Sunday, December 10, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 17, 2017

Apparently there are several dozen nude photos of this alliterate B list mostly television actress from a long running cable show. Normally this would not be a big deal, but in this case it could be huge, especially if the plan for a specific website for the photos is put in place.

Meghan Markle


  1. Not surprised.

    Happy Sunday!

  2. Not surprised, either, especially in light of the so-called "stripper" resume that is being whispered about over on the DM (along with MM's sudden disappearance from public view; I believe "visiting mom for Christmas" is the official story). You'd think this sort of thing would have been vetted for a year or more ago.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Diana's ring wasn't even custom made. She picked it from a tray at Asprey. They didn't use royal jewels from it.

    Not a royal family apologist but don't make things up. Presumably using a diamond from Botswana is meaningful to Harry.

  5. (Above, responding to a deleted comment)

  6. God, I’m so bored of MM already. It’s going to be a long run up to their wedding... 🙄

  7. Weren't there also nude pictures of Harry in Las Vegas floating around some years ago? Sounds like a match made in a naked pictures heaven. Harry and Meghan went on a long camping trip in Botswana after their first 2 dates, I guess thats were they fell in love and became an official couple, hence the diamond from Botswana.

  8. I agree @TwoDots - I'm BEYOND bored of all the MM, Harry and royal rubbish. Same boring bullshit - different day.

  9. It wasn't the idea that the diamonds were royal, it was the idea that the diamonds came from a ring that had belonged to Diana that was the big deal.

    For fun, I like to look at a few psychic websites, and more than a few of them are saying this one isn't getting to the alter. I guess we'll see.

    1. Which sites are those, if I may ask? I have been looking for some good sites for some time, but no luck

  10. He’s not very high up the ladder to wear the Royal Crown so who cares?
    Let them be happy

  11. Geez, his naked pics were splattered all over the TV/net when he was in Vegas. Who cares. His side of the family HAD to have done due diligence on her and they didn't care, so again, who cares. Seems the only ones they care about are the ones who will ascend the throne. But, makes for good reading. ;)

  12. Well if you believe the yachting/hooking blinds about her then this is not surprising or shocking.

  13. The fact that the Royals are taking such a hands off stance and letting the marriage proceed makes me believe more and more that Harry is not Charles' biological son.

  14. Another story: Christmas season, London, 1969. On a double-decker bus coming home from work. Bus packed with old ladies. Don't know why. As we near Marble Arch, one of the biddies whips around, and in a very loud voice says: Oh, Look! It's Princess Margaret coming out of the Spanish Embassy! My 27 year old Southern self jumps up, eyes ablaze. "Where? Where?!" Rush over to the other side of the bus and join the ladies. "There she is, dear. See her? Wave!" Then all of us wave and yell, "Merry Christmas Princess Margaret!" as we pass by. She stops on the stairs and waves back with a huge smile! I burst into tears. The Ringleader asks me where I'm from, and if she was my first Royal. Then she announces to everyone in the bus, "Oh dear! This darling girl is from America and this is her first Royal sighting!" Cheers went up on both decks of the bus. Even the Pakistani conductor turned toward me with a thumbs up. Great times!

    1. @boo just finished watching the first ep of the new crown season and now contemplating what shenanigans might have taken place on that embassy visit 🤣🤣

    2. Boo, PLEASE write a book about your life.


      LOve and ramen,

      -Scandi Sanskrit

  15. The Royal Family can’t shut down American media like they can with the European and Commonwealth media (although they couldn’t even shut down the media entity that leaked where Prince Harry was stationed in Afghanistan...although the Queen might’ve let that slip because she wanted him home and not at risk in a war zone [like any grandma]). When the pics are published (which they probably will given Crazydaysandnights’ policy of not revealing blind items until it’s a done deal that this news will become public knowledge), I still think it will be a shock/embarrassment to the Royal Family because they’re probably posed/taken with MM’s consent back in the day (not unplanned paparazzi photos, whereas the topless photos of Kate and the naked pics of Harry were strictly paparazzi photos).

