Monday, November 06, 2017

Your Turn

Do you ever put a little booze in your morning coffee?


  1. Wolfie once told me "vodka is not the answer", but I told him it was worth a shot.

  2. nope. i like it in an after-dinner coffee but rarely drink. dad was an alcoholic so i've avoided it. (didn't stop me from becoming pill dependent for most of my life...20 months sober this friday...but that's another story.)

    1. Congratulations! Huge accomplishment, kudos Stranger.

  3. I've had peppermint schnapps in a hot chocolate a long time ago when I worked in a very cold warehouse in the morning. I've had Irish coffee but never in the morning. I don't tend to want to drink alcohol very early in a day.

  4. Baileys in my coffee all of last December. Weight gain.

    1. My new best friend!
      I did the same thing and plan to drink Bailey's all this December too.

  5. It always five o'clock somewhere!

  6. Very rarely. Although my old man who was very renowned for his ability/intellect/creativity in his particular field in the biz (despite going uncredited far too often as he was mostly brought in to consult and solve technical/engineering/etc problems), mostly behind the camera - anyway, he would take a shot in the morning upon waking up and a shot (sometimes two for those really hard 16-20 hr.+ days) before bed. Ohh the HW stories he would tell...maybe I'll send some Enty's way.

  7. I always try to wait until 5 pm, and I try to stop at 3 or 4 drinks. Wine is to make man happy, not drunk. I have a history of 24/7 MJ use. I don't do it any more, but "wake and bake" was a regular thing for me.

  8. Sometimes I put coffee in my morning booze.

  9. Once in a while.
    Sailor Jerry's Rum.
    It goes well with coffee!

  10. In the evening's I put Scotch in a coffee or three. I've got half a bottle left that I'll probably see off tonight. I like to change it up and use brandy now and again but as all I have is fine champagne cognac I'll not be wasting it on coffee.

    I'm in the UK. We have different attitudes to drinking than many do in the US. If I want a beer in the morning I'll damn well have a beer in the morning and there is nothing to be ashamed about.

  11. haha micmac -- i forgot about the calorie aspect of booze -- it definitely helped me stay away from it as a young woman.

  12. I used to. And now I go to AA meetings every morning instead.

  13. I always put liquor or liqueur in my coffee. Always.

  14. naaaah, barely ever drank alcohol in my life, I don't really like alcohol's taste.

  15. No to booze or coffee in the morning. Congrats to just sayin',and Itttt,send some stories!

  16. No, that's when I take my Xanax.

  17. @ayea bravo! Keep going!! And @just sayin congrats to you

  18. No, never!!!!!! And of someone does, they better have damn good reason!

  19. thank you, guesser and everyday girl!!!

  20. Nope, not a drinker. A rare glass of wine with a nice dinner, that's about it. I am a pothead, but I don't like to get stoned first thing in the morning.

  21. Anyone ever drank wine for Pope? Hahaha as much as I hate alcohol, this one was worth it. It was disgusting but completely worth it, I recommend it, Cuvée du Vatican - Châteauneuf du Pape lmao.

  22. Nope. I have to have caffeine only in the morning, plus my ADD meds. If I drank alcohol I would just fall back asleep. Whenever I go to an early event that serves mimosas or something I end up going home and sleeping all day.

  23. Pure caffeine for me. If the news of the home and abroad doesn't improve soon, I might change my song. Or wake and bake.

  24. I leave my coffee alone, just black. But if there are mimosas on the table I’ll have one every damn morning. I have been known to pour a little liqueur in the whip cream to have with berries or scones or whatever. That’s on the weekend though when I get all fancy.

  25. No. The only thing I put in my morning coffee is a little chocolate coconut milk.

  26. I don't drink and like my coffee fresh ground and black. The smell of it brewing each morning starts the day off on the right foot for me.

  27. Chocolate coconut milk in coffee? Interesting choice. No booze for me. I'm a total Miner's Canary. One sniff of anything and I fall off my perch. No fags, no dope, even caffeine sets me off. I get my thrills by jumping out my skin any time a leaf falls near me. It's cheap and I still guarantee to be first on the dance floor/table top/karaoke machine.

    Congrats on kicking your addiction, just sayin'.
