Friday, December 29, 2017

Blind Item #1

Don't believe the hype. Yes, this A list mogul/wannabe rapper is deep in the closet, but he didn't recently come out. I don't think he ever will. People can catch him with all manner of men, he just won't do it.



    Not that he's a wannabe, but this goes to rumors that have surrounded him for some time.

  2. Diddy is a wanna be rapper.

  3. I feel like Eminem isn't a wannabe rapper at this point?

  4. When I see A list mogul in the rapping industry, my first thought is always Puff Daddy, PDiddy, Puffy, PDiddle, PDoody, whatever his name is this week.

  5. Def. not Eminem. Diddy is the answer to this one, I believe. Jay and Dre are both rappers, not wannabe rappers. Diddy is the only mogul I can think of, unless he's talking Birdman, which is a disgusting thought.

  6. Wannabe rapper is Enty speak for Diddy, of course he is a rapper.

  7. Not Eminem. I'm going with @Glue's posts of all the P'diddly's names. It's him.

  8. Yes, I agree with everyone saying Diddy, hes good behind the scenes but he often tries to be a rapper jumping in every video he produces.

  9. I was thinking nick cannon. But diddy matches also... he just dances in videos. But yes Eminem is acting and looking diff lately..but he is no wannabe rapper.

  10. Probably referring to diddy in a recent Drink Champs pod/vidcast.

  11. It's weird - yea, I know Em is far from a wanna be rapper. But this blind clearly indicates a recent event that has people buzzing about the subject's sexuality. And that's clearly Marshall, from the interview he gave this week. Diddy hasn't said or done anything to bring his sexuality into question, nor does it seem any other A lister from the rap world has in the past few days.

    But Em clearly put his sexuality out there to be questioned. Whether it was a joke, a publicity stunt, or what, who knows. But there's no question he's stirred up a hornet's nest with the Grindr comment. It's been reproted all over the place. Including USA Today.

  12. Diddy's too insecure to ever come out.

  13. Eh, P Diddy probably doesn't want people asking any questions about his sex life. Being gay doesn't matter, but the age of his partners does.

  14. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Years ago, before the odd Grindr comment, Insane Clown Posse outed Eminem in a brutal song about how his friendship with Dr Dre led to "glory".

    Of course, there are so many closeted rapper/moguls to pick from, who really knows.

    1. Gay for pay (career) is one thing, permanently gay is something else. Outing all the gay-for-payers in Hwood would leave just a few left over!

  15. Eminem is not a mogul. Russell Simmons is a mogul. Jay-Z is a mogul. Diddy is a mogul.

  16. 50 Cent. Used to be a mogul wit vitamin water

  17. Marshall's grindr comment was just his sense of humour, he gave elton john a cockring for his wedding FFS! this is puffy.

  18. Actually could any of the above mentioned. All allegedly have played with boys in the past.

  19. But isn't Eminem a mogul, certainly as much as Dre, maybe as much as Diddy. He doesn't ACT like a mogul by shoring up contacts and turning up at charity events and paling around with billionaires. But Eminem has almost as many solid producing credits as writing credits.

    So what makes a mogul, because I'm not really sure.

  20. diddy all the way

  21. Em's def a mogul - started a record label that launched 50 Cent, as well as other rappers. Started (and still has) his own station on Sirius. Owned Royalty Flow, and has an interest in Royalty Exchange (companies created to purchase the legacy recordings of rappers). Plus his production work. Plus his work in film.

  22. Em is one of the best MCs so he's not a wannabe. No way. I'm going w Diddy.

  23. @Moose

    Yeah, that's what I thought, too! Eminem might not present as a mogul, but he sure as shit has the resume of a mogul.

  24. Diddy for sure. He along with Mase and their shitty mumbling ruined rap. He attached himself to Biggie and road the coattails. Eminem is a bonafide rapper. The dude can flo, writes his own lyrics and does not rely on catchy hooks or great vocalists for hits. Em's songs can stand on their own. Can't say the same for Diddy.

  25. I'd say Tyler the creator he's made contradictory statements about his sexuality and he's got a clothing line.

  26. It’s Diddy, I saw on LSA last night that he jokingly admitted it on a Podcast “Drink Champs” podcast? I’ve never heard of it
    You know the old saying “there’s a little bit of truth when someone says just kidding”

  27. Eminem & Jay-Z aren't wannabe rappers. Neither is Dr. Dre. They have all had high success as rappers.

    It's definitely Puffy

  28. Eminem is not a wannabe rapper or a mogul, Dre would be the mogul attached to him and he isn't a wanna be rapper either. Both are recognized as rappers. Diddy is an "executive producer's...all up in the videos, all on the records, dancin'" (Suge Knight).

    Eminem played the anti-gay role because that's what the critics labeled him, so he played them and used it to his advantage. But he isn't actually homophobic and has joked more than once about being gay, which is something closeted men don't do. It is, however, something a person secure enough with their own sexuality would joke about.

    I can't see anyone for this other than Diddy.

  29. We had a very similar blind before. This is Diddy.

  30. It is without a doubt Diddy.

  31. It's Diddy, it is on MediaTakeOut.

    1. I ADORE MediaTakeOut
      Its my other guilty pleasure. The comments are glorious. And the journalstic integrity is amazing over there.
      Joking about that last part.
      Its glorious

  32. Eminem is NOT a wannabe rapper. He is a legit rapper with many hits. Not him. Diddy fits perfectly.

  33. Eminem was totally joking with the Grindr crack and I agree with Don Kieballs, it's a joke a person secure in their sexuality would make.

  34. Flipping thru the channels, came across 'the four '. During close up shots, Under diddys name has the description "mogul"
