Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Today's Blind Items - St. Charles House Of Horrors

It is still there. It is still owned by the same people who have owned the house for hundreds of years. There is a sprawling house on St. Charles Street in New Orleans that has been used by politicians and celebrities as a secret pleasure den for almost 100 years.

Over the years the owners have remodeled several times. The most recent of these remodels took place within the past decade. Unbeknownst to the various guests of the establishment, each room has been wired for video and sound. 

One of the reasons this A+ list mostly movie actor has been drinking himself to death is the video he has seen of himself having sex with a 13 year old girl multiple times over a three week period.

There was a political candidate who had all the backing and money in the world last year on the Republican side. He was then shown a video of himself with two college guys engaged in several hours of sex. After that, the candidate just kind of gave up. He went through the motions, but that was about it. He was given a consolation prize to make sure he is there if they need him.

In the past week, all of this is threatening to come out of the shadows. Apparently one of the masterminds behind it, got into an argument with his father. The father, one of the wealthiest men in the world was killed this week in a freak accident. The thing is though, there was nothing accidental about it.

You know who was a very frequent guest to the house on St. Charles? This disgraced A+ list movie producer. Do you know who helped set him up? This A+ list mostly movie actor who lives down there and heard two separate stories from two A list actress girlfriends who had both been raped by the producer.

That producer led to buzz and more buzz and more noise. It also provided cover for people who were forced out. Want your wife to find out about the sex games you like playing with college girls? Then, now might be a good time to retire.

The house on St. Charles is money central in the South. Super PAC's, movie financing. It is all entwined.

$10M to one Super PAC came from two donations. A movie was filmed in New Orleans last year. Two of the actresses in the movie were, at separate times, provided some information about visits their respective A list husbands had made to the house. The next thing you know, two separate checks had been written. $3M from one A lister and $7M from an A+ lister. Oh, and that A+ lister? He had to couch up another $5M this year. Apparently he is OK with being caught with a guy even though he is in the closet. He does draw the line at him with tween boys though. His actress wife thought it was just guys he liked and not boys. Since she found that out last year, they have spent a total of about 10 days together.

What is the purpose of all of this? I don't know. I do know though it is causing chaos. It will be interesting to see what kind of order comes out of this.


  1. A+ list Mostly Movie-Johnny Depp?

  2. Republican candidate-Rubio or Cruz?

    1. Definitely Rubio - he was me it and then he was peach fuzz ... barely there

  3. A+ list producer = Bret Ratner?

  4. marco rubio for political candidate who gave up?

  5. A List Movie producer-Weinstein
    A+ list actor who lives in New Orleans-Bradd Pitt
    Exes-Juliette Lewis and Goop?

  6. Consolation prize - Ben Carson

    1. Ben Carson not even close to having all the backing and $$.

  7. Aflleck
    Ben Carson who heads a department he's unqualified to run.
    Pitt and GOOP as one of the actresses

  8. Disgraced producer Weinstein, Ratner hasn't been disgraced quite yet.

  9. A+ list disgraced movie producer is Weinstein maybe?

  10. the porn twitter cruz follows was primarily man on woman, no? but i could see it being him too, montana.

  11. Sudden death was the crash on the Rothschild property. Order out of chaos is a motto of Freemasonry, which many believe is the operating structure behind the illuminati.

    1. But the oldest of the four was the helicopter pilot, whose Vietnamese passenger was only 32- unlikely to have a son old enough to take the reins of a retrofit in New Orleans.
      One of those Saudi princes was also killed in s helicopter crash recently, but was also too young.

  12. pitt was the first actor i thought of too.

  13. Cruz for the candidate that had all the Mercer money and inexplicably gave up after the Indiana primaries.

  14. Which house is that? I want to see in google street lol.

  15. Consolation Prize is Pence. He is a closeted gay and frequented male prostitutes at governors conventions.

  16. I am curious to know if any of this scandalous BI of late are to be revealed on January 1?

  17. Hollywood needs to be cleaned with bleach. Same with Washington. And the record biz. All of it burn it down and rebuild with good people who actually care about each other. Not religious at all but the Bible does say money is the root of all evil. Good to see brad pitt is one of the good guys. Enty do a kindness blind with the good guys like brad in Hollywood.

    1. Totally agree!
      But it's the LOVE of money that's the rout of all evil ;)

      To add to that: "For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind." james 3:16

    2. The LOVE of money is the root of all evil. It is, and so is pride. Pride goes before a fall.

  18. Mike Pence was governor of Indiana and not running for anything last year.

    He backed Cruz and then shockingly got the VP slot but he wasn't even on the radar until Indiana primaries.

  19. I doubt it Montana. With no proof to back himself up from lawsuits I don't think Enty will try

  20. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Ted Cruz or Chris Christie for the candidate. Both had large GOP support until the rise of Trump, and would've had lots of financial backing. Ted Cruz makes more sense for the gay sex part (because he's super conservative and I just can't see Christie being into men), but Christie makes more sense for the "stand-by" part. He thought he was getting a spot in the Cabinet until he didn't.

  21. Political candidate I'd say is Rubio, who was originally supposed to be the dynamic young Repub candidate who sails to victory but basically ended up phoning it in. He regained his seat as a senator, which is a nice little consolation prize. And he's on standby for more should the RNC ever decide to trust him again.

    1. Yup and there are already those hints from Miami days of his escapades with men

  22. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/4954711/first-picture-vietnamese-pilot-helicopter-crash-over-rothschilds-estate/

    No one important died in the helicopter crash at the Waddesdon estate

    I can't find any very wealthy man who died this month who might fit the description, let alone in an accident. The closest is the Saudi prince who died in a plane crash, but he was in his early 40s

  23. Having lived in New Orleans I know the following: Nick Cage spends a lot of time there making films. John Goodman lives there with his La. wife of many years. Brad & Angie sold their French Quarter home some time ago. Oliver Stone made JFK there and is a frequent guest in NO. Everyone who is anyone makes their way to The Big Easy eventually. There is no other city in the world like it. I lived there briefly in '88. When I found out I was going to have to return to NYC I literally hugged the historical buildings good-bye. I cried all the way from New Orleans to NYC. Fellow passengers assumed someone had died. They were right. My heart did.

  24. "Bad Moms" had lots of powerful female leads and was filmed in New Orleans.

  25. Rubio never had a shot. He was only there to be a spoiler for an eventual Jeb win and he knew that from the beginning.

    This is Cruz.

    1. The consolation prize line points to Ben Carson. Unless... did Rick Perry run last year? I know he ran once but I forget which cycle.

    2. I think it's Paul Ryan actually. Enty doesn't say he actually got in the race, and it describes him well.

  26. The film that was filmed there last year "Bad Moms"? Jada Pinkett Smith (Will Smith) and Mila Kunis (Ashton Kutcher) were two of the leads.

