Saturday, December 30, 2017

Blind Item #2

This long running movie franchise is making noise by stating a replacement for the long running male character could end up being a woman. They don't mean what they are saying though. It will be a white male again and again. They are kind of like People and all their awards. They talk it but they don't walk it.


  1. Dr. Who, but I thought they announced the actress?

  2. When did People get an upgrade from "Kneepads"?

    1. Yaaaaaay! People got upgraded from "Kneepads"! 🍾πŸ₯‚✨

      LMAO! πŸ—½πŸ‘©πŸ»πŸš•πŸ‚πŸ’›


  4. Dr. Who is a woman this season, her name is Jodie Whittaker

  5. It can't be Dr Who because the blind says it is being rumored but will never happen. I think the Bond guess is good

  6. Plus Dr. Who isn't a movie franchise. Der.

  7. It's the James Bond franchise

  8. James Bond.

  9. Maybe this is a dig at RDJ's Iron Man being played by a black woman, just to tie everything back to Himmmm (allegedly)

  10. Definitely 007 but.....I don't see a problem with always using a white male. The character was a white male as created by Ian Fleming and the subject of a number of books. Making the character anything else for a film would be silly, imho.

  11. I think Bond too. The RDJ guess was just for fun while waiting for another blind to post. I feel there's a chance I can beat Tricia13 to an answer today.

  12. James Bond, as there have been calls for a female or person of color for years. Idris Elba would be great, but he probably won't' do it cheap enough.

  13. would end up like that ghostbuster crap^^ bond is a slut, doubt many people would want to see a female slut agent solving the worlds problems...

  14. Idris Elba would be amazing as Bond. I appreciate having equal representation, regardless of how long the character has been portrayed as just one specific type. Color wouldn't change James Bond in any way other than better coverage at night. But, I think making Bond female would be difficult. It would be hard balancing a strong female with Bond's lotharios approach to the opposite sex.

  15. Actually I would totally watch a female slut agent solving all the world's problems! Maybe Kate Hudson could star, but she doesn't strike me as very clever. JLaw maybe.

    1. JLaw has Red Sparrow coming out this spring. Russian spy femme fatale based on a book.

  16. You probably just gave enty a brain orgasm with the JLaw playing slutty Bond comment

  17. im just saying it would be hard to sell the character if bond was female, idris would be fine tho.

  18. They already did it. It was called Jane Bond. Also, Charlize Theron alone has played super-spy roles at least twice: Aeon Flux and Atomic Blonde. The second one even made some money.

    1. I saw the "Atomic Blonde" trailer after some commenters mentioned it here (and I ended up getting a haircut and looking at Debbie Harry makeup tutorials—I don't know how I missed it while it was in cinemas) and I think it looks AMAZING.

      I like a female secret agent like taht. And I feel like it was made "just because" (like, let's make the character female je ne sais quoi, is that makes sense) and I feel like my intelligence is being respected as an audience member.

      When films are too PC/SJW, as an Asian girl I feel sort of 'patronised', if that makes sense? I don't feel my needs necessarily "catered" to, but rather I feel like studio executives going, "oh let's just humour the dainty Asian woman because she's so precious and if we don't get a woman who looks like her to play Jane Bond, she might get into a case of female hysteria." Waaaaah.

      But Idris Elba? YES PLEASE.

  19. Dr. Who could easily be a woman but it is ridiculous to make James Bond a female character. If they want more female leads then write better roles for women or promote the good movies more.

    1. +1000 write better movies for everyone no more pointless remakes please.

  20. Anonymous11:07 AM

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  21. Speaking of Bond - have you noticed all the super-nice bonding going on here since Enty brought the site back to its old self?

  22. I'm sure fragile masculinity can take a backseat for a change and stop crying when fictional characters start to resemble real life.

    1. But there’s one in this very comment section! So fragile

  23. Counterpoint to my own point:

    He has a powerful weapon
    He charges a million a shot,
    An assassin that's second to none,
    The man with the golden gun.
    Lurking in some darkened doorway,
    Or crouched on a roof top somewhere,
    In the next room, or this very one
    The man with the golden gun.
    Love is required whenever he's hired,
    It comes just before the kill.
    No-one can catch him, no hit man can match him
    For his million dollar skill.
    One golden shot means another poor victim,
    Has come to a glittering end,
    For a price, he'll erase anyone
    The man with the golden gun.
    His eye may be on you or me.
    Who will he bang?
    We shall see. Oh yeah!
    Love is required whenever he's hired,
    It comes just before the kill.
    No-one can catch him, no hit man can match him
    For his million dollar skill.
    One golden shot means another poor victim,
    Has come to a glittering end,
    If you want to get rid of someone,
    The man with the golden gun
    Will get it done
    He'll shoot anyone
    With his golden gun.

