Monday, November 20, 2017

Today's Blind Items - Long Time Coming

When I started putting out feelers to former child actors who had worked on his movies, I was surprised how many people wanted to tell their stories about working for this permanent A+ list director. They come from all different backgrounds and sexes. Most have never worked as adults as actors, but a couple continue to make an effort and a couple have succeeded.

I started reaching out to them through an old friend. A friend who once had a large role in a hit movie for the director. A friend who until recently, never told me about the dark side to filming a movie with the legend. One thing he said resonated with me and I asked each of the others the same question. Most responded in the affirmative. Some said they wished they could remember but it had been x number of years or others said they really didn't want to think about it too much because it triggered them.

The query was whether the "back story" of the character they were playing had molested. Their answer was yes.

One actress who responded yes, said as an adult, when she looks back, she realizes how ludicrous it was that the back story of her character would involve being molested. It doesn't make sense in the story line sense. She was only in first grade when she made the movie. It had a lot of young kids in the movie, although they were older than her.

She remembers a cast "bonding" experience. All of the young actors and actresses were loaded on to a tour bus. Everyone was impressed because each seat on the bus had a DVD player waiting for them as a gift to take home. Back then, those things were expensive. The trip took about two hours from LA and they were served all kinds of kids food on the bus. She remembers the all you could eat candy.

So, they get off the bus and arrived at this huge ranch. Who was there to greet them with the director? This permanent A+ list singer. There were also other men there who she remembers hearing were studio executives. She doesn't know if they were.

She does remember walking around this carnival as she put it and seeing the executives pairing off with a couple of the actors or one on one. She says they later told her that most were molested or groped. For her part, she says she was just repeatedly groped. There was a carousel ride and one man insisted on putting her on a different horse each time and would lift her and grope her each time. She says she freaks out whenever she hears carousel music.

My friend from so long ago says his experience differed slightly. There was no tour bus. There was just him and a studio tour. He was older tan our actress above. He was in that sweet spot our director loved.The director kept telling him his back story and talked about being molested and wondered if my friend had been molested. The director then started touching our actor and did so throughout the entirety of the movie like it was perfectly normal.

Another actress who was a teenager when she made a huge movie for the director says that she wasn't given a ride on a tour bus, but instead, was given a ride on a helicopter with her younger actor co-star. They ended up flying to that same ranch north of Los Angeles. When the helicopter landed, that permanent A+ lister was waiting there with the director. Also there was another actor from the movie who is probably B list today. The actor was sent off with a group of men to the carnival while she was followed by this B list actor who asked sexual questions one after the other and excused himself multiple times. She assumes now he was going off somewhere to pleasure himself and then come back after. It was hot that day and she remembers him drenched in sweat and just a pig in so many ways.

She said she has talked to actors who didn't even get to act in a movie directed by the director but were still hired to help develop the back story of the adult actors because they might use some flashback shots. All these actors added to the totals molested by the director and his friends. Every movie seemed to have any kind of reason they could to find teens boys and girls that could be molested under the guise of developing their character. 


  1. My first thought was Spielberg too.

  2. Michael Jackson for the permanent A list singer?

    1. +1 MontanaMarriott. The “carnival” smacks of Neverland Ranch. But does Spielberg fit the rest? He’s launched the careers of a lot of kids who grew up to have successful careers as adults. Red herring maybe? I’m not saying I doubt it’s him... it’s just that the clues aren’t exactly a perfect match.

    2. Question for you CDAN old schoolers...the title of the blind is “Long Time Coming” - does this mean people are about to call these animals out? Like they’re about to go public?

  3. MJJ bought Neverland in 1988 so this movie could be Hook, Jurassic Park or any of the follow ups, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade since those had kids in them.

    1. I was just reading through the cast on IMBD for Hook. I'm sure you're right about the players in this.

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  6. And Neverland Ranch had a carousel

  7. If the movie is Jurassic Park, the young girl could be Ariana Richards with the pervert B list actor being Sam Neil or Jeff Goldblum? Joseph Mazello the little boy would have gone with the studio men?

  8. Spielberg. This has been hinted at (very strongly) over the past few weeks.

  9. I'm not sure Spielberg fits based on his movies. The DVD player started being available in 1999 and they were big box type players then.

  10. First thoughts for me were Spielberg and MJ.

  11. DVD players came out in 2000. So, the first story has to be 2000 or later.

  12. Replies
    1. That’s what I thought but the year is throwing it off.

  13. Apparently Spielberg and Michael Jackson were supposed to make "Hook" together, but MJ quit because "their visions were different"...That's interesting. I see their names pop up together in google.

    Also interesting thing, it says that MJ "Paid witch doctor to put a curse on Spielberg"..But why?

    1. I just read an article about the voodoo curse. Apparently he put it not only on Spielberg but David Geffen and 23 other people as well...

