I believe mostly though, using the recordings would have caused a HUGE legal hurdle for any prosecutor, and it may have been hard to get any of the victims to come forward willing to testify.
    I really think anyone that would hire him now must be living in quite a bubble to think that society would not blackball any show.

    1. Anonymous11:46 PM

      Wht happ wit Lisa??

  16. He actually admitted some of the things he did... That puts him on the slightly more "moral" side of the other pedo's lmao.

  17. Ha, President Trump took a look around and didn't like what he had seen. 2018 is going to be a good year for most people.The Swamp Creatures, not so much.

  18. I always laugh when a serial rapist like the Rosie Pig chimes in on sex abuse blinds.



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