    That being said, chances are the resume listing stripping was probably her acting resume from her early days (all one has to do is go look on central Casting’s Facebook to see the occasional posting looking for girls with go-go dancing/stripping experience because there are legit movies and tv shows that have stripper scenes in them). If that’s the case, having that listed in a resume really doesn’t scream scandal, but she should just cop to it (just frame it in a legit way: “I had this listed on my resume because I had an audition to play Stripper Witness Number 3 on a Lifetime movie about a stripper with a heart of gold who ends up being murdered by her ex-husband.”)

    I wonder, though, if Harry’s buddy who employed her for yachting (among other things) has told Harry yet, or if it will be revealed on a drunken night during his stag weekend (at which point, Harry may just follow through with the wedding because it will be too much of a scandal to end things abruptly...all the while collecting names and numbers for divorce lawyers to discretely divorce her in 2-3 years).

    1. Speaking of stripper witnesses... 😂😂😂😂

      On CSI (teh original one set in Vegas) one of the forensic people (I think it was the blonde lady with the really pretty nose) had a backstory that she used to be a stripper and and she went to night school to study forensic science. She never dances on the show, but that's her backstory.

      Mrs. Hudson on BBC "Sherlock" also used to be an "exotic dancer" back in the day. Presumably something like Mata Hari.

      Pole dancing is an actual skill you can put on your acting CV and that would make you a legit dual-threat... It's not scandalous at all. People become actors so they can get away with doing things that would interfere with keeping your reputation tidy... 👸🏻

      I was about to say something helpful but I forgot what meant to say.

  16. I don't think it bothers Harry on bit. His threesome in Vegas was caught on camera. So what...she is gorgeous. And is not going to be Queen.

  17. The Windsors care about her nude photos. The Windsors care about her at all. I still don't believe that that wedding is going to take place.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the Windsors are actually the ones who are behind the publication of her naked pictures online.

  18. I don't think this wedding will EVER happen. Seems like people are forgetting The Queen ALWAYS has her way. This young lady better be VERY careful.

  19. If you put stripping on a résumé, it probably means hooker. A real stripper would say dancer, unless applying for a stripper job.

  20. They've already vetted her as much as possible. But she has that former BFF dirtbag who keeps selling her out to the press.At this point, what can you do. People are trying to drag her down for various reasons - and one very obvious reason, but I'm not in the mood to go there today - but they're together, they're getting married, and they don't GAF. Especially since they went into this KNOWING this is the exact type of bullshit people would pull. I DO hope she can explore legal recourse against the BFF (wish I could remember her name, begins with N, I think) but otherwise, best to just go about their lives and let everyone else act like racist, jealous, nasty assholes.

  21. @Gail. Thank you for posting that. I posted a similar comment in the last blind about the this wedding, and people kept insisting that he is Charles' son. He is not, and although they would face embarrassment when these photos come out they don't really care what he does because he's not at all relevant as an heir to the throne now that William and Kate have two children.

    I have done much research on this family. The history of the bloodline is interesting. It is also VERY important to them. These people do not marry just for love. Its all kept in the family. People believe that Kate Middleton's romance with William happened just by chance and that she was just a nice girl from an upper society family that he met and fell in love with. No. Her mother's great-great grandmother was the great-great granddaughter of Sir Thomas Blakiston Conyers, who was a descendant of King Edward IV. So Kate's mother is related to the Queen Mother. She is one of them---unlike all the other women who William had dated.

    If you dig into Diana's background you will see that she too had connections to the bloodline. She was selected to marry Charles for breeding. People who break the tradition and marry outside the circle are punished for it and then cast out.

    1. @John Doe. Yes, Princess Diana was related and her Grandma and Charles' Grandma were good friends, but she was selected because she could barely pass her O levels and she wouldn't question why a very dyslexic man who was left-handed would want to get married

  22. * don't care and don't care in my 11:23 post. Ha ha.

  23. I get the impression that the marriage announcement was rushed. It seemed poorly planned. That suggests tension behind the scenes.

  24. I also think there are many types of nude photos. There are tasteful arty types, and raw Hustler types. Really raw photos might shake even Meghan’s strongest supporters.

  25. Thanks enty!! Yachting reveal next please? Never a fan 🤷🏼‍♀️ He's not much of a catch either, but the fangirling over sparkles is nauseating if we're to believe enty. If this could expedite the end of that...I'm all for it!

  26. I cant wait to see her cornhole. Leak them pix!

  27. With all his power and money, the best Prince Harry could do was an old, used-up divorcee, with dried up ovaries, who will probably birth some defective autistic offspring at best.