  14. I like the George Lucas guess. It makes me think of how Jake Lloyd went off the rails after filming the prequels. Also, Lucas had a good relationship with MJ... remember Captain EO?

    1. Plus there are a lot of whispers about Harrison Ford being involved in things. “Ranch” can point towards Lucas.

  15. What Spielberg movie featured a girl whose backstory was that she was molested?

  16. The permanent a+ singer here can’t be Michael Jackson. In the previous Paris Jackson reveal MJ is per A++

  17. Lucas have that secluded "Skywalker Ranch".

  18. Good find, @Alexandria Anna!

  19. But damn, I never thought of George Lucas as pedophile, which movie would that be?

  20. What about Chris Columbus?

  21. Was looking at photos of Skywalker Ranch. Doesn't look carnival-ish to me.

    1. I've been to sky walker ranch and it is not at all a carnival style. Lots of beautiful land and hiking... guess a carnival could have been rented but I doubt it.

  22. Gotta be Spielberg and MJ. This article talked about them being good friends:

    Also Shia Lebeouf talks about how different Spielberg is in person and seems to fucking hate him:

    Think Drew Barrymore is the young girl. Enty seems to love her.

    1. The problem is the inclusion of DVD players. That moves the time line far away from Little Drew.

  23. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Interesting to note that according to this article on CNN, that besides Spielberg, MJ asked the witch doctor to include music mogul David Geffen and 23 other people on the entertainer's list of enemies would die. David Geffen showing up, no surprise...I also wonder who the others are?

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  25. A+ director on any of the Harry Potter films?

    1. That’s why I mentioned Chris Columbus. He’s another northern CA director that’s made a million kids films. He initially was a writer for Spielberg.

  26. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Also interesting is how Harrison Ford is tied to both Lucas and Spielberg in their films.

  27. I think it's Spielberg. MJ as A+ singer. Lots of hints at Spielberg over the last few weeks.

    Teenage girl and younger co-star were Ariana Richards and Joseph Mazzello from Jurassic Park. B-list actor probably Goldblum, could maybe be Sam Neill.

    The girl who was in 1st grade and was given a DVD player - Hunter King who had a small role in A.I. with Haley Joel Osment and other kids.

    Enty's friend could be a lot of different people.

    1. I like this guess. And Hunter was involved in a groping scandal on the Young and the Restless where an actor got fired. It must have set her off terribly.

      She's adorable on "Life in Pieces"

  28. I'm going with John Landis and Michael Jackson because of the Thriller video they would be close.

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  30. MJ was involved in E.T soundtrack:

    Jackson's empathy with the E.T. character[edit]
    According to the biography Michael Jackson: The Magic and the Madness, written by journalist J. Randy Taraborrelli, the pop singer had shown an early attachment to the story of E.T. After a publicity photo shoot for the soundtrack album in which an animatronic robot of the extraterrestrial character hugged Jackson, the singer stated with wonderment, "He was so real that I was talking to him. I kissed him before I left. The next day, I missed him."[15] Jackson later revealed in the December 1982 issue of Ebony magazine—in which both he and E.T. appear on the cover—that he felt he actually was the creature during the album recording and shared his thoughts on why he had such a strong connection to the character:

    "He's in a strange place and wants to be accepted—which is a situation that I have found myself in many times when travelling from city to city all over the world. He's most comfortable with children, and I have a great love for kids. He gives love and wants love in return, which is me. And he has that super power which lets him lift off and fly whenever he wants to get away from things on Earth, and I can identify with that. He and I are alike in many ways"[4]

  31. @Florian - According to this, LaserDisc came out in 1978. They'd have been biggish and expensive, but it's not unthinkable.

    1. If you’d given a LaserDisc player to a child in the 80s, their reaction would’ve been “what the fuck am I supposed to do with a LaserDisc player?”

  32. Goddamn. Spielberg? really? 1st grade immediately screams Drew Barrymore and E.T.

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  34. DVDs and DVD players were first released in Japan in 1996 and in the US in 1997. If it is Spielberg, this could have been during the filming of The Lost World, the sequel to Jurassic Park.

  35. "My friend from so long ago says his experience differed slightly. There was no tour bus. There was just him and a studio tour. He was older tan our actress above. He was in that sweet spot our director loved"

    I wonder if this was Josh Brolin (was in E.T.) . It might go a ways towards explaining some of his anger/alcohol issues.

  36. Does "Long Time Coming" mean this will come out soon?

  37. Do Spielberg movies have lots of kid characters that have been molested in them? I can't really think of any immediately. I mean they have lots of kids in, but if the back stories include molestation they are back back stories that don't make the screen, unless I'm missing something.

  38. I'm conflicted about this. As sandybrook mentioned, DVD players became available in 1999 (casting doubt on the Spielberg guess), and Enty always list ranks MJ as permanent A+++ list (the only celeb with 3 pluses).

  39. I subscribe to No Film School. They publish interesting stuff, geared toward indie filmmakers, but way below the notice of anybody on any kind of list, A or otherwise. So it struck me as odd to see "Why SS is underrated" in the subject line of their weekly e-newsletter. This was about an hour and twenty minutes after this BI was posted.


  41. Enty probably refrained from the extra ++ as it would make it un-blind... and this is getting intense if SS is involved

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    1. Plus no one would consider Landis a permanent A lister

  44. Well, Enty made a liar out of me because 2 blinds back he referred to MJ in his reveal about Paris Jackson as permanent A++ list (2 pluses instead of 3), BUT even 2 pluses is more than the A+ list rank given to the subject here.

  45. I’m new to this whole thing but I have to say that;

    A) I think folks are spending too much time on placing the Time/Setting by the DVD players. Because it only relates to one account and that the accounts aren’t given in any kind of chronological order (purposely as lawsuit protection). So, it may help place that one encounter (I’m thinking “A.I.”) but not necessarily the others.

    B) The helicopter ride account immediately made me think “Jurassic Park”, and Wayne Knight.

    C)I think it’s Spielberg and possibly MJ. But I think MJ might be too obvious. Are there any other ranches besides Neverland and Skywalker? And was the A+ singer at their OWN ranch? I don’t think this was clear.

    I hope and pray that these people get their comeuppance, and right soon, whoever they may be.

  46. Hook could be an options with lots of kids too (remember all the lost boys) - and one where it really wouldn't be necessary for the kids to have molestation backgrounds. The kids who played Peter's kids in that - especially the girl, Amber Scott - really haven't been in much since. That was 1991. Given Amber's late-in-the-year birthday (Oct 1984), she would likely have been in 1st grade in 1991...

  47. The movie could be Jurassic Park The Lost World? The actress who never worked as an adult Vanessa Lee Chester and the other child actors Joseph Mozello and Ariana Richards. There were many bit parts for children in this movie. They could have been on the bus trip.

  48. I don't know how it wouldn't be Neverland - ferris wheel, bumper cars, arcade, etc. Truly a carnival. I agree that he didn't include the extra + or two to keep us guessing.

  49. I’m going to have to agree with SS, MJ and Jurassic Park. The timelines and films of other directors don’t fit. Tho MJ did perform a song on the Rush Hour soundtrack (Brett Ratner).

  50. “On July 4th 1982, Michael Jackson attended the Lucasfilm Annual Picnic at the Skywalker Ranch.” There is Michael Jackson, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, and Quincy Jones. I don't think it's this particular meeting but here they are all together.

    E.T was filmed in 1981-1982 I guess, around same time.

  51. I agree @Khaleesi. Also, the location, a two-hour drive from LA.

  52. I agree that the DVD players only account for one part of the blind and that it's not the linchpin.

  53. Skywalker Ranch opened in 1978, Neverland in 1988. So maybe Spielberg and Lucas started bringing kids there, it's secluded, no way anyone would know anything. 80's were peak of child molestation as Enty said.
    I don't know how to explain DVD's as gift though.

  54. To all who are caught up on the DVD thing. Spielberg made movies in the DVD era. Not sure how the DVD thing makes it so it's not him. There were kids in AI which came out in 2001.

    Also, I'm thinking that Enty's friend is Henry Thomas. ET was made pre-Neverland (unlike Jurassic Park and AI), therefore there was no trip there and all of the abuse occurred at the studio.

  55. I don't think we'll find movies where the child characters had a background of abuse in the movie. The actress said it made no sense for her character's story. It sounds like that was just something they brought up during screening and practice, to give them an excuse to ask the kids sexual questions. Sexual predators like to ask targets if they've been abused, because kids who have been abused before tend to be more vulnerable.

  56. I am new to this site, but as others pondered in other posts, maybe the DVD reference is a red herring to throw folks off. There could have been another type of A/V equipment as a gift or none at all. The time frame might be the item included to make this post legal to post without a lawsuit.

    My first instinct is the Drew Barrymore/ Speilberg theory, but isn't she quit loyal to him? I doubt she would throw him under the bus even in a passing conversation to a friend.

  57. What about Kenny Ortega? He's been referenced lately on this site, and did kid movies such as Newsies, Hocus Pocus, High School Musical which fits in the timeline of DVD players.

  58. Definitely not George Lucas.

  59. What kind of parent puts their child on buses and helicopters to spend the day with adult strangers? I have kids in the business and these types of accounts blow my mind. My kids aren't out of my sight for 30 seconds let alone a whole day, and we don't know any other parents who would permit such a thing, either. When our children are called to set, we sit behind the monitor and see every move they make, and kids aren't typically permitted to roam freely on set without a guardian just for safety's sake. On the last show one of my kids did, the director only spoke to him directly for a few minutes while I stood there the whole time. Everything was all business, no time or room for impropriety. If these stories and others are real, the vast majority of these cases would never happen if the parents did their jobs. Come to think of it, our agent would never permit my kids to mingle alone with co-workers outside of set. We'd be dropped like a hot potato if we ever participated in anything like this. I just don't understand how this happens over and over and over again in LA.