    Politician is probably Carson, maybe Rubio

  27. the names of the crash victims aren't out yet, so lord rothschild could have died.

  28. If Lord Rothschild died in that we would know by now

    Maybe Lil Peep was richer than everyone thought

  29. Saudi Royal Family spat for Father-n-son dispute. Thinking helicopter crash.

  30. I'm surprised people aren't saying Jeb. He would have all the backing - he was the next step in a legacy of Bush/Clinton. He also was known for being extremely low energy. Not to mention, I think Bushes are deep in all this stuff. Rubio is relatively deep in it too - he rolls with the Fanjuls (billionaire slave-holders in the DR) like the Clintons for example - but Rubio kept up the energy till he was out.

  31. And yes if you look at the article I linked to you can read about the crash victims who were normal people. It seems to have been a helicopter flying lesson

  32. too much to do today to get ready for thanksgiving. i'll go deep into this tonight.

  33. Jeb Bush had tons of money and backing, then his campaign fizzled out. There was a lot of talk about him not wanting it enough. It's hard to imagine he would do this...did Scott Walker run? I can't remember.

  34. The Saudi prince who died was in his early 40s, a bit young to have a son who is the "mastermind"

  35. I like the Weinstein, Pitt, Goop, Lewis guess but I can’t put it all together in the context of this blind.

  36. The Republican candidate is probably Rubio,be cause he won his senate seat. The gay sex tapes may be from his college days,not from the house. The actor could be Affleck.

  37. @roxy, Rubio absolutely was considered a frontrunner going in, and what's more important, he had a lot of big-money backers who looked at him as the GOP's answer to Barack Obama who might appeal to a younger generation of voters. But he obviously waaayyyy underperformed in person. So this would be an interesting take as to why.

    1. Plus last year this site kept teasing a sex tape that was gonna ruin one of the candidates and the clues pointed to Rubio if memory serves

  38. Jeb didn't get a "consolation prize" though, did he? I don't think he's doing anything today (not that he needs to, I'm sure he's got tons of family money).

  39. I agree, Jeb for the politician. He was the party choice early on, and had the backing of the big gop funders. Cruz hung in there fighting for as long as he could, and also was not the party choice (other politicians hate him). He only got some party backing when it looked like he was the only thing standing between Trump and the nomination. And even then, a lot of republicans were holding their nose and holding back their wallets.

  40. So Nathaniel Philip Rothschild is connected to this?

  41. I lived and breathed that election from sun up to sun down and I stand by Cruz as the politician.

    I have now left any party affiliation but previous to this year was as Republican as Republican can be and Cruz would have never had a shot. They would have needed flyover country and he would never have gotten that.

    Cruz, however, won Kansas, Oklahoma, and a few others and due to his connections to Kenneth Copeland Ministries and other prosperity preachers was being accepted in my neck of the woods like a long lost brother.

    I don't know if it's connected, but there were some seriously shady dealings between Cruz's superpac run by that shady "Christian" historian and Carly Fiorina's superpac which SHOULD have been investigated but was dropped.

    Money went from Cruz to Fiorina.

  42. But what was Cruz's consolation prize?

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. This isn't about the Rothschilds. No Rothschild died recently. I don't know who the very wealthy man killed in an accident is

    That is the part of this blind that should be most easily identified, so it's hard to make much of the rest

  45. Anonymous10:56 AM

    A+ with 13 year old girl: Ben Affleck
    Disgraced Producer: Harvey Weinstein
    A+ lister who ratted him out: Brad Pitt. Exes are Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow
    Consolation Prize: Chris Christie or Ben Carson
    Movie filmed in New Orleans: Bad Moms
    $3 mil A lister: Ashton Kutcher (wife Mila Kunis)
    $5/$7 mil A+ lister: Will Smith (wife Jada Pinkett Smith)

    Hi, long time lurker first time commenter here

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. I like Will Smith and Ashton for the A list husbands.

  48. Melvin I like your guesses except for the politicians. Perry or Carson sound good to me.

  49. A+ actor drinking himself to death = Ben Affleck
    Politician who gave up:" Jeb Bush
    Disgraced A+ Producer: Harvey
    Freak accident: Prince Mansour bin Muqrin died in a freak crash last week
    A+ Actor who set him up and lives there: Pitt
    Big donors: Clooney?

  50. Did a Rothschild really die in that crash? Keep hearing that from certain quarters, maybe reliable, but it sounded too good to be true. One way or another, it wasn't an accident. Figured it would turn out to be a message, not a full hit. My, my, my.

    People have talked about Rubio's penchant for foam parties for a while; he could be the candidate who faded. Jeb drastically faded, though, and he was the presumptive nominee, so he could fit there. Cruz we know from his Twitter feed is more interested in caught-cheating-by-wife threesome porn, and he was still fighting at the convention. No one else was ever in the running.

    So why would the Rothschilds push Rubio or Jeb out? For Cruz? Certainly not for Trump; they hate him. Maybe it was part of their pied-piper strategy to help Hillary (for those who don't follow her, Lynn de Rothschild is so tight with the Clintons that she switched to McCain in 2008 when Obama beat Clinton in the primaries).

    Fascinating stuff. If Jacob de Rothschild really died in that crash, watch George Soros next.

  51. Interesting stuff about disgraced former LA politician David Vitter, super PACs, and St Charles Ave: http://washingtonbabylon.com/louisiana-politricking-dirty-tricks-and-senator-david-vitter/

    Not directly relevant to this blind except perhaps the location.

    (we'll have to agree to disagree on Rubio ;) )

    can't find anything on a recent billionaire's death either...wonder if that's a detail that got fudged

  52. Rep Candidate - Bobby Jindal?

  53. I'm still stuck on who the 'one of the richest men in the world' is supposed to be. No one stupendously rich with 'old money' has died recently. The Duke of Westminster died last year but I don't think he falls into 'richest in world' category.

    The Rothschild rumour was put out by one spoof news outlet. The crash was about a mile or so from a house he used to own (gifted to the National Trust). Both helicopter and plane were from a flying school with one instructor and one pupil each.

  54. I wonder if it's the house on the SE corner of St. Charles and Octavia. If you look on google maps street view you can see that it was renovated in 2013 and 2014.

    1. Hi. Lurker here too. Did you see that house on the corner is currently under renovation? If that’s a current pic, that is.

  55. Rich and Famous Dumbasses not knowing those rooms were wired
    That is funny

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Republican candidate: My first thought is JEB! he had all the money he needed, but Rubio had a ton too. I think MR was supposed to be the ethnic golden boy for the GOP, but his history with the party gays in Miami toppled his potential popularity w evangelicals. Wasn't Crux busted going in and out of hotels in either NYC or DC (or both) with chicks, so maybe he is not into boys?

