Saturday, December 16, 2017

Blind Item #3

This former A- list tween actress turned A- list adult mostly television actress who did have a couple of lead roles in movies recently did something I am not sure I have seen before. An individual gave her a significant amount of money and then she signed an NDA about her experiences working with a certain producer when she was younger. She then turned to a person the money giver brought and traded all that money for drugs. 


  1. Vanessa Hugeons and Weinstein

  2. I feel like BT as well especially considering the timing. Didn’t she tweet a few days ago that she had been sexually assaulted when she was younger? Maybe the producer decided to get to her before she said anything else.

  3. Bella Thorne - Dan Schneider

  4. I'm afraid that will happen in a lot of cases: a name gets floated as someone who's about to point fingers, and the next day some money changes hands for a signature. It won't prevent criminal cases against them, but the cases may have to be brought by someone other than the victims.

  5. Can’t find a connection to DS. She was Disney.

  6. Amanda Bynes - enty refers to her as A- last month

  7. Usually bella thorne is referred to as a future porn star so im guessing its not her. Ill go with Zendaya

  8. I'll go with Bella or Vanessa Hudgens. Can't this being Zendaya.

  9. Emma Roberts? She had that one show on Nickelodeon as a tween...

  10. Is this related to this blind - "This former A list tween actress turned A- list dual threat actress turned stays at home a lot is about to name names."?

  11. I hope to god it's not Emma

  12. @TravelingMama: Bella DID specifically say it wasn't Disney.

  13. Hollywood doesn't want to change. The victims would rather take the money than out the abusers and prevent future victims. The abusers want to continue abusing and those not exposed will lay low for a little while until the story become stale then will continue doing what they do best. Most of the big fish have escaped all notice while the underlings are the ones facing the music. What a joke.

  14. Bella is a good guess. She also has a serious drug problem which makes sense for this blind.

  15. I don't see a serious drug prob with BT.

  16. Acad - I agree. They then become the problem themselves. This is so disheartening.

    What about Selena Gomez?