  60. I’m changing my guess now to Spielberg... I can’t stop thinking about Hook and all of those kids that stopped acting afterwards. And it makes sense to me that someone with some pervy affinities would tell them that their characters would have been molested. They’re “lost boys”, remember? Either way this is just sick and I hope whoever it is goes down. I have no more faith in humanity. Hollywood’s “heroes” are dropping like flies.

  61. Just throwing it out there: Based on the timeline of when dvd players were first being sold in 2000, there was "How the Grinch Stole Christmas". Taylor Momsen was pretty little at the time.

  62. Did buses have tv screens in the back of the seats in those days? I ask because very young children can have confusing recollections

  63. Oh steven. It's all gonna come out in the end.

  64. I do not believe it is Spielberg, he seems like a decent man. The location is definitely MJ's Neverland ranch

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  67. Martin Scorcese did quite a bit of work with MJ and also directed Taxi Driver with young Jodie Foster. Not sure if any other details fit, though.

  68. Lucas & skywalker ranch?

  69. If it is Spielberg it would explain a lot too re what we have learned about Heather O'Rourke and allegations about her being molested...she was in Poltergeist as we all know

    Also Corey Feldman has said that Spielberg introduced him to Jackson.....Spielberg was the producer behind Goonies with Feldman and Corey Haim was based on an original story by Spielberg too

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  70. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Rather than Neverland (which is to the east) or Skywalker (very *far* to the north), 'north of Los Angeles' matches better with the Golden Oak Ranch owned by Disney Studios.

    Carnival scenes with amusement rides were filmed there for 'Joe Dirt', released in 2001:

    1. The director of Joe Dirt was not a legend and was a female. Most likely not her.

  71. My guess for the “old friend” is Chunk himself, current industry attorney Jeff Cohen.

    Spielberg didn’t direct The Goonies, but it was one of his many productions in the 80s.

    1. I've always personally thought Enty is Jeff Cohen.

    2. @melmanson Mind. Blown.

  72. What about the movie Matilda w Mara Wilson?

  73. Good catch @Totaji.

    My first gut instinct is Speilberg. Not sure of the Perm A lister.

  74. Yeah, it takes more than two hours to drive from LA to Skywalker Ranch, approx 6-8.

    @youdontsay Grinch makes sense too, I think someone mentionned Ron Howard as child molester somewhere...

  75. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Excuse me, Neverland is to the *west*, not east, of course.

  76. @Catsup Thank you for your comment! I hesitate to believe whoever said that, though, because union documentation is pretty clear regarding the safety of minors. It clearly states that no minor should ever be alone without a parent's supervision. This can probably be found easily in a Google search or on the SAG website. A lot of this has to do with insurance purposes alone, so I cannot fathom anyone, especially an agent representing the child, allowing them to be alone or transported without a parent present. This is a really, really big deal in the industry where we are.

  77. we've been given the answer to this for weeks, it's spielberg, and the only famous singer associated with a carnival-themed ranch just north of l.a. is michael jackson. skywalker ranch is a production facility, not a children's park. the dvd players could be a red herring, as dog mom suggested, as enty will throw one in on these huge blinds to keep from being sued.

    spielberg and lucas were big on having molestation backstories, as in this well-documented conversation as they were writing indiana jones:

    Indiana Jones: Child Molester?

    harrison ford has been alleged to be involved in the bryan singer circuit in the past.

  78. Anonymous12:14 PM

    totaji, I don't think the blind speaks to whether the kids were to be cast in the specific film that it was set up for. Could have been just a good opportunity to 'show them around' while the rides were there.

    1. Good point. So what “legendary” Director/singer were you thinking?

  79. Laserdisc was the precursor to DVD players, so I'd keep that format in mind, although (as it has already been pointed out) the tour bus w/DVD players account is described as being more recent, with others described as dating back.

    I'm going to make a wild guess that Enty's pal is the actor who played Chunk in Goonies, as that kid grew up, chucked Hollywood, and went to law school. Enty is an attorney. Lawyers tend to know one another in larger cities, if not personally then casually via bar association meet-ups, galas, from attending CLE courses, etc. I know they certainly all seem to know one another where I am from!

  80. It's Spielberg and Jackson. Neverland Ranch had a candy store and a carousel. He also owned carnival rides he would put up on the property for kiddie luring. He blamed the Hollywood pedocaste for his pedo leanings. That's why he set the curse. That's why Feldman forgave him.

  81. +1 Cail

    Also, after reading all the information the CDaN detectives have gathered...I'm going to guess it was Speilberg and MJ. Sounds, to me, SS snowed MJ into thinking it was for the kids and innocent - but later MJ found out kids were being molested, hence the hatred for SS and DG.

    I know I may be naive about this: but I get this feeling MJ was not a pedophile, but instead, was a kid at heart and his whole purpose was to help make children enjoy their childhood since he never really had a childhood.

    1. Agree with you on MJ. I think he suffered some sort of abuse in his childhood on top of not having much of one, I feel like he wanted to have a place where kids could go and be kids and feel safe.

  82. Looks like Neverland Ranch can be reached in 2 hours drive. But what ovie would that be then? and who's the actress?

  83. It breaks my heart to say it, but S.S. was the very first person I thought of. Chris Columbus is quoted as saying that he (Chris) prevented Daniel Radcliffe from taking M.J.'s calls, otherwise, with all of his kids movies, he might be a possibility.

  84. That scene in "Raiders" where Marion tells Indy what he did was wrong and she was a child and he shoots back "You knew what you were doing" is a scene that, as much as I love the movie, makes my stomach curdle.

    Like, why did it have to be like that?

    That's the writers throwing their justification out there for the world to see.

  85. As far as DVD players:

    "The first players appeared in Japan in November 1, 1996, followed by U.S. players in March 26, 1997"

    The Lost World: Jurassic Park - 1997

  86. Spielberg and MJ were still friends back then I believe, he did put a curse on him in 2003 I guess..?

  87. NORTHwest actually tho more west than north but when you think Santa Barbara you think north.

  88. Well no wonder Shia LaBeouf hates SS so much.

  89. If you Google "Steven Spielberg Heather O'Rourke"'s frightening to see all of the throwback pictures of SS and "his kids". Group pictures of them all together (Dominique, Drew, Heather, etc. etc.).

  90. @yummyboogers,a lot of people have thought Enty was Jeff Cohen,although I think you are right,they are more likely friends, Enty seems a little older. I wonder if there wasn't a very good reason for the curse from MJ. Sometimes people that do this to powerful people get it turned back on them.

    1. I agree, I think Enty is older. He has too many insider music related stories that seem to originate from the Sunset strip era and early onset grunge era, chronologically. I would guess that Enty was in his 20s in the late 80s/early 90s.

  91. @Jen, good questions. They remind me of the questions people asked when the priest molestation scandal broke, like, "Why weren't parents suspicious that their parish priest kept asking the same three boys to come over and help him with chores, one boy at a time?" Looking back, it's hard to believe we didn't see it. It was a different time, and we were a lot more innocent. I'd guess that a lot of parents with stars in their eyes just automatically trusted Favorite Director and Charismatic Singer/Actor. Many of us still don't want to believe it of them, even when we know.

  92. Joe Mazzello, the little boy from Jurassic Park, is currently working on Bryan Singer's Queen biopic, Bohemian Rhapsodym right now....Rami Malek is playing freddie mercury (damn it rami, I wanted to like you!!!!)

  93. At this point even if this particular blind isn't about Spielberg, Lucas or MJ, there is so many clues pointing at these three as pedo buddies, gotta save it for later LMAO.

  94. Glue, I tend to feel the same way about MJ, and I'm not even really a fan. I think he was a big, asexual kid.

  95. also, anybody who thinks Michael Jackson is innocent has their head in the sand.

    they finally realized info about the raid on neverland ranch - he had TONS OF CHILD TORTURE P0RN and ANIMAL TORTURE on video, pictures

    and it was to desensitize the children into being ok w/the activities he wanted them to do/do to them

    call him what he fucking was, ok? A MONSTER.

    "Police discovered Michael Jackson had a large collection of pornography, which allegedly included images of children, animal torture and gore, reportedly used in his bid to seduce young boys - details from a raid on Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch estate in 2003, carried out as part of an investigation into child molestation charges against the singer.

    According to previously unseen reports from the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department, authorities seized more than 80 video recordings and computer hard drives, as well as notes, diaries, documents, photographs and audiotapes.

    Former Santa Barbara Senior Assistant District Attorney Ron Zonen, who helped prosecute Jackson’s case, told RadarOnline that many of the materials found were used to “desensitize” children.

    The police report describes several of the materials found at Jackson’s estate and notes that many of the books and images “can be used as part of a ‘grooming’ process by which people (those seeking to molest children) are able to lower the inhibitions of their intended victims and facilitate the molestation of said victims.”

    One of the books found in Jackson’s possession was titled, Room to Play, which “contained numerous photographs of children.” According to the report, some of the images contained children’s faces superimposed on adult bodies with their private parts exposed.

    Authorities also found numerous photos of children located inside a safe in the employee break room of Jackson’s home.