  58. It could be any of the losing GOP candidates EXCEPT Ted Cruz.

    The consolation is that they are not Ted Cruz.

  59. If the rumor about a Rothschild death came from an unreliable source, I suppose the story that he wasn't involved came from a trusted, reliable media source. Like Charlie Rose.

  60. Maison St. Charles Hotel. Completed a multi-million dollar renovation in 2008 or so (within the past decade). The original townhomes - now incorporated into the hotel - were built in 1842. Can't find ownership info.

    Also, probably a long shot, but Steve Mostyn, a very wealthy Texas political donor (for Democrats) died due to "mental health issues" last week. Has a son from a prior marriage. Got rich suing insurance companies after hurricanes, most notably Hurricane Katrina (New Orleans).

    Rubio had a lot of backing and money at first. The blind does not say the rich person who died was the person backing the candidate, just that he was involved in collecting the damning videos. Maybe as a Democratic donor, he collected dirt on Republican politicians, forcing them out of the race?

    Anyway, probably not, but maybe?

    1. I think you could be onto something with the Mostyn angle. Mostyn was the single biggest donor to the Texas Democratic Party recently-millions of dollars of checks a year, so the dollar amounts described from the A-listers being blackmailed would match. Mostyn was based out of Houston, which is a hop, skip and a jump from Nawlins. Plus the Big Easy is well known as a spot where Texas big money types go to indulge peccadilloes they don’t want people back home to know about. Weinstein, Brad, Will and Ashton for the guys and Goop, Angie, Mila and Jada for the girls all make sense. For the Republican politician, how about Rick Perry? Mostyn spent a ton of money on Texas governors races, plus Perry went from being declared the favorite for the Republican nomination by Time in 2013 to being the first to drop out in 2015. He also ended up spending a lot more money than raised, maybe some of which was spent on paying to keep the tape quiet? Mostyn may have had a grudge against him from Texas, or had some struck some sort of deal with another campaign willing to spend big money to get Perry out, like Jeb’s or Trump. Perry also ended up with a job clearly way above his pay grade. Mostyn’s death definitely looks like it could have been foul play (“suicide “ from a single gun shot wound) maybe payback or to keep him quiet?

    2. Or it could have been the Bushes themselves who own the House-they’re old money and blackmail against Perry or Rubio would have been a priority for them last year when they weren’t taking Trump seriously. Long history of connections with the Saudis where we had the mysterious death of one high ranking prince lately, perhaps as part of the internal power struggles there. Maybe the Bushes picked the losing side (with Trump and Kushner seeming very supportive of MBS) and are being shook down along with the other Saudi fat cats now by the new Crown Prince...

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. There is no question that the political candidate is Rubio. He had a huge amount of backing and money and would have been VP for Jeb Bush at minimum were it not for Trump. The consolation prize was getting to keep his senate seat after arrogantly throwing it away.

  63. The last part confuses me. Two actresses were told what their husbands were doing, and then checks were written? Why, when the cat was already out of the bag? Wouldn't you blackmail the actors with the threat of going to their wives (and everyone else)?

  64. @catsup Google for Rubio and foam party.

  65. Abdul Aziz is the other Saudi Prince rumored to have died (other reports have said he remains alive and well under house arrest). Neither Aziz or Bin Murqin are the father of anyone old enough to have been "in an argument" with them over the operation or the "mastermind" of the arrangement.

    Perhaps it was a mistake and the son was the one who died? If not, they don't quite fit this part of the blind.

  66. Actor who's wife knew about men but not boys could also be Travolta

  67. I say the 2nd girlfriend of Bradd Pitt was Marion Cotillard, who I think he may have really cared for a lot longer than we know and that's the one whose abuse pushed him to set up HW.

    And maybe Jeb!s consolation prize is they gave him all the recordings except the least incriminating one--so he will be there when they need him

  68. There you go people, brad pitt as a decent guy in hollywood.

    1. If he had the courage to set up Weinstein, what's your problem?

  69. And I swear Enty has used almost the exact same paragraph before--the one about the video of the A+ list actor and the 13-yr old girl...

    Does this ring a bell for anyone else?

  70. @Cail - Not if the wives are very much helping to hide secrets of their husbands. Jada and Will's marriage, at least according to the rumors prevalent here, is one that very much involves both of them carefully curating their public lives, so they fit that explanation.

    Not so sure about Ashton and Mila, but, as far as the blind goes, they fit.

  71. @SDaly Yes, but neither of them have a son in their 20's.

  72. i agree, alexandria anna, i want to see the house! i'll go down the rabbit hole tonight when i have time to think. speaking of "house of the rising sun" and rabbit holes, here's another oldie but goodie. (it's worth watching just for the corny intro by dave clark.) fun fact: i went to the same high school as grace slick. they used her picture on the wall as a selling point during my interview tour, lol.

    Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit and Somebody To Love, American Bandstand, 1967

  73. haha rob ute! agreed!!!

  74. You guys... what about the Pontchartrain Hotel?


    It has undergone extensive renovations, the last of which was completed in 2016. And while it’s changed hands a few times in terms of ownership, it’s notable that Cooper Manning has a stake in it. The Mannings are a very prolific New Orleans family that has lived there for many years. The Wikipedia page is also chock full of past guests- George HW Bush included. Just a thought.

    1. I’ve stayed at the Ponchartrain. Beautiful, Grand! Absolutely not secure.

  75. Regarding the Saudi Prince and sons. Enty isn't always precise with clues. I think there's obvious turmoil in the house of Saud about how business will be conducted in the future. This doesn't mean I think this is THE answer, but I don't think lack of age-appropriate progeny disqualifies it either.

  76. I agree about Will Smith. Jada Smith has commented before about her open marriage with Will Smith. So that would make sense that he's not shy about being caught with men because his wife knows he runs around.

    Of course I can imagine she'd be upset to find out he likes boys so that does change things. And if anyone can write those kinds of checks without blinking, it's Will.

  77. Duh, I wasn't thinking. Early in the campaign (when Clinton's strategists considered Trump, Carson, and Cruz the wacky-and-unelectable "pied piper" candidates), the Bushes and their friends would have seen Rubio as Jeb!'s biggest threat. It would have made sense for them to take him down a peg, and they still had the power afterwards to give him a consolation prize.

    The part I'm intrigued by is, "In the past week, all of this is threatening to come out of the shadows." Why? There's not an obvious victim here to come forward. Someone blackmailing someone who can't afford to pay anymore? Someone just caught up in the mood of revealing things? Someone trying to do The Right Thing? Surely not.

