Thursday, December 14, 2017

Blind Item #2

This former child actress turned teen actress with issues turned singer who travels the world with her band is going to name some big names when it comes to sexual abuse when she was really young working in the industry. 


  1. I'm with the Momsen guess.

  2. Good guess @moussemaker - It's been a while since Momsen was on this site. I'm sure she has seen and been through a lot.

  3. Well if it’s Taylor M that would explain the hell bent drug abuse.

  4. Do you guys ever wonder if we’re hindering the process? Like Enty presents the blind, we post our answers and who is to say that those being outed persay aren’t reading these posts only to “reach out” to their accusers to shut them up? Just a thought.

  5. Yes, this would explain a lot about Taylor. I hope she comes forward.

    @Mike - Jenny only tours solo, Rilo Kiley disbanded years ago.

  6. Taylor Momsen, she was heavy into drugs at a young age,and posing nude underage. Her band was the opening act on the last Soundgarden show. All this stuff is strangely coming together.

  7. Oh wow, @Guesser. I didn't realize she had Chris Cornell ties.

  8. It seems like a lot of "are about to name names" stories are stacking up. If they aren't losing their nerve or being bought/threatened off again, there should be a heck of a flood one of these days.

  9. Yes @XYZ - I have thought about that. I can only hope we are not hindering any true due process or hurting anyone.

  10. I was the last person to buy in to the conspiracy theories, but one thing after another keeps coming. For example, both Chris and Chester had death hoaxes shortly before they died. So did Prince and Paul Walker. Maybe they are warnings,not hoaxes. Many celebrities have this happen, and there seems to be no logic to who is chosen.

  11. I hope whoever it is, they take off the gloves and go full speed on this assholes

  12. Also, Rose McGowan has said Harvey Levin is holding something over her. Short of murder,she needs to own it.

  13. I guessed Taylor Momsen right away!!! I hate to be correct on this BI, or that this happened to anyone, but I am proud to finally feel like I got one right.

  14. I have seen The Pretty Reckless several times. Last year she did perform at Rockville as did Soundgarden. Anyway, she was pretty rough last year. I would prefer to Watch Lucy Hale, Lacey Strum, Maria Brink or Butcher Babies than her.
    She is stunning however, and Having just watched How the Grinch stole Christmas yesterday, it really makes me sad to think what she may have gone through.

  15. Taylor Momsen always struck me as the type who wanted to be grown up as soon as she could.

  16. She was really only VERY young in the Grinch Movie, with Ron Howard as the director. And of course, Spy Kids2 with Robert Rodriguez, i think this one may have come up recently. WE all know he is such a peach

    1. If Ron Howards name comes up ever in any of this abuse crap I will lose all faith in humanity and swear off Hollywood forever. Just saying.

  17. Taylor Momsen -- how sad. I love her and her band, Pretty Reckless.

  18. Wonder if she has an Ed Westwick story in addition to the directors mentioned above...

  19. @ Lindsay, I was thinking the same thing.

    @Marlin, It might not be Ron. Brian Glazer is a Co-Producer on the Grinch. His name seems to come up a lot in connection to known pedo's.

  20. @bayarea I sure hope so. That would break my heart more than the Bill Cosby shocker.

  21. said...
    "Do you guys ever wonder if we’re hindering the process? Like Enty presents the blind, we post our answers and who is to say that those being outed persay aren’t reading these posts only to “reach out” to their accusers to shut them up? Just a thought."

    I've thought about that, too, xyz. I have a feeling that by time such an item becomes a blind, legal paperwork has been drawn up by the victim, and any "reach out" would be considered coercion or whatever the legal terms are.

  22. @truthseeker lol when somebody says they'd rather watch Butcher Babies.

  23. Juliette Lewis, to be different

  24. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Out 'em Taylor. Every one. In taking back your power, you empower us. #Metoo.

  25. I hope she buries them all.

  26. I hope she and other pedo victims can recover as much as possible. I watched 'An Open Secret' on youtube last Christmas and it still haunts me.

    These pedos are like vampires but instead of blood they feast on innocence of helpless children.



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