Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Your Turn

If someone comes to visit you from out of town, by what day are you ready for them to leave?


  1. No more than 7 days.

  2. My cousin, the terrorist, came to Atlanta to visit for a few days. I had him sleep on the blow up mattress.

  3. Definitely by day 2, first thing in the morning.

  4. What day did they get here? LOL, I do not like chaos,and guests cause chaos with the dogs and cats. My son and his kids, they recently stayed for a year, but even them, i am ready for them to go home now after 3-4 days.

  5. I spit some soda on my screen, Candy. Thanks for the laugh.

  6. Even if it's Ayy from Space, they can stay as long as they want lmao. I'm always bored, I like having company for goofing around.

  7. Day 2 if they're a slob. Longer if they are neat and respectful.

  8. I don't have this problem. I never invite anyone to stay over. No hurt feelings that way.

  9. my grown kids are the only people who visit and i wish they'd stay forever! (none of them have kids yet, so that could change, lol.)

  10. Ten minutes or so

  11. Weekend off-yeah
    I’m working- Get Out

  12. Tough to say. We talking a broad coming for sex and fun, a buddy coming to go out and drink or a relative in for a holiday?

    Relative - over night.
    Friend - weekend
    Broad - week

  13. Count lmao 😂😂😂

  14. They'd be lucky to get through the door.

  15. When relatives come to visit us in Las Vegas, I will ask about their sleeping arrangements.

    If they hesitate, I offer to put them up at a local resort/hotel -- usually the Southe Pointe or JW Marriott which are near our home.

    (Clients can find their own overnight stay location.)

    But even then, 3 days is about all I can stand before needing them to relocate back to their homes!

    George Burns once said: "I love having a close family -- that lives 3,000 miles away!"

  16. Arrive on afternoon of day1. Play Night of Day 1 and all of day 2. Please leave after breakfast on day three!

  17. I don't like having people in my house. To me, my home is a sacred space meant for me and my immediate family. I'll have guest over for dinner now and then but that's it.

    I've helped out an old buddy who was seriously down on his luck years ago. He slept on my couch for months. No problems. But he was somebody who I knew very, very well and trusted, and who had helped me out a lot in the past. I don't think that I would do that now though. The world is a different place.For what's going on now, I don't trust any stranger around my kids.

  18. I'm w/ you John Doe. My home is my sanctuary.

    1. My answer is somewhere between John Doe's and Roxy's. 🖤

      "Get awf mah lawn!" 🙎🏻

      I am AMAZED at how comfortable some people are having strangers enter their homes, sometimes as a guest I find myself more uncomfortable than the host.

    2. *adds shaky fist to the "get off my lawn" because it makes me feel like Clint Eastwood for some reason* ✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼

  19. No horror stories. I like having people around. I think.

  20. Why do people keep talking about not liking to have stranger in their homes? Is this an AirBnB questions?

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Ben Franklin put it best house guests are like fish. They both begin to stink after 3 days.

  23. I like the company but they have to be clean and neat....

  24. Good friend, cousins, siblings - 5-7 days

    Not so good friend - weekend

    My mother - 5 minutes

  25. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I have a 3 solid day limit for people I love and enjoy the company of. There are maybe 4-5 people on this planet where that can be extended to 10 days, but I will still need a few hours to myself.

    2 solid days for other members of my family, except the insane ones. Those ones I have a 6 hour threshold for, max. My dad's sisters, especially how they behave as houseguests, are not invited, period.

  26. Nope. My space is my own.

  27. I'm not big on having anyone stay with me. I don't have a big apartment for one, but I also just like my personal space. I'll let friends stay over if they need a place to crash, but if anyone is staying longer than a night it has to be a guy I'm reallly into. And even then I need space. I've always sort of had personal boundary requirements. Don't like crowds either.



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