Friday, November 10, 2017

Your Turn

Know a veteran? Want to thank one for their service? Tell a great story? Pay tribute? Please share it.


  1. I know a man who survived mustard gas and pepper spray. He's a seasoned veteran.

  2. Anonymous10:19 AM

    I’m a veteran:) daily reader -US Army 8 years

  3. Thank you and make sure you find and take advantage of all the free offers and discounts for vets tomorrow--especially the free food.

  4. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I know! I forgot until my husband told me:) I know we’ve been reading some very heavy stuff lately on here. It’s in the military too:/ the sexual harassment is rampant. Just like everywhere - there’s good parts and bad parts. Good people and bad peoples.:/ I try to always stay positive

    Thanks for the thanks!

  5. I'm a Vietnam-Era Vet.

    A year or so ago, I was golfing with some vet friends when one actual Vietnam combat vet turned to me and asked, "What do they mean by 'Thank you for your service?"

    I replied, "I think they mean they are grateful we served and they didn't."

    He retorted, "They can kiss my ass!"

    1. interesting as I kinda cringe when I hear the "thank you for your service" seems disingenuous to me. like that's robotic response one must readily produce when in company of veteran. I wonder if phrase is appreciated or abhorred

  6. My father served and fought in 2 wars, buried in Arlington. He taught me to always thank Veterans and acknowledge their service and I always have, as veterans are often overlooked. I continue to thank both the young and old. It has been the start of many amazing conversations. Of course, when I say thank you, it isn’t just a flippant remark but one out of respect and sincerity and I think that truly shows. I have always gotten at least a thank you back in return.

    If you ever go to Pearl Harbor and arrive in the AM, there is always a survivor or widow there. There used to be 2 per day, but as they have passed, I am sure the numbers have as well. There are also I think 8 Arizona survivors left. All but 2 want to be buried w/their ship. One said no thank you and one has yet to respond...

  7. There's nothing wrong with saying "thank you for your service."
    It should always appreciated so long as it doesn't become a competitive thing or a political thing. It may occasionally fall on cynical or uncaring ears. Say it anyway.

  8. My Dad and one of my uncles served in the Canadian Navy, not during wartime. My uncle received the St. George cross for bravery because he and another seaman helped rescue a pilot after a crash; he was stuck in his cockpit while the plane was on fire.

    I have two other uncles who served in the American Army at different times. My youngest uncle served in Vietnam. When his unit or platoon made it back across Cambodia, they realized a tank was left behind. They sent him and one other soldier to recross Cambodia and drive it back. They made it back alive with the tank (my family thought he was MIA because they didn't hear from him in 6 months). That also took bravery. He got a certificate of thanks.

  9. I'm grateful for your patriotism SarahElizabeth and David Howes, et al!
    You have every right to be proud!

  10. same here austin! Thanks SarahElizabeth and David Howes! shakey, thanks for sharing! i love hearing military stories. i used to love hearing stories from vets...okay, still do. i look forward to visiting Normandy one day as well. luckily my other half enjoys the military as well, because i know i am on the obsessive

  11. When I say thank you for your service, I sincerely mean it! My uncle and grandfather both served and I have my brother in law, three nephews and a niece that are serving now.

  12. my nephew is home now after several tours as an army ranger. very brave guy.

  13. really super quick to clarify. I thank and appreciate our veterans I just feel "thank you for your service" lost its depth. kinda like those form letters from corporate that end with "thanks for all you do" just feels cold. I am grateful for all those who served and continue to serve I also have tremendous heart for our veterans who were drafted. can you imagine being snatched and shipped off to battle and it's not your first choice? harrowing.
    Happy Veteran’s Day! (even happy seems odd to me.)
    Happy Veteran’s Day to everyone mentioned here and all our other past and present heroes. should be thank a veteran day , but that should be everyday and tomorrow is just a really good day to buy a mattress

  14. I'm a vet too. I don't really think it's necessary to thank vets for their service. Just be kind to them and strive to be understanding of them if they have service connected traumas.

  15. I'm a 'veteran' ( it's not a term used in the UK other than to mean old person)
    UK Army. SSgt (ret) RA 11 years Northern Ireland, Liberation of Kuwait, Gulf war.
    My father was Navy, 12 years. Suez, mostly far east duty
    My Grandfather was Navy, 14 years WWII various theatres
    My great Grandfather was Army, Cavalry, WWI.

    I could go on. You get the picture.

    I don't know any service personnel that needs thanks. It's a job, we get on with it. Even today, on remembrance day in the UK we simply remember and respect the fallen.

    It's always kind of embarrassing when Americans 'thank you for your service"

    My eldest is in my old regiment. Knowing we keep this family tradition going is all I need to know we do our bit.



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