Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Today's Blind Items - Sex, Drugs & Death - Hollywood, Politics & The Bohemian Grove

I will try not to make this book length. First, we need to go back more than a couple of decades. The spring of 1990 to be exact. Yes, I know many of you don't even remember that year, but it was a very important year. It shows just how powerful certain people in the world are and how life can be taken in an instant if you cross the wrong people or end up in the wrong place at the wrong time.

In that summer, there was an A list comedian working everywhere. He was at his peak. He was making movies and specials and was in music videos. He was also using a ton of drugs. That is not an exaggeration, he was using a lot. Any kind of drug, he loved. Despite having a girlfriend, he was always picking up any woman he could find to have sex with. One night, he was on tour in a small southern town. He was hanging out with pretty much a nobody back then except in his own state. Later, that person would become an A+ list celebrity and to this day remains so. These two loved to party and pick up women and had very similar backgrounds growing up.

After our comedian performed he picked up two women. Both of them were not old enough to drive. The two teens were introduced to our comedians friend and the four of them began partying. The partying involved a lot of coke and booze and there was sex. Apparently the teen who was being sexually assaulted by the future A+ lister began having convulsions from the combination of drugs and booze and died right there in this cabin in the woods.

The future A+ list celebrity had access to some very helpful assistance due to his position and the now dead teen was removed and taken to a distant location. Her parents were informed their daughter had died of a drug overdose but nothing of the circumstances or who she was with. The other teen was sworn to secrecy and remarkably enough, let go to return home.

Our comedian went back to Los Angeles, but did tell his girlfriend what happened. His girlfriend told him he should go to the police or even better blackmail the future A+ lister for some money. The comedian said no and that was the end of it. What did happen because of this is that our comedian got sober. For a couple of months he was sober. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, his girlfriend was using the information she had received and was trying to make some money by blackmailing.

One night, the comedian went out to work and met up with a man who drugged the comedian. He then carried the comedian to his car and brought him home. Then, for the next 12 hours, the stranger raped the girlfriend and said next time she tried to blackmail anyone, she would be killed. When the comedian came to and found out what happened, he told the girlfriend to drop it. She didn't. She decided to press charges against the man. There were some strings pulled and some money distributed and a mistrial was declared.

Fast forward to the summer of 1991. Our future A+ lister is in the Bohemian Grove where his future is being debated. Basically it comes down to whether he will be a future A+ lister or will someone else. This messy incident involving the two teens is problematic. The girlfriend of the comedian is problematic. It is agreed that the other teen involved - the one who was let go needs to be killed. She is a loose end and knows the whole story. They agree to have her killed and the future A+ lister is chosen to be the A+ lister they know he can be.

The teen is killed under very mysterious circumstances. It was designed to look like it could be a few different reasons, but when the toxicology report showed coke and tranquilizers, police just chalked it up to drugs and let it go.

Fast forward to the spring of 1992. Our future A+ lister continues to clean up his messes and one of those messes is that our comedian is getting nervous and his girlfriend who is about to be his wife is getting nervous. They want to speak out about the soon to be A+ lister but know what happened the last time the girlfriend tried. The comedian decides to pick up the phone and calls our soon to be A+ lister.

Everything sounds good on the phone and our comedian relaxes. He relaxes so much that he decides to take his girlfriend on vacation and they end up getting married. Meanwhile, the powers that be know something has to be done. The comedian and his now wife are big loose ends and especially the wife needs to be killed. So, they arrange for an accident. To find their killer, they go to the boyfriend of the teen who was recently killed and tell him that the comedian gave his girlfriend the drugs and then raped her and killed her and that the wife of the comedian was there too.

The teen wants revenge and he gets it. He kills the comedian and almost kills the wife. Because he is a teen, he ended up doing no time for the death and no one even knew his name. They muddied the waters of the accident by making sure that the comedian also had some drugs in his system. Coke and tranquilizers which were the go to drugs of this group.

The wife learned to stay quiet after that and the future A+ lister became an A+ lister.


  1. Bill Clinton is the future A+ list guy

  2. Kinison for the comedian?

  3. A lister comedian : not sure
    A list celebrity: W #43. His dad #41 was president at this time and is rumored to have visited the grove.

    1. Bill was running for president in 1991 so his status as A list was secure and I think they would have cleaned this up earlier. . I think W because between him and Jeb they wanted someone to that over family politics.

    2. Bill was elected in 1992. Spring 1992 would be when the primaries were happening and they get party nominations officially in the summer at conventions. Bill would fit because he would be trying to clean up messes so he would get the Democratic nomination. In Summer 1990 when this is supposedly to have started, Bill was an unknown nationally but was well known in his home state of Arkansas where he was governor. Younger Bushes were well known nationally already because daddy was already VP under Reagan and President.

  4. Sam Kinison and Bill Clinton.

  5. The wife of Kinison, Malika Souri, claimed to have been raped under incredibly bizarre circumstances prior to Sam's death. A warning message?

  6. Sam Kinison for deceased comedian

  7. Kinnison and the car accident. Sad.

  8. Wow, juicy.Sam Kinison

  9. It says they have similar backgrounds. Sam and Bill make more sense. Sam's parents divorced and his family struggled.

  10. Kinison recorded a song entitled “Bill Clinton”

  11. It is Clinton. W wasn't even governor of Texas until 1995 and he is originally from Connecticut, not the south.

  12. Incredible BI. 100% Bill Clinton and Sam Kinison.

  13. Sam Kinison, he married in 1992, to a woman who claimed she was raped by a bodyguard that Sam had hired that very day, it was thrown out of court. Sam was killed in a head on collision with a 17 year old.
    And Bill Clinton

  14. Sam Kinison is the murdered comedian who died in a 1992 accident. His wife of 6 days survived. The driver who killed him was 17 year old Troy Pierson who got one year of probation.

  15. Sam Kinison and Pauly Shore?

  16. Although the powers that be go to all this trouble and yet leave both the girlfriend/wife (Malik’s Souiri) and the teen avenger (Troy Pierson) alive? Any idea on the identities of the two deceased teenage girls?

  17. Killing the second teen due to her knowledge of President murdering someone reminds me of House of Cards....

  18. Sam Kinison and Larry the Cable guy

  19. I can see why Sam Kinison and Bill Clinton make sense in this blind. And, I do believe the Clintons have a hand in several "involuntary suicides." (I got that phrase from someone else but I like it).

    However, B Grove is posh. Neither Kinison nor Clinton was remotely posh/sophisticated/cool/desirable enough for that group at that time. The Grove, to me, seems like old money or very high status, high power and HIGH wealth.

  20. Kinison did a ton of blow w/ Feldman.

  21. There's no way this is W. Even on the strongest psychedelics, one couldn't claim he had a similar background growing up to Kinison.

  22. Clinton has never been known to attend Bohemian Grove, which is considered a hangout for the elite of the GOP -- Kissinger, the Koch brothers, etc. It's easy to find lists online of people who have attended, and they lean HEAVILY conservative. I just can't imagine they'd want an Arkansas Democrat hanging around, or that the Bohemian Grove folks would "choose" Clinton to become an A+ lister.

