Friday, December 08, 2017

Blind Item #1

It was no accident this A list director was spotted in LA and that he answered questions. The whole thing had been planned out in advance with the person who runs the operation. He himself had been given his instructions by someone even more powerful.


  1. Anonymous6:58 AM

    ^^^ with Geffen being the "more powerful" one

    1. Exactly what I was thinking, Geffen seems to be at the top of most of em!

  2. When ENTY says the “Person who Runs the Operation” do you think he is implying a sex ring or the CO$ or just some big movie executive ? Am I falling down the conspiracy hold again ?

  3. @AJ I think it's heavily implied. I'm not one to subscribe to too many conspiracy theories, but the more you hear about Hollywood... Well, the more cynical about the whole system I become :/

  4. Singer's TMZ thing. Is today the day the dam breaks?

  5. @Drama - me thinks so, it's everywhere! As is the Masterson/Co$ coverup stuff!

  6. My question now is- Who's giving Harvey orders?

  7. Are there three people in this blind?

    A list director

    Person who runs the operation

    Someone even more powerful

  8. Wait. I'm confused.
    Am I getting this right?
    Geffen is forcing Singer to be out in public and answer questions because Geffen has a big or even bigger plan?

    What am I missing? I don't get this blind.

  9. The big "Categorically denies" Attorney springs to mind.

    This could potentially be a pre-planned false accusation that will get dismissed again, thus "proving" that Singer is innocent one again.

  10. ICYMI

  11. Time to go after Geffen

  12. 3 people involved is how I read it:
    A list director,
    person who runs the operation,
    and someone even more powerful.

  13. @Glue Maybe he just wants Singer to stay out and about so he doesn't find a spare moment or two to stick his head in the oven?

  14. There's gonna be a huge expose coming out today.
    People have been saying since last night.
    Singer, and the most powerful being Geffen.
    Think this blind is saying Singer's part of a plan to deflect attention away from Geffen. It would make sense. He'd throw anyone under the bus to keep it from running over him.

    1. I hope something comes to light and all the money in the world won't help Geffen!

  15. Singer for sure. Look at the TMZ videos. Also to point out, his voice his all over the place. His body language twitchy. He is either nervous, which is likely and also, the voice is something wavering happens a lot from over drug usage and lack of sleep.

  16. I think it is saying that the latest rape allegations against Singer might be a set up by person running the Operation???? and the powerful person behind it, Geffen. Set up a false flag and thus show Singer is innocent.

  17. So I'm guessing Singer --> Geffen, but who's the higher power in the shadows? Or is it Singer --> Some suit --> Geffen?

    I wonder if Singer's going to keep fighting in court as that's gone relatively well for him before. And we've seen how quickly his people can get things suppressed, like the articles about Justin Smith. Though I can see a potential 'accidental overdose' in Singer's future due to all the 'stress' and 'PTSD' the allegations have caused him.

  18. Unless there are more actionable cases and witnesses , I don't think this case will go anywhere. It sounds a lot like that other case(same lawyer too apparently) that was thrown out and could easily be viewed as a shakedown or he said/he said. He will need a floodgate. This case though is probably why he was fired from his job as the studio found out he had a legal case coming up and didn't want to be associated with him given the current climate. I'm also pretty sure that Harvey Weinstein will not be prosecuted for rape. Paz de la Huerta does not sound credible. If I were on a jury, it would be hard for me to understand how she got raped a second time and went with Weinstein from a public lobby to her apartment. Same with Asia Argento, how does a man sexually assault you, then you willingly have a relationship with him years later. Maybe I've become a cynic, but given that Victor Salva came back to work in Hollywood after a few years away, I don't really believe there is any actual permanent house cleaning going on. I suspect that many of these people will be back in a few years, and if not openly working, they will be working behind the scenes. Also pretty sure that the press interest in sexual misconduct cases will be proportional to Trump's stay in office. No one cared when Slick Willy was in power or when these celebrities were using their star power and money to back political candidates.

