Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Your Turn

Apparently today is world vegan day. Have you ever gone vegan or vegetarian? Still doing it?


  1. Yes, vegan for five months now.

  2. I like steak too much to do that.

  3. Vegan since this past July!

  4. What is all this "going vegan" talk? Beets me.

  5. Longtime vegetarian... tried vegan Ian but I like cheeze way to muchπŸ˜‚

  6. Vegetarian for 6 months. Try to have meat and cheese free at least 2x week. Eat chicken and fish on regular basis. Meat 2x month...prone to HBP.or cholesterol. My thing is candy...

  7. Been a vegetarian most of my life because I don't like meat. Would never go vegan, though.

  8. Ok, time for a boycott

  9. I did for about a year and a half. Then there was this ribeye on the grill giving me that come hither look. I fell for it.

    So long ago though. Pre internet. Vegetarian Times and Chile Pepper magazines were my lifeline. Health food stores to get rice milk. Complicated. Pain in the tuchas. And the house always smelled like curry...even days later.

  10. Cumberbatch is vegan now, according to twitter. Can't wait for the first interview he does about that to inspire the crazies.

    I am a proud carnivore, but trying to cut back on meat consumption for health and environmental reasons, but damn cows, you taste so good.

    1. What? Why? Since when?

      I'm supposed to be vegan because Venus Williams is vegan and that's what she apparently does to manage her SjΓΆgren's and I like a good salad but I don't want to be vegan too. I just don't. πŸ₯—πŸ™ŽπŸ»πŸ΅πŸŒΏ

      I'm planning on going on a "Kamar-Taj" trip for my birthday next year, and they ashram I signed up for only serves vegetarian/vegan food. IDK. I feel like I should have all the steam I can before I get on that plane... Hm. πŸ›©

    2. *STEAK (autocorrect won't let me have my meat STEAK why)

  11. Vegetarian since 1988. Not only am I still alive, I'm no where near underweight.

  12. I was vegetarian for 3 years and vegan for 2 and ended up with severe vitamin deficiencies that triggered an autoimmune disease. Supplement heavily (esp with B12) if you choose to eat this way. I've since switched to a paleo diet and feel amazing, the difference is profound.

    1. When I was finally PROPERLY diagnosed, my doctor was shocked at how low my vitamin D levels were (and this is an old man whom the hospital staff refer to as "Professor"—I don't think it's the lowest he's ever seen in his career though, I doubt it). What vitamins were you lacking?

    2. Oh. Never mind, you already mentioned "B12".

  13. life's too short. i have 2 grown kids who are vegan but smoke and drink and take drugs. so much for caring about your health.

    1. Yes, what a contradiction. That would drive me crazy

  14. Being vegan would be ideal, but I still have a loong way to get there.

  15. I'm from Chicago,I get sweaty unless I eat meat.

  16. Yes, a very, very long time ago when I was a freshman in college, and it was not intentional. The food was so bad that I existed on salads and vegetables for 6 months.

  17. I could never give up cheese. Ever.

  18. No, I'm a full-fledged omnivore, but I COULD be a vegetarian. Never vegan though. I would never give up eggs or cheese, and vegan cheese = blech.

  19. I'm severely lactose intolerant so I dabble in veganism.

    1. I'm only lactose and watermelon-intolerant after not having it for ages. But after my first tummy ache in a while, it's usually fine again. Can't live with out cheese. πŸ§€

  20. IDK why I feel "betrayed" that Benedict Cumberbatch has gone vegan... πŸ’”

    It's like you know that lift scene in "Thor: Ragnarok" where Thor tells Loki, "you're you and I'm me and, let's be honest, our paths diverged a long time ago"? I'm totally having that moment right now. Its deeply intense, and "hate" is a strong word, but damn, Bruh. IDK. πŸ₯—πŸ™ŽπŸ»πŸ΅πŸŒΏ
