Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Blind Item #11

This foreign born still one hit wonder got dinner, but got turned down by the guy she was meeting when she quoted a rate for an after dinner performance. 


  1. Is it my network or Blogger that is on the fritz today?!? I have not been able to comment, see posts or much of anything for a minute now, UGHHHHHHH

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Rita ora w Connor mcgregor

  4. Damn these DDoS attackers preventing me from reading CDAN today! Please go choke on a hot steamy Harvey Weinstein turd and leave this site alone. Argh

  5. Whore gotta quote me her cum receptacle fee prior to me making dinner reservations. Women can get a meal on spec.

    If a whore tried to werk me and pretend she's human, then hits me with a price after dinner, I'm out. Hopefully dine and dash, but more likely I'd have to pay, then leave her there to get an Uber home.

  6. hey Count, they are doing amazing things in Vienna these days. Shall i set up a meet and greet? #misogynist#loser#fuckyou#mentalhealth

    1. P rei: choke on a bag of dicks, cunt.

      This comment isnt me hating women, it is me hating how stupid you are and hating that you are a cunt.

    2. Count reminds me daily that men write crap erotica. I had assumed he was gay and a troll tho...maybe he is for real? P Reis snark was excellent and Counts response OTT sensitive. He's going to have to harden up

    3. Maz: #fuckyou is not snark. Also, i'm not writing to turn you on. Inconclusion, i hooe you choke on the dicks leftover from the other broad.

  7. This is definitely Lorde. She is always the answer for foreign born one hit wonders. She's been living off of the 'Royals' and her friendship with Swifty for years now.

  8. P Rei - agree. Count is the only consistently horrible voice on here - don't understand why Enty doesn't remove his remarks. Jerkula (apt name!) adds nothing to the discourse.

    1. Garlande: if you dont understand why Enty doesnt delete my comments, then there is no helping you, so i wont bother to explain it.

  9. I have to respectfully disagree with the above commenters about the Count. He can bring an unapologetic and unique perspective to some of the posts. He is what he is. The fact that he pushes buttons make my cold, black heart happy. Do you, you magnificent bastard!

  10. @texasrose Wrong, as always wrt Lorde. Iggy is always the answer to foreign born still one-hit wonder. Lorde is a one-album wonder (so far).

  11. @texasrose Wrong, as always wrt Lorde. Iggy is always the answer to foreign born still one-hit wonder. Lorde is a one-album wonder (so far).

  12. Lorde's album was ranked #2 by Rolling Stone in their top 50 albums of 2017, I wouldn't call her a one-hit wonder. This screams Iggy.

  13. I must say the more I get acquainted with his post the more I LOVE Count! Yes, offensive at first, but as you get to know him on here he definitely grows on you and makes you laugh more then he offends you.

  14. I must say the more I get acquainted with his post the more I LOVE Count! Yes, offensive at first, but as you get to know him on here he definitely grows on you and makes you laugh more then he offends you.

  15. "You" meaning you. Not everyone. Offensive at first and always.

  16. The Count comes with the blog. He's been posting here for years. As they say, just skip over his comments if they're not your cup of tea. Otherwise, there are plenty of other blind gossip sites you might enjoy if his comments offend you.

  17. Totally iggy. I challenge anyone to name a Rita Whora hit.

  18. @greta garbo - enough said. I'm a newbie - if "the Count" comes with this fascinating brave blog so be it.

  19. Weekittylass & drumstix: can you believe them broads? They dont even understand the difference between women and whores. Maybe they rent pussy for a living and are self hating?

  20. To be fair, the Count has only been here a couple/few years, not that long compared to many of us.

    HOWEVER, he's really not that bad and best viewed with tongue planted firmly in cheek - you can choose ass or face.

    I'm not wild about him but I also don't mind and he's hardly the worst we've had after the multi-account psycho/s who were on here arguing with themselves and everyone else. He's fine.

  21. @hunter: canopener/kympossible was my favorite loopy poster. She could bring the site to its knees. "Enty is my baby daddy and not paying child support" day was hilarious.

  22. Not Carly Rae Jepson. She has had 18 singles and 2 in the top 40 and 3 albums. Someone definitely young.Not Iggy either cuz she had other songs or features. butttttt, it sounds her speed.

  23. This blind made me laugh. Could be iggy - other than her I have no clue.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I vote for Iggy. Lorde seems to have more self respect than that and made way more money to live off before resorting to this don't forget that all those American $$$ and English £££ are worth even more in N.Zealand $$$).

    I also vote for Count. Here's been here quite a few years and although I wasn't sure how to take him to begin with, I've grown to appreciate his comments and I'm very happy to have him back. You just have to appreciate that Count is not a troll and is just genuinely tellin' it how it is from his perspective. He does show respect for women, but women who are worthy of that respect. Personally, I'm a woman and I'm sick of having to tip toe round sluts because I might shame them. If someone steals something, you call them a thief. If someone sleeps with people for money, she is a whore. End. Of.

  26. +1000 @Shotinthedark

  27. Shotinthedark: if you keep making sense these looms are really gonna hate you.

  28. The Count is a longtime fixture here, you new ppl should leave. Now. And take another psycho with you.

  29. Count is old school CDAN and if you get his humour, very funny. Newbies leave him be.

  30. I'm a relative newbie here, and tbh although I don't always agree with what Count says, I find his posts welcome relief from the miasma that is most of the blinds. In a ludicrously PC era where we have to tiptoe around just about everyone just incase we happen to offend them in any way, his unpologetic, deliberate DGAF attitude feels refreshing. If the blinds here were car crashes, he'd be the kid who jumped on top of the mangled wreck and proceeded to moon the rubber neckers. Totally bad taste, but you can't help but laugh.

    OK, that's my lot for poetics.

    1. Fraggedy: i always find it funny that people who frequent a site that exploits rape, incest, child abuse, drug addiction, mental illness, etc FOR PROFIT can get so upset by me just because I use a coarse vocabulary, talk about sex and dare to defend myself when attacked.

  31. Count: indeed, there's a lot more to get offended by than anything you in particular say. I come here like Pazuzu being exorcized from Regan's body by the Power of Christ™, if said power were morbid curisoity. The Power of Morbid Curiosity compells me...and then I read things that disgust me and think "why am I reading this? I'd be better off not knowing any of it", and generally your posts help lighten that mood, if only for a moment. If any site needs a class clown, it's this one.



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