  78. Yet another bullshit blind

  79. One of the wealthiest men in the world who died this week?

    Maybe Charles Manson was wealthiest than we thought.

  80. The Republican candidate who went through the motions and dropped out is Lindsey Graham.

  81. There was a death hoax last week for Bernard Arnault ; #8 on Forbes; his son Antoine is married to Natalia Vodianova. Dad and son are in fashion, but supposedly Bernard didn't die.

  82. Not really off the subject but--this year at our annual Sundance on the rez, the most powerful Medicine Man said the following: "The Eclipse of the Sun is going to wipe clean those things that have been hidden. You will see many men and women fall from the heights to oblivion. Secrets will be made known. We will have natural disasters not seen before, especially in this hemisphere. Beware the great trembling. Be ready." Everything he has predicted has come true except the Big One. He calls the Millenniums 'Children Of The Apocalypse.' Thought I'd share this with my CDAN family.

  83. Sorry. Mill-in-e-uls. Not mill-in-e-ums.

  84. @just sayin if people are doubting your hetrosexuality, what better way to confirm it than oh no I got caught liking straight porn.

  85. Also perhaps this death of a very wealthy man has not been made public, and only a few know about it for sure but the rumor is spreading?

  86. Jeb's Consolation Prize.

    It's literally the headline.


    1. But that’s about one of Bush’s old donors, Betsy DeVos, being elevated to the Cabinet. Coincidentally, or not, her brother is the founder of Blackwater, implicated in establishing a back channel between Trump and Putin but also close the Royal Families of the UAE and Saudi Arabia. Doesn’t exactly fit the blind as it isn’t a cynosure for Jeb himself though that keeps him around, whereas Rubio in the Senate or Perry in the Cabinet, and especially Rubio getting to go back to the Senate where he can make another run for President sounds a lot more like the blind

  87. i'm liking the mostyn idea and especially ricky perry for closeted politician with consolation prize. a gawker article from 2011 (god i miss gawker).

    All Your Rick Perry Gay Sex Rumors Collected in One Handy Book

  88. @Catsup Yes, I realize that Enty often changes the story a bit for legal purposes (ergo the disclaimer). And I noted that..

    To wit:

    "Perhaps it was a mistake and the son was the one who died? If not, they don't quite fit this part of the blind."

    My point being, the change would have to be that it was their father (not their son) who they had an argument with.

  89. the anecdote about rick perry being stumped by a door knob makes this story completely credible, imo.

  90. I think the part about the super rich guy killed in an accident may well be either untrue or the time given is made inaccurate on purpose to provide a smokescreen for Enty :) This is the most irrelevant part of this blind anyway (it's the other guesses here that are really juicy) and inserting some inaccuracies or untruths would help maintain the facade of this being an unreliable gossip site. This would be much safer for Enty in many respects, and I've notice he inserts small bits which are off like this quire regularly (like writing "two decades ago" when the entire blind fits a situation from 2003 or 2004).

  91. The helicopter and light aircraft crash wasn't over Waddesdon Manor (the home of Lord Rothschild), it was a couple of miles away. The casualties weren't 'important known' people. Lord Rothschild isn't dead, he was recently interviewed about the crash.

  92. The only sure thing about this BI is that, the good guy actor is Pitt and the disgraced producer is Pigstein.

  93. Pitt doesn’t live in NOLA anymore

  94. Has anyone said "the guy on the lawn mower runs the house and he's the illegitimate sibling of the governor and the preacher, and all that symbolism shit is red herrings" yet?

  95. The actor who’s drinking himself to death and who had sex with the 13 year old girl: Ben Affleck

    The Republican political candidate is Marco Rubio, his consolation prize was keeping his job in the senate. “To make sure he is there if they need him” means that he will vote in the senate however the GOP establishment losers want him to vote. And they may also use him to run again in 2020 against Trump. Rubio was flush with cash. He is the one that the blind is talking about with the super PAC that raised $10 million from just 2 donors. The donors were Norman Brahman who donated $6 million, and Larry Ellison who donated $4 million. Rubio is affectionately known in many quarters as ‘foam boy’. This is not Bush. The Bush dynasty is alive and well but their prevalence in American politics is over.

    Here’s the story about Rubio:

    The disgraced A+ list movie producer is Weinstein. The A+ List actor who helped him is Brad Pitt. The A+ list girlfriend who was raped by Weinstein was Gweneth Palthrow. The other A+ list girlfriend (at the time) who was raped by Weinstein was Angelina Jolie. Brad threatened Weinstein after he heard the stories.
    Here’s the story:


    The movie that was filmed in New Orleans last year was Bad Moms. I going to guess that the actress in that movie with the closeted husband who she knew was into men not didn’t know that he was into boys is Jada Smith…the actor is Will Smith. I have to hand it to these two. Their bearding contract has lasted a VERY long time. I believe Mila and Ashton to be the other couple, but this could also be Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard.

    The bit about one of the wealthiest men in the world dying this week may be a red herring. None of the recent deaths of very wealthy men fit the blind exactly. This would make sense if it was the son who died, not the father. And did it really happen ‘this week’? That doesn’t fit either.

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. I'm going with low energy Jeb! for the politician.

  98. true, wwax. (i just don't think ted cruz is cute or cool enough to be gay.) no seriously, the reason i don't think it's him is that he continued to be very outspoken against trump, which you wouldn't do if you were trying to stay under the radar.

  99. Side note: John Lassiter is taking a leavr from Disney due to "missteps"aka kissing groping the usual misdeeds

    And yesterday the DOJ blocked Time Warner/AT&T merger just like the blind from last week predicted

  100. I was wondering when someone from Disney would take a dive.

  101. I'm going with Depp too. Many have speculated Pitt but Pitt's drinking binges were last years news; these days its Depp in the headlines wasted. And what about this as the plane crash?.., https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/sports/amp/roy-halladay-former-mlb-pitcher-killed-small-plane-crash-was-n818891

  102. Rick Perry did make a wimpy stab at the Presidency again and Trump gave him a reward. There were rumors for years in Austin that Perry's gay. He named an English-born guy (who was assumed to be gay) to be his Secretary of State and there were rumors the two were lovers.

  103. One more thing about that weathy man's death being a red herring: Enty and his little birds clearly knwo a lot and have some serious dirt on many people connected to Hollywood. But actually KNOWING that the death of an extremely wealthy (=powerful) man was the secret doing of someone - that is a whole other level. That's stuff that only someone close to the perpertator would know. That, or some CIA, Mosad or MI6 operatives :D I love Enty, but doubt he's THAT level ;)

  104. So no one is going to mention Tyrese and his crazy ramblings and the fact that he was asking Will and Jada for $5 million to help him out because he's supposedly broke. Then all of a sudden the Smiths shut that down, he miraculously wins his custody case and now he blames his outbursts on his meds. All in short order. Hmmm. Wonder what he knows.