    Jackson was charged with seven counts of child molestation and two counts of administering an intoxicating agent for the purpose of a committing a felony in 2003 after a young boy came forward claiming the singer molested him.

    In 2005, a jury acquitted him of all charges after a 14-week trial."

    1. Oh yeah. Forgot about that raid and evidence.

  96. Himmmmmmm please come drop your knowledge. Ss is correct, right? I'm unsure about mj. He always struck me as someone who maybe had a high functioning form of autism known as asbergers syndrome. High level of intelligence and musical ability but not really able to fully function in "regular" society. It would be heartbreaking if it was mj. But Spielberg I can believe because pedos don't walk around looking like Quasimodo with a sign around their necks saying " your kids are not safe around me". They often cultivate a nice guy persona in order to better hide their criminal predilections.

  97. @Glue,I have always felt the same, Jackson often acted like an abuse victim,and he seemed to have boundary issues,but I never thought he was a child molester. Funny how all his "friends" disappeared, save for Liz Taylor, and Geffen,who we know is soon to be caught,were still at the top of their game.

  98. LAPD and many powerful others, along with people allllllways thinking he was just an innocent adult that was a kid inside, or a great performer...its all BS.

  99. None of the items seized from Neverland fit the legal definition of child pornography, and in fact many of the items that are currently creating the most media hysteria were not pornographic at all. They were legal art books; a few of them containing some examples of adult erotica, but again, these were not titles that could be in any way deemed as pornographic or even obscene. This isn’t to say that Jackson didn’t own any pornography at all. The truth was that a sizable amount of adult heterosexual pornography had been confiscated in the raid, but Jackson was a grown man and this type of pornography is not illegal to own.

  100. @beebopcowboy - this is a more accurate characterization about what was unearthed in the search of Neverland:

  101. @krab - we posted the same link at the same time!

  102. I'm on board with MJ's biggest crime to be naivete, as opposed to truly being a monster.

    I think he was stuck in a state of childlike behavior, largely due to his atypical upbringing as a superstar from such a young age. Perhaps could have been on the spectrum or some sort.

    I think he created Neverland as a place for himself to live out his childhood that he never had, and to provide other kids with a place where they could do the same. He brought Spielberg's kids up there to try to get away from the pressures of the Hollywood life and to be kids, but it backfired and his property became a haven for abuse.

    Once MJ figured that out he unfriended Spielberg and cast the spell on he (and Geffen), as they were exposed as being Hollywood monsters taking advantage of his property and his dreams.

    This is likely why Feldman defends MJ so passionately. His intentions were good but he was so naive that it backfired and caused many kids emotional scars, such as Feldman.

    Again, the DVD story is likely from the movie AI which was released in 2001. Hunter King was about 7 at the time of filming and had a very small part in the film. She is still active today (has a lead role in the sitcom Life in Pieces), and about 4 years ago accused a co-star of groping on the set of a Soap Opera she was doing. I believe that girl to be her.

    This was probably at the very end of Neverland being used as Spielberg's haven.

  103. Surely, had there been child pornography, the DA would have also charged MJ for that, as it would have been far easier to prove in the eyes of a jury.

  104. Chris Columbus for the director. He introduced Macaulay to MJ and the rest is history

  105. Maybe Michael quit wanting to be a part of this and they set him up to look like the problem?

    Michael was off, no one can deny that.

    But if we're going to believe Feldman about the molesting, we have to believe he wouldn't so vehemently defend Michael if Michael were an abuser.

  106. I've seen a lot of arguments over whether MJ was a molester, or an abuse victim who was trying to protect other children from abuse. It's possible he was both. It's not unusual for abuse victims to grow up to commit the same offenses themselves. They may convince themselves they're trying to help children, but when they get alone with them, they may fall back on bad ways to interact that they learned from their own abusers.

  107. Some thing to point out about MJ, the Father of the alleged victim killed himself shortly after MJ died. The boy who received the large settlement hasn't said anything. The Father also received a payoff in the settlement. As someone above said,they found nothing that fit the legal definition of child pornography,it would have been easy to convict him on that,or use it for a plea deal. Where are all the reliable accusers now,who could sue the estate,which is worth billions now?

  108. Okay asked:

    S. Spielberg

    HOOK (the movie) for one of them - could be Jurassic or Goonies too.

    Lisa Wilhoit was the actress
    (there were kid actors playing young versions of the older actor roles)

    The LOST BOYS roles in HOOK were all supposedly abused/troubled kids in the script as backstory.

    ALSO NOTE: Lisa Wilhoit co-starred on My So-Called Life with Devon Odessa who was on ROCKY ROAD, from Enty's prior Blind Item).

    Michael Jackson & Neverland Ranch (so obvious! North of LA, the distance, helo pad, etc).

    Now these COULD just be coincidence. It COULD be another director, but the timeline fits with the DVDs in the early 90s too. I thought Richard Donner, but can't wrap my head around THAT. He never seemed the type to ME anyway.

    I've not had time to read the full blind, just these jumped out at me. I PERSONALLY DO NOT BELIEVE SPIELBERG IS LIKE THIS.
    That's just my opinion, and I've been wrong before. The face you see is not always the face others see. Just because he's not that way to some people doesn't mean he's incapable of it. It's just never been MY experience that he's a pedo. And I know lots of actors who worked for him - but it's not something you'd bring up at a dinner party.

    When I get time I'll check more into it, but for now it seems rather obvious that these fit the clues. Check em out.

    1. Thank you @Himmmm! I don’t post a lot but I’m glad I did this time. I feel vindicated :) But it all makes sense! Those poor kids :(

  109. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Anthony Rapp worked with him on Adventures in Babysitting.

  110. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Recently, a transcript has surfaced of the story conference between George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, and Lawrence Kasdan, in which they hammer out the ideas for RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK. At 126 pages, there’s much to digest, but some may find this bit of dialog a bit hard to swallow, as the trio discusses Indy’s love interest. (G is Lucas, S, Spielberg and L, Kasdan.

    G — I was thinking that this old guy could have been his mentor. He could have known this little girl when she was just a kid. Had an affair with her when she was eleven.

    L — And he was forty-two.

    G — He hasn’t seen her in twelve years. Now she’s twenty-two. It’s a real strange relationship.

    S — She had better be older than twenty-two.

    G — He’s thirty-five, and he knew her ten years ago when he was twenty-five and she was only twelve. It would be amusing to make her slightly young at the time.

    S — And promiscuous. She came onto him.

    G — Fifteen is right on the edge. I know it’s an outrageous idea, but it is interesting. Once she’s sixteen or seventeen it’s not interesting anymore. But if she was fifteen and he was twenty-five and they actually had an affair the last time they met. And she was madly in love with him and he…

    S — She has pictures of him.

    One thing that springs to mind is that this is a bit like the relationship between Carol (14 year old Mackenzie Phillips) and John Milner (Paul Le Mat) who goes on a drag race against Bob Falfa (Harrison Ford) in Lucas’s AMERICAN GRAFFITI, so this idea must have had some appeal to Lucas.

  111. Feldman never accused Michael, did he? That says it all.

  112. Legitimate question that I keep asking myself over and over these past few weeks - so many of these childhood starts that ended up going off the rails - Culkin, Jake Lloyd, Lindsay Lohan Amanda Bynes, LaBeouf, not to mention the lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggg list of other Nickelodeon actors and actresses who have gone through some issues - do we still just claim that childhood stars have trouble transitioning into adulthood/adult careers, or can we now wonder if this can all be traced back to abuse?

    I can't help but wonder. It would explain so much. Even for someone like Britney Spears.

  113. What about Joe Dante?


  114. Also FYI: Neverland Ranch = MJ
    The Peter Pan world is called NEVERLAND.

    And from the HOOK wiki:
    "In the early 1980s, Spielberg began to develop a film with Walt Disney Pictures that would have closely followed the storyline of the 1924 silent film and 1953 animated film. He also considered directing it as a musical with Michael Jackson in the lead."

    The Adult actor could be Robin Williams, Dustin Hoffman, or Bob Hoskins. Any one of which could be sweaty and gross. Mostly Robin or Hoskins.

    I do know personally that Steven's wife, Kate Capshaw, is a lesbian. Well, bisexual I guess. She's known in Hwood as the leader of a "sewing circle" of ladies of "eat at the Y". Not that it's a bad thing, just a comment on appearances vs. reality. She and Rita Wilson/Hanks are very very close.

  115. Jeeeeze...definitely reeks of Neverland Ranch which is just north of Los Olivos/Solvang, 2 hours north(west) of LA. MJ & SS.

  116. Dann there is a lot of comments! I have to go back and read them. I just had to say that this blind and many of the last few weeks blinds...I'm starting to feel sick to my stomach realizing the horror that is hollywood. This shit doesn't go away, being raped (by force, drugs, drink) as a child pretty much ruins your life. I hate the fact that basically demons who enjoy ripping the innocence away from trusting/messed up children or teens or whatever. Makes me want to puke. These people have money and power? Barf

  117. Or Joe Johnston. He did the Jumanji films, Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, The Pagemaster, October Sky.

  118. Another thing,if this is Spielberg, yes,people would leave the kids alone with him,and yes,he seems normal. Most molesters do. Michael Jackson sets off creepy vibes to many,so many would never trust him. Why wouldn't sexual abuse victims like Corey Feldman and Aaron Carter try to get their share? They have both insisted he wasn't like that and let's face it,both want money.

  119. this one is spielberg

  120. Hi mmm I do wonder why men such as S'S and TH marry sapphic women? ?

  121. I can't remember clearly at this point - Was Joe Jackson abusive to all of the children? Even if he wasn't to Michael but was to the others, that would still be extremely traumatizing to young Michael, to witness his siblings go through that.

  122. @APB1223:

    WTF???? I have a million curse words going through my mind after readying that transcript. 15 is on the edge? 16 or 17 is not interesting anymore? She comes onto him?

    This is disturbing. If that is real, why would they even allow that to be taped and transcribed?

  123. Randal Kleiser directed Flight of the Navigator, Big Top Pee Wee, White Fang, the two Honey I Shrunk the Kids sequels.

  124. @Dog Mom - it IS sick. I agree. That transcript gives you a glimpse into their mindset, though, doesn't it? Bunch of sick degenerates.

    They probably allowed it to be transcribed because in Hollywood everything sick and disgusting is overlooked in the name of "art."

    If called out, they will just say they are brainstorming for a movie and it's their creative artistic imagination that allows them to do this w/o repercussions.

  125. @Khaleesi, abusers seek out victims that are most vulnerable. They may have already come from abusive homes,or showed early signs of mental illness. They are also natural actors,as they have to face the world as if nothing happened to them. The child stars that live normal lives as adults,when they are put in these situations, they leave,tell someone,or are driven out of the business for being"difficult ". That Lucas/Spielberg dialogue was really sick by the way.

  126. For everyone new here,do not be roped in by dates or ratings, Enty has to throw in a red herring or two,legal reasons,or just to make it harder.

  127. I think it's Lucas... as much as it pains me to say....Lucas has always had issues with young women....the A++ singer could be Elton John even....the ranch with a carnival could be anywhere, you can create a carnival from scratch ... especially if you are rich like Lucas ... doesn't mean it was a permanent carnival ...

    It could still be Speilberg, another one I would be pained to admit but it could be true ... the B+ list celebrity could be Sam Neil....never heard a whiff about Goldblum...Wayne Knight on the other hand ... you should always look at the kind of women these guys go out with publicly...Ford was married to a woman his own age....both times, until Calista Flockhart snagged him... he's not B list either ...

    Those are just my theories...I"m just resigned to the fact that all my heros have feet of clay and are going to fall and turn out to be scumbags for MJ...he could be naive and he could also be a molester...anything is possible at this point.

  128. I agree, that conversation is sick.

    About MJ - years ago I read a bio about him (can't remember the title atm) that stated he had been abused as a child by an older male relative but not his father nor an older brother. But anyone who thinks MJ is innocent should check out Diane Dimond's work (free chapter download here ( There had been ongoing allegations about him that Children's Services ignored or chose not to act on. His "man-child" persona was a complete sham. Being a victim of molestation doesn't make it okay to then become an abuser, no matter how talented, rich or famous someone is. I feel sorry that he never got help and that he went through what he did as a kid, but I cannot excuse what he chose to do later in life.

    Damn shame he made such fantastic music that I can't listen to anymore.

  129. I wonder if Corey loves MJ so would defend him. Two damaged children clinging together?

    I would refrain from gossiping about Enty for the sake of everyone involved in this blog

  130. Kate Capshaw a lesbian? Never heard that,I guess the blind is for sure answered.

  131. Was anyone else cynical about Lucas selling Star Wars to Disney and wondering why?

    I was.

    If he's involved in this miasma, it makes sense he'd want to unload his biggest asset and move money before it went public.

    And yes, I know he sold it years ago....but that doesn't mean anything to me. I'm realizing that this stuff bubbles and brews for years before coming out to the public. And that these scum generally get a heads up when they're about to be busted.

  132. Michael was not a pedo. Quite the opposite, the pedos feared what he knew and after "they dont really care about us" were worried he was going public. Note when the allegations started

  133. If you swap DVD with vcr the timeline for E.T. Works. I've always wondered why/how Drew was a drug user and alcoholic by the age of 12.

  134. Yeah Guesser, I recall several years back Kate did a lesbian sex scene with Elle McPherson in some movie. Never saw it, but it left jaws dropped all over Hollywood. Not because of the sex scene (no big deal) but because she produced it and wanted it so badly and people (especially Hwood wives) were stunned she was basically outing herself.

    Not that it has anything to do with this blind. Sorry for side-tracking. I just know that thru history, there's been many beards and marriages of convenience to cover for pedos in the past. NOT that being homosexual/bi is related to being a pedo. Not by a long shot. Just mentioned it in reference to SS and things not always being what they appear. The director in this blind could be anyone A list.

  135. methinks enty and himmmm are playing good-cop-bad-cop.

    the only thing that comforts me about the fact that there are so many victims, is that when it's time to out him, there will be a lot of people to testify. it's sickening to think that someone so beloved could be so evil. hard to accept