Monday, December 04, 2017

Blind Item #6

This older permanent A list singer/actress/performer is near death. She has so many health problems, but still refuses to stop boozing and taking pills. 


  1. Liza. Honestly, at this point let her go out the way she wants. Sobriety at her age to buy a few more dull years?

  2. Going to have to go w/ Ms. Liza on this one.

  3. There have been hints Liza has been ill for a while,maybe she wants to speed it up. Didn't Enty say she was making her funeral plans and why she moved her Mother's grave?

  4. Annyoung: Totally agree with you. Enty is awfully judgmental about Liza, when with the way he brags about his drinking, he may end up the same way. It's Liza's life, and her death, and she's earned the right to go out on her terms.

  5. I don't see Enty as" judgemental", i just see he is telling how is it, wothout judgement

  6. If it's cancer or an illness that would be terminal regardless of her actions, then yeah let her be. However, if it's heart disease or diabetes, laying off the booze & pills might improve things.

  7. This weekend there were photos of Liza backstage in LA. She was in a wheelchair and looked so ill and sad. Not the way we want our she-ro to leave us. A NYPD pal of mine who worked the beat on her block years ago used to tell me about all the times they had to go to her apartment here in NYC to calm her down. He said all the Irish & Italian Cops just loved her to death and wanted to protect her. Love you, Liza with a Z!

    1. That's a sweet story. I have a soft spot for her too. The hip and joint pain is too much.dont blame her one bit

  8. I loved the quasi-Liza tribute Saorise Ronan offered in her opening monologue this weekend.

  9. @Boo, we are old enough to think she could have died very young,I remember seeing her in a wheelchair in the seventies, no one expected her to live to old age.

    1. Have you ever seen her talk about her mother back stage? It's hilarious how ultimately competitive Judy was with Liza with a Z, not Lisa with an S.

      Go out on your own terms, you've earned it.

  10. I so agree
    Let her go the way that she wants to

  11. I love Liza. Hope not. Her in Cabaret, one of the most forgotten movies in pantheon of great film mentions, is one for the ages. That film is brilliant and should be considered one of top 10 ever. Never on lists. A film that tells the tale of damaged people, subject of abortion, hedonism,homosexuality, bisexuality, the rise of the nazi party, with one unreal performance after the next on one of the best soundtracks ever. She owned that movie & Sally Bowles.

  12. I'll be different and say Betty White.

  13. I agree, leave her be.
    I think Enty over plays his drinking for dramatic effect, to make himself seem more relatable. Kind of like when a skinny person says they're fat. Very few people with a real drinking problem say so.

  14. The character of "Enty" who lives in a basement eating and drinking to excess is fictional.

  15. Def Liza - if she wasn't going to stop then, why stop now.

    I just wonder why only the irish and Italian cops loved her, supposedly?? Strange.

  16. OMG. This is too funny. I immediately thought of Liza before I finished reading the blind or any of your comments. LOL.

  17. Awww, I have a soft spot for Liza.

  18. Americanpanda--Can't believe I am answering your question. Duh! Because in NYC virtually ALL of the Cops who patrol mid-town & where she lived are Irish and Italians! If she had lived way up on the upper West Side it would have been German and Hispanic. I'm talking 25-30 years ago, not last week.

  19. @Missyrocks53 I totally agree with you. I saw that film when it first came out and it was heartbreakingly wonderful, and stayed with me for a long time. I still watch the DVD sometimes.

    1. :) Kimberley Although it swept the Awards, when looking back, it doesn't get the props it deserves when they list the greatest films. Brilliant.

  20. I hope Liza knows she is loved by many, and always will be!
