Thursday, December 21, 2017

Blind Item #13

This barely there celebrity/actress offspring of a foreign born permanent A list actress/singer almost overdosed last week but is still taking a ton of drugs. She is going to end up dead and probably dead the day after she says something on social media about being sober. Don't believe her.


  1. Poor ONJ, she seems like such a nice lady. Wish her kid could get the help she needs.

    1. Don't be fooled by ONJ's butter wouldn't melt look. She is really not that nice nor maternal.

  2. Idk, I read a blind on another site that Olivia and Matt were not very good parents. Just really inattentive and lect her alone a LOT.

  3. Recent photos I have seen of Chloe are so disturbing they make me cringe. Does she have any idea what she has done to her face and body? I guess not.

  4. Her lips are so gross.

  5. Awww, Chloe...why the long face?


    OT, but is anyone else getting lag from this site? Makes me wonder if it’s under DDoS attack again.

  6. I have been trying to post comments FOR HOURS! There definitely IS something wrong with this site. Again.

  7. Yeah, Chloe seems reeeeeally desperate for love and attention, and she didn't get that way all on her own.

  8. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Chloe makes me so so sad. I don't think she is fixable at this point. The poor girl is a tragedy.

  9. No 'sober' person would do that to their body.
    I only feel so bad for these kids of famous people as that money she spent on that gross plastic surgery and apparently, drugs, could have bought her lots of therapy and education.
    Too bad she is a raging narcissist just like the rest of the lot.
    Narcissism is the disease these people suffer from, nothing more.

  10. Not Lily Rose? I realize there's no mention of her father, but that would be too obvious.

  11. @Boo Hearne. I was having the same problem. The comments wouldn't even load. Then I went to the upper left part of the comment box, right under the word "blogger". I clicked on the "loading circle" that spins when the page is trying to load.

    There is a problem with the security setting of the comment section. It says something about the site not being secure. If you move the mouse down, you will see a list of items (one tells you how many cookies you are using).

    You have to change the comment section to secure (https instead of http). I'm trying to remember exactly what I did, but I believe I chose reload from the drop down list, and when the comments reloaded, the spinning circle was replaced by the word "secure".

    I hope this helps. I haven't had a problem since the security setting changed.
