Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Blind Item #2

A measure of revenge for this B- list singer who is always being cheated on by her A- list rapper/reality star husband. After a long search, the wife found an old recording where she was participating in her husband's favorite activity. The wife is wearing a strap on and going to town on the husband from behind. She says that unless he starts being fair with the finances that it is going public. Considering how misogynistic he is, it would crush him.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. yes Tiny and T.I. He's a known jerk

  3. WOAH!! Good 4 u Tiny!! TI. My oh my...lol

  4. Haha I hope it’s t.i. He’s a creep and arrogant for no reason.

  5. Upper West Side-Pink's Nail Salon on Amsterdam. Saturday. 10 or so years ago. Sit down. There is a young man sitting next to me getting his nails done. Hmm. Cute. Young enough to be my grand...young. There is a large plasma TV on the wall and L'il Kim is on a video. He snorts and makes a derogatory remark about her. I turn, "She's IS a mess, isn't she. Sad." He whips around, his jaw drops. "Uh did you hear that?" Told him not to be embarrassed. So super glow-in-the-dark-white-lady and adorable Rapper stick their heads together and cut every famous rapper to the bone. He was surprised I knew any of them. Asked him what he did. I'm a rapper, myself. Oh, do tell? What name do you go by? T.I. You probably don't know about me yet. Just wait. I assumed (stupidly) he was from Brooklyn. If I had known he was from Hot-lanta I would have adopted him. Told him about the annual barbecue in the park thang while his sidekick gave me the strangest look ever. He left. Monday at work I asked Jamon if he had ever heard of a rapper named T.I. Say whaaat? How do you know T.I. We had our nails done together last Saturday. He flips open his cell and spends the next half hour calling all his friends on Coney Island. "You know that really cool older lady I work with? Guess what!" Two thumbs up.

  6. @Boo I actually love TI, as well! Met him a handful of jobs when he came for appearances at my old job.
    The third time he came up to our offices, I was walking out to a lunch and saw him in elevator lobby. I say.. "Oh hey, TI", as he's walking out... he throws his arms around me and gives me a huge bear hug and says, "Hey Girl... Been awhile". Awesome Dude. Much nicer than a lot of the other performers that would traipse through our offices expecting a red carpet and a parade.
    The other half (Tiny) is a bit batty. She's never trusted him and watches him like a hawk at any public or private appearances. I wouldn't be surprised if she's planting this stuff and kicking up dust to cause trouble.

  7. She’ll do time.
    Blackmail will peg her harder than she pegged him.

  8. "Peg, it will come back to you". Suddenly that Steely Dan song is in my head

  9. BABS AND OB: Isn't it sad when people like us meet someone and have a totally positive vibe and then read all the false, malicious nonsense about the same guy/gal? So happy to read your comments when a happy spin is put on someone like T. I. and so many other talented young people. Thanks for sharing!

  10. I was in Atlanta about 10 years ago visiting a friend...he took me to breakfast before I flew home. As we were eating, in walks a couple who sit down next to us...it was T.I. and Tiny. The were friendly and cool and chatted with us a bit while we waited for our food.

  11. Everyone can have bad days but I've never, not once, heard the disgusting things about TI that I've heard about other Atlanta rappers. Usually the gossip concerns his weird relationship with Tiny or other women (or men.) I've not heard one word about shitty, entitled, abusive behavior from TI.