  24. Wolverine not Thor, they still got movies to do with Chris's Thor

  25. I agree, its Bond. But the producers of that franchise understand that appeasing SJWs in big budget movies leads to huge financial losses at the box office. They tried and failed miserably with Ghostbusters.

    The moment they change the essence of the Bond character will be the moment that the Franchise dies, and it will never recover. These SJW appeasers are stupid. They perpetuate the very stereotypes they claim to be against. Wonder Woman was a hit not because people wanted to see a female superhero but because she was played by a hot looking woman in a form-fitting outfit that showed off her boobs and legs. They tried the slutty action female thing with Charlize in Atomic Blond but that one didn't take too well. They should give up, and leave Bond alone.

  26. Bond. Jane Bond.

  27. The Bond Franchise-Barbara Broccoli came out and stated she would not have a problem if Bond was a woman. That being said, Atomic Blonde was already done and it bombed so....

  28. Barb Wire is the female James Bond. Please don't argue with me. That is just fact.

  29. Just hire a strong female villainess and there you have the SJW problem solved. Hire as the main villain a talented, gifted middle aged actress who could hold her own and outact Craig (not a difficult task at all actually) and there you have the feminist quota solved. Cate Blanchett, Robin Wright, Tilda Swinton any of them, both as the villain and the female lead. Enough with the Bond girls. All you need is Bond WOMEN. Actually I take that back. Just women, Just talented actresses who are NOT just arm candy. let them do their thing and your movie will benefit both critically and commercially.

  30. why hasn't any studio picked this idea up? seems like an easy way to print money!

  31. Yes Bond. What happened to Clive Owen? Look to age for diversity! Said Hollywood never...

  32. It isn't an SJW issue (there are plenty, but this isn't one). There should be strong characters that anyone can relate to, but I don't think anyone is seriously considering a female Bond. I'm sure there's talk to make it seem to be considered, as the blind said, or maybe because they felt the need to voice their support of more strong female leads, but I don't think any Bond crew or fans, regardless of gender, politics or any other label, would enjoy a female Bond.

    Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman is great, and I appreciate the accent, even when it changes a little between movies. She leads and the rest follow and she can kick Superman's ass. She is definitely a strong character that deserved a proper portrayal on screen (nothing against Linda Carter who I loved as Wonder Woman growing up).

    I don't think any of the DC/Marvel characters need to be changed. There are a lot of great female heroes that just haven't been done properly on screen, like Halle Berry's Storm, or Halle Berry's Catwoman. Polaris, on The Gifted, is Magneto's daughter and very strong. But it's an "almost network" show under Bryan Singer so ...

    1. It is great. I always say:

      "Doctor Strange is who I am, but Wonder Woman is who I aspire to be."

      Steve Rogers can kiss her ass. πŸ’‹

  33. I'll never forget Eartha Kitt as Catwoman: that voice....

  34. I think the my rainbow pin requires me to mention Julie Newmar, but I loved Eartha Kitt too. That rawrrrr and laugh were everything.

  35. Seeing as how James a bond was actually written as a white male, not sure what all the fuss is. White-washing is bad, but PC changes are ok, just to make a point?

  36. Anonymous2:28 PM

    The last "Star Wars" movie is despised by its base because of too much SJW stuff, as its huge drop at the box office shows.

    SJW's should create their OWN franchises, and watch them rise or fall based on their merit, rather than seeking to alter every successful work of Dead White Males.

    BTW, Ian Fleming's "Live and Let Die" was actually quite good at sketching black urban life, and its Harlem villain is awesome.

  37. Instead of staring a Black male as "007 Bond" why not create a new franchise with a Black Secret Agent based on what really happened in the past?

    There are plenty of juicy stories of how former US military service agents serving in the intelligence sectors, going to college on the GI bond, arrested on trumped up drug charges and facing long prison sentences and a wrecked life with deep financial debts, were coerced into working for the FBI/CIA undercover.