  105. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I can definitely speak to the political side:

    NOT CARSON. Carson's campaign was mostly self-financed, he didn't have a huge amount of backing as he was viewed as an outsider the GOP didn't want. That's how he wound up on Team Trump.
    NOT CRUZ. Same. Zero major backing, definitely not favored by the party (remember, he only won the senate by beating the GOP's chosen candidate) and again, on Team Trump.

    NOT JEB: Honestly? Too boring for college guys. ZERO rumors of that kind of behavior from him. He had a lot of backing within the party, but most knew he had no shot. They just kept banging that drum, though, until all of their secondary choices (like Rubio) went away. It's entirely possible someone did what this blind says NOT to clear the way for Trump, but to clear the way for Jeb.
    NOT PERRY: Again, zero support within the party, little money, stepped out fast. No momentum.
    NOT JINDAL: No real support from the party, no real financial backing. A non-starter.

    Most likely: RUBIO. Absolutely seen as the chosen one in a lot of GOP circles. They were grooming him as the anti-Obama for a long time. Seen as risky to a lot of the old-school GOP because of his Gang Of 8 votes for immigration. Split the GOP faithful with Jeb, one of the reasons he didn't survive the primary. Many thought they could get Dubya Pt 2 with Jeb, while most of the GOP realized another Bush would never sit in the big chair. Meanwhile, Rubio fits this perfectly: he was gung ho...then just straight up bailed on it. Refused to go after Trump, refused to do much of anything. Went from powerful and charismatic to lame in nothing flat. His Senate seat (which he really should have abandoned when running full time for pres, but the GOP let him keep it) is his consolation, putting him in a prime spot for 2020 and beyond.

  106. No one would be surprised to hear Lindsey Graham was going at it with a couple of dudes.

    @Boo, I think your Medicine Man is onto something.

    Mostyn is rich and may have been Arkancided, but it's been called suicide, not an accident.

    @OB, I think you're right: as far as public news reports are concerned, there have been no deaths of "wealthiest men in the world" lately, let alone reported as freak accidents. So whoever it is, it's not being reported, or it's being reported as something else, or the blind is wrong.

    @Liveyolife, yes, if you switch father and son in that part, then one of the Saudis who died in a helicopter crash might qualify. Some of them are very tight with the Bush cabal going way back, and they've also been buying their way into all sorts of US entertainment and media properties.

  107. Lots of good points there

  108. ob: actually donald trump predicted that the at&t/time warner merger would fail months before enty did. i wonder how he knew?

    1. He definitely knows some things!

    2. @just if we go by last week's blind and Mnuchin's role in the merger rejection, it's not too far fetched to think Trump knows all about Mnuchin's pecadilloes and did long before he nommed him as Treas Secy

  109. Girls Trip was filmed there last year

  110. Girls Trip with Jada, Queen Latifah, Regina Hall and more was filmed in New Orleans. It was all about New Orleans. This makes more sense then Bad Moms which you don't really realize was filmed there b/c most of the scenes are suburbia and make it seem like Chicago. I had to look it up b/c I didn't believe it was filmed in NOLA and not strictly Chi-Town.

  111. A+ MOSTLY movie Actor drinking himself to death--Depp. Depp was on my tv screen in 21 Jump St. Affleck never acted on tv and he looks like a bloated alcoholic but not as bad as Depp. Plus Depp dated Moss and married Heard, I think even the Parisian mother of his kids has that same thin build. Those look far more like a child than Affleck's exes, who include the curvaceous JLO. Didn't Paltrow say of him his perfect woman would be a Hooters waitress? Doesn't sound like he'd want a 13 year old. Plus Depp and that weird Manson orgy video? Bad bad choices for that guy.

  112. But actually A+ list actor it can be almost anyone, I wouldn't even knowwwww...It's hard to say for me who is drinking himself to death.
    I'd go with Ben Affleck or Brad Pitt..

    Johnny Depp is coming to Hellfest in 2018. Pray for me, I'll try to spy on him and I'm hoping for some blind item opportunity lmao.

  113. @Ginger, are you sure that Affleck has never acted on TV? He has. A lot. In the very, very early days of his career. But most of it is obscured. He has been in the following TV shows as a child actor:

    The Voyage of the Mimi
    The Second Voyage of the Mimi
    Wanted: A Perfect Man
    Hands of a Stranger

    Before he got his first movie break he was also in the following TV shows:
    and, Against the Grain

  114. Anonymous2:08 PM

    The only Republican candidate who was extremely well-funded and backed was Jeb.

    Or perhaps Rubio. MAYBE Kasich. But I don't think Kasich had a bunch of money.

    Cruz was well-funded but not necessarily backed by the powers-that-be. And he fought it out to the bitter end.

  115. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Pitt doesn't live in NOLA any more.

  116. Himmmmm, please help! More clues are needed for this blind.

  117. Drinker - Depp
    Political Candidate - Rubio
    Producer  - Ratner (AT&T is in the midst of an $85.4 billion acquisition of Time-Warner so now is a good time for folks to retire)
    Actor Friend - Pitt or Cage
    Super PAC - not sure but probably Democratic
    Movie - Bad Moms
    Actresses  - too lazy to list them all LOL! Applegate, K. Bell, J. Smith, Kunis, etc.
    A/A+ Couple - the Smiths

    1. Since the Saudis are cleaning house I am assuming it is someone from there for the father/son.

    2. Jada Pinkett smith wasn't in bad girls but Cheryl Hines was...who is married to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who could be our A+ lister. The blind didn't say he was an actor and referred to "his actress wife"

  118. Since everyone is focused on the politician and actors, I have been trying to figure out the wealthy father & son. There are posts at 11:08 and 12:09 that reference a house at 5428 St. Charles Ave. The owner of the property is Jeffrey Goldring, son of William "Bill" Goldring the billionaire owner of Sazerac Co. (Owns Buffalo Trace Distillery and brands Southern Comfort and Pappy Van Winkle among others). If you search about them there are things that fit the blind and those that do not. Most significantly, the father appears to be alive and well. The house also appears to be the son's actual home and they have not owned the property for hundreds of years. The dad was involved in the property and when his plans fell through the son proposed the site for his home. The property's actual owner appears to be the Goldring Family Foundation. While they have not owned the property for that long, they are a long time prominent New Orleans family. They also appear to be heavily involved in the New Orleans Jewish community and the Jewish community center a block away (possible connection to Weinstein). Most of the articles about them appear to be positive, but both father and son have had to resign from boards over alleged self dealing and political donations. The son has a FB page and it does not look like it belongs to anyone who would fit this blind, but I just thought it was interesting that someone pointed to a house on St. Charles that had a connection to a billionaire father/son.

