Thursday, December 21, 2017

Blind Item #2

Speaking of celebrity offspring, an offspring of a now deceased permanent A lister who ran an empire based around his voice, is living in a $5M house. Nothing interesting about that. The thing is, because of an ongoing legal battle, the offspring has no money. She lives in the house without any running water or electricity. She and her friends sit around and smoke pot all day while stealing electricity from a neighbor and using a fairly nasty swimming pool as their bathtub. From the looks of the way they use lock cutters on a weekly basis, she is also probably squatting in the place.


  1. Frances Bean Cobain?

  2. Kasey Casem's daughter?

  3. Whoever it is...Get in where you fit in, girl! (But I would MacGyver up something other than a neglected swimming pool, that's just nasty)

  4. "Liberty Kasem will not receive her share of the $2.09 million policy until she reaches age 40."

    I'm not feeling too bad for her

  5. See, when you come out of those up-tempo goddamn numbers, man, it’s impossible to make those transitions, and then you gotta go into somebody bathing in a swimming pool!

  6. @JoeBlow - hahahaha!

  7. Is Liberty the youngest daughter? Her Scio sibling will keep her in court forever. Why doesn't her mother step in?

  8. I thought that crazy wife was left quite well off.

  9. yep, it's Liberty. She's the daughter of Casey's second wife Jean, who's battling with the three kids of his first wife over the estate.

  10. The deed to the mansion is in under the name of Liberty's mom, Jean Kasem.
    The other children from Casey, who deserves a better ending to his life, filed a wrongful death suit against her and Jean filed a wrongful death lawsuit back against them. I don't think Casey Kasem's assets will be released any time soon.

  11. this is the problem with trust fund kids, instead of going out getting a career and supporting yourself. They would rather live in a dilapidated mansion waiting for the check to come.

  12. Sounds like Liberty had a falling put with her mom. Can't stand Jean and she Really looks like a tranny!! Lol

  13. Is that your way of saying she has manly features?

    I don't think Liberty and Jean have issues, or she could just kick Liberty out of the mansion. I think they stay there to keep the other children from removing items.

    1. Yes Don, Jean always seemed manly to me and Liberty well uhm....not as attractive as her step siblings.

  14. But, I still thought Jean was left well off. I realize his other kids have things tied up in court and somehow got them kicked outta that mega mansion, but there HAS to be liquidations somehow I thought cuz he left everything to crazy lady.



    clearly Liberty Kasem and since this was published, its not a blind anymore & could be marked 'solved.'

  17. Disgusting. Heaven forbid they actually get jobs and scrap out some semblance of a living.

  18. I'm from the UK and still fondly remember his US top ten show from late nite in the 80's ' keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars' plus he was shaggy as well.

  19. Jean was married to Casey for over 30 years...she wasn't some new to the scene gold digger...the kids need to give it a rest and leave her alone.

  20. @Jon. Agreed with you. The kids from the first marriage seem horrible and have given their stepmother hell. The woman looked after him while he was dying and they then interfered with his treatment and have made her life miserable. I've seen this happen many times in families when there is an illness and death especially when there are step kids/step moms involved. Instead of illness and death bringing the families closer, it brings out the worst in people.

    1. Yeah, he was covered in bed sores, verbally abused and treated like garbage. Sorry but it Sounds like alleged elder abuse.Jean was probably burned out and should have placed him in a nursing home.The issues were not allowing his kids to visit and isolating him while she supported her biker boyfriend. Give me a break....she did not want to spend money on his care.

  21. 1991 First job in San Fancisco. Jean Casem called my boss one afternoon and we ended up talking on the phone for a half hour! Boss Man stuck his head out his office and said, "Who the hell are you talking to for so damn long?!" When I said, "Casey Casem's wife," he almost came unglued. "Put her the hell on!" Through the door I could hear him saying, "Oh, thank you, Jean. Yes she IS nice, isn't she? Oh, really? I didn't know that about her. I'll have to talk to her about that after we hang up." Chuckle She was super nice and super smart. And she clearly adored her husband.

  22. Thank you for those providing the link to that very interesting family drama. As an ICU nurse we are often caught in the middle of family drama often having to protect the patient from factions at war. It is a shock how badly that house fell in disrepair in 3-4 years, and how extensive they have devalued the property with neglect. Without knowing all the details, it is hard to say who has the upper hand but Jean has always seemed a little off, and her trying to block the attorney with her crutches in the video reminds me of stories of Jean getting physically aggressive with caregivers and others trying to help her husband who was reported to be found in a horrific health state while in her care. It is all so sad.
