Friday, December 29, 2017

Blind Item #4

The once a week pattern of this bar reality star trying to pump himself up as some kind of sexual magnet is really starting to get annoying. It is probably almost as annoying to have me write about him every week. Last week he shared a story that didn't contain all the facts and again he shared a story this week where he failed to mention any misdeed on his part and again attacked a woman he previously "dated." This time around he failed to mention what she caught him doing and with whom and she freaked out. Apparently he had not previously told her he enjoyed those types of interactions with people.


  1. Take your pick of the Bisexual VPR crew..Jax or James...I think they get it on... maybe Kristin happened upon them

    1. I say James /Kristen and his friend.. Logan

  2. +1- I used to think these blinds were all about Jax, but the way they have been trying to shove the James story lines down our throats makes me think he is becoming a certain producers new favorite boy toy...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It's Jax because it says last week he told a story which didn't contain all the details and was revealed here as his hook-up with Lohan.

  5. Enty if this is blind item is Jax then man, bad timing on this blind. Just read Jax' father died.

    I don't care how big of an asshole someone is...I just can't kick someone when they are down. Going to delete my prev comment about jax - out of respect for his father.

  6. You know, you don't HAVE to write about them if you don't want to.

  7. Could this be about that british DJ twink on VPR?

  8. What did Lohan catch him doing? What behavior could possibly freak her out at this point?

  9. Have there been stories about James? I know Jax has been talking.. last week about his hookup w Lohan.. this week there are stories about him bashing his ex Stassi.