    1. Smart cookie. Very few people refer to it as Pappy. It is the delicious nectar of the Gods.

  119. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I'm sure it is a house (not a hotel) and I doubt it is by Octavia... there is a park at the corner of Octavia and St. Charles and it is a very nice residential and family area.

    About 20 years ago, there was a bust on St. Charles Avenue where 3 generations of women were running a prostitution ring. Even one of the old news shows like 20/20 or dateline did a story on them, but I'm not having any luck with a Google search.

  120. Good catch Mrs. Crab!

    Politician points to Rubio. He was the GOP Golden Boy and then out of the blue, it all just fizzled. Rumors about him into young men (not sure of "boys" but definitely young men) has been circulating around for years.

  121. Anonymous2:34 PM

    That bust might have been 25+ years ago and it had many people running scared.

  122. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Well, this says Canal Street: https://nypost.com/2003/05/27/all-in-the-family-business-but-you-never-believe-what-kind-of-business-these-women-have-lured-even-the-kids-into/

  123. I have no idea but brad Pitt absolutely is not a nice guy. He's a creep. Not that setting somebody up for blackmail implies "niceness" tbf. He isn't "mostly" movies he isnt on any tv or Netflix series so bad guesses. More likely he's the guy drinking himself to death but that could be anybody.

    1. Disagree, he is not a creep, the NOLA house was sold quite a long time, he hasn't been drinking for a year, while Depp and Affleck are still heavy drinkers. Pitt's girlfriends, Goop or Jolie haven't been raped. There are so many inaccuracies regarding Pitt, we should look for some other actor who actually lives in NOLA.

  124. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Another link. I would believe Canal Street over St. Charles Avenue

  125. m ag: my thinking too, i was just going to post that the st. charles st. address is a red herring, because there is no st. charles st. in nola...it's st. charles ave.

  126. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Just sayin, I was born and raised in NOLA. Still keep a residence there. The clue is a mash up of St. Charles Avenue and Canal Street, which means it is likely Canal Street. A brothel by Octavia playground? No way. On Canal Street-- very probable. Canal also has more restaurants, etc, where people coming and going wouldn't be out of place. St. Charles Avenue, unless closer to downtown, would have private security detail, etc. No one paying that much for a home would put up with neighborly brothels. My opinion.

  127. My best guesses...

    I think the A+ list movie actor who is drinking himself to death is Depp. He's been a trainwreck lately.

    The politician is Rubio or Bush. Rubio and Bush were heavily backed by the establishment. They both had a lot of corporate donor backing as well. Cruz wasn't actually accepted or backed by the establishment in the early days. They only stopped hating him when Trump became competitive and they realized it was Cruz or nothing. I don't know what's meant as the consolation prize. In politics, that could be anything.

    The dead mastermind is Lord Rothschild.

    The disgraced producer is Weinstein. The A+ actor is Pitt and his girlfriends are Lewis and Paltrow. And don't forget about his ex-wife, Angie. I love Pitt even more for screwing Weinstein like this.

    One of the actors who donated money to a Super PAC was Travolta. Can't think of the other.

  128. GingerGirl made a good point about Depp's past love's being thin/waif-like and having childlike appearances. That is obviously his preference. He had been drinking himself silly the last year or so and didn't he have an appearance recently where he was "off."

    +SP Sula too.

  129. Actually, Brad's ex Lewis was not a Harvey victim. I'm changing it to Claire Forlani.

  130. My bad John Doe. I thought Affleck got started in movies and only did tv on things like that HBO show with Damon. Still don't know if he's drinking himself to death though. He's been doing a lot of appearances and saying his lines for them and seems too together for this to fit.

    Dog Mom wasn't Depp in really bad shape at the Murder on the Orient Express premiere? People were holding him up it was so bad.

    Plus that one about the blood in the bathroom. Bad shape.

  131. No Rothschild was involved in the Buckinghamshire crash. It did not occur over Waddesdon Major (a Rothschild property that is run by the National Trust organisation) but it was on the Waddesdon estate which still belongs to the family. Must of the Village is still part of their estate - lots of the buildings scattered throughout bear their family crest. The family own a few other (well-hidden) luxury homes in the immediate area. The four victims were three young men and a much older man, the pilot (see below). It seemed strange that it took a long time to release identities but the crash, by all accounts, was pretty severe.

    “The four men who died in an air accident in Waddesdon on Friday have today been formally identified.
    Shortly after midday on Friday Thames Valley Police received a report of an air accident between a helicopter and a light aircraft.
    Sadly, it was confirmed that four men died in the air accident, which is being investigated by the the Air Accident Investigation Branch.
    Formal identification of the four men took place took. The identities of the victims are:
    Savaan Mundae, aged 18, Jaspal Bahra, aged 27, Thanh Nguyen, aged 32, and Michael Green, aged 74.
    Our thoughts remain with the families of those involved in the accident. Our family liaison officers continue to offer support the victim’s families.”

  132. ok, that cinches it...great info from a native, m ag. isn't canal street the big party/bar/restaurant/tourist drag, too? i've never been there.

  133. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Canal Street is more for the locals. it has a streetcar line, so tourists too. It runs from the cemeteries to the river.

  134. Damn, I so wanted the politician to be Ted Cruz. I always found it fishy how he said he would never support someone who made fun of his wife then all of a sudden, he endorsed Trump. Perhaps that's another BI for another time. I honestly think someone got to him.

  135. Check out hotel monteleone. Owned by same family for over 100 years. Girls Trip filmed scenes there. Renovated 2011. Dad died in 2012, but can’t find circumstances. Lots of history. And many productions filmed there...

  136. m ag: when did pitt leave? anyone else who could match a+ actor resident? the only actors i know of who moved there are helen mirren, sandra bullock, and of course harry connick, jr.

  137. Shakey, I think Cruz wants a SCOTUS appointment or maybe atty general. That is how I have always interpreted his tolerance of Trump.

    Maybe it was the Orient Express. There was something...I cannot remember but he had glazed eyes and looked barely able to stand.

    I have always found Depp's success interesting and weird. He is freaky and plays freaky well. But, he has such a disorganized life. Whenever I think about him, I think of his violent relationships in the 1990's and what a dick he was about being a celebrity and the fame thing. Poor me I'm rich and famous and no one understands me. I'll just beat my girlfriend until I feel better. Yuck!

  138. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Absolutely not Hotel Monteleone.

    And btw, it could be St.Charles Avenue. It could be anywhere in the city, really.