    1. Yeah I agree, I was reading the suit and it don't seem like its going to stick, my fear is that this is going to happen so many times that every time singer is accused the less the victims will be believed!

  19. It depends on whether "the operation" is the Geffen-Singer-whoever operation, or the "take down rapists and pedophiles among the elites one by one" operation. If it's the latter, then Singer has already been nailed to the wall by the authorities and he's following orders to bring his conspirators to light. I can make that work, but it feels too good to be true, and he doesn't look like the cooperative type. So it's probably the first one: Geffen told him to get out there and talk to fill the headlines, because worse (for him) could be coming. No doubt Geffen will expect Singer to be the fall guy if necessary, but will he be willing? Will it matter, as stories continue to come out? If Singer is the story this week, there's always next week.

    @jwin's false flag theory is interesting. I could see that. This one story won't generate tons of sympathy anyway, since a lot of people will say, "Yeah, that's rough, but dude, you went on a gay yacht party with Bryan Singer. Have you been living in a hole for the past decade? Did you think you were there for your sparkling conversation?" It will take more victims anyway to really blow it up.

  20. That's so funny that he thinks he can control the impending avalanche. Go ahead, Bryan, you go get right in front of it.

  21. @himmmm The expose today is not about Singer, they specifically said. More likely Franco.

  22. Singer --> person who runs TMZ i.e. Harvey Levin? --> Geffen

  23. Praise be!!! Finally. I hope Franco gets taken down too. He is such a creep. I hope THEY ALL FALL DOWN!

  24. OpenSecret said their stuff wasn't about their WrapUp which was all Singer.

    Although THIS blind might be about Singer and Geffen, OpenSecret's big dump will not be.

    I wonder, are there any Vegas odds about Singer fleeing the country or offing himself?

  25. Cail Corishev - There does seem to be a 'critical mass' needed in a lot of these situations. I guess one person coming forward risks being judged as 'he said/ she said', but multiple people with similar stories indicate a pattern of behaviour (as Enty likes to say), that becomes harder to dismiss.

    Honest question: What is a victim's best course of action in these instances? Especially if as Acad said, there is no actionable case that can be pursued. File a historic police report? Try to put out feelers feels like a bad term to use in this situation) to find other victims? Contact a journalist? Get as far away as possible and try to look after their own mental health? And I'm sure there are a bazillion other factors, like their current position in the industry and whether there is information out there that can be held against them.

    And what are the most useful things others can do to help?

  26. i have it on insider authority that the big expose is about singer, just not what we've heard so far.

  27. When I read Guzman hired the SAME attorney as the other had (which was dropped) I KNEW then this was all a well-planned...plan. All these top people have been playing this game for DECADES and know who to pay off, etc. and have done so successfully. The Singer TMZ interview for me was the icing on the cake that this was all for optics. This case will be dropped and all will be once again swept under the carpet. We're all so overwhelmed right now with the sexual abuse going on it's too much information too fast and 24/7. I bet whoever it ends up being exposed today won't even make it beyond the 6:00pm news tonight. Sadly.

  28. Ok Masa, thanks. I was going by what the reporter for the Singer story told me. Said there's unimpeachable/unassailable proof this time on him. Franco and his school would be a welcome read. I can only imagine the lawyers lining up to sue the high schools and colleges into oblivion who partnered with Franco. That will def wreck his Oscar hopes. Got a copy of his Tommy Wiseau/Room movie sent to me today. An "unofficial" For Your Consideration preview screener for awards voting from his agents. Put it right into the garbage. Wanted to see it too, but as a parent - I look at my young daughter wanting to always protect her and my other kids from predators - and just can't bring myself to give a rat's ass about him though.

  29. Remember, Harvey Levin works for Fox Network.

  30. FG?

  31. Wouldn't it be ace if it was that Singer cracks and spills everything!!! I know very highly doubtful! But it would be fun to watch!

  32. I wanted to see that Franco movie, too. It's interesting how often talented people are 'touched' (I mean mentally) in a bad way.

