Thursday, December 14, 2017

Blind Item #3

This always broke A- list rapper should be really careful about what he said to the police and his insurance company about recent events. People are saying he over inflated the value of a whole lot of items to get more money. 


  1. Sounds like Tyga to me.

  2. Soooo glad the format is back to old school. I missed this site.

  3. You don't say. I just don't believe this
    -Says absolutely no one

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  6. Tyga is a good guess but @Lucy also has a good guess w/ R Kelly.

  7. @Lucy Sounds like Tyga is claiming a burglary happened also.
    It sounds like they have a suspect in the R Kelly robbery that makes it sound more organic, so I would go with the Tyga guess.

  8. There's no way he had $50k worth of crap there! haha

  9. You don't wanna play with insurance adjusters. Get ready to be even more broke after you get hit with a fraud rap. Open and shut case, fresh playa! You basically already filed it for them. Game.Set.Lunch!

  10. My first thought was an inside job so he (Tyga) could sell the stuff and get paid by insurance...

  11. Meh. Everybody inflates worth on an insurance claim. He’s most likely not gonna get charged w anything or go to jail. They will either pay or deny the claim. Nothing more.

  12. Tyga is an A- list rapper?

    I have a better chance of being an A- list rapper.

    1. I was wondering the same thing!

  13. Headlines last night about how Jay Z's company Tidal is weeks away from total bankruptcy. Was it the millions and millions he spent on that new LA crib that pushed them over the edge financially?

  14. @Boo I'm anxiously awaiting JayZ's house of flimsy cards to fall down around him.

  15. Glue--The banner to sum up 2017 would be Reversal Of Fortune! Wowza! Look at the stellar names that have gone down in flames in the last few months. Six months ago many of these men had dreams of Oscars and Golden Globes in their eyes. What kind of powerful medication do they have Harvey and Kevin on?! And it ain't over till the fat lady sings!

  16. R Kelly is a singer, not rapper. Was laughing when I read about how the police didn't bother to arrest the known suspect.

  17. Tyga, R. Kelly. Kanye doesn't fit here because it was his wife who was robbed at gunpoint and had her diamonds stolen. Poor Kanye. What is going to happen to him next year? His third is due any minute. Just watching Keeping Up With The Witches exhausts me after 45 minutes! I can walk away. He lives it! Arggggg!

  18. Probably Tyga but clue should have include 'bad spelling' rapper.

  19. What happened to the "easy easy" designation 😂