  139. 1) Jada Pinkett Smith was absolutely in Bad Moms. Cheryl Hines is in Bad Moms Christmas, which is entirely different (and not filmed in New Orleans)

    2) I know Enty can be liberal with his ratings, but in what world is Dax Sheppard A-list? He's done a lot on TV, but still probably not A-list, and his most recent film (CHiPs) bombed.

  140. Hang on hang on...hold up.
    I just saw the Himmmm-signal light up.
    I just read the blind just now.
    JEESH! Some people work for a living 'ya know??

    Not me...but some people ;-)

    I cannot stop laughing at Count's comment. Who else got the joke?
    Yes, this DOES seem like some True Detective plot twist tomfoolery.
    or Cohen Bros-meets-Matrix in a JJ Abrams-LOST nightmare.

    Gimme a few mins to try and make sense of this skullfuckery.
    I recognized 3 things right away:
    the dead zillionaire; the politician; and A-list actor.
    I've also been there on Canal Street AND stayed on St. Charles.
    But this reminds me more of a great courtyard in an old hotel at corner of Toulouse & Dauphin! But that was romance, not whatever this blind is. But these clues seem more like stuff out of Storyville w/ Brooke Shields! (NO I'm NOT dropping clues - just talking).

    I'll return after a lobotomy and half-box of wine.
    It's not even 5pm yet FFS! I'm not a gay man myself...but does Chris Christie seem like a top "bear" to anyone else?

    There is a house in New Orleans.
    They call the Rising Sun...
    (yeah- apparently there really is).

  141. @Hmmmm There's no time for a half-box of wine, boyo- there's thinking to be done.

  142. Anonymous4:23 PM

    "From Canal Street to Lee Circle, St. Charles Avenue is properly called St. Charles Street"

  143. Anonymous4:24 PM


  144. Anonymous4:28 PM

    No one locally has ever called St. Charles Avenue St. Charles Street. That is an obtuse wikipedia point. Locally, it is referred to simply as "St. Charles", but that entry description does point to downtown St. Charles, in the Central Business District. From Canal to Esplanade would be the French Quarter area. Lee Circle to Canal would be downtown.

  145. Anonymous4:34 PM

    "Nick Mavro said...
    Check out hotel monteleone. Owned by same family for over 100 years. Girls Trip filmed scenes there. Renovated 2011. Dad died in 2012, but can’t find circumstances. Lots of history. And many productions filmed there..."



  146. Anonymous4:35 PM

    It is likely in the old Storyville area if it is 100 years still in business...

  147. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Yes, I forgot St. Charles turns into Royal in the French Quarter, but I'm still syaing absolutely not to Hotel Monteleone

    And Pitt moved years ago

  148. I'm leaning toward:

    A+ List Movie Actor on film – guessing Depp, but just guessing.

    Disgraced Candidate – Ben Carson. Had all of the backing & money, and then just kind of fizzled out didn't he? His consolation prize? Folks - he's the Freaking Secretary of Urban Development!

    A+ List Producer – Easy! Who is Harrdy Weinstweener?

    A+ List Movie Actor who got Harrdy in - Brad Pitt. He lived there recently. Makes the two exes who accused the producer: Gwen and Angie.

    New Orleans Movie - Girls Trip. Filmed in New Orleans starring Jada Pinket Smith, who w/her hubby ponied up $5M to Tyrese. (BI didn’t say where the $5M went.) Thinking also Tiffany Haddish. She was recently married to some mystery man for a minute, then suddenly announced that she wasn’t. (Is she A List though?)

    I’m stumped as to the location and the billionaire who died in an accident that was no accident. Frankly, I’m a bit sickened by now, and don’t know if I care to know. I need a drink!

  149. Okay first...STOP focusing on hotels.
    The HOUSE is a house - a big ass mansion.
    NOT a hotel.

    Find the big mansion on St. Charles owned by the billionaire that hosted celebrities AND politicians too.

    I know finding a mansion on St. Charles is like saying "look for that big house in Bel Air" but that's where to start. NOT HOTELS.
    OLD MANSION (renovated) owned by a mega billionaire.

  150. I agree that Will Smith is likely one of the A listers.
    That should be easy to figure out.
    Find the movie shot in NOLA recently with:
    2 actresses each married to A list actors.
    I cant get on wiki or Imdb now but somebody can.
    Cross check that CSI.
    Work backwards from there.

    1. The only movie that fits is bad moms. But I love Ashton Kutcher...so don't want to believe it.

  151. Wealthy father who died is Saudi Prince Mansour bin Muqrin. He died in a helicopter crash on November 5, 2017. The net worth of the entire royal family has been estimated at well over $1.4 trillion which makes them one of the wealthiest families in the world if not the wealthiest.
    Many princes and government officials have been arrested in the 2017 in alleged anti corruption campaign by the King and Crown prince. The helicopter carrying Saudi Prince Mansour Bin Muqrin and seven other people was deliberately targeted by state forces because it is believed Bin Muqrin opposed Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s succession to the throne


  152. I liked the "True Detective" references. Considering how entertaining this story is maybe Enty should write season 3.

  153. http://m.imdb.com/title/tt3564472/

  154. Brad Pitt makes sense- present tense 'lives' may be a red herring for past tense 'lived'

  155. Oh dear! If you Google “House of Horrors, New Orleans”, you will find the mansion where they film Stranger Things. On that same page is a mansion:
    Tau Omega Alpha Fraternity House aka Round Table Clubhouse
    6330 St. Charles Ave. across from Tulane University

    The property located at 6330 St. Charles Ave. sits across the street from Tulane and borders Audubon Park. The building has served as a clubhouse for The Round Table Club since 1919 and provides ample meeting and social space on the lower floor and has housed club members in the bedrooms over the social space. The Round Table Club was founded in 1898 as a social club with interest in literature, art and science. The club is still active, hosting lectures each Thursday evening, from October through June, and is available as an event venue for weddings and other social occasions.

    Maybe the rabbit hole we are supposed to scurry down. Maybe not.


    1. Round Table PIZZA. Ugh.

    2. AHS not Stranger Things. Sorry. This is Madame LaLarue’s mansion. Evil old bird!

  156. Mostyn doesn't fit either. His obituary says his son is 16 years old. Definitely not old enough to be one of the masterminds behind a supposed long-established celebrity blackmail scandal. Something in the details given have to be altered. Saudi's wouldn't have owned a NOLA property for hundreds of years. And this guy, while everything else fits, there's no way his 16 year old son was involved. But if you are one of the richest people in the world, surely the world would have heard of your death...... So, I'm back at 0.

  157. The Blind title “House of Horrors” reminds me of the old LaLaurie mansion...Im sure many of you folks have heard of that nightmare true life horror story? Not the silly American Horror Story take on it, but the French Cajun Marie Delphine Macarty aka Madame Blanque aka Madame LaLaurie was one sick individual.