    Speaking of which, is anyone else having problems getting the TMZ Singer interview to play? Doesn't work on any of my browsers.

  33. @Cail Corishev Exactly. It's a very weak case from the sound of it. No one will be sympathetic because of where it happened. You need more sympathetic witnesses and plausible surroundings or police reports or physical evidence.
    The TMZ interview is an attempt to get his side of the story out there and repair his image. Most of the general public have not heard the rumors surrounding him so may be willing to give him a pass on a family issue causing a firing. The interview actually backfires on him, because he is specifically asked if his firing is due to any impending bombshell which he denies. But there was a bombshell so it affects his credibility. If this was coordinated, it actually doesn't help him.


  34. Who is more powerful than Geffen though, someone is working hard on cleaning up Fox I think. To be honest these folk are just names to me, people I had never heard of until things started to appear in the popular press.

  35. Singer --> Geffen --> Palpatine

  36. Keep in mind, TheWrap story was specifically about the lawsuit against BS not BS himself SO it is possible the expose COULD include BS tho at this point, it could be anything or anyone.

  37. I tried leaving two different comments on the published article about Bryan last night on Daily Mail. One of those comments mentioned Geffen and the other one was questioning the censorship... Neither of them were ever posted to the comments section.Clearly he's being hung out as a sacrifice to the masses to distract from the bigger picture. Nice crafting and responsible journalism. Awful. Just awful.

  38. @kristaylor, @AuntieHistimine
    The more I read, the more I get the sinking feeling this is could be happening. These people have so much experience creating and spinning narratives. If they can't quash all the rumours and legal investigations about Singer (though they seem to have tried), what's the next step? To make anyone that comes forward with allegations seem unreliable/unstable. Even if that means manipulating - or manufacturing from scratch - a victim, with the sole intention of getting another case thrown out of court.

  39. Singer strikes me as the rather pathetic cowardly type. I wouldn't be suprised that if he sees the writting on the wall, he starts singing like a canary, cuts a deal and outs the higher ups.

  40. @Frosty but is there an actual investigation on Singer going on by the police or FBI or even Kevin Spacey. We are just mainly seeing trial by media/social media and no actual cases or police investigations. I also wonder about the impartiality of the LAPD since they have a past of corruption especially when it relates to the Hollywood elite.

  41. @AnOpenSecret just replied to someone on Twitter letting them know today's expose is not about Franco or Travolta. Waiting for the ne s to break to see who it will be about.

    OT: Just came across this article about another Gary Goddard abuse victim coming forward and supporting Anthony Edward's claims:

    So glad more and more victims are finding the courage to seek justice and spotlight this horrible reality. It's the only way positive change can come about. Bravo!

  42. Watched "An open secret" today. Huffington's name was mentioned several times during the documentary, as well as Geffen and Singer as investors into the child sex ring set up by DEN. Also, another note to think of is Brock Pierce (of DEN) is a founder of BitCoin and has links to the Clinton Global Initiative.

    1. Brock Pierce is NOT or has ever been a founder of BitCoin. What he was, was a member and sometime later director of the BitCoin Foundation, an organisation seperat from BitCoin that advocated for BitCoin investment and education. BitCoin is not easy to understand but don't credit that greasy shit with being it's founder because he isn't. Last I heard the foundation went bankrupt it had less than 5 members.

      Founders were very unhappy with his selection too.

  43. I read the complaint and got the impression that Singer left DNA or other evidence on or with the victim. The Complaint was posted on Herman's website, but he is not counsel of record and his name does not appear on the Complaint. TMZ has been very favorable to men who behave badly for years, so I'm not surprised they are helping Singer. That video is totally staged.

  44. Singer, TMZ and James Cameron

  45. Rose McGowan tweeted how Fox is complicit in the Bryan Singer debacle.

    That why Murdoch is in such a hurry to sell it?