    1. Fake Clinton aka Kevin Spacy has supposedly been to the Grove. Clinton called it a GOP thing as a red herring.

  23. There is no way W. was a nobody except in his home state in 1990. He was a part owner of the TX Rangers and the oldest son of the President of the United States.

    Jeb was much more unknown, so if we're going down that road he fits better

  24. I associate the Grove with conservative power players, which makes me think it's not Bill Clinton. (We're talking about the NoCal Bohemian Grove, right?)

  25. All you need to know...


  26. @Dog Mom, you are right, but the blind never says Kinison was part of the Grove group. Clinton on his own was certainly not material for the group back then, but the Democratic powers that be would've been, and after suffering over a decade of embarrassments to Republicans, Clinton was a young and new face for the party on the national stage.

  27. Kinison and Clinton. Kinison died in Oct. 1992; his wife survived the crash. Clinton fits the "only known in his state" at that point, but he (and Hillary) had already been selected by TPTB (including the Bushes) for high office by 1990. No surprise his future was being debated at Bohemian Grove.

    Just another Arkancide of many.

  28. I hope Sam's widow is safe. She might want to go directly to FBI Director Wray, if she hasn't already. There are a whole lot of people with an interest in protecting this secret.

  29. So Tony Pierson, a resident of Las Vegas, takes his friend on a suicide mission to avenge a teenage girlfriend. They are driving somewhat drunk down a dark highway away between Needles and Laughlin, and they happen to pick the exact car that Kinison is driving in and hit him in exactly the right way so that he dies and no one else does, and his brother is in the van behind him to witness the whole thing.

    Well, stranger things have happened I guess.

    1. Yeah that part kinda strains my belief - the only way I can maaaaaybe see it is if the "powers that be" set the angry boyfriend up in a car knowing Sam was gonna be around to run him off the road but that's so stupid, if they had so much power it would've been a lot easier to kill Sam and his girl themselves rather trusting a sad/angry country boy with the job and hoping he didn't blab after

    2. As much as some it fits...this seems veeerrrry far fetched. So two different people drugged kinison and that kid just happened to hit his car? There were two kids in the car when they hit him. He convinced his friend to join him on this suicidal act of vengeance and they had empty beer cans all strewn across the car floor. I guess anything is possible and we all know Clinton's a perv but this is one is pretty out there.

  30. Clinton not w because the blind says the future a lister had talent, w is the product of privilege. Sam kiniston,wow. If only bill hicks was around to hear this!

  31. Stop looking at everything in right vs. left, conservative vs. liberal, and repub vs. dem.

    I'd say more but I'll get accused of being a nutter and I'm not up for the abuse.

    1. No you are right it's super annoying like people are keeping a tally. Newsflash: both Clinton and Trump sexually assaulted women (but only one brags about it) and both were connected w/ Epstein. They are gross.

    2. I agree 100% AKA. I resent that when I bring up either Clinton or Trump's predation, somehow their mutually exclusive transgressions are used to negate the other...

      Like, newsflash, it is possible for there to be sexual predators from all ends of the political spectrum! And none of these cases somehow negates all the bad the other has done (end rant, sorry for the word vomit there...)

    3. Agreed Roxy! They laugh at the people divided

    4. I agree 100%. This sick shit is pervasive in both parties and all of Hollywood. The divide and conquer tactics fool many. Roy Moore is a sick rep just as Dennis hastert dem who was 3rd in line to be president was a sick fuck. When will people stop falling for the divide???

  32. These stories are worse than any hollywood script. I'm interested in knowing how the A+ chosen ones got so high up the stardom ladder. Roberts, Pitt...

  33. If not Clinton or W, then who?

  34. Could the future A+ celebrity be Howard Stern?

  35. Truth seems to be always strangers, sicker and more frightening than fiction.

    I'm w/ the kinison guess as comedian (who was on tour w/ Sam K in 1990? I always want to throw out Andy Dick because he's such bad karma for other comedians), but not sure of the perm. A-lister.

  36. I live for these types of blinds----deep and juicy. If that sounds sexual I apologize.

  37. @ Roxy - exactly! Stunning to watch all the leftist degeneracy being exposed here and yet so many always, wishfully thinking, say 'right'. Twisted.

    1. Seriously! It's men in power position not left or right. Look at Moore, Trump, Ailes, O Reilly + all the other Fox News people & Woods and on and on. It's not just the left you are an imbecile.

    2. AKA is right on the money. Both sides of the aisle are beyond corrupt and sick

  38. Kinison did start his career in Texas....

  39. Setlist.fm has no concerts by Kinison in the south in 1990, except Florida.

  40. To the Bohemian Grove crowd, party affiliation and liberal/conservative are theater they put on for the voters. What matters to them is power, and keeping that power within their circle. Yes, the same general group of people selected both Clinton and W for office. Now their whole gang can go down together.

    1. It’s like wwe wrestling. These sick reps and dems show in public that they hate each other, when in reality they are all buddy buddy. All the world is a stage and we are all being played

  41. Clinton was already being touted as a presidential candidate in 88, although he didn't run. I don't see how a secretive retreat would have any say over his future in 91.

    W, on the other hand, was named in December 91 by his father to run his father's 92 campaign.

    I don't know how everyone jumped on ex-presidents for the A+ lister, but of the 2 W seems to fit more.

  42. Kinison grew up in Peoria Illinois.There is no way on God's Green Earth that the other person is a Bush if the part about having similar backgrounds growing up is true. I realize Bush is the devil because the media told us so, but jeez, enough.

  43. What the fuck is wrong with these people???

  44. Whoaaaaa, that really sounds like a movie, there is so much unbelievable stuff going on in the political circle, oh my goodness!

  45. If I recall correctly, Jeb, not W, was being groomed for an eventual presidential run in the early '90s--he lost momentum (and W gained) in 1994 when he lost the gubernatorial race in Florida and W. won in Texas.

  46. +1 Dog Mom & Sue T. You have to be come from money or elite AND be a conservative to join the BG. I did a lot of research on Bush #43 for my Law Review comment. This is him. Until Tom Hicks bought them, the Rangers were a small market team and W didn't become Governor until 1994.

    Sam Kinison used to be a Texas Evangelist. Wonder if they met in rehab?http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/lists/50-best-stand-up-comics-of-all-time-w464199/sam-kinison-w464220

    "When Bush was just two years old, his father moved the family from New Haven to the town of Odessa in West Texas to begin a career in the oil industry. "

    Bush #43 is a self-admitted born again Christian who credits his religious conversion with helping to kick his alcoholism. Though MANY people have witnessed him doing Coke. Bush has not denied, just dodges. I've been around enough addicts to know that the official story about him going dry is a crock. My hubby is a recovering alcoholic. No one wakes up one day, finds God and then quits all at once. There's a lot of work & stops & starts. You need support. Bush was probably in a religious affiliated program & Laura is his sober coach.

  47. So I don't understand the Killer being the boyfriend of the teen involved, from all reports Troy Pierson was a resident of Needles California and the teenager girlfriend who was killed was from a town in the south, likely near boca raton based on other clues. That one bit just doesn't fit right.

  48. Bush may be a devil (I think so), but he's not this devil. Doesn't fit. Don't be surprised if there are big leaks about him someday, though.

    A secretive retreat had a say over Clinton's future because without their support for both the campaign and the cover-ups, he had no chance. Presidential candidates are normally selected in advance. That's why there was so much angst last year -- each party had a candidate who wasn't selected and wouldn't step aside when told (Bernie eventually did).

  49. Since we're making stuff up to fit our fantasies, I'd like to say that Hayley Atwell or Kat Dennings would have a lovely time with me out on a date because we all three like food.

  50. I thought Richard Pryor right from the start.

  51. Roxy, I want you to say what you know. I've really begun to feel like a helpless puppet in the last year, despite the intellectual part of me saying no way, and I would like to know who is pulling the strings here in the US (I have my suspicions) and how far back it goes.

  52. FYI- BG is not "posh," this isn't the UK. It crosses party lines, just like the Bilderbergers and the Trilateral Commission. Us little peasants are the ones who make everything into a left/right, conservative/liberal thing, but it's not as big of a deal to them as people think. I've heard that Clinton did attend BG at some point, which is not surprising. The Bush family were regulars and were actually thought of as the "gofers" for the wealthier families. LOL

  53. Good blind to wake the sheeple

  54. @Cail Corishev - It still doesn't compute that the Bohemian Club would have raised up Clinton in 91. Clinton ran AGAINST George HW Bush, who was a member.

  55. Future A lister? Clooney now a lifetime member of CFR. Wasn’t A list in 1991

  56. Let's put politics aside, look at the facts & apply logic. The Bushes are a known Bohemian Legacy. Bush #41 was the sitting President at the time. Does it make sense for the BG to pick Bill Clinton (with all of that messy family life) over their legacy member who was also the sitting president who just had a successful operation in the Gulf War?

    I was just a kid at the time, but I thought Bill Clinton was a long shot in the beginning. Especially because the Dixiecrat era was over?

  57. Of course, I am making the assumption that one party is Sam Kinison. Based on that, looking at facts and applying logic(!) would suggest that whoever it was, it wasn't Bush IF the part in the blind about having very similar backgrounds growing up is true. They factually did not have very similar backgrounds growing up. You can't make that happen if you look at the facts of their situations growing up. You can wish, hope, and present a narrative, but you cannot logically defend it being Bush based on the 'fact' of the similar backgrounds growing up.

  58. It's weird that the blind states that "no one even knew his name" in reference to the teen-aged "killer" of the comedian. He has a name on Kinison's wiki page.

    Here's wiki on Kinison's death.

    On April 10, 1992, Kinison died at the age of 38 after his white 1989 Pontiac Trans Am was struck head-on on U.S. Route 95, 4 miles (6.4 km) north of Interstate 40 and around 15 miles (24 km) northwest of Needles, California, by a pickup truck driven by 17-year-old Troy Pierson, who had been drinking alcohol.[21][22] The pickup truck crossed the center line of the roadway and went into Kinison's lane. At the time of the collision, Kinison was traveling to Laughlin, Nevada to perform at a sold-out show.[16]

    Kinison was found lying between the seats of his car at the scene of the collision. He was not killed instantly, according to his brother.[1]

    His brother and the others begged him to lie down and he did with his best friend, Carl LaBove, who had been in the following van, holding his head in his hands. At first it looked like Kinison had suffered no serious injuries, but within minutes he suddenly said to no one in particular, "I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die." LaBove later said, "it was as if he was having a conversation, talking to someone else, some unseen person." Then there was a pause as if Kinison was listening to the other person speak. Then he asked "But why?" and after another pause LaBove heard him clearly say: "Okay, okay, okay.’ LaBove said, "The last ‘okay’ was so soft and at peace ... Whatever voice was talking to him gave him the right answer and he just relaxed with it. He said it so sweet, like he was talking to someone he loved."

    Kinison then lost consciousness. Efforts to resuscitate him failed. Kinison died at the scene from internal injuries. An autopsy found that he had suffered numerous traumatic injuries, including a dislocated neck, a torn aorta, and torn blood vessels in his abdominal cavity, which caused his death within minutes of the collision.[23][24] Malika Souiri, Kinison's wife, whom he had married six days earlier, was rendered unconscious by the collision, but survived the accident with a mild concussion.[25]

    Pierson pled guilty to one count of vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence. He was sentenced to one year of probation and 300 hours of community service, and his driver's license was suspended for two years.[26]

    Kinison is interred with family members at the Memorial Park Cemetery in Tulsa, Oklahoma. His grave marker includes the unattributed quote: "In another time and place he would have been called prophet."[27]

    1. Enty means it like no one ever knew his name because it was seen as an accident not a murder or assination - ask 100 people "who killed Sam Kinison" I'm pretty sure you'd get met with huh?

  59. @Joel Theriot - How about both Kinison and Bush went to boarding schools in the North East? How about both had strained relationships with their religious fathers? How about both started their careers in Texas?

  60. When, oh when will we stop labeling people and realize it is actually us plebes (R or D) and the elites?

  61. This is definitely Sam as I did some snooping upon reading the blind but before looking at the guesses.

    But what I find so confusing: the powers that be contacted the dead girls boyfriend (which I suppose is possible if his information was in the initial investigation)but wouldn't he have been in Arkansas where the deaths would have happened if this is Clinton? Granted, he could have moved, but say he lived in NV, how in the hell would he have known exactly when Kinison's entourage would be on what stretch of road, what vehicle he would be in and how the hell does he know that he's not going to be the one that dies in the accident? Unless he was a professional stunt driver or something of that ilk who knows how to pull off such shenanigans, this seems odd as hell to me.

    And I wonder if anyone is still monitoring the wife/widow? Seems with this political climate, as much as I hate Trump, I'm sure he would be all over this information to:

    A. Completely ruin the Clintons and their brand and legacy

    B. Divert all of the attention away from him and the Russia/China scandal that's forever unfolding.

  62. Clinton wasn't supposed to win in 1992; he was being groomed for 1996. If you're as old as me, think back: going into the early campaigning, Bush's approval rating was sky-high, something like 90%, after making quick work of Iraq (the first time). Several prominent Democrat contenders dropped out early, figuring he couldn't be beaten so they'd save their war chests for 1996. That opened the door for relative unknowns like Clinton. It should have been an easy landslide for Bush, but then his broken "no new taxes" pledge hurt him badly, there was a small recession, and the media got enamored with the young Clintons, especially the charismatic Bill, and the potential for a "New Camelot." With the media's enthusiasm and willingness to look the other way on all their scandals, and Ross Perot playing spoiler, Clinton came away with it. None of that was by the original script.

    The Bushes and Clintons have been much closer for much longer than most people realize yet.

  63. +1 kinison and clinton. i made the mistake of trying to get some actual things done today and missed the posting of this blind. never again!!!!

  64. @Cail Corishev - I was 12 and am Canadian, so definitely don't have any real recollection of the election campaign :) I do remember Clinton playing the saxophone after he won though, although I suppose that could have been 96.

  65. @Joel Theriot, I think Enty is referring to their Daddy issues.
    From Wiki: "His parents divorced when he was 11 and his brother Bill went to live with his father while Sam stayed with the rest of his family against his protestations. Bill described this as the root of much of Sam's anger."

    It's pretty well documented that Jeb is Bush #41's favorite. That has to sting.

  66. I'm not saying I even believe this blind and I'd never heard of BG before I started reading here but enough already about trying to make this W. He quit drinking in the '80s and was a public figure making his way up the ladder to become governor. I don't think W would have found himself in the same circles as Kinison (of any other hot comic) let alone palling around with him while his father's in the White House. He's certainly not a nobody, except in his own state, when he's routinely on the national stage with his father and before that with Reagan. The best hit they could put on W was the DUI. If he was out cheating on his wife and picking up girls it would not have remained a secret.

    Now if BG is the force described here they may well have needed another option after 41 ruined his chances of reelection with the tax debacle. You do not replace a sitting president in his reelection with a member of his own party.

    Like I said I don't necessarily believe this, and I believe a lot of the bad things about the Clintons, but the timing of this is interesting. Two left leaning outlets had hit pieces on Bill today. Both the Atlantic and the NYT cast serious aspersions on him for his past conduct, which even the Atlantic called rape. Just because you want to hate W does not put him in the same league as Bill. Bill fits.

  67. Somewhere in another recent blind, someone called me out for saying something unsavory about the Clinton crime family. I stand by it. I have heard many, many stories from people who know things but only whisper about them quietly. I heard a story about the Seth Rich murder too. Arkancide is real, folks. Too bad that Julian Assange won't speak up about he REALLY knows. But, who am I to criticize him. He's hiding in fear for his life, too.

    The whole NWO thing was prefaced on a long-game plan for victory, not for the A+ lister in this blind, but for his wife--- many years later. Her loss was a stinging blow to the globalist elites. Trump was a joke who they never thought had a ghost of a chance. And now that he's in they need to bring him down---by any means necessary. Black
    Lives Matter...Anti-fa... Whatever. Its all now playing at a theater near you...

    What Enty said at the beginning of this blind is 100% true. These people will not hesitate to kill any who cross them. Moreso now than back in the early 1990s.

    The activities at the Bohemian Grove involve sacrifice and devil worship.
    A clip of an illegal tape recording of part of one of their ceremonies was done by Alex Jones years ago.


    It would seem based on my research that the overt sexual activity that takes place there now was probably not a part of the original ceremonies. But it probably still happened.

    People laugh at this shit and call it ridiculous. I admit, it does sound preposterous. But that doesn't mean its not happening. Molech (or Moloch) is connected with these ceremonies at the Grove. His image is the giant statue on the torch lit stage behind the MOC in the Alex Jones video. Molech was also mentioned in John Podesta's and Hillary Clinton's emails that were released by Wikileaks. There was also mention of spirit cooking in those emails. Why would these very intelligent and highly educated people be talking about Molech and spirit cooking?

    Molech is an obscure demon god from a long, long time ago. He enters the historical record as the god who was worshiped by the Canaanites...a god who is associated with the blood sacrifice of children. And he was worshiped by people who practiced gross sexual activity as a part of their rituals. In return for their sacrifices, the people of the land of Canaan were rewarded with great prosperity. This was the land 'flowing with milk and honey' that the Hebrew God, Yahweh, promised to give to the Jews.

    This stuff is old and it leads down a very dark rabbit hole that include things that trigger people---like child rape and murder. And spirit cooking with the blood of children. Too dark... I can see how this all this crap from the past connects to the present day NWO elites, and pedophilia rings, and Molech, and spirit cooking, and the Rothchilds, and art, and Hollywood, and the media, and Wall Street, and politics. It makes me want to vomit.

    Thanks for the blind, Enty. But I will avoid commenting any further on this one.

    1. Sorry when you start quoting Alex Jones you have lost all the sane people.

    2. Right Aka. Jones is mentally ill,

    3. I’m not going to throw the baby out with the bath water here. Just because Alex Jones is clearly controlled opposition, and I found his bohemian grove vid to be unbelievable, he does give a lot of truth, but like any good controlled op, he mixes it with total crap. I will side with John Doe as all of this is connected to dark dark stuff. Satanism exists and the whole point of pedophelia for these people is for energy. Crowley gives us all the answers for why they do what they do, and all of these revelations make so much more sense given this context. This stuff is hard to believe, but unfortunately it’s the truth.

  68. What worries me more is that it could be either Clinton or Bush. How messed up is US politics that there is no clear person this could be in such a messed up situation.

  69. I’m thinking Jeb Bush. SK performed in West Palm Beach on May 30 and it was the only southern town he visited that summer. Enty says BG was determining whether or not “he would be a future A-lister or someone else” that someone else being his brother. JB lived in FL at the time and was active in local politics. Thoughts?

  70. @DH-- Sam Kinison went to a Pentacostal Bible Training Center after he attending high school in Peoria for a period. Bush went to Andover for high school. They aren't similar in any way. Zero. Kinison's father was a Pentacostal Minister. Bush's father was an Episcopalian member. I'm interested in you teaching me the similarities between the Pentecostals and the Episcopalians. Well, other than they both believe that Jesus is our Savior. I'll wait for that! Oh, and Sam's parents were divorced. Sam lived with his mom. Like I said, Hayley or Kat would love going out on a date with me because we all like food.

  71. ***The Bushes and Clintons have been much closer for much longer than most people realize yet.***

    recall gwb's comment that he considers bill as another son.

  72. Why do we all think the second one, the future A+lister must be a future president. There are many varieties of A++listers. My instinct is that is is supposed to be a president too based on the years, but there could be other options?????

  73. @myanswer is xyzy: Jeb stikes me as too wimpy to agree to any of this stuff. Not that this stuff is okay, but one needs a stomach for it and I don't think Jeb has it.

  74. O/T..Irving Azoff just announced that the Eagles are going on tour next year. I belong to an Eagles related fan group on Facebook, and after the last couple of days here, I had to post something along the lines of.."ummmm, maybe."

  75. "Future A++ lister" more than likely means future president because there was a part that said that it was yet to be decided whether it would be that person or someone else. So it was someone that had to be chosen, which implies politically.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Sam Kinison's last recorded concert, from two weeks before his death, was uploaded to Spotify and other streaming services last year. There's a two minute bit titled "Bill Clinton." It's not a professional recording and I can't make out all of it, but mostly he just talks about Bill's love of "pussy" and the ends he'll go to get it without going into any real detail. Kinison seems to do some visual bit as there's a huge reaction from the crowd that's not related to what's being said. Maybe there are clues to be found there.

  77. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Sam Kinison and Jim Carrey

    1. I immediately thought Jim Carrey as well.

  78. There have been several pieces written about Bill in the last few days that have been less than complimentary. ENT seems to also be posting some not so lovely blinds the last 2 weeks ago that allude to the Clintons. There is a lot of speculation about the Clinton Foundation being under investigation by the DOJ. The MSM isn't reporting on it but large scale pedophilia rings are being dismantled in the US at a rampant pace. We know Bill was on at least 2 flights with his buddy and known predator Jeff Epstein. Is the other shoe *finally* going to drop for Bubba?

  79. +1 to everything John Doe said. However bad we imagined things are, they're worse. In politics just as in Hollywood.

    We're so divided politically these days that some may resist certain accusations because of who might benefit from them, but this really isn't partisan. The Bushes and Clintons are part of the same cabal that goes way back. We need to expose them all, plus whoever else gets implicated with them, and let the chips fall where they may. Have you seen the articles about an unusual number of Republican incumbents choosing not to run next year? That's not a coincidence either.

  80. There's little reason to doubt Kinison and Clinton's capacity for these kinds of depraved acts. But the scenario of coverup assassinations and intimidation stretches "suspension of disbelief" to the breaking point in this fictional story.

    Sam Kinison's death seemed to depend upon whether he wore a seat belt or not. His newly wed wife survived the car accident that killed him because she was wearing her seat belt while he didn't. Also, as an assassination method needs to be taken into account abililty to swerve and avoid a head on collissions. Automobile deaths are poor choices for assassination methods for reasons like this.

    Also, drug dealers/mules/holders who masquerade as "body guards" are not necessarily working at anyone's behest when they rape who they please.

    Also, Bohemian Grove is so strewn with rivals and people with profoundly opposed loyalties that it is one of the least likely places where any conspiracy would be formed or discussed. You may as well claim the conspiracy formed off to the side of a Black Lives Matter and NeoNazi street clash, as members of opposing sides hovered near.

    This effort doesn't even earn a "C" for its creative narrative - the suspension of disbelief factor is simply stretched to the breaking point.

  81. I was shocked that the NY Daily News, which is a bastion of the hard left, ran a piece today saying, "Maybe it IS way past time to re-examine Bill Clinton and why we defended him the way we did."

  82. Politics is a a charade, the BG is who is really in power. The Clintons to them are new money and white trash. The BG uses politics to drive people apart and fight each other, so they don't wake up to what's really going on. BG members are the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, just to name a couple of the known names. The other names aren't publicly known.

  83. reasons it's clinton and not bush and has to be a politician:

    similar backgrounds: kinison and clinton were raised in broken homes.

    he was known only in his own state: clinton was governor of arkansas, bush was governor of texas but his father was president.

    bohemian grove: they used to be kingmakers. they'd be choosing the president, not another kind of a+ list celebrity like an actor

    besides, george bush stopped drinking in 1986

  84. By the way, the Clinton Foundation has been under investigation for most of the last year, if not longer.

  85. Looks like it's Bill Clinton to me too, his career skyrocketed in 1991-1992, seems logic:


  86. @just sayin: you make sense

  87. If it happened, it happened late Feb 1990. He was clean for 35 days in April at a concert. Bill Clinton 'retired' from politics March 1st 1990. Not saying both of them went through something at the same time but there you go. As it happens, Sam was friends of Corey Feldman around the same time who got caught with a shit load of drugs in LA in Jan or Feb. Setlist not showing up all his gigs as LA times pins him for a tour in the midwest that spring. Rapist of Sams wife went on to more raping. The most unbelievable scripts in hollywood are the documentaries yet to be made.

  88. nice find cinnamon stick! "bill clinton" is actually spoken, rather than song, from one of his sets where he makes jokes about clinton. it's been scrubbed from youtube but the album, "sam kinison's last recorded performance" is available to purchase. i just bought it for $1.29 on amazon and am trying my best to decipher the fuzzy words. i'll post what i can hear in a bit.

  89. The thing that doesn't make sense to me in this blind is using the kid to cause the accident. There's too many opportunities for it to go wrong, he could have changed his mind at the last minute and swerved, or the accident only caused minor injuries...or he decides to go to police and name Kinison but that would link back to the second person who they are trying to protect. Why not just mess with his breaks? If Bohemiam grove is linked to the 'shadow government' they would have no problem creating a 'boston brakes' or 'Princess Diana scenario.

    1. I actually agree with this. You are placing your bets that everything would go right and this kid would be a professional not an amateur. I think also that it could be w. While bill is a good guess, he was in a pretty long primary and it wasn't guaranteed he was going to win. And at that point Ross Perot was the one making all the noise. You'd have to bet that Perot was dropping out and that it was Clinton's for the taking which wasn't a guarantee. I think they could have plotted more with W.

  90. Judging by articles in the media, I'd say the S.S. Swamp is juuuust about ready to kick the Clintons overboard to try to save the passengers in the next seats. It's dangerous, because they know everyone's secrets, but needs must. The political corruption that's bearing down hard on Hillary as Sec. of State might have been survived. But their main source of funding got cut off the other day in Saudi Arabia. And now stack this sex and murder stuff on top.... I hope they're somewhere safe, where old friends can't get to them. Maybe a federally operated resort of some kind.

    1. Good point. Truth is stranger than fiction so the mainstream will never jump on board BH as complete non-fiction. Meanwhile they can create all the distractions they want and drop whoever loses the glow of the public and find a replacement.

  91. https://sonoma-dspace.calstate.edu/bitstream/handle/10211.3/143729/phillips_relative.pdf?sequence=1

    A number of websites say Clinton was at the 1991 Bohemian Grove. This academic paper might be helpful. There are rosters that do not allow for a word search (copies of copies.)


  92. sam kinison joke about bill clinton (some words too garbled to catch):

    "i'm just curious. is anyone following the democratic campaign?
    bill clinton. yeah, now there's a cool fuckin' guy. why doesn't
    he just campaign like this?" (kinison holds mic at his crotch
    and speaks as clinton) 'okay, i didn't know that was hanging out
    there...excuse me ladies...i sure hope i didn't scare any of the young female voters over down in front there. i know it's got a great big old razorback arkansas handle on it there....'. but get your mind off fuckin' pussy clinton. the guy just looks like he's thinkin' about pussy all the time. i just think he should be more concerned about america's problems than always thinking about pussy.....'i'm justa good ol boy, i'm on the good ol' boy ticket, you know um......'. he'll be to busy fuckin' to do anything in the white house.

  93. I hope Enty reveals this one on Black Friday. Agree that signs point in more than one direction.

    Though it's fun to speculate, I really don't think the BG is a shadow gov't. Probably just a frat for really rich guys who agree to support each other and are better at accomplishing things because of their enormous wealth & collective influence. Kind of a like when a buddy recommends you for an job opening that isn't posted.

    @Mr. Bond, that's a really good paper.

  94. what i REALLY want to know is why bohemian grove preferred an arkansas nobody democrat over blue-blood george hw bush to be the next president? bush was the incumbent and a member of bohemian grove and every other insider d.c. cabal. did they know he was doomed to lose to a dem, so they hand-picked one they thought they could control?

    1. I think that's it. Someone upthread nailed it: GHWB campaigned for '88 with the "read my lips: no new taxes" promise but was forced to compromise on that promise in a 1990 budget agreement (thanks Wikipedia). I remember his rep took a huge hit and it was clear he was the lamest of lame ducks. So if he was going to lose, and couldn't be challenged as a sitting Pres by another Repub, it makes sense a Dem puppet would work best for TPTB.
      And... this blind would be one more thing to hold over his head to keep him in line.

  95. @just sayin' - I want to know how the BG was able to keep people from crashing their party. This is not a remote location. With the heavy weekend crowd going to Sonoma, Infineon raceway and Muir Woods, you'd think more tourists would wander into their camp.

  96. i'm liking my theory that they knew bush would lose, so hand-picked clinton because he could be controlled.

    gwh bush rode reagan's coattails to election in '88 but had very was out of touch with most of the country because he was so rich and the country was in recession. clinton was folksy and connected with the people who were hurting (this is how donald trump overcame his wealth - by showing concern for the working man.)

    clinton had compromising skeletons in his closet, but his closest primary rival, jerry brown had a reputation for being a squeaky clean dogooder, who once studied to become a jesuit priest. ironic, considering the henley blind.

    1. See my above response to you regarding the taxes compromise as the reason they knew he would lose. Yes, I am old enough to remember the political hit he took for that. He was never a charismatic figure anyway, esp compared to Reagan; and when the most charismatic Bill Clinton, he didn't stand a chance.

  97. @just sayin', see my comment above. At the time they were deciding Clinton's future at BG, Bush was still very popular and expected to win relection easily. Clinton was being groomed to take a turn for the Democrats in 96, not 92. His run in 92 was supposed to give him national name recognition in preparation for 96.

    I wonder who the other person was that they were considering if they hadn't chosen Clinton.

  98. This blind is complete and utter bullshit.

  99. bayareagirl: i know they've got heavy security but they hire local teens to work there (hmmm) and you'd think they'd help friends sneak in at night.

    the most famous infiltration was in 1999: alex jones and jon ronson snuck in and got video of the owl ceremony. it was put into a 5-part 2001 british documentary and you can see it on youtube here (not my fault that alex jones and david icke are in it!):
    The Secret Rulers of the World: The Satanic Elite? (British documentary about Bohemian Grove)

  100. Great story. though I don't buy it. Kinison was killed in a head on car crash vs a pickup truck in the middle of nowhere 90+ miles from LA and there were multiple witnesses, who claimed the teenage driver of the truck was trying to pass another vehicle at the time. There is no possible way the teenage driver of that truck knew Kinison was coming, even if we assume he was willing to make a potentially suicidal crash into Kinison's oncoming car.

  101. great points cail corishev... i missed your comment as i was writing. they must have seethed when clinton won. i never got the impression that bush was cool about losing in '92. my only question then is why they were grooming a democrat to beat bush in '96.

  102. and please god, if you're there and are listening, don't let my posting of that video convert anyone to liking alex jones.

  103. Anonymous3:21 PM

    If a mistrial was declared there would be a public record of that. Under those circumstances, it's very hard to believe it could be Clinton although other things line up.

  104. i wonder if the internet's replaced the need for the private political networking that went on at bohemian grove? maybe it continues to exist as a money-making venture and mecca for the closeted of hollywood and d.c.

    with 2,500 attendees a year and a fee of $25,000 to attend, plus high initiation and monthly fees, somebody's making money.

  105. This is sounding very Illuminati-Templar Knights-Freemason-Da Vinci Code-Paul-is-Dead - conspiracy theory-ish. I'm skeptical.

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  107. Taking the get on the car crash killing them does seem far-fetched, but whether the future A-lister is Bill or George or Jeb, either way they had a very powerful group behind them by this time (having been “chosen”). Plus the Bushes had the actual president to get them out of scrapes. Are we expected to believe that the car crash happened as described, or that there was covert cover-up on how the death REALLY happened around the car crash itself...?

  108. Sorry, I meant to say that I don't think Kinnison had drugs in his system.

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  110. if the left are evil and the right are good, why did they choose clinton at bohemian grove. just sayin'....

  111. +1 @looking closely. The eye witness details of the accident you provide are entirely factual. This doesn't seem at all plausible to me either.

  112. @just sayin' I think the party's just moved on. There are actually a lot of secret societies. Bilderberg has been mentioned. Paul Allen's Sun Valley Conference, though not secretive, is also big.

    Also, I saw the Alex Jones video. When you ignore his talking, not much is revealed. The ceremony itself is hard to see but they burned a paper owl, big deal.

  113. sad anecdote from ozzy osbourne on kinison's wiki:

    "Apparently when Sam had the accident, I heard he got out of the car and look up to the heavens and said, 'I don't want to die,' and then just said, 'Oh, okay,' and laid down and died."

  114. Also, it just does not seem plausible. I have a hard time believing this because of the way Kinnison died and the whole story just sound odd.

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  116. i agree, bayareagirl. also, it's so clear, despite jones' insistence that the sacrifice is human, that the "cremation of care" is literally burning their cares away. like writing your problems on a piece of paper and throwing it in a fire. these are powerful men with a lot of responsibility who need a vacation, no cares for 2 weeks. it's playground for grown-up little boys. started before there were role-play video games that let off steam, for example. getting to pee on trees together, right out in the open! yippee! sort of pathetic from a female perspective.

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  118. Here's a great article about BG (sourced from Guccifer's legendary hack):


    Honestly, I don't understand you Americans and your weird obsession with party affiliation. It's the elite vs. regular people, period. If you can't understand that, you are a chump.

    The Dem vs. Repub nonsense is an obvious distraction, an easy way to divide and conquer. The elite have taken the Coke v. Pepsi model and applied to every aspect of society.

  119. it is weird, but so is the eucharist, if you want to get real. hundreds of people silently standing in temple (ok, church) chanting prayers while little pieces of bread are turned into christ's body and wine his blood, and everyone lines up to EAT IT. don't jump on me, i'm an episcopalian. but i don't think that bg members believe in molach as a deity. i think it's a ritual along the lines of a frat initiation. a bonding ceremony for strangers. you need to go back 100 years to the founding and look at how this all evolved. understandable how all these rich dudes thought that going west to exotic california, to the woods, to meet with their peers was very edgy and exciting. the owl was a symbol of wisdom, which they revered, and the "cremation of care" was their way of symbolically saying, "we're the masters of the universe who are here to party, and what happens at bohemian grove, stays at bohemian grove! the owl statue isn't even original to the founding of the club, it was a gift from a member to make things even more dramatic.

  120. @Dale, we were wondering why more people haven't wandered in, given that there are many big tourist attractions, literally right next to it. My husband & I used to go up there pretty frequently for weekend getaways (before kids). That place is packed year round but even more so in the summer.

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  122. From Bohemian's Club's wiki: "Founded in 1872 from a regular meeting of journalists, artists and musicians, it soon began to accept businessmen and entrepreneurs as permanent members,"

    Explains the silly skit. Maybe it's just entertainment. Kind of like hiring a band to play at your conference.

  123. This comment has been removed by the author.

  124. +1 bayareagirl. absolutely on point.

    the kid who was convicted of killing kinison is apparently still alive and well. one would think he'd either have talked or been erased by now. i'd love to hear the logistics of the theory: how did they get a drunken teen to leave his destination at exactly the right moment to be able to meet and hit kinison, and so precisely that it killed him but not himself?

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  126. @BayAreaGirl,

    You are normally so very right on the money, and I enjoy reading your comments. But you're off the mark this time re: Bohemian Grove (BG--the summer retreat of the Bohemian Club--BC.) If I may be bold, perhaps your left/right worldview is making you see what you want to see, and you want to see GWB as the villain. It's not him--not this time, anyway.

    The BC isn't a conservative group. Hell, the club itself (not the grove) is located in San Francisco, and you'd be lucky if you could find enough conservatives here to field a football team. It is an old school men's club that counts among its members some of the most powerful men from both sides of the political divide. (The comment above by @Cail Corishev referring to their public posturing and left/right divisions as "theater" is spot-on. The division keeps us fighting among ourselves and therefore distracted from the moves they are making, and it perpetuates the illusion of choice. No matter how much you feel that voting Brand D is better than voting Brand R, or vice-versa, it's all the same dog food, just in a different can. Yet most people fall for it, and insist they can taste the difference, all the while ignoring the fact that they're still being fed dog food. But I digress.)

    You're mistaken about its location--it is pretty far off the beaten path, and not at all close, let alone "next door to" any of the places you listed. Are you sure you know where it is? The danger of someone "wandering into" the camp is nonexistent. Think about it--sitting and former heads of state are there, so "wandering in" isn't going to happen with security that's as tight as gnat's sphincter.

    The antics at the annual summer event at BG are the stuff of legend and speculation, and are simultaneously wilder than you might imagine and tamer than you might hope. That event is used in the same way middle-class businessmen and mid-level corporate execs would use a day on the golf course--to make deals in an environment outside the constraints and scrutiny of the office. Only the deals they make at BG are a bit different in scope than just a new order of widgets. Think bigger. Like the whole widget company, or like the deals discussed in this blind.

    Source: I drink with a number of BC members. I can hold my liquor and I listen. They can't. And they talk.

  127. What about Al Gore for the politician? He comes from old money and his career was skyrocketed when he became VP.

  128. Politics aside, it sucks to learn this about Kinison. We knew he wasn't a choir boy, obviously, but damn. Banging and drugging underage girls to the point of overdose, then keeping quiet about one's death? Sigh. I guess at least it sounds like he wasn't involved in the outright murder, and he got threatened pretty severely to keep quiet. Don't think I'll ever enjoy his comedy again, though.

  129. @ SC, do tell more..

  130. as far as sneaking in, i'd say you'd need a good pair of hiking shoes, at the very least.

    Bohemian Grove Map Vault

  131. I have been reading the comments with great bemusement. I am skeptical of the blind but would offer some thoughts:

    1. Re: The murder attempt was too unreliable to be believed. I think the internal logic of the blind is that the conspirators wound up the kid to try to get him to kill Kinison and Kinison's wife in an act of passion. If they where successful it does not surprise me that the teenager tried to kill them in a poorly thought out manner especially if he was drunk. It seems to me that the more unbelievable part is the idea that they actually managed to wind him up enough to try to kill someone.

    2. Small Southern Town. As far as I can tell Kinison did shows in CA, Houston TX and Tulsa OK in the spring of 1990.

    3. It's Clinton. Many of you saying it's Clinton have previously insisted that a blind item is about Clinton because the BI is about an A++ personality and ex-Presidents are A++. Maybe this is about Clinton but then some of those others are not.

    4. It's W! Maybe. But based on the clues also fit James Inohfe. And Brad Pitt. In other words it really fits multiple people.

    5. Jeb. Listen. Jeb is too low energy to be doing blow and nailing underage girls. That's just silly.

    6. Bush Replacement Theory. Bush had historically high (50%+) approval ratings until very late 91/early 92. People forget that he was expected to cruise to re-election even after raising taxes until a recession hit late in the game.

    7. Clinton was prepping for next time. Actually just a pedantic correction for the collective memory. It was an open secret that Clinton's initial run in the Democratic primary was prep for the next election cycle but once he won it was all in, baby. Parties rarely re-nominate a losing general election candidate

    8. The Illuminati .. I mean BG selects the nominees. The Democratics party reformed it's nomination process in the 70s. While the party elites can definitely put a finger on scale they do not have unilateral power. I know I am going to be called a sheep on this but guys (and gals): two counterpoints post reform era Dem Primaries George McGovern and Jimmy fucking Carter guys. If the elites have all the power then they really suck at doing their job using it effectively.

    9: Sam Kinison has a bit about Bill Clinton! He also has a bit about Jerry Brown. And Arnold. A significant part of the album the Clinton bit is off of is an extended riff on the Democratic party.

    10: What the hell am I doing engaging in this discussion? I must have better things to do with my time. You've all broken me. Thanks.

  132. Bill Clinton fits in at the Grove if you factor in his likely involvement with the CIA cocaine trafficking going through Mena, Arkansas throughout the entire 1980s. Even that new Tom Cruise Barry Seal movie hints that Governor Clinton was aware of that operation.

    The CIA's massive cocaine trafficking through Mena was, of course, part of the larger Iran-Contra operation which was almost positively quarterbacked by none other than Vice President George H.W. Bush. If anything would've earned Clinton an invitation to the Grove, it would've been his participation in this vast criminal conspiracy.

    In more recent years, HW, Barbara, and W. Bush have referred to Clinton as basically a part of the family. Don't let the 1992 Bush v. Clinton race fool you - no matter who won, the conspirators would have a friend in the Oval Office.

    Would you like to know more?

  133. While a lot of these blinds are fun and many have some truth to them this blind is complete and utter horseshit. Give me a break! Anyone that actually believes all these 'we must kill these people to protect our up and coming political candidate' allegations is a complete and utter moron. Someone took a few facts (kinison's death) a piled bullshit upon bullshit to come up with this oliver stone plot (although then probably supposed to be Bush). Don't be so f'ing gullible people.

    1. Yes, Texasrose. I think this sprung from some obsessed Jones Peon. Scenario is just to far fetched.how the heck did the driver know the exact time Sam would be in the other lane? No cell phones back then...

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  135. LOL @ anyome thinking this would have any effect on Bill Clinton. If the 100+ other deaths around America's Sleaziest Family didn't effect themn this sure as hell aint.

    Now i'm off to buy some MREs, Colloidal Silver and Dick Pills from Alex Jones, and see what the latest thing is we get to blame on the jews. LOL!

  136. @texas rose: b-b-b-but dead teen coke whore! I'm gonna be a hero when i tip the FBI off on this. LOL!

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  138. Why is it always so busy at work that I can't check in during the day when these big ones show up? I had never heard of BG until the episode of Brad Meltzer's show when his group tried to sneak in, it looked pretty remote and they looked pretty spooked when they were let go. Great information from everyone today, I'll be interested to see what else shows up.

  139. Getting to be too much politically motivated bs. Guy fieri,,pizza gate bs, on and on. This too if it's more of the clintons supposedly whack people.

  140. Sam Kinison and Bill Hicks/Alex Jones... seriously?

  141. Texasrose, keep in mind that the former head of the CIA made it all the way to the Oval Office, which I found very scary at the time and still find disturbing. I think a lot of this is entirely feasible.

  142. Do Tell - then I weep for you. Don't take this personal but I guess these blinds are made up just for people like you.

  143. and there is apparently a lot of you so you have company.

  144. You know what they say, reality is stranger than fiction.

    Don't cry for me, Argentina. Believe it or don't, it really doesn't matter.

  145. Regardless of the veracity or lack thereof on this one, the “what it’s like to be a peon serf servant at the Bohemian Grove” article linked above had me laughing my ass off picturing this scene...poor old low energy loser Jebby:

    “Devon remembered a night when she had to break it to the ex-Republican presidential candidate (Jeb Bush) that she couldn’t get him a milkshake. “The pastry chefs are busy making dessert for everyone, so there are rules about when you can order milkshakes,” she said. “One night, Jeb Bush is there, and he flags me down and asks for a milkshake. I give him my spiel about why you can’t get a milkshake before 8 pm. He’s like, ‘No, I really want a milkshake.’ I’m like, ‘I’m sorry, sir, I can’t get you one.’ So he asks to speak to my manager.” Like his presidential campaign, Bush’s milkshake confrontation would end in defeat. “So I find a manager and tell him what’s going on. He goes back over to the table and tells him basically the same thing I did. Jeb Bush gets kind of angry. He says something like, ‘Do you know who I am?!’ My manager bends down and says, ‘Yes, sir, I know who you are. But the milkshake rule still applies to you.’””

  146. The soup Nazi’s cousin - the milkshake Nazi, laying down the law on poor lil Jeb

  147. I'm thinking Sam Kinison and Jim Carrey

  148. Except for one big problem, the Bohemian Grove is not a secret retreat. Hundreds through thousands of local kids and adults work the event every year. Locals are accountants who manage the books, contractors to build sets, prominent chefs, groundskeepers, etc. etc. The reason these kinds of stories don't make real press is that they aren't true. Too many locals work the events and for the property and the club year round. The true stories are a lot more boring. Just like any camping trip.

  149. Bill Clinton comes from a family with deep ties to the Bohemian Grove...he is a direct descendant of the Rockefeller family.

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  151. After reading many of the comments here I googled "Sam was murdered". I clicked on a result for a story on a site called paulluvera.com which basically just had a recap of other news reports, but I did find someone's comment from 2010 interesting. For those that think the blind is true and his death was actually planned or organized, here is what a truck driver who was in the area that same night had to say:
    Ken Stoker said...
    I remember when this happened! I drove semi for a living, I finished loading produce down in the Yuma Az. area heading back to Milwaukee Wisconsin! I was taking AZ hwy 95 north to I-10 back to CA. Then CA/NV hwy 95 up to Vegas where I could catch I-15 north. I remember hearing another fellow truck driver on the CB radio mentioning that there was an accident that had just happened. It was about a mile or so distance behind me!
    I'll never forget the next day as I was rolling thru Nebraska on I-80. I was somehwere near North Platte NE at the time! I heard over the FM radio that Sam was fataly injured in a car accident! When they said the location & time,.... OMG Was the 1st thing that I thought!
    I too almost had an accident with this very pickup! They were on the yellow line & I had to swerve to miss them as well! If I recall correctly, It was just south of a railroad crossing on a curve? (My mind is a bit foggy of the scenery layout, I havn't been down that road since that evening, 18+ years ago. My longhaul career ended a few weeks later)
    I was so stunned for quite some time after hearing the news, Sam was one of my favorite comedians!

    R.I.P Sam!

    God Bless!


    Reply September 20, 2010 at 09:16 PM

    While it wouldn't surprise me to find out that Clinton (or Bush) have done awful things, it looks like Sam's death was, sadly, just another drunk driving accident. I do find his brother and friends story about the "conversation with an invisible person" very interesting.

  152. Sam Kinison is the comedian
    Small town ... I'm betting on Arkansas in fact the late comedian Ralphie May lived in Clarksville AR. When he won a talent show for comedy and the prize was he got to open up for Kinison who later took Ralphie under his wing. Clinton had power in Arkansas way before 1991 he had state troopers covering his antics, remember he was seeing Gennifer Flowers, accused of raping Juanita Broadrick and the state troopers and his people were handling all of that. Also Clinton and his brother were party boys! He had the means to cover up some things. I did read he was at BG in 91. The only thing strange is the supposed revenge by the boyfriend, witness accounts that Kinison was awake and talking during his last moments so who could have shot him up with drugs enough to od him and no one the wiser? No to dig up young girls who died back then in small town Arkansas. The Ozarks have many beautiful cabins

  153. The reason these kinds of stories don't make real press is that they aren't true. false
    The true stories are a lot more boring. false
    im curious about why people come here to complain the blinds and the commenters... why stray from your 'real press'?

  154. I'm not even America, but I can smell the stench of Clinton from across the pond.

  155. I'm not even America, but I can smell the stench of Clinton from across the pond.

  156. According to his autopsy report, Kinison was internally decapiated. How was he able to speak coherently or say anything? the only way would be if his neck was snapped AFTER he spoke his final words.

  157. dancinginmysleep: the ozzy osbourne quote about kinison getting up and talking is anecdotal and not part of the blind. good chance it was an urban myth that he repeated.

  158. unrelated, but corey feldman just named alphy hoffman as one of his molesters.

  159. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. The next year is going to be rough for people who are still in the first stage regarding the widespread, vile corruption among the entertainment/political/corporate/media elites.

  160. Actually, comedian Carl LaBove, who was Kinison's best friend, reported his last words, not Ozzy. https://firsttoknow.com/watch-did-this-famous-comedian-argue-with-god-before-he-died/

    Strangely enough, Carl discovered many years later that Kinison was LaBove's daughter's biological father.

  161. This comment has been removed by the author.

  162. If this story is true, the future A+ list is W. The "someone else" whose future was being debated was Jeb Bush.

    In 1991, the Republicans were coming off 8 years of Reagan (viewed as successful at the time) and were in the middle of what they thought would be 8 years of HW Bush. Of course they were assuming that a dynasty was in the making.

    You can say the Powers That Be don't care about R or D, but they do care about how controllable the people they put into office will be. The question had to be which Bush kid was more electable. Why would they be pumping up Clinton to be the next guy when they had two useful idiots to choose from in their own inner circle?

    Unless the teen driver was really Jason Bourne, I'm calling BS on the crash being intentionally set up.

    1. If they care about control so much why wouldn't they have a puppet on both the right and left hand?

  163. I think parts of it are true and parts are not. I do think Kinison's death was an accident. I also think Bill Clinton has been sexually involved with underage girls and it will start to come out.

  164. It wouldn't be W. in 1992, GHWB was running as the incumbent President. Noone else was being considered as the GOP nominee.

  165. But they'd be looking ahead to 1996. Setting a course of action for the next 4 years to groom W or Jeb to be presidential material.

    They wouldn't be deciding a couple months before election season who the next candidate would be - they'd be talking about who was going to follow GHWB after he was reelected.



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