  38. Isn't Idris E. too old for the part? He is in great physical condition, but why cast someone, already ageing out of the role.

  39. If the answer is supposed to be James Bond, the blind item is stupid. Daniel Craig is already onboard for a fifth entry, to be released in November 2019. Pretty much everything is undetermined, but the only sure thing is that Craig will play Bond.
    Barbara Broccoli gets asked again and again about diversity by reporters, and she answers diplomatically to every one of them. Yes, Idris Elba would make an interesting Bond (except that he would make his debut at best in 2021, when he's 49, which means he wouldn't do more than two or three, which is a big no-no). Yes, we're thinking about women, etc. Frankly, it's no-news. Her comments were made two weeks ago, and nobody then bothered to report them, until some obscure tabloid took them at face value and thought it had a scoop, followed by other bottom of the barrel gossip sites.

    Now, regarding "SJWs", get a life, morons. Every time a character played by a woman gets a little bit more of development beyond being a potential love interest, you always blame a woman in charge. Sure, Barbara Broccoli made mistakes (and her half-brother is also in charge, and made mistakes). But getting a clean slate from many outdated conventions in the franchise that had become glaring during the Brosnan years wasn't one of them. Vesper Lynd from Casino Royale was one of the best James Bond girls in the entire franchise because her character wasn't one dimensional for once. Also, picturing Bond as a misogynist is totally in line with the Fleming novels. The character was betrayed by a woman in his first mission, he won't trust them afterwards.
    Also, The Last Jedi's box office will soon reach $1B, and it will be the highest-grossing film of all of 2017, in spite of MRAs' complaints about their childhood being destroyed because one film in the franchise didn't play to their expectations. Which was also why the film felt fresh and adventurous.


    1. 🎀 **drops the mic**

    2. Oh, but Vesper Lynd was meant to the one special Bond girl (kind of like Gypsy Danger in "Pacific Rim"). I'm not saying you're wrong, I think more modern adaptations should give them more personality like that. She's my fave (also because she dies like Ophelia in the end—I love that). OPI Vesper is my favourite OPI nail polish ever, it's the first time I even bought an OPI mini pack and ended up buying the full-sized version because I've used it so much and I needed more!

      Once, I bought a "Dr. No" bikini and today I just looked at it and realised it's Doctor Strange's shade of bleu! Hm.

      The only issue I have with SJW's taht I have it their self-righteousness in their ignorance. Like for instance, in 2016 there was a post making rounds on Tumblr about how the beauty community should stop using the Sanskrit word "guru" (it means 'teacher') in "beauty guru" (to describe YouTubers who do makeup tutorials/share beauty skills and tips). It had this "OMG LOOK AT ME DEFENDING SANSKRIT-SPEAKING PEOPLES OMG" white saviour vibe written all over it. The truth is, if they'd just come out of their PC bubble for a minute, the Sanskrit word "guru" has been adopted as a loan word in many Astronesian Southeast Asian countries as THE word for 'teacher' (like in Malay/Indonesian). So technically, that sleazy acting teacher who molests students and writes your role off plays because you wouldn't flirt back at him is an "acting GURU" in those people's native language. And these SJW were sooo enraged that the "sacred" (in their orientalist minds) was used by people talking about makeup. If anything, I think Malay/Indo-speaking people should be offended by a bunch of westerners telling us what words we can/cannot use.

      Same with Asian-Americans (like the second generation people) and British Asians. They're just not the same as an actual Asian person living in Asia. I mean it's great that they don't have colourist ideas, but some of them are just PC dumbasses that offend us living in Asia.

      IDK. I'd like to think of myself as a progressive person, but sometimes I get really bad vibes around some SJW (not all). Like the energy I get from them is self-interest, like it's more important for them to be VIEWED and have this 'image' (like PR for non-famous people) as being a "defender", but I don't feel like they care as much about the world as they want people to think (or they even know about themselves). I especially dislike the 'faux feminists' (the ones who build a "feminist" persona, but the mask cracks and you see them doing utterly hypocritical things and accuses anyone who doesn't like them 'mysogynist'). People like that scare people away from good causes.

  40. Anonymous3:23 PM

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  41. Everyone, Check out "the church" blind from last week

    We're onto David Geffen's money laundering and foreign shell companies tied to Saudis, UAE, sex trafficking, and modern art sales

    1. Read the newest comments @ the very bottom

  42. Anonymous3:50 PM

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  43. Anonymous4:04 PM

    SJW's target things that ordinary people love, "culturally enrich" them in predictable ways, and act like Martyrs when ordinary people sensibly avoid the Fruits of their Genius.

