Saturday, December 02, 2017

Blind Item #3

Sexual harassment wouldn't get this A list director to stand down and honestly, it probably wouldn't get him fired. He would just be suspended. The underage sex he is trying to write checks for right now though would end his career. Although, cc: Woody Allen.


  1. Anonymous9:33 AM


  2. Singer has disappeared from the set of the Freddie Mercury biopic.

  3. singer 100%. too busy writing checks to show up for work. carpal tunnel syndrome?
    Variety: Production Halts on Bryan Singer's Queen Biopic Due to Health Issues

  4. I hope they get singer soon. It's pissed me off how long he has gotten away with this and making shitty X-men films!

  5. @just sayin'" Carpal tunnel syndrome...Too funny!!

  6. Singer and carpal tunnel. That one made my day. LOL.

  7. Maybe he approached someone who isn’t willing to be bought off. Wouldn’t that be lovely.

  8. Maybe he is trying to avoid being served with a summons.

  9. "Sexual harrassment' would apply to Singer because he raped rather than harrass his victims, and they were all underaged boys---which would certainly end his career. But I'm not so sure that that will happen because He's been accused before and his accusers lost in court. If he has disappeared and is now writing checks then he must be scared as shit right now. He was so cocky and confident the last time.

  10. pedophiles protect one another. thats the reason singer has been free for a while - there are TONS of rich rich rich pedophiles (geffen) and they know if one goes down, they all do.

  11. so disappointed in rami malek signing on to a bryan singer project in the first place.

    i thought he was one of the good ones.

    1. It made me sick he was among the celebrities who were smoking in a bathroom at the Met after the Anna Wintour thing. I mean all that artwork -- Monets, van Goghs, etc. Shit, people on ebay specify their fingerpaintings were done in smoke-free environments. I wrote off all of the celebrities involved as Beyond Stupid.

  12. Synger party friends: Gary Goddard, Spacey...gone. Still: Joel Schumacher, Roland Emmerich, Ian McKellen.

  13. Bryan Singer finally! It is so obvious! That he could keep working on some of Hollywoods biggest movies is utterly disgusting. Let's hope he goes to jail & all his pedo friends/protectors with him.

    And if the world could pretend to care about poc equally then we might get R. Kelly.

  14. Lol at "carpal tunnel syndrome." Singer's career will be its first fatality.

  15. Kinda seems like he could be next, but I'm just guessing. The person I'm really looking forward to hearing from is Uma Thurman. My impression of her is that she will be very credible to a lot of people, and could really take things to a new level.

  16. Finally! Bryan Singer about to get his comeuppance! (Hopefully)

  17. Really hoping it's dan Schneider

  18. Dear Santa,

    All I want for Christmas is for these asshats to be brought down. ALL of them. But can you please make it Singer right away? I promise to be good for the rest of the year.



  19. Every day I wake up hoping to see Singer’s demise.Out of all these fucktards, he is the one I despise the most.

  20. +1000 to all of these comments. Let these sleazy bastards burn.

  21. If Singer thinks this will all blow over and end well for him, he hasn’t been paying attention. If he knows what’s good for him and what is coming his way, he will turn himself in to the FBI, plea bargain and confess fully his and his co-conspirators’ crimes. But he’ll no doubt take the coward’s way out soon enough.

  22. Did you see the comment Quinn Cummings put on twitter about Singer's medical emergency? If not? Go read her twitter feed and look for the singer comment and news story. I swear I lol'd so hard my abs will hurt for a month. Gals got big brass ones too. Love that lady!

  23. omgggg. thank you Himmmm. beyond ballsy... hilarious!

  24. quinn cummings is hysterical.

  25. Oh wow Himmmm, I didn't know Quinn Cummings was still around. I remember her from the TV show Family w/ Kristy McNichol. She was my doppelganger when we were young. That photo of her in pigtails? She and I could have been identical twins in that photo. I always wondered what happened to her but never really looked into it.

    @just sayin' lol @ the carpal tunnel comment.

  26. ROFL! Found one tweet of Quinn's regarding Bryan Singer. I almost fell out of my chair. I love this woman!

    Quinn retweeted this by BBC:

    Production on the Freddie Mercury biopic has been suspended so director Bryan Singer can deal with "a personal health matter". …

    Quinn's quote on the retweet:

    An underage boy got stuck on his dick.

  27. let's just hope they had to amputate.

  28. But what's even sicker is Singer had a baby (boy) with his female friend of many decades. What would he have done with this child later in life is frightening!

  29. Look at what a friend sent me. Could be what spooked BS. The actual GNS interview took place on 11/24.

  30. the source is a notorious fake news website. cbs put out a list to watch out for, this one is #5 in the slideshow:
    cbs news: don't get fooled by these fake news sites

  31. Himmmm if your reading, and I mean no disrespect at all. In fact I love the work your doing! With all my heart! But if the Disney/Fox acquisition comes to pass please do your most to keep marvel as far from Bryan Singers name from it as far as possible. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if Disney recast all of the X-men which would be a loss to the cast, Patrick, Hugh and all the rest! But for the love of god keep singer away!

  32. anyone read the la times today? nothing about singer disappearing from the set of "bohemian rhapsody"...what that could mean...his history...the "rumors". but they did do a front cover puff piece on his defender/apologist, attorney marty singer. wtaf.

  33. Omg dying... 'hope they had to amputate'

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. i'm starting to think we need to treat people with the same humane love we give to our pets and livestock. if a male is a great breeding prospect, he keeps his balls, if not, we remove them. it's for their own good. think how much calmer, happier, and more manageable they'd be. plus they'll live longer! (waiting for count's response........)

  36. sorry for the double post...

  37. I am hopeful that the only reason Singer HASN'T been raked through the mud in the media is because they are gearing up to drop a massive expose on him shortly. I know that most media outlets have, at minimum, another half dozen big scandalous stories that they are still working on. They would rather wait and drop the whole thing in our lap than slowly release details.

  38. I am hopeful that the only reason Singer HASN'T been raked through the mud in the media is because they are gearing up to drop a massive expose on him shortly. I know that most media outlets have, at minimum, another half dozen big scandalous stories that they are still working on. They would rather wait and drop the whole thing in our lap than slowly release details.

  39. i hope you're right feisty panda, but netflix dumped spacey after 1 allegation so why have no studios made a peep about singer. (easy answer, $$$, but still.)

  40. hmmmm...



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