Blind Item #2
It is going to be really interesting when guys come forward from a few years back and start talking about how this B+ list actress who probably won't ever act again used to charge by the hour for companionship.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:45 AM
Labels: blind item
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ReplyDeleteMeagan markle
ReplyDeleteMeagan and I cannot wait for it. She schemed her way to the royals, almost flawlessly.
ReplyDeleteOh dear God.
ReplyDeleteOh dear God.
ReplyDeleteIf Royal family is involved, i doubt that anyone would talk about this.
ReplyDeleteSo, humm...Naya Rivera?
Damn, Unknown nailed it. Would love to know her whore name, so I can check out her reviews on TER.
ReplyDeleteHow is it that she was a stripper is only coming out now?
ReplyDeleteThe question is, who will publish the story and the photos? Probably not a UK publication. The French publication Closer got pretty badly burned on the Kate Middleton topless pix. US publication? Something offshore?
ReplyDeleteAww the stripper with a heart of gold who became a's like a friggin' Hallmark movie!!
ReplyDeleteWhoever has the best photos is probably trying to negotiate for a payoff from the Royal Family right now. Harry doesn't have that much money of his own, so a big payoff would probably have to come from his dad or grandma.
These will never come out. Now that she's going to be a 'royal' it will be bought, paid for and swept under the rug.
ReplyDeleteCould've been her doppelganger in LA too:
ReplyDeleteHe could afford to pay. Like Grandmother he won't.
Meghan and Harry were introduced by Markus Anderson of Soho House. Markus is very good friends with Amelia Dornan and supposedly introduced her and Jamie to each other. Depending on who you talk to, the Dornan marriage is either perfect or strained because of Jamie's "deep" "friendship" with Dakota Johnson. Amelia "Millie" Dornan is also on record as being ashamed of the royal family. Jamie and Meghan are both actors though so they have that in common. Should make for some interesting cocktail hours at Millie's Lounge in The Ned.
ReplyDeleteYou have to wonder - wouldn't the British Government put MI5 on this before the official engagement announcement?
ReplyDeleteFind out everything there was to know about Miss Markle before she was the publicly announced as the fiancee of the 6th in line to the throne?
If she's dumped after the latest revelations, it's going to start being a racial issue, which is not good for multicultural Britain.
Oh, stop with the Harry is not Charles's son bullshit. There are redheads in Diana's family, and he looked just like Charles as a little boy.
ReplyDeleteHarry looks exactly like Phillip when he was young. He’s definitely one of the family. Sad for him.
DeleteMaybe the Royals don't care anymore. 30-40 years ago the fact she was interacial & divorced would have caused major controversy, no a days no one cares. Hell the divorced part alone was the reason for Charles got stuck marrying Di instead of the woman he wanted to. If the Royal family can survived Diana they can handle an escort in the family, look who she's marrying, he's not exactly a choir boy.
ReplyDeleteIf there are photos of Meghan as escort, maybe the Daily Mail can run them side by side of the ones of Naked Harry partying in Las Vegas. That would be fun.
ReplyDeleteI agree with @wwax. I think she will be going the "people's princess" route. I know, I know, she won't be a real "princess" or she will be Princess Harry... or whatever. I think the audience this couple will be seeking is not the elites, but the plain old everyday folk of the world. I hope she's successful and uses her position to help others.
ReplyDeleteHer skin color should not be a challenge in 2017, except for a lunatic fringe.
ReplyDeleteIf Harry had chosen a beautiful Carribean woman or African woman from the British Commonwealth with a respectable career (lawyer? scientist?), the racist creeps wouldn't have had a leg to stand on.
Choosing a slutty American of any color is a whole different ballgame.
If It had been a white American actress with a similar past, I think people would be just as appalled.
Spot on nutty flavor! One of the commenters on cdcan always makes reference to her race. Im sure the ryals are well aware of the allegations if true and will pay whoever off. I'm sure Harry has had a hooker or 2.
DeleteYou've made me agree - good points
Delete@boldblonde: Schemed her way in? Like all the others did including Diana?
ReplyDeleteYou can't put Diana and Meagan in the same basket. @N.Twinkie
ReplyDeleteHa ha it's Sparkles! She already has made at least several pay-offs as she slithered up the social ladder. Now's the time for the rest of you guys to go for it!
ReplyDeleteHarry is no angel himself.....the sex must be mind blowing ...stop with the hatred towards the woman...ffs
ReplyDeleteIn this day and age, I don't think the Crown will give much of a care who he marries as he's had so much prior baggage they've already dealt with.