  46. Organized, HUGE increase in sealed indictments across the country but very huge increase here in LA/SoCal.

    Also, the Democratic Party is cleaning house in a MASSIVE, organized purge. In particular, they want to get rid of the old white males and rebrand as the party of minorities and females, with an angle to use this as the key distinction/differentiator vs. the “old white racist male GOP”/conservatives/Republicans. This includes purging of Hollywood liberal elite whites with a clear history - now personas non grata and liabilities.

    Will post more later but for now, buh bye Bryan Singer you dirty scumbag 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕

  47. Interestingly, Lainey is not optimistic that the Singer accusations will lead to further dam breaking:

    Lainey can be a petty mean girl at times, but she's pretty insightful on this topic.

  48. I was wondering if Rupert Murdoch was 3rd party with Geffen and Singer. The fake accusation angle is a good and as we've found out effective way to create enough doubt that the other accusers are lying.

  49. Clearly Singer. I watched it on TMZ. I guess they figure since no one has really heard him that it will make him appear a little more human. I had never heard him interviewed before and only knew him from pedo rumors so you have this monster in your head. I don't know... he did come off ok during interview. Incongruous with my previous perception of him. Maybe a good strategy.

  50. To the people pointing to past cases, throw ALLLLLLL that precedent out the window. Past performance is no indication of future results, folks. It’s a brave new world. Old cases once dismissed will be revisited. This is NOT blowing over.

  51. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Or perhaps its even more nefarious. I'd google jeff herman a little later today again. oops!

  52. @ltttt, I hope you're right. Did a quick Google search of Herman and he seems to be a long time victims' advocate/lawyer. I'm guessing he wants another swing at Singer, but he's not admitted to practice in WA so brought in another firm.

  53. I don't think Geffen is the person who runs the operation. I think the operation is a reference to TMZ, so that person would be Harvey Levin. Levin took orders from Geffen.

  54. Anonymous1:14 PM

    definitely something else. TWO major stories today. will make people ???..deadline is the source btw

  55. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Herman story will come from other news source.


  56. see Diane Von Furstenburg news

  57. Like I said...

  58. Thanks xyz. Wow that article really draws the connections between Singer Garry Goddard & Tyler Grasham. It's like they work together to get their prey...

  59. @Roxy - I agree, sounds like three people. But who could be above Geffen on the power pyramid?

    @RingoSkater - LOL, yes!

  60. @Itttt If you really believe the Democrat party is cleaning house I've got a bridge to sell you. The Democrats are pretending to clean house by getting 2 politicians in Democrat strongholds to resign. Al Franken will be replaced by another Democrat due to the governor of his state being a Democrat as will Conyers. Not a peep about Bob Mendez (New Jersey) who is supposed to have cavorted with underage girls and who if he were to step down would be replaced by a Republican appointed by the Republican governor of NJ. It's all pure political theatre.

  61. Acad, agreed that its all for show and political theater, but they ARE “cleaning house” and purging the weak and a very particular “brand” (type) of Democrat. Any combo of old/white/hetero/male in a Democratic stronghold, to be replaced with new blood. Very controlled and organized to this point but it’s still early in the process. Mid terms will be a show, no doubt about it.

    Btw Himmmm “I look at my young daughter wanting to always protect her and my other kids from predators“ 💯 x10000000000000000000000% bro fist 🤜🤛 🤜🏻🤛🏻🤜🏼🤛🏼🤜🏽🤛🏽🤜🏾🤛🏾🤜🏿🤛🏿👊👊🏻👊🏼👊🏽👊🏾👊🏿💥 exactly right, same. This world is going to change, it MUST change - for them and all the rest of the victims, young old and the next and coming generations.

  62. For those who didn't follow it, the big story came out today in Hollywood was expose on Bryan Singer by a young guy. Somebody posted that upstream but you can read it on deadline:

    It's pretty strong so warning for those who are queasy. It's a real story, not a puff piece like is mentioned in this blind - when Geffen told TMZ/Levin to help Singer with a kneepads video (probably literally!. Disgusting.

  63. Check out this story -

  64. The Franco rumors made me sad - I actually thought he wasagood Guy (albeit pretentious AF). Ugh, Hollywood. 🤯

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.



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