Sunday, December 24, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 19, 2017

Everyone always assumes this foreign born A list singer is just odd because he never wants to be photographed with women. He is not being odd. He is just playing his game and his game is telling whatever woman he sees that he is single. If they Google him, they won't find pictures of him with anyone else. It is just his way of always being able to cheat without thinking he will be caught.

Chris Martin


  1. So now we’re supposed to believe that he’s some macho ladies man and not still whipped by Gwyneth who he calls crying every time he has sex with a woman?

  2. Nah.. life is just one big, long, conscious uncoupling to Chris and Gwyneth's way of thinking.

  3. Nobody got this one either.

  4. I am so glad this didn't turn out to be Sheeran!!!

  5. If Chris Martin worked at Bed Bath and Beyond, nobody would give him a second look.

    1. I can’t unsee this now. Hoping for an snl sketch in 2018!!

    2. He’s not famous for his looks though is he

    3. That isn’t the point though, is it

  6. Isn’t conscious uncoupling just code word for dork and his bitchy ex wife to continue to have an emotional relationship and act like a family, meanwhile he treats dumb unsuspecting women, like Dakota Johnson, to trips abroad so he can have sex with them. These dumb women see $ signs and not reality. He’ll string Dakota along until she bores him with her empty headed conversations because she will of course think she building with him and all he’s doing is fulfilling his sexual needs because the rest is being taken care of by his family life he maintains with Gwyneth for the sake of the kids of course.

  7. ...what is that lovely falsetto coming from the towel aisle?

    1. Ha! And why is he always pushing yellow 🙄

  8. Enty got it backwards. Women never want to be photographed with Chris Martin because he is a 40 year old man who has dressed like a 16 year old nerd for the last 24 years. Boy needs a stylist bad.

  9. I am not fans of either (I'm here for the killers and political intrigue), and I'm gathering that "conscious uncoupling" is the couples term, but I'm not sure its that horrendous.

    I'm a believer of to each their own. If two consenting people want to create their own definitions of a relationship then who the hell cares.

    It sounds though, that he hurts other people which is where my theory falters.

    Ahhh he's a douche.

  10. ...a 40 year old man who has dressed like a 16 year old nerd for the last 24 years. Boy needs a stylist bad.

    Tell it Aunty! Him and a bunch of other celebs could use some help with that.

  11. We all thought it was Sheeran!
    Chris M is boredom impersonated.

  12. Again, I do not see the big deal Chris Martin is DIVORCED his ex wife Paltrow is engaged to be married again. I feel bad for Chris Martin feel he got a raw deal with Paltrow who seems to be a bitch and she controlled him. Now the man is single he should be banging all that Hollywood pussy. Good for Chris! He is not married so he owes these women NOTHING. And don't feel sorry for these sluts either they ALL want to be SEEN as Chris Martin girlfriend. He is playing it smart these tramps are the first ones to run to tabloids telling them she is his girlfriend.

  13. but is not he gay? I think the news of the various women is to cover up that he is gay.