ReplyDeleteNobody here gives a single fuck about who Harry marries. It's not a thing the way the media, which dioesn't like doing actual journalism any more, and prefers to print opinion in place of fact, wants to make it. NOBODY CARES if she's mixed race or a fucking Martian or an American or whatever. It affects nothing of any importance within or without the Royal family. Nobody's even mentioned it to me IRL since it was announced, beyond 'Oh' because it's essentially meaningless. People having hissy meltdowns about it or conversely thinking it's some fucking multkulti hallelujah moment That Will Change Everything need their heads checking.
ReplyDeletePeople outside the UK seem to think this shit matters more than it actually does. Who a lesser royal who will never ascend the throne (expect in the case of a massacre of William's kids) anyway marries in 2017 isn't on most people's top 1000 things to worry about. Long as she doesn't make a complete prick of herself or start trying to be another people's fucking princess (fucking Blair) pseudo martyr 'saint' (heh, right, think Jolie copyrighted that cynical bullshit now anyway), she'll just be another part of the furniture on the civil list opening charity fairs and showing up at official events and having her pic taken in a new hat in Hello magazine and so on within couple of years. Trust me, none of this lot are worth the hysteria. There have been royal brides so unpopular that crowds booed them all the way to church and threw shit at them in the streets. If the Yank turns out to have been a stripper way back most people will just makes jokes about it and move on, because it affects nothing.
Her race (whatever it is, I don't know) already proved not to be an issue, or they wouldn't have gotten engaged. Prostitution, on the other hand.... I dunno. It doesn't seem that deadly to this American, but maybe it is to them. Or maybe there's more to it, other secrets that go with it.
ReplyDeleteThis blind sounds like a much older woman. Speaking of the Royal Fam, does anyone remember back in '81, before her marriage, Diana had to submit to a virginity test!?! She had to go to a doctor to have him examine her to make sure she was. The Windsors had known her family for generations so there wasn't much vetting to do. What they put her through was criminal. Now both Will & Harry can shack up with their fiances before they get married! Diana, I am sure, is not amused!
ReplyDeleteDoctor Strange can come check my virginity.
DeleteLOL. I shouldn't have said that. 😂😂😂😂
One of enty's greatest blinds was revealing diana used to yacht after she divorced. The royals have had courtesans for centuries.
ReplyDeleteThe wedding cake decoration party is at laineys, a couple doors down. Criticisms are NOT ALLOWED there, unlike here at enty's pad, where curious minds are still welcome.
ReplyDeleteHilarious! @Dannette
ReplyDeleteAfter she divorced! which seeing everything she went through during that marriage, I will not judge her for. @longtimereader
ReplyDeleteOh, God. Please let them publish the photos. And please let the dudes tell everything that they know. I would laugh so hard that I might have a heart attack and end up in a hospital. it would be too good!
ReplyDeleteThe Her Royal Highness of London---former streetwalker from LA...
HA ha ha ha ha ha!
That braod aint no street walking junkie who gonna blow ya for $20 and the rest of that cigarette so she can get the taste jizz out of her mouth. Of she bang good, she could have gotten in Itzler's stable at $2k/ pop, $4k anal. Self booking, $500/hr, $1000after Deal or No Deal.
DeleteDannette, you are funny!
ReplyDeleteDiana was 20, sheltered and naive when she married Charles. Meghan is 36, divorced and has had 3 engagements, allegedly. By the time Diana was 36, she knew enough to get out of that clusterfuck. Diana and Meghan are apples and oranges.
Both TMZ and the Daily Mail had stories up earlier today about an old resume from Meghan’s acting career in which she listed her skills as “juggling, singing, stripping.” Both stories have now disappeared. Fake cv, or were there phone calls made? The DM story was up to 650 comments before it died.
ReplyDeleteFor people who think it doesn't matter, it actually does. Because much like the Kartrashians, this woman will be shoved down our throats for years to come. And some papers are already calling her the new Diana. And the new People's Princess. Gag. I don't care if you're on this side of the pond or the other. If we're going to have to put up with this nobody, at least let it be entertaining. And lets face it. A big scandal is very entertaining.
ReplyDeleteOMG please let this be Meghan Markle
ReplyDeleteWasn't there a fairly recent blind on here that Meghan yachted and 'met' one of Harry's close friend on said yacht? I think it may have been just before they got engaged. I'm sure I read it here.
ReplyDelete@longtimereader, I think that blind was about Marilyn Monroe. Candle in the Wind was originally about Marilyn. Diana could have been doing it for fun or just to spite the Royals, but she didn't need the money.
ReplyDeleteIf true it will never get out to main stream but will live on forever in gossip world. If you're thinking there is going to be some kind of 60 minutes/20/20/Nightline or network news talking about it then you're dreaming. In fact, unless they get divorced, this blind will never be 'revealed.'
ReplyDelete@O Howard, exactly. It does matter. Why pretend that any of this nonsense is on the level anymore? The glass is shattered, it's over. The Golden Age of Gossip has returned, and we are the happy recipients.
ReplyDeleteWho the hell cares about the woman's past. I thought we were in the 21st century. If she wasn't abusing children I , for one, don't give a shit. If she and her person are happy now, it's all good. I'm so tired about women being demonized because their pasts are less than virginal. Grow up.
ReplyDeleteHer past is relevant because she is choosing to marry a prince with a huge public profile, and as his wife she gets the privileges and responsibilities that go along with that. They have public positions because they choose to continue to be royals. They could also choose to renounce their titles and positions. They don't choose to do that though. They want the privileges they receive otherwise they would give up their posts.
ReplyDeleteThe monarchy/aristocracy/nobility is a class system. They define themselves (titles) by ranks above the plebes. People could choose to walk away and eventually they would be left alone by the press. Royals could say, okay we have had enough. We just want to be rich folks without the responsibilities and public presence. Let's change things up and dissolve/abolish the monarchy. We are no better than or different than anyone else. None of them do that.
MM and the Prince are not just 2 crazy kids in love. They have duties as long as they choose to continue to participate in an official class system like the Monarchy. They could always choose to walk away, but I bet they don't.
MM will eventually be giving speeches and making appearances as part of her role. Lecturing the plebes about how to live better lives. How they should do this or that. Her past gives her no moral authority or any real credibility to do that. So, it is a joke for her to be in that future role.
DeleteTheir past gives them no moral authority. The royals are privileged fuck-ups. They aren't worthy of their position knighting paedophiles is much worse than prostitution in my book.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author. posted an article today (which is still up) claiming that Markle's CV previously listed her skills as "stripper" and "masseuse"...
ReplyDeleteYes, I saw that Vogue piece too! Ironic that it was tut-tutting the rumors but is now the only place reporting the rumors.
ReplyDeleteNutty: Yes, Vogue's holier than thou attitude is pretty hilarious considering their article is just good old fashioned gossip thinly cloaked as "social commentary".
ReplyDeleteWho the fuck cares if she was a paid ho or not? Harry sure doesn't. Don't be mad because it's not YOUR finger he put that ring on because I know that for some of you here that's what the issue is. Let's not even get into the racial issue, as much as some of you folks here like to swear up and down that it's not an issue. You know deep down who you are. Uh huh. I wish Prince Harry and MM nothing but good luck, many blessings and a long, happy marriage.
ReplyDeleteGo live your lives and stop hating.
NicQuerica: "go live your lives" says the person also taking time out of their day to comment on a gossip site. Chillax. For some (dare I say most) of us speculating on blinds such as this is about harmless entertainment, not hate, racism, or envy. Markle seems to be doing just fine without you rushing in like some white knight to shame those trying to guess the subject of a blind item on a site she'll most likely never read.
ReplyDeleteI think the powers that be most have had her investigated before the offical engagement announcement was made. Not sure if I believe this one.
ReplyDeleteI clicked on NicQuerica’s name to find out more about her, and found this paragraph she had written:
ReplyDelete“What female empowerment is not, in my humble opinion: Stripping down 'til you're damn near naked, shoving and shaking tits and ass for the amusement of the masses while downplaying any sort of intellectual prowess you may have. That's not empowerment at all, it's self-exploitation.”
So, stripping is self-exploitation until Meghan Markle does it. Then anyone who finds stripping inappropriate is a racist. Got it.
Diana was born into an aristocratic family and being a royal was hard for her. Meghan the Valley Hooker is going to get eaten alive.
ReplyDeleteBefore he married Sarah, Harry's uncle Andrew dated porn star Koo Stark. And Sarah wasn't exactly squeaky clean. The second son gets away with far more than the heir to throne. Checkered pasts is nothing new for the royal women.
ReplyDeleteHe's marrying an American. Nothing more needs to be said