    Note the LaLaurie mansion is a historical landmark in the French Quarter and sits at 1140 Royal Street (Royal Street turns into St. Charles at Canal)...and the street running parallel 1 block south of Royal is St. Chartres. Not saying this is the mansion, but it was/is literally the largest one in the area for a long time, but was also purchased by Nick Cage through “Hancock Park Real Estate Company, LLC” in April 2007 for $3.45 MM. he apparently lost it to foreclosure in 2009 when it was picked up by Regions Financial Corp., an oooooold school hillbilly bank.

  158. I'm thinking of B. Pitt also because of the homes built there. I haven't Googled any of this yet but wouldn't some of the money needed to build the homes come from federal monies? It sure helps when you have friends that can cut all the red tape so you can get it faster. Just throwing it out there.

  159. Do we know for sure Brad Pitt doesn't live there anymore? You have to admit since his split from Ange we rarely see him in the news. These moneyed celebs no doubt have properties all over the place, and its been documented BP liked living there and if I remember correctly, seemed to get a fair amount of privacy when he/they were there.

    I don't know much about the city only having been there once (Suler Bowl 36--go Pats!) but friends who spend a lot of time there say everyone minds there own business and you have to admit there's not a heavy pap scene down there. A long way of saying its ideal for anyone not wanting to be seen, so anyone from BP to the victims of the Horror House could be there on a regular basis

  160. Take a real close look at Audubon Place, the privately hated street along St. Charles, adjacent to Tulane University. A guardhouse sits at the entrance to the street, with entrance restricted to those on a pre-approved list. Following the 2005 Hurricane Katrina related levee breach, BLACKWATER SECURITY PERSONNEL WERE HELICOPTERED TO AUDUBON PLACE TO PROTECT PROPERTY. HMMMM now who founded/owns/is tied to Blackwater (whoops renamed “Academi” in an attempt to get rid of that pesky name notoriety) again? Tom Benson, owner of the Saints and Pelicans, lives there btw. Who else lives/owns property there, whether human or corporate entity/“Company”/foreign state?

    Btw, check out google maps juuuust to the right (east) of the Audubon Place entrance off of St. Charles Ave. - go to street view and try to traverse west on St. Charles Ave past the guardhouse entrance and past the large white columned Greek Revival mansion (the President’s House). Does your screen freeze up and go black for a second, then return to the street view but without ability to traverse? Sketchy...

  161. okay, we've got jada pinkett smith in new orleans twice filming girl's trip and bad moms.
    bad moms fits better, gives us more than one a lister with a lister husband -- jada and mila. they filmed a party scene at a huge mansion in "uptown". i can't find an address or photo of the front...if we can find an exterior shot we can use google street to identify it.

    1. Just saw the movie. Scene is interior only. Rats! Errr Rabbit!!

  162. @itttt Nice to see you down this particular rabbit hole. Read my post ... up a few

  163. This comment has been removed by the author.

  164. uptown's huge, but is the western half of st. charles, which narrows it down some. (if this is the same house, which it may not be....)

  165. How do you figure Ben Carson for the politician? He was never very popular with the RNC elites and he certainly didn't have all the backing and the money in the world. Bush, Cruz, and Rubio were the ones with the most backing and money. Cruz raised the most money $183 million. Then Bush $159 million, then Rubio with $129 million. Carson was a distant 4th with $79 million.

    Carson is probably a very nice man, but he is an extremely boring character who never really resonated with voters at all. I wouldn't have called him a serious contender. He did accept another cabinet position but not one with any real power that he would be able to do back door deals and favors for the wheelers and dealers.

    Bush had the full backing of the GOP elites in the RNC but he's even more boring than Carson and never resonated with the people either. I wouldn't say that he gave up, he didn't really even seem to be trying from the very beginning. It could be him, but I doubt it. Jeb is so boring that the hookers would have fallen asleep during the two hours and there would be no video. He was repeatedly humiliated in the primaries, and I can't think of anything that would be considered a consolation prize that was given to him. He's definitely out to pasture now.

    Cruz is a very bright preacherman who does possess the wit and charm to beguile an audience. I could totally see him cheating in a hotel room with either a man or a woman. He had the backing of the Mercers and their billions and (initially) Breitbart. But he doesn't fit as the candidate who just gave up and went through the motions. He refused to quit, and was the last one to drop out of the race during the primaries. He was everywhere flinging mud, lying, stealing, scheming and pulling every dirty trick in the book right down to the very last. Those are not the actions of a person who had given up and was just going through the motions. Right up until that night when Trump blocked him in Indiana Cruz actually could have garnered enough delegates to force a brokered convention at the RNC---which he would have won. I doubt that anyone in the establishment would even consider offering a consolation prize to Ted Cruz in the aftermath. He is very much despised by everyone on both sides in Congress.

    Rubio on the other hand came out like a firecracker. We went directly after Trump when it became obvious that Trump was way ahead in the polls and had the monster rally crowds. Then all of a sudden he kinda just stopped.

    I live in Florida, and Rubio is my senator. I used to hear him say that he doesn't want to be in the senate anymore because its boring. He is young and ambitious. He fancies himself as some type of JFK, and it seemed to me that he seriously believed that he could win. He figured that the country's very large Hispanic demographic would help him do it. I don't know...I keep landing on Rubio as the politician because he just looks the part---you know, the young and charming extremely conservative type with the pressed suits; the neatly combed, parted, and greased 1960s hairstyle; and the beautiful wife and kids---- even though he's a power bottom and deep, deep, deep in the closet. Too many rumors. Sorry. I hate myself for saying these things because he has two young kids. I hope I'm wrong.

  166. New Orleans property tax records for St. Charles street. Any names stand out?

  167. the son who fought with his billionaire dad is "one of the masterminds behind it". behind the blackmail aspect? i can't find a billionaire who died in a freak accident this week -- steve mostyn's death wasn't freaky, lord rothschild is alive, and the saudis don't fit in with a house owned for 100's of years in the usa. no obits in new orleans that match.

  168. Dangling, funny thing is that mansion at 6330 St. Charles was the first I started with. Definitely an interesting candidate. But I’m thinking it’s 2 Audubon Place or one of the other 26 estates along that ultra exclusive strip. Note that while it’s the estate that was donated by the Banana Man to the university, its tax/property records are quite odd prima facie.

    Good thing about St. Charles Ave? 10 year’s worth of google street view (assuming they are correct and haven’t been doctored, swapped, mislabeled etc.) to peruse. St. Charles is indeed loooooong, but cutting out the downtown section helps. Can’t find many records of billionaires/zillionaires property holdings in the big easy at least not obvious holdings.

  169. i'm not able to do street view there at all, itttt. hm.



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