Friday, December 22, 2017

Blind Item #12

You know that quirky sounding almost television show that was just recently not renewed? Well, one of the reasons very well could be that the celebrity offspring creator of it is the next one who is going to have his treatment of women exposed. That almost television outlet ahead of this one for a change.


  1. Sense8 got cancelled recently but The Wachowskis created it as far as I know

  2. Judd Apatow, show - Love

  3. Is Judd considered celebrity offspring? IIRC, his grandfather was in the music industry but wasn't sure if that cuts it.

  4. Max Landis

    Dirk Gently' Holistic Detective Agency was on BBC America, but it was produced with Netflix.

  5. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Max Landis and Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. It was just canceled by BBC America/Netflix.

  6. This definitely Max Landis. I really liked Dirk Gently and was sort of confused by its recent cancellation. Then I remembered the rumors about Landis's behavior.

    1. This is heartbreaking. I loved this show and the cast was incredible. Can you elaborate on what rumors?

    2. Nevermind i just caught up on Twitter. This makes me mad AF. He posted petitions for the fans to save the show after it was canceled. The entire time he knew he was the reason. What an asshole

  7. Can it be Max Landis though? Dirk Gentely's was cancelled by BBC
    But Netflix has already renewed Landis' Bright for another season before the first season has even premiered)

  8. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Lag time... more ddos attacks?

  9. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Big lags again-- attacks?

  10. @Don Kieballs
    Bright is a film not a show. Netflix did order a sequel despite it getting shit reviews. But, Landis was only the writer and probably will replaced, if I had to guess. On the other hand, Dirk Gently was created for television by, written by and produced by Landis.

  11. Hermes - Excellent point. Thank you. That's the only thing that was confusing me, particularly with him being hinted at in the previous blind today.

  12. I have heard Aziz is next to get outed but is a celebrity offspring?

  13. Max Landis's interview about views on women and sex:

  14. Glad Landis is going down. He is gratuitously obnoxious and I dislike his social justice bullshit.

    I hate Aziz. He gives our people a bad name by running around like a try-hard lapdog. Disgusting midget. I hope he's outed for child-rape or something, so no chance for redemption and I never have to see his face again.

  15. *Celebrity Offspring* so not Aziz (at least not this time). I really need to pay more attention to the clues when trying to figure it out. I get so hyperfocused and forget to return to the blind and verify everything. This one definitely fits Max Landis. I didn't realize Netflix UK was airing his show for the BBC, which is what initially made me think someone else. Now that I've looked more into him, he's definitely about to join the predator club, officially.

  16. What the heck? I thought Max landis was super gay. Thats not to say a gay guy can't be a sexual harrasser, I am just suprised to hear Max isn't gay and apparently has been a big time womanizer. Just goes to show how out of the loop I am!

  17. gay guys are some of the most misogynist harassers there are....and I promise you Im not talking about the ENTIRE gay male commmunity, Im talking about a population within that community full of misogynist monsters were are sexually harassing and even sexual assaulting (isaac mirazi groping scarlett johannsen on the red carpet) - but its different bc they arent sexually attracted to women, so its assumed to not meant to be sexual but playful (its NOT). harassment and assault, the perpetrator doesnt have to be attracted to the gender. its about power.

  18. This is definitely Max Landis. He was exposed last night on Twitter by a cast member of "Wrestling isn't Wrestling", which is a web video of his explaining pro wrestling through the career of Triple H.

  19. What about Dan Levy of Schitts Creek?

  20. what's the dirt on Aziz? never thought he was funny.


  22. @Augie Star
    I can't find the original things that I read a few months ago. I just remember stumbling upon accusations from a link in a random RedLetterMedia reddit thread.

    More recently, someone who previously had worked with Landis called him out in response to a Netflix tweet about Bright.

    1. You know after it was cancelled I noticed the entire cast was active on Twitter and sending him praise. Everyone except Elijah wood. I don't think he was included in any of the tweets for this season.



  25. "I don't like this person so I hope he touches little kids."

    - previous commenters

    Seriously, what's wrong with some of you?



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