    How many Harveywood men have ravaged her body and cum on her face? Now we find that she's also pornstar. Wonderful!

    Bongistan is a joke.

  28. Meghan Markle is not "gorgeous" she is attractive, if not pretty but certainly not gorgeous nor a knockout by any stretch (pun unintended)

    1. @lucy: her ass in a pencil skirt is the foundation Suits is built on. They gotta start replacing some of the poontang that keeps droppin off that show or it aint gonna last much longer.

    2. recast as Slits and I just may set up the DVR

  29. lol @san just read your comment. you are delusional if you think MM doesn't have a bevy of embarrassing trampy treats. she's nothing short of a whore with resume even lol

  30. @san I ain't touching your insults to other commenters, lol, but your points about Meaghan & all the lies & misogyny etc are right on.

  31. @San You appear to have severe psychological problems, manifested as an obsession to see any non-flattering observations about Meghan Markle as evidence of deep-seated racism.

    I haven’t seen any nudes on Tumblr or anyplace else - just commenting on Enty’s item above.

    You might want to get yourself checked out. There’s at least a 50/50 chance this marriage won’t happen, and then what are you gonna do? Fly to London and accuse QE2? Talk to Prince Chuck about the Ivory Snow commercial, whatever that is?

    You’re a looney tune.

  32. “riding the glorious dong of one Prince Harry”?

    Jesus fucking christ, somebody sure seems personally invested here 😳🤔

    1. +1 🤣🤣🤣 Jesus @san, you must be new around here. We don't comment bc we take this shit seriously

  33. lmao you just called her a whore:

    “You demean women who are wh*res when they are living their lives as best they can or choose.” -@san

    “well, dip me in hog-cum and post me on the internet I do believe what we have here is what city folk call a consensus” -me

    I do not give a shit who Harry marries and I care even less about Meg. I gave an observation. comparisons are cheap not unlike your scratch-and-sniff cologne

  34. @Nutty LMAOOOOO thanks I needed that laugh!! @San, you're going IN WAY to HARD! Is this your kid!?! Asking for a friend.

  35. Don't despair Lucy. At least you're not worthy to drink her piss. I assume San is worthy and apparently eager given her zealous defense of MM's honor and character. It's not that I'm anti-piss but I'm just not that eager to be worthy of a sip. San - I think perusing the comment sections of notoriously snarky, mean, and unpolitically correct gossip sites and being upset that they are snarky, unpc, mean, and sometimes downright rude gossipy is not good or healthy for you. We all like to have fun here and take these gossip blinds for what they are- gossip and all that entails. I for one wish you would too.

  36. @san has a familiar troll ring.@Nutty_Flavor, this could go on for days.

  37. In the words of Sgt Hulka - "Lighten up Francis."

  38. @San, I'll leave the novel writing to you madam. FYI most whores wear their crowns with pride. I'm sure she'll do the same.

  39. agreed @cherry and this is why I could never be a
    classroom teacher, because getting through to 'the children'
    wouldn't be half as important to me as simply shutting them up,
    hence, I'm not a teacher.
    take care @san

  40. run along now, your television is getting jealous

  41. I saw her in person a couple of years ago. She isn’t a head turner,whatsoever. Just another regular shmegular girl.

  42. go home dad. you're drunk

  43. I know it's an unpopular opinion, but Harry doesn't seem to me to be particularly bright (Wills doesn't either, for that matter). I've heard that he knew she was "the one" when he saw a picture of her before he ever met her, and that tells me everything I need to know about how seriously he's (not) taking finding the right person.

  44. And hey, @san Meghan Markle? That's a LOT of defending an obvious whore going on there. *LOL*

  45. @san is some verbose SJW with a screw loose because the world is half men and not everyone is a POC. He/she/xe thinks that every woman should be rooting for MM because, hey, sisterhood (no, not that kind, the girl kind) and every POC should be rooting for MM because, hey, sisterhood (yeah, that kind). Unfortunately, he/she/xe forgot the "content of their character" thing and has swung too far the wrong way, so it's all about color/gender and nothing else matters....and time for a meltdown if anyone dares examine MM's history for the content of HER character (or, for that matter, the content of her resume). Then come the tantrums about piss-drinking, "jealousy," and all the other crap one might generally expect from a stan. Just my 2¢.

  46. I was bored after the first day of Megan/Prince Harry news. The only bright side of this is that the Kardashians seem to have been pushed to the backburner for now. I can picture them all scheming about what stunt they can pull to get back in the news.

  47. All the blinds consist of kiddie diddling, rape, or outing someone as a prostitute. Its like a group of tweakers do all the ghost writing here now.
    And the same kooky commenters eat it up, pretending all the while to have insight into government agencies, places they've never been, etc.

    To those group members who've expressed curiosity about Himmm's identity, you're absolutely correct to do so. He's always teasing that he's RDJ.
    So, here's a treat..
    my avi is a picture of the real Himmmm.
    These blinds are his elaborate fantasies, which would be fine and dandy if some commenters didn't take it upon themselves to punish dissent with banishment.
    This has been a PSA from the Intergalactic Mental Health Alliance.

    1. Well, some people want to believe a celebrity is so close to them but a few of us know this is Talley posting. What I’m really wondering what’s in it for ya. Did you get kicked out of his posse? Or better, you’re one of his alterego??

  48. Aris, given that you can barely hide your contempt for this site and those that spend their time here, one has to wonder why you would even waste your time here, posting amongst the “kooky commentators”. Flawed logic at best.

  49. Anyhow, back on topic. MM = as interesting as vanilla wallpaper paste, and Harry = m’eh. With that in mind, probs well suited.

  50. Ooops, san, you forgot to read for comprehension.
    The only things I've said about MM is that there are rumors about her resume including stripping (per the DM) and that she is currently off the public radar (ditto). Please enlighten me as to the lies you've accused me of telling...oh, wait, there aren't any.
    Most of my comment above was about YOUR biased view of anyone who doesn't think MM is the best thing since sliced bread. You proved me right by ranting about the lies I didn't tell, the judgments I didn't make, and my views about her previous relationships which I didn't air. Do you have any other imaginary grievances to accuse me of, or are your widdle feet tired of stomping? Try holding your breath until you turn blue, just to teach me a lesson....after the first minute or so, you'll find it VERY restful!

  51. MM all day. I live her and she is more gorgeous than Kate any day. AND I ADORE that she is brown skinned. The people will love her! She may be our next Diana! I think better of Harry for falling for her, and that she is nothing like what was expected for him, probably turned him on even more.

  52. I am excited about the upcoming wedding too. I think they are a good fit and the BRF seems to really like her. See you all in May! ♡

  53. lol I think the mm stans took a wrong turn to wind up here 🤣🤣🤣 hi guys 👋 You might find more profitable fishing in the dm comments section. We just don't care that much

  54. san is Markle when her plans go awry she goes nuts commenting on sites all over. She usually uses the Lisa Ling pseudonym. She was on the tumblr blogs earlier. She hates the tumblr blogs cause they exposed her game and that is where the RF/Harry picked up her scam from. The RF knows so does Harry what she is.

    1. Pathetic isn't it 🙄 Clearly @san is emotionally invested beyond the bounds of reason

  55. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Wait, there may be trouble with an engagement announced in a "sunken" garden. Quelle surprise!

  56. You know that Snow White song "Someday My Prince Will Come"? Well my therapist says it's shit! There is no prince. 👸🏻

  57. Explanation of Himmmm: see also the recent Your Turn: How Did You Get Your Screen Name (or something similar). Himmmm expounds upon their identity.

    1. And he cleverly threw a “actor” in the mix so people would keep thinking he’s RDJ.

  58. It's curious that there has been no announcement of the actual wedding date yet .... how hard would that have been when they announced it would happen in May...was it too much of a stretch to include the date. Something stinks here... and then she vanishes into thin air the moment the walkabout was over. The whole thing has disaster written all over it. She is an appalling choice.

  59. Aww I love it when Sparkles sends her paid stans over to CDAN. Cuz it's important that we a!l agree.

  60. I just hope they’re more interesting that her topless Snapchats that came out last year (and were squashed at the time...likely by the BRF):

  61. There are nude pictures of Harry in Las Vegas for God's sake.

  62. Stuff going off line that points to no wedding in future. Blackmail regarding Muffin could shut it down soon



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