I go by my real name...Wait, we're supposed to have alias here? Oops...well, at worst bad people will find me first, if I'll piss someone off with my rant or accusation AYY LMAO.
My softball team used to call me "roadrunner" because I was so freaking slow running the bases (hey, I'm old and fat). When I signed up for a couple of things I tried to use roadrunner but it was already used so I put "can" in front of it for Canada.
Before setting up my profile, I had been reading an article about how insects are the protein of the future. A chef who had incorporated insects into his dishes reported that they had a "nutty flavor."
Years ago I picked up this funny pidjin saying from a book by Gerald Durrell (English writer and Zoologist). The African natives in the book referred to all kinds of animals as Beef. It tickled me hugely and I started applying it to any living thing myself. Then it morphed into Meat. So now I'm a meat (and you are too), I'm married to the big meat and have some little meats.
CDAN has undergone more than a few changes in web sites over the years. Each time it changes you have to re-register. Earlier in the year I stopped visiting this site because I was writing a book and had to devote full time to the process. A lot of research to do. Then I was commenting as Diana von Thirstybird. Before that I was Anna From Savannah. Now I am back on site with my birth name, Boo Hearne. Haven't used that name in over 40 years as I legally changed it to something else. That name will remain a secret!
The real me. May I take this opportunity to add that I am a fairly new reader who knew nothing about this site until the recent Weinstein/Hollywood blowups. I am seriously impressed at how good you all are at figuring this stuff out.
Sandy is my name and I'm from Brooklyn. That is also part of my E-mail addy too. Plus when I first started posting here there was already one Sandy here, and I always commented on other sites as Sandy too, so I just used my E-mail name here instead.
related to the first email address I ever had / a nickname that sprang out of it. When the CDaN site recently switched and I had to log in via Google this is what came up. I’ve tried to figure out how to change it to the name I was using previously to no avail.
I used to post in the "She is Not Letting Go" thread under dozens of name but I finally decided it was too much work. Now I just stick with the one name I had my other anons reply to the most.
My nickname from the Yahoo trivia website from really long ago. I was a graduate student with too much time on my hands and loved to play online trivia
Nickname given to me when I was liaison for an internet company and record company. Basically I was the "glue" that held it all together between the artists, their managers and the webmasters.
I've been a mythology nerd for a long time, and now I'm a comic nerd. I've always been partial to the trickster gods. I took the spelling from Neil Gaiman's 'American Gods', where Loki goes as Low Key for a while.
An homage to my very small and very southern hometown, from which I fled as soon as I turned 18. You couldn't pay me to live there now, but it was idyllic when I was a kid growing up and didn't know what prejudice or rebel flags meant. Mayberry with rednecks.
While I'm not a Pentecostal, the money quote from that character, "All my life, I wanted to be nearer to God. But the only nearness...silence" resonates with me. I, though, have not been beaten down by it and still am on that quest.
This origin story (lol) was explained several years ago, but will do it once more. Just for you Sir Enty.
Not long after CDAN got its legs and became addictive with all the blinds and stories, several people inside the entertainment industry caught on. It became popular. A few people enjoyed the site but were reluctant to post or comment because our REAL NAMES would either cause suspicion, have people accuse us of being fakes, or get us in deep shit with our associates. So 4 of us decided to team up and share an account. Shared password and screen name and email. One account, 4 people.
One is an ex-famous musician. (The idiot who started the account). One is a Hollywood actor/producer/smartass. One is a writer/producer-type person & inbred child of Hwood. One is an ex-Southern Writer whose family's been in Hwood 100 years and who co-runs a production company at a studio. He's the verbose one, but I hear he's really handsome, has a large penis, raises billions for charity, rescues kittens and orphans, and recites wonderful poetry. From the heart, always. And he's single and housebroken.
I'll let you guess which one just wrote this comment. lol. The occasional spouse has also chimed in using the account in the past. But she's too bossy so we made her get her own account. She's smarter than us troglodytes anyway. Boys clubhouse here.
The name HiMMMM was chosen from the original Cannonball Run movie, when Dom Deluise puts on his mask as Captain Chaos and chants DUM-DUM-DUM! And sails in for the rescue. But because everybody hates Capt. Chaos - they only refer to him as "HIMMMM!" through the movie (with ominous music each time they say it). We chose the 4 M letters because there's 4 of us. And we all 4 still take turns with the account. In fact last week, 3 of us 4 were all sitting at the same laptop commenting as 1 of us typed it in. Amusing way to waste time. Beats working a real job.
Before "memes" and gifs, we'd see things in movies like the scene in DieHard 1 when John McLane drops the C4 explosive and the terrorist tells Hans: They're using artillery on us! And Hans says: "It's not the Police you idiot...it's HIMMMM!". I wish I knew how to do meme gifs so I could cut that line out and use it on my profile.
i had yours figured out, sd auntie (aren't i smart?) and hello diana von thirstybird aka boo hearne! your old name was one of my favorites, glad to know you're boo.
My favorite movie, The Big Lebowski (and yes, I know I misspelled it...I was stoned at the time. Since I am stoned most of the time, I have yet to fix it)
My given name is: Roman/Catholic firstname and an Arabic last name.
In uni, I changed shortened the Roman name to its Scandinavian equivalent (I live in a society where Christianity isn't the majority, and I didn't want to be discriminated against, so I chose something more secular).
Then I realised the Scandi/Arabic name is so fucking common... This time I was worried about being discriminated against in a post-9/11 era. And so decided to use my maternal surname (which is in Sanskrit) for my stagename (also because my late maternal grandpa visits me in my dreams, I think he watches over me—he was very lively, and I feel like he would be the ONE person who would approve of me acting).
So now I have a Scandi firstname, and a Sanskrit lastname... Instead of Catholic/Muslim, now it's Northwest/Southeast. Hm.
Also, it's pretty cool because then one gets to represent Loki and the other is Doctor Strange. LOL. 🗽👩🏻🚕🍂💛
Anyway, now my Mother/one of my brothers is also more accepting of me acting (so it's unfair to say that my maternal grandfather was the only one). Just wanted to be fair to them...
Bikey is actually "code" (I won´t get into that; too long) for Beth Killian, the name of a character from Tim Burton´s Sleepy Hollow. This has been my alias for a long time ever since I took part in an online auction of props from the movie. As I´m a bit of a movie merchandising buff (and I love both costumes and that movie) I originally intended to buy the costume of that particular character because it was one of the few that was really nice and affordable, but the price ended up soaring and I couldn´t get it...
I had never heard of lutefisk until someone from CDaN happened to mention it. I thought it was probably one of the most repulsive things if not the most repulsive thing out there.
I love AH and that is one of my favorite movies. Love that the site went back to the old format. I left for a while when it changed, it was just to confusing to navigate.
What a fun thread! I used to visit CDaN regularly then was off for awhile, but all these escandalos brought me back! Crazy times indeed.
Anyway my alias is from a line Rosanna Arquette says in the 80s Scorcese movie After Hours, describing how her husband was obsessed with The Wizard of Oz and would shout out "Surrender Dorothy!" When he climaxed. Funny movie, funny scene.
Here's a link to the scene for anyone curious/bored:
During the Martha Burke protest of The Masters golf tunamint, regarding the lack of female members of the club, a reporter interviewed a man holding a sign saying something like " iron our shirts!!". She got the story and quote published without her, or any editor, catching on to the obvious fake name. It was a running joke among sportswriters ever since.
my default name... multi generational - brothers had a hard time saying my real name so they used it. then nieces and nephews too... im truly thinking of introducing myself as LuLu when i move...soon!
and wow thanks Himmmm i really thought it was that one special person as per rumors... more fun you AND your friends... bravo! Thanks for spicing up my life!
@Movie Buff - LOVED the show Dream On. I smiled when I read your comment because it seems no one remembers that show. It was hilarious and the intro, great visual. It was around the same time HBO was showing New Kids in the Hall (another gem by HBO). I watched both shows religiously.
Shag was awesome. First time I ever really saw Annabeth Gish in anything. I think she's phenomenal.
It started as Wicked Bitchification, then devolved into Wicked Bitch. Then I couldn't use swears in my name and so I went with WickedBee. And I'm a beekeeper, so there's that.
My original name was a Disney Princess. When the movie first came out, my mother was a child and she looked just like the character. She was hired to do promotional work for the film and she grew up to look just like the adult version. When AOL came out, the regular spelling of the princess was taken, so I added an extra i and voila, my mother had her AOL account. When I went away to college, I took the pc w/me and wound up using her account for a research paper and then I never gave it back...
I went on to run a website under that name and then I decided to start fresh, as everyone knew who I personally was, so I decided I wanted a fresh start for CDAN.
I used a derivative of that name when I started posting, but I decided I wanted a fresh start. I happened to be in Hawaii @ the time, and I looked out our hotel and saw the Royal Hawaiian Hotel aka the “Pink Palace.” This was the first hotel I had ever stayed in, on our first trip to Hawaii. I had just lost my mother, and this name allowed me to have a piece of her still, in my new name. =). I took a helicopter ride during this trip and asked for the pilot to go in close so that I could get a picture and that is my picture...
I love threads like these, but I miss threads about real items going on in LaLa Land, such as the death of a gossip columnist extraordinaire, Liz Smith, last week. The old Enty would have done a tribute to her...
Mornin, just sayin! You know I love your informative posts!! You also make the posts clickable!!
Hubby came home when I was listening to AJ Benzs, so I have to go get caught up. Is it a short series, or ongoing?!? I vote that it is or becomes B!!
I also know that I have a religion/cult thread I said I would respond to, but we caught that nasty flu bug this wknd...just now getting caught up. I still deep inside of me hope and pray the “SS/MJ” thread is totally bogus and click bait. Too many bad guys around!!!
the ss rumors upset me too, but there's so much talk about it going back years, and per this blind enty's gotten verification from several victims, sooo.... i don't think there's any motive for this site to use clickbait since there's no advertising and no merchandise for sale. i think that enty and the himmmms are genuine white knights in a dirty world.
Thank you LuLu and all. It's so great to hear everybody's stories. And MovieBuff? I LOVED Dream On!! Especially the little-known Courteney Cox episode! wow. I often think how easy it would be to do a show like that today, with the internet and all the clips on youtube. Maybe you could re-boot that show for us. I'd subscribe to your channel if you did!
I'm a Gators fan, graduated the same year Emmitt Smith played before he was drafted for the Cowboys. I've been posting here for years and just recently noticed there's anther poster named Gator, I assume possibly he's a boy?
Was living in the desert at the time and I liked foxes. Use to be a big lurker and occasional commenter back in the day. After the site format change became a twice a year visitor. Now that it's back to old format been lurking big time again. Hoping it says this way!
few years ago I created fake email to spy on my old schoolmates at classmates.com. I came here to guess on a blind about two years ago and I guess I registered with lucy as it was still active. never saw the answer to the blind perhaps I should register my request.. scrolling on..
i feel for you movie buff. my daughter once made the mistake of calling herself "a licorice fiend" in her brother's presence and they're never gonna let her live that down.
I have no idea. Beyond random. After being refused for numerous clever attempts that turned out to be already taken, I tried to think of something completely random that might possibly get me out of the "that name is already in use" hell. This is the first one that hit. :)
Turns out, Mine's boring, but it was meant to be funny. The word is mispronounced when read by many people.
ReplyDeleteIt was the name my Mom gave me at birth!?
ReplyDeleteI go by my real name...Wait, we're supposed to have alias here? Oops...well, at worst bad people will find me first, if I'll piss someone off with my rant or accusation AYY LMAO.
ReplyDeleteWe have 4 cats and my sister got me a mug for Xmas that said so and I have just rolled with it ever since.
ReplyDeleteA friend warned me not to try Gummy Worms. I didn't listen, and now I'm hooked.
ReplyDeleteMy softball team used to call me "roadrunner" because I was so freaking slow running the bases (hey, I'm old and fat). When I signed up for a couple of things I tried to use roadrunner but it was already used so I put "can" in front of it for Canada.
ReplyDeleteBirth name. BORING
ReplyDeleteBefore setting up my profile, I had been reading an article about how insects are the protein of the future. A chef who had incorporated insects into his dishes reported that they had a "nutty flavor."
ReplyDeleteI was à French young female person at this time
ReplyDeleteYears ago I picked up this funny pidjin saying from a book by Gerald Durrell (English writer and Zoologist). The African natives in the book referred to all kinds of animals as Beef. It tickled me hugely and I started applying it to any living thing myself. Then it morphed into Meat. So now I'm a meat (and you are too), I'm married to the big meat and have some little meats.
ReplyDeleteCDAN has undergone more than a few changes in web sites over the years. Each time it changes you have to re-register. Earlier in the year I stopped visiting this site because I was writing a book and had to devote full time to the process. A lot of research to do. Then I was commenting as Diana von Thirstybird. Before that I was Anna From Savannah. Now I am back on site with my birth name, Boo Hearne. Haven't used that name in over 40 years as I legally changed it to something else. That name will remain a secret!
ReplyDeleteDiana/Anna/Boo....missed you. Welcome back...
DeleteDianaaaaa!!!!! I knew it was you! I love your cool stories from the '60s! 💛💛💛💛
Mine is self explanatory. Kentucky mom to three daughters.
ReplyDeleteThe real me. May I take this opportunity to add that I am a fairly new reader who knew nothing about this site until the recent Weinstein/Hollywood blowups. I am seriously impressed at how good you all are at figuring this stuff out.
ReplyDeleteSandy is my name and I'm from Brooklyn. That is also part of my E-mail addy too. Plus when I first started posting here there was already one Sandy here, and I always commented on other sites as Sandy too, so I just used my E-mail name here instead.
ReplyDeleteI did not want to have children, but I love having dogs.
ReplyDeleteMy grandson is in show choir and his nickname is cinnamon stick. It was the only good alias I could come up with 🤷🏻♀️
ReplyDeleterelated to the first email address I ever had / a nickname that sprang out of it. When the CDaN site recently switched and I had to log in via Google this is what came up. I’ve tried to figure out how to change it to the name I was using previously to no avail.
ReplyDeleteCharacter name from the first online game I played decades ago.
ReplyDeleteI am called Auntie and live in San Diego...
ReplyDeleteI had a blog. I had a great ass. So I named my blog asstronaut.
ReplyDeleteI wish my ass was that great, anymore. Age has not been kind. My boyfriend would beg to differ, but we are our own worst critics.
Mine is my Stripper name..
ReplyDeleteThere is more than one person with my first name in our office, so I sometimes have to tell people "No, not that Beth"
ReplyDeleteIt’s my sisters name and I’ve always used it and probably always will.
ReplyDeleteMom & Dad :)
ReplyDeleteYears ago I convinced my niece that I had a unicorn living in my attic and her name was Glitter.
ReplyDeleteIt's gossip related, that's all. Not my first name here but my last one, I think it fits for the site.
ReplyDeleteAlways wanted to forge armor and swords! But I have to start with Horseshoes!
My hair style of choice transposed
ReplyDeleteMy love of spicy food, especially Texmex.
ReplyDeletePhyllis Whitweed.....sound it out...fill us wit' weed!
ReplyDeleteuhh....not a lot of thought went into it. Jimbo from South Park maybe?
ReplyDeleteI used to post in the "She is Not Letting Go" thread under dozens of name but I finally decided it was too much work. Now I just stick with the one name I had my other anons reply to the most.
ReplyDeleteMy nickname from the Yahoo trivia website from really long ago. I was a graduate student with too much time on my hands and loved to play online trivia
ReplyDeleteI’m a woman from seattle. Very unoriginal! I used to be atlchica, but moved away from Atlanta.
ReplyDeleteNickname given to me when I was liaison for an internet company and record company. Basically I was the "glue" that held it all together between the artists, their managers and the webmasters.
ReplyDeleteOB - Original Bitch
ReplyDeleteThough I am really far from that in real life--but doesn't everyone hve a little gangsta inside waiting to get out?
I try to use a variation of jerk in all of my screennames. I believe it adds to the luster of my stellar postings.
ReplyDeleteI've been a mythology nerd for a long time, and now I'm a comic nerd. I've always been partial to the trickster gods. I took the spelling from Neil Gaiman's 'American Gods', where Loki goes as Low Key for a while.
ReplyDeleteDerek Harvey was taken.
ReplyDeleteMine means 'angel' in Ojibwe, an endangered Native American language.
ReplyDeleteI wanted my daughter to name my granddaughter 'aanjheni' when she was born but she chose another...unique name.
So I kept aanjheni and that is my adored granddaughter's beautiful brown eye peeking out from the lilacs. She isn't so little anymore...almost a teen!
I'm bad tempered.
ReplyDeleteIt's a password from one of the Harry Potter books. My normal nom de plum was taken, but it works ok in a pinch.
ReplyDeleteWhat my mom almost named me.
ReplyDeleteSD AUNTIE, thanks so much! So glad to be back.
ReplyDeleteAn homage to my very small and very southern hometown, from which I fled as soon as I turned 18. You couldn't pay me to live there now, but it was idyllic when I was a kid growing up and didn't know what prejudice or rebel flags meant. Mayberry with rednecks.
ReplyDeleteWhile I'm not a Pentecostal, the money quote from that character, "All my life, I wanted to be nearer to God. But the only nearness...silence" resonates with me. I, though, have not been beaten down by it and still am on that quest.
ReplyDeleteMy screen name comes from an Asian elephant that was electrocuted in 1903 in Coney Island.
ReplyDeletei'm a know-it-all who comments too much, and i used to use random names and often end comments with, "just sayin'". it felt right, so i committed.
ReplyDeleteThis origin story (lol) was explained several years ago, but will do it once more. Just for you Sir Enty.
ReplyDeleteNot long after CDAN got its legs and became addictive with all the blinds and stories, several people inside the entertainment industry caught on. It became popular. A few people enjoyed the site but were reluctant to post or comment because our REAL NAMES would either cause suspicion, have people accuse us of being fakes, or get us in deep shit with our associates. So 4 of us decided to team up and share an account. Shared password and screen name and email. One account, 4 people.
One is an ex-famous musician. (The idiot who started the account).
One is a Hollywood actor/producer/smartass.
One is a writer/producer-type person & inbred child of Hwood.
One is an ex-Southern Writer whose family's been in Hwood 100 years and who co-runs a production company at a studio. He's the verbose one, but I hear he's really handsome, has a large penis, raises billions for charity, rescues kittens and orphans, and recites wonderful poetry. From the heart, always. And he's single and housebroken.
I'll let you guess which one just wrote this comment. lol.
The occasional spouse has also chimed in using the account in the past. But she's too bossy so we made her get her own account. She's smarter than us troglodytes anyway. Boys clubhouse here.
The name HiMMMM was chosen from the original Cannonball Run movie, when Dom Deluise puts on his mask as Captain Chaos and chants DUM-DUM-DUM! And sails in for the rescue. But because everybody hates Capt. Chaos - they only refer to him as "HIMMMM!" through the movie (with ominous music each time they say it). We chose the 4 M letters because there's 4 of us. And we all 4 still take turns with the account. In fact last week, 3 of us 4 were all sitting at the same laptop commenting as 1 of us typed it in. Amusing way to waste time. Beats working a real job.
Before "memes" and gifs, we'd see things in movies like the scene in DieHard 1 when John McLane drops the C4 explosive and the terrorist tells Hans: They're using artillery on us! And Hans says: "It's not the Police you idiot...it's HIMMMM!". I wish I knew how to do meme gifs so I could cut that line out and use it on my profile.
So that's the story!
Thanks for the background, Himmmm!
DeleteThanks, that makes it so much easier to remember that there are 4 M's in your screen name (I was just asking about it this morning on another thread).
DeleteThis is interesting, and here was I thinking Talley had a split personality.
DeleteI am one of the original commenters from 07. I changed my name to Aris because of an old issue, and only a few of you will understand why.
ReplyDeletegreat story himmmm!
ReplyDeletei had yours figured out, sd auntie (aren't i smart?) and hello diana von thirstybird aka boo hearne! your old name was one of my favorites, glad to know you're boo.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite movie, The Big Lebowski (and yes, I know I misspelled it...I was stoned at the time. Since I am stoned most of the time, I have yet to fix it)
ReplyDeleteI thought he was the guy who used to shill t-shirts.
ReplyDeletePrickly but strong. And an Aussie like spiney anteater
ReplyDeleteFrom one of my favorite books by booth Tarkington : Kate feningate
ReplyDelete9 muses of mythology
ReplyDeleteMy real initials (married name)
ReplyDeleteThat's pretty cool.
DeleteI am a girl who happens to live on a farm
ReplyDeletethat's pretty cool, aka!
ReplyDeleteMy given name is: Roman/Catholic firstname and an Arabic last name.
ReplyDeleteIn uni, I changed shortened the Roman name to its Scandinavian equivalent (I live in a society where Christianity isn't the majority, and I didn't want to be discriminated against, so I chose something more secular).
Then I realised the Scandi/Arabic name is so fucking common... This time I was worried about being discriminated against in a post-9/11 era. And so decided to use my maternal surname (which is in Sanskrit) for my stagename (also because my late maternal grandpa visits me in my dreams, I think he watches over me—he was very lively, and I feel like he would be the ONE person who would approve of me acting).
So now I have a Scandi firstname, and a Sanskrit lastname... Instead of Catholic/Muslim, now it's Northwest/Southeast. Hm.
Also, it's pretty cool because then one gets to represent Loki and the other is Doctor Strange. LOL. 🗽👩🏻🚕🍂💛
Anyway, now my Mother/one of my brothers is also more accepting of me acting (so it's unfair to say that my maternal grandfather was the only one). Just wanted to be fair to them...
DeleteI was/am casting girl because my professional life was as casting dir in nyc tv films commercials but my name is Kimberly Davis.
ReplyDeleteBikey is actually "code" (I won´t get into that; too long) for Beth Killian, the name of a character from Tim Burton´s Sleepy Hollow. This has been my alias for a long time ever since I took part in an online auction of props from the movie. As I´m a bit of a movie merchandising buff (and I love both costumes and that movie) I originally intended to buy the costume of that particular character because it was one of the few that was really nice and affordable, but the price ended up soaring and I couldn´t get it...
ReplyDeleteKept the alias though;)
I had never heard of lutefisk until someone from CDaN happened to mention it. I thought it was probably one of the most repulsive things if not the most repulsive thing out there.
ReplyDeleteI love AH and that is one of my favorite movies. Love that the site went back to the old format. I left for a while when it changed, it was just to confusing to navigate.
ReplyDeleteIt is my spy name.
ReplyDeleteBliss because that's what I want to always achieve and Boo because I love spooky supernatural things. @Bikey, I think you and I should be friends. :)
ReplyDeletep.s. I'm wondering if Christian Slater is one of the HIMMMM's? Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Pretty self explanatory... I’m a natural couch detective. I get sucked into rabbit holes and could stay there for days.
ReplyDeleteDescription of my personality
ReplyDeleteMy nickname in college.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun thread! I used to visit CDaN regularly then was off for awhile, but all these escandalos brought me back! Crazy times indeed.
ReplyDeleteAnyway my alias is from a line Rosanna Arquette says in the 80s Scorcese movie After Hours, describing how her husband was obsessed with The Wizard of Oz and would shout out "Surrender Dorothy!" When he climaxed. Funny movie, funny scene.
Here's a link to the scene for anyone curious/bored:
A scion of the Old South. My Pappy made a name for his self a spell back in AugustaGA. I'm just carrying n the family name and Tradition!
ReplyDeleteDuring the Martha Burke protest of The Masters golf tunamint, regarding the lack of female members of the club, a reporter interviewed a man holding a sign saying something like " iron our shirts!!". She got the story and quote published without her, or any editor, catching on to the obvious fake name. It was a running joke among sportswriters ever since.
ReplyDeletemy default name... multi generational - brothers had a hard time saying my real name so they used it. then nieces and nephews too... im truly thinking of introducing myself as LuLu when i move...soon!
ReplyDeleteand wow thanks Himmmm i really thought it was that one special person as per rumors... more fun you AND your friends... bravo! Thanks for spicing up my life!
ReplyDeleteI love blue margaritas ....and mexican food
ReplyDeleteBecause it spoke to me as a user name.
ReplyDelete@Movie Buff - LOVED the show Dream On. I smiled when I read your comment because it seems no one remembers that show. It was hilarious and the intro, great visual. It was around the same time HBO was showing New Kids in the Hall (another gem by HBO). I watched both shows religiously.
ReplyDeleteShag was awesome. First time I ever really saw Annabeth Gish in anything. I think she's phenomenal.
It started as Wicked Bitchification, then devolved into Wicked Bitch. Then I couldn't use swears in my name and so I went with WickedBee.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm a beekeeper, so there's that.
My original name was a Disney Princess. When the movie first came out, my mother was a child and she looked just like the character. She was hired to do promotional work for the film and she grew up to look just like the adult version. When AOL came out, the regular spelling of the princess was taken, so I added an extra i and voila, my mother had her AOL account. When I went away to college, I took the pc w/me and wound up using her account for a research paper and then I never gave it back...
ReplyDeleteI went on to run a website under that name and then I decided to start fresh, as everyone knew who I personally was, so I decided I wanted a fresh start for CDAN.
I used a derivative of that name when I started posting, but I decided I wanted a fresh start. I happened to be in Hawaii @ the time, and I looked out our hotel and saw the Royal Hawaiian Hotel aka the “Pink Palace.” This was the first hotel I had ever stayed in, on our first trip to Hawaii. I had just lost my mother, and this name allowed me to have a piece of her still, in my new name. =). I took a helicopter ride during this trip and asked for the pilot to go in close so that I could get a picture and that is my picture...
I love threads like these, but I miss threads about real items going on in LaLa Land, such as the death of a gossip columnist extraordinaire, Liz Smith, last week. The old Enty would have done a tribute to her...
good morning, pink palace: great story and touching. i'm sad that liz smith passed with so little notice, too.
ReplyDeleteMornin, just sayin! You know I love your informative posts!! You also make the posts clickable!!
ReplyDeleteHubby came home when I was listening to AJ Benzs, so I have to go get caught up. Is it a short series, or ongoing?!? I vote that it is or becomes B!!
I also know that I have a religion/cult thread I said I would respond to, but we caught that nasty flu bug this wknd...just now getting caught up. I still deep inside of me hope and pray the “SS/MJ” thread is totally bogus and click bait. Too many bad guys around!!!
the ss rumors upset me too, but there's so much talk about it going back years, and per this blind enty's gotten verification from several victims, sooo.... i don't think there's any motive for this site to use clickbait since there's no advertising and no merchandise for sale. i think that enty and the himmmms are genuine white knights in a dirty world.
ReplyDeleteand sorry about your flu! (makes the sign of the cross and knocks on wood)
ReplyDeleteand yes, aj benza's podcast's are excellent. be sure to catch this week's...rumor has it cdan gets a big shout out.
ReplyDeleteThank you LuLu and all. It's so great to hear everybody's stories. And MovieBuff? I LOVED Dream On!! Especially the little-known Courteney Cox episode! wow. I often think how easy it would be to do a show like that today, with the internet and all the clips on youtube. Maybe you could re-boot that show for us. I'd subscribe to your channel if you did!
ReplyDeleteFairly self explanatory. Ocularly challenged. Hey, Sandy!
ReplyDeleteI'm a Gators fan, graduated the same year Emmitt Smith played before he was drafted for the Cowboys. I've been posting here for years and just recently noticed there's anther poster named Gator, I assume possibly he's a boy?
ReplyDeleteWas living in the desert at the time and I liked foxes. Use to be a big lurker and occasional commenter back in the day. After the site format change became a twice a year visitor. Now that it's back to old format been lurking big time again. Hoping it says this way!
ReplyDeleteDiscordian holiday
ReplyDeleteMonteverde = grandmothers maiden name
ReplyDeleteOn the old cdan I used to go by Marlo: Mar= grandmothers initials backwards, and Lo for London, where I live
a cdan love match? gatorgirl and gator?????
ReplyDeletefew years ago I created fake email to spy on my old schoolmates at classmates.com. I came here to guess on a blind about two years ago and I guess I registered with lucy as it was still active.
ReplyDeletenever saw the answer to the blind perhaps I should register my request.. scrolling on..
i feel for you movie buff. my daughter once made the mistake of calling herself "a licorice fiend" in her brother's presence and they're never gonna let her live that down.
ReplyDeleteI have no idea. Beyond random. After being refused for numerous clever attempts that turned out to be already taken, I tried to think of something completely random that might possibly get me out of the "that name is already in use" hell. This is the first one that hit. :)