Monday, December 18, 2017

Blind Item #1

This former stripper turned celebrity turned reality star turned wannabe reality star is doing her best to create tension in the family she hates by hooking up with the oft cheating boyfriend of a member of that hated family. It is kind of funny how she keeps finding new ways to torment them.


  1. Got a pink Lamborghini just to race with Chyna

  2. Who is she sleeping w. Tristan, Scott? Oh I bet it’s the pregnant ones bf Travis scott. Wow.

  3. Blac Chyna/ Travis Scott.

  4. Lol it could be literally any of them, but I think the most recent blinds suggest TS, this one honestly made me laugh. Kind of at all of them in general.

  5. Is it wrong that I'm loving BC being a thorn in the KTrashClan's side? Not a fan of BC in the slightest, but I'm loving every minute of this.

    Still waiting for the day Rob comes to his senses. All that kid has to do is write a tell-all for a colossal amount of money and he will be not only set for life, but will rid of their less than pleasant behavior towards him once and for all.

    I don't believe in families holding grudges, but that poor guy has gotten the shortest end of the sick in that family and I'd absolutely LOVE for him to succeed while the rest implode.

    1. Yes glue but Rob would really go off the deep end without his mom. He is codependent and relies on her so much. If anything, he needs a take charge regular gal who will hover over him and lead him in the right direction. Little Dream will be the star in the future and hopefully distance herself from garbage mom and evicted grandma Tokyo Toni!

  6. First of all, blac chyna is kinda gross. She's a stripper and after that i dont know what her talent id or how she makes money. She has manipulated her body into a bizzare shape,,and when read shit about her great figure, im like what are you looking at. None of the so called men in k klan are worth shit, so go ahead sleep with them. I really dont think K's give a shit what she does, but man oh man, that baby girl Dream is insanely adorable!

  7. What commonality do all these individuals share? Could it possibly be one or more of the same PR/publicist/management team? Just keep manufacturing storylines/“drama” for attention, publicity, marketing...all for the benefit of the brand. If the public collectively ignored these laughable Sodomites, they and their multimedia “celebrity” empire would slowly but surely fade and disappear. But we collectively can’t help ourselves, so here we are.

    Manufacture soap opera storyline for public consumption, take in the profit off of eyeballs = advertising $$$/licensing $$$, rinse & repeat.

  8. i love chyna for this. she's so ratchet lmao. go get em girl

    1. +1000 She's kind of my hero for this.

  9. I love how nobody here 'likes' BC but we all like the fact she is running G on the K Klan. Lmao.

  10. And she'll be pregnant by Travis Scott in 3, 2 ,1

  11. ROFL clair may, sad but true.

  12. Evidence:
