Monday, November 27, 2017

Your Turn

When was the last time, if ever, that you were in a physical fight?


  1. About 1999 in NY on the subway.

  2. When I undress in the bathroom, my shower always gets turned on.

  3. I was about 15 and got into a physical fight with my sibling. We really had it out and both walked away with ripped up faces.
    I'm usually very passive and it's sad because our relationship has never been the same.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that

    2. It's odd, but sometimes it never does stay the same. After my father locked my mother and I up in the study, I haven't been able to be in the same room as him since. My instinct is to run away/escape (run or walk off really, really fast). He WhatsApp-ed me one day playing victim (like, "if you don't want to see me anymore, I'll move out"). And I couldn't believe he forgot what he had done so easily. I remember the night after he did that, I couldn't sleep well but I heard him SNORE from downstairs. How does he sleep so well? It's okay for things to never be the same again. Sometimes things in life should change...

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  5. touchy subject...not many people answering this one. about 35 years ago with my ex-husband.

    1. I am so sorry that Happenned to you

    2. I'm sorry that happened to you but I'm glad he's an ex!

    3. I'm sorry you had to go through that in your life. I hope life is treating you better now. And hopefully the reason why people don't answer this thread is because it never happened to them.

  6. High school was the last time. But there was a car salesman I was going to shove out of my face, had not my husband held me back. The guy had it coming, but I’m glad I didn’t get to do it, as that would have made me the problem not him. I never expect anyone to be gay friendly, but I won’t put up with smug homophobia.

  7. Decades ago, fought with one of my brothers.

    But we're "much better now!" as John Astin used to say on Night Court.

  8. In school when I was 16. I walked into my form classroom and found one of my classmates tormenting the class pet in its hutch. When I told him to stop, he wouldn't, so the red mist came down, I leapt at him and punched him hard on his nose. He ran down the corridor moaning that I'd broken his nose! He was clutching it with blood pouring down his face. I never got into trouble as, me only being tiny and him being very big and tall for his age - around 6ft - I think he was too embarrassed that a tiny slip of a girl had hit him!
    Oh, and he was the chief bully in our school as well and everyone was scared of him.

  9. Some girl put a lighter with the flame next to my friends curly hair and I flipped out. Threw a popcorn at her and friends had to restrain us. It was at the movies...purple rain

  10. A long, long time ago. In a galaxy far, far away!

    Honestly, I was never a good fighter.

    I grew tired of my face damaging opponents fists.

    So, I decided it was better to NOT fight.

    (I tried boxing lessons, but the bag usually hit back.)

    How's that: @Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley?


  11. *Applauds Kimberley for giving the animal abuser a good beatdown!*

  12. Some punks were harassing a few of us in college in the 90's and I got annoyed and accidentally threw the ringleader thru a plate-glass storefront. Oops.

  13. New Years Day. 1975. Greenwich Village McDonald's. Drug addict, just released from jail, thought my 1 year old was her daughter. Picked her up and walked off with her. I weighed 95 lbs. at the time. I don't remember anything until the manager and two Cops pried me off her. Their mouths were open in shock and awe. No charges were made. She was missing most of her red hair. Good times!

  14. Couple years ago at New Years, so punk pushed my buddy as he ran out of the bar. I took my belt off and ran outside, calling him a pussy. By the time he was back up the steps, 1/2 the bar was outside. Chicks and the elderly owner were between us, so there was no point in swinging.

    3 times i have taken my belt off when bar fights looked to be on the horizon, and that was the closest i came to getting to whip or choke someone with it. It is on my bucket list, along with punching someone in the throat.

  15. Thank you Do Tell and Wicked Bee!

  16. Earlier this year 😊

  17. Ugh, just recalled ... that school bully I hit was a real POS - he also had an affair with one of our teachers as well as getting the new girl in class pregnant. She wanted to keep the baby and had to leave school in disgrace - this was in the 70s so it was a scandal then. The poor girl was shunned and called names by everyone in class but I felt sorry for her and was the only one to talk with her. Ugh! Mind-press delete - wiped!

    1. Does this new girl's name start with "M"? This sounds like someone I know.

  18. Never. My mouth & imposing stature scares everybody off, which is good because I bring a gun to a fist fight.

  19. I was 11, and it was more a heated wrestling match than fist fight. It settled nothing and led to a permanent rift. Firm believer in non-violence ever since.

  20. Growing up in NYC's Alphabet City in the 70's physical altercations were plentiful. Weapons were often used. Usually, the loser went to the hospital and the winner went to jail. I was small, so I trained in kickboxing and became a good amateur kickboxer. I luckily grew to 5'10 and continue to train for the enjoyment and exercise. One altercation three years ago in LA oddly enough. It ended quickly. Too many wanna be tough guys floating around. HBO's The Deuce by the way is not even remotely close to the 70's New York city I grew up in.

  21. go kimberley! maybe you stopped a potential-future-psycho-killer-in-the-making.

    holy crap, boo hearne...every mother's worst nightmare. thank god you got the monster.

    i've always felt so badly for boys who are expected to fight. as a mother of 2 sons it was hard to watch. one never got in a fight and is a happy, successful adult, the other sought out fights from bigger kids and is now an unhappy heroin addict. same parents, same home, go figure.

    1. Re: Boo. It's sort of justified when someone's trying to hurt your child.

  22. @just saying:
    Research Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).
    In males, it usually doesn't get diagnosed -- per Dr. Bell.

    1. I have an ex that I'm certain has BPD. He can be downright scary. I ran out the door once he actually pushed me over because there would be no way I could defend myself against him. He would sleep with knives and lay in bed and stroke the blades.

  23. Borderlines and bi-polars are the best in the sack. You just need to have your exit strategy in order.

  24. david howes: you're exactly right, he has been diagnosed with bpd. not until his late 20's unfortunately. psychiatrists, when he was younger, tried to blame it on my divorce, being middle child, you name it. but yes, bpd for sure. a very tough illness to treat, especially once addiction takes hold.

  25. and thank you for your concern!

  26. Around 1979 I saw some dude knock down an old man and steal a package from him. I chased him but he got away. When I got back however some of his buddies confronted me and wanted too fight. I tried to avoid it because I'm a lousy fighter, but they were really trouble and we finally had at it. I thought I could actually beat the guy because I was certain that his first swing would be with his right and that I could slip it and get in close.

    It worked out exactly that way except for one thing. I was so pissed off I forgot I was wearing glasses and when I ducked him they went flying. That split second of distraction let him get the drop on me and he took a second swing and clocked me. We both went down wrestling and about that time the cops pulled up and pulled us apart. I'm still pissed off about it -- I could have beaten him if not for that.

  27. Angel vs Dodgers baseball game at angel stadium, so fat lady (angel fan) was upset that I kept dancing in my little dodger outfit and proceeded to throw a whole beer on me! I threw it right back at her and she came down the stairs to fight me, I punched her twice in the face and blood spattered all over me from the cut above her eyebrow. I ran as soon as i saw her bleeding so i wasnt arrested and she got what she deserved lol

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  29. My cousins and I basically battled each other every day agoge style - first real fight was when I was 12/13 with some other girl who was actually trying to fight my friend at the time (who was a loud mouth coward) I forget how I ended up being the one to fight her - I remember she tried to pull my hair and I was super confused because I was there ready to throw punches (which is what I did) and landed exactly 2 before we were separated.

  30. @ Wicked Bee - No, her first name begins with 'J.' She was a lovely girl.

  31. When I was 9. Either over a hopscotch game, or a bottle of vodka. Cannot really recall. Probably hopscotch.

  32. thanks kate, me too!

  33. About 15 years ago.
    My sister in law.
    Damn, I still hate that bitch.
    But now the whole family sees her for what she is, so no worries.

  34. OMG, never. Seems EVERYBODY has been in a fight except me!

  35. In my dreams, but I never seem to land a punch.

  36. NorthGate, 2012!

  37. Count, at first I imagined you work some sort of title belt like a boxing or wrestling champ wears!

    1. Haywood: only marks wear their championship belt out in public. Ric Flair is the only exception, because he would go to hotel bars wearing only his ring robe and belt, then flash everyone the "baby arm holding an apple".

  38. IDK if this counts, because I was mostly passive and I didn't hit anyone. But I got in between a phsyical fight between my parents. When I threatened to call the cops for domestic violence, Father locked both of us in the study. It was terrifying because he'd break things/smash them onto the tile floor and there was shard glass everywhere and the room stank of his spit (he'd been spitting on Mother). I screamed and screamed for help, but my mother (who's horrified of the neighbours hearing us) kept pinning me down to the floor to shut me up (I ended up with cuts all over). I have Sjögren's syndrome and so my tongue was getting really dry (Father accused me of faking it, the truth was I could barely swallow). So he locked us out from the outside to "fetch me water", but then when he came back, he informed me that he had locked my bedroom door (I had neither of my phones with me that night). When he was out, I opened the window and screamed for help. Mother pinned me down again but then they continued berating each other (and I finally understood why Mother had been behaving the way she did through the years, she's also revealed some past experiences since and I understand her now). I can't remember exactly HOW this happened, but the window frame I screamed out of ended up getting tore down. He was going to keep us captive in there all night (I had rehearsals the next day). He was so calm/non-chalant about it while I was scared he'd kill us both, that he'd receive calls from the phone/internet company where I'd scream for "help" every time. He started berating/picking fights with me too and challenged me to find evidence of me being a good daughter in his WhatsApp chat history. I used the opportunity to text my brother (who was staying at a hotel in preparation for a marathon) from his phone. He didn't let us out until I started getting suicidal and banged my head against the door (and he blamed Mother for making me want to kill myself).

    After I got out and showered, the first thing I did was book hotel rooms for the play's run. I'm still scared of being in the same room as him in case he locks us in again. I was also scared I'd lost my voice from all that screaming.

  39. I try to live peaceful as much as I can too... Good for you. 💛

  40. speaking of rehearsals. i'm worried i might lose my temper and hit someone soon (someone's been trying to bait my anger). and if i punch her (or even just YELL at her), everyone's going to remember it and it'll ruin my reputation (not just professionally, but as HUMAN BEING).

    i was really shocked at myself when a few weeks ago (on a Mariah Carey/pedophile thread) i said, "whenever i think of how she had me kiss a barely-legal TEEN in a film, i want to PUNCH HER IN THE FACE".

    i mean, i really like it here on Enty's because the posts serve as a prompt for me to get really nasty/unhealthy things off my chest. i just never thought that would come out of me. i rarely say things like that (unless i'm joking about punching George Clooney's smugface). but i love CDAN.

    i'm really worried i might lose my shit and punch that person (she's a stalker). i know it's going to look bad on my part (mostly because nobody knows what went wrong between us). it feels like she'll try to test my patience to punish me for cutting her off. she went from trying to gain my trust/get close to me, to me blocking her from contacting me privately. you could tell she was very desperate (everything from talking about things that made me super vulnerable like depression/suicide, she'd try to ask to borrow really obscure/rare things that she saw in the backgroud of photos of my house on Instagram and my gut said "NO! SHE'S TRYING TO GET YOU TO MEET HER", at one point I was naive enough to give her a ride in my car and the whole time she spilled these really intimate secrets about her old friends from college as a way to gain my trust). now she's EVERYWHERE. she knows everyone i know, joins groups i like, even people who run venues i frequent.

    she showed up at a play's reading she knew i'd be at (based on the play's theme) and "brought a friend (not a mutual friend)" and she sat near me and started talking loudly with her +one about the place I had been sexual harassed by an acting teacher (to trigger me as a punishment because I blocked her). she went from being 100% OUTSIDER AUDIENCE MEMBER LAST YEAR, and now all of the sudden she's in a position of power in a production. i try to avoid her, but then she'll take my things "hostage" (like last week she stood hung around near my coat, this week near my bags). when i frantically grab my things to take them aside, i look bad/crazy.

    when we're among mutual-friends, she acts really sweet (like when i can't find my glasses, she'll say in a kind voice, "are these your glasses"). but when nobody's looking, she'll talk about something that's painful for me (and the person she uses as a sounding board won't have a clue, they're being used to trigger me). i'm terrified she'll hang in the changing room during the run/near the entrance during the actual play (or something like that).

    last weekend, at rehearsal, in the scene where i'm supposed to cry, i CRIED HARD. nobody knew it was out of frustration that she stalked me so closely. and it wasn't even good for the scene (because i was crying so hard i couldn't say my lines righht and the feedback i got was that i needed to be more coherent in the crying scene).

    i REALLY HOPE i don't end up hitting her no matter how hard to tries to bait my anger. i'm not violent by nature, i swear.

  41. 54 years old and never had one. Even playing football (soccer) for over 20 years. Helps when you're quite big as people assume you're capable of lot more than you actually are (in my case anyway)