    They are ambivalent about the Franchise they target, and view it as a stage for their politics. In fact they are politicians who rise not by aesthetic and commercial talent but by grievance mongering.

    Nothing wrong with strong women characters, or minority leads. Blade was awesome, and Kill Bill worked for a few hours :)

    But catering to the SJWs destroyed The Matrix Trilogy, and its about to topple the mighty NFL Franchise. Last Jedi is the least popular Star Wars ever.

    And the worst thing about it is that while fanboys love their Franchises, SJWs don't really care if they fail. Another regressive cis-thing bites the dust...who shall we plunder next?

  44. If you want a female secret agent, write an original secret agent. It's possible. Emma Peel existed 40 years ago, you know.

    I don't want any classic male characters replaced with stupid female versions to placate the kind of one-dimenesional culture-free sadsacks who think the sole purpose of art is propaganda. How old do they think we are mentally that we're so, so delighted by a fucking gender swap of a franchaise that has already been beaten to death for dollars over the course of five decades? Fuck off. If I want to watch a Bond, I'll watch one from the time it was still good, not a $300million exercise in shitty plotting, worse acting and somehow making even giant explosions and car chases dull as ditchwater.

    Same with Who.

    I can't understand the fuss about the new Who being OMGAH female. Female or male, it's been written as cringey fanfiction since its reboot and is with a few exceptional episodes, utterly cringeworthy, badly-written tat and I have no idea why actual adults are prepared to lower their standards enough to withstand the pathetic lack of decent plots, awful dialogue and screeching music. I speak as someone who watched the original series on broadcast from 1975 btw. Frankly I'd retire the whole concept and try to produce some SF concept that is as new and interesting now as Who was in the 60s and 70s. Now it's a sad nostalgia exercise made worse by fucking horrific writing. Pasting a middle-aged blonde vag onto it is not going to do anything except please the kind of people who don't even watch the stuff they demand be written to suit their politics anyway.

  45. Anonymous4:40 PM

    The weirdest thing about the SJWs is that they usually ignore the roughly 100 years of fantastic acting by women. The skinny swordspeople that SJWs rave about are thin beer compared to the incredible female actresses that prowled decades ago. Heck, Princess Leia is less revolutionary than Theda Bara was!

    Of course, for Communists History before their Revolution doesn't matter :)

  46. Vie Zeen said...
    I'll never forget Eartha Kitt as Catwoman: that voice....

    ^^^ +1

  47. Could this be a replacement for Paul Walker in the Fast and Furious franchise?

  48. Easy D - quite! I mention that the first, oh FORTY years of cinema were female-dominated to a grand degree and perhaps they should check out a whole laundry list of classic films and actresses from the 20s to the 50s and ... nothing. Watch an OLD movie? Like, huh?

    This is because they're actually not interested in film. They're not interested in art. They're generally not even interested in the films they whined about not getting when they get them. They're interested is the fleeting ego boost and bizarre sense of self-satisfaction that comes from something originally male being recast as something female, even third-rate female. I don't know how insecure you've got to be to need anything good that's male-centred deliberately wallpapered over with the latest shitty actresses for your satisfaction instead of seeking out female originals, but there you go, that's Nowadays People for you.

  49. Fuc's sake, everyone go watch Marlene Dietrich in Shanghai Express or the Thin Man series with Myrna Loy or Garbo in Queen Christina or Liz Taylor burning up the screen in anything, or Vivian Leigh doing the same then come back and tell me we need a flaccid, flat, pointless female fucking Ghostbusters *retch* or a Crap Vagina Bond or whatever. It's ALL there, there's no need to shit over men to find something that's not even one tenth as good.

  50. Anonymous6:37 PM

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  51. I’m as right-on feminist pinko liberal as you like, but I do love the Bond franchise, (Cubby Broccoli era -doery Babs), but Bond couldn’t work as a female. Bond is the dumb-fuck hammer you use to crack a pistachio nut. He (and most of the 00s to be fair) the distraction to let real spying get done.

    I really did want Idris as Bond, as he’s just what the franchise needs. But I do like the idea of expanding the 00-universe and having a series focused on them. I’d be happy with event TV even.

    But actually what would make me happiest would be for Daniel Craig to bugger off, as I cannot watch him as Bond.

    1. And am I the only one that enjoyed the Ghostbusters reboot?

  52. Let's ruin more successful & classic movies with tedious bullshite, instead of coming up with something original.

    If 007 will be a woman, it will flop miserably. People are sick and tired of having social justice warriors, ram political correct shite down their throats.

    Instead of focusing on quality, all they do is focus on gender, sexuality, skin colour, etc. They are obsessed with skin colour and sexuality; there's a right skin colour and a wrong skin colour, there's a right sexuality (or right sexualities apparently now) and wrong one - it's sickening.
    Whatever happened to judging on contents on character?
    All this incessant forceful ranting does, is backfire eventually as fanatical mouth-foaming liberal fascism is kinda annoying.

  53. I certainly hope they do make it a black female Bond as that will drive a stake through the heart of that franchise that should have died and been buried deep after the sixties ended.

  54. Anonymous2:40 AM

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  55. Anonymous3:09 AM

    Women and minority artists and creators are awesome, and should be encouraged! We all benefit from diverse visions and entertainment options.

    Where I draw the line is the permanent resentment and relentless social engineering of some SJWs. They have declared war on the consciousness of the white male and the nuclear family, while looking to hijack the creative emanations of white artists and make money from white families.

    Their caustic attitude about "destroying the childhoods" of older fans betrays their chronic misunderstanding of Pop Culture and Showbiz.

    You can't regularly alienate your most passionate fans and expect to have a thriving business (ask the NFL!).

    Some edginess and challenging of audiences is desirable, of course, but not the contempt that would make a beloved white male Alpha Male icon into a chick.

  56. James Bond Franchise

  57. James Bond for sure. Plots are pretty predictable & one dimensional. I don’t care for the franchise & would’t be upset if their refusal to cast Women / POC drove the franchise into irrelevance.

    Apparently talk about Star Wars receipts taking a nose dive was premature. They’re dong well this weekend & poised to cross $1 billion & be the top grossing film of 2017.

    @AIP I liked the Ghostbusters reboot too. Reboots are hard b/c people romanticize the original.

  58. @Easy D, I agree with you, whole-heartedly.

    I personally feel that the insistence by SJW types to re-cast or re-imagine characters traditionally cast as white males as either women and/or minorities actually is counter-productive, as it lends to the continuing problematic trend of Hollywood re-hashing and re-booting the same stale @ss stories (often of white male author origin). I feel like more good can be done by social progessives if they repeatedly request NEW SOURCE MATERIAL for films and tv productions - source material written by people of color and/or by women. I truly believe that the creation of new, bold, bad-@ss characters who happen to be minority or women will prove more instrumental in bridging equality gaps, than any "re-imagined" character ever will.

    Plus, the creation of stand-alone new characters will never be associated with any asterisks explaining their numerous physical reincarnations through time. Organically grown characters have more cultural impact, in my opinion. They exist because their authors WANTED them to exist a certain way...not because a public demanded it. Just my two cents...

  59. Anonymous9:22 AM

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  60. @AIP I agree with you re Daniel Craig. I find him so bland and boring and he has no charisma! Idris Elba, on the other hand, has bags of charisma (as well as those good looks), and he can act. The latest Bond film, 'Spectre' is on TV soon and though I haven't seen it, I would rather watch 'Kingsman: The Secret Service' for the second time, as that film is fantastic.

  61. @Kimberley: I actually refused to watch Spectre, as Quantum of Solace was so fucking stupid, all due respect to Albert Finney and Judy Dench. Which is a shame as I am totally here for Rory Kinnear (I’m of a generation that remembers his late father fondly), Naomi Harris, Ben Whishaw and of course, The Fiennes.
    But I think Lazenby is an underrated Bond (Diana Rigg in OHMSS is everything!), so what do I know?!πŸ˜‚

    1. And completely by coincidence I’m watching Trevor Noah’s latest stand-up and it has just this subject! His point is that while he’d love Idris to be Bond, considering most supervillans are in super-white places it’d be particularly difficult to be a spy when you’re the only black face around πŸ˜‚

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Instead of making Bond black to give the tired franchise a shot in the arm, why not make him American?

    Imagine Jon Hamm as James Bond, CIA, with moody Matthew Weiner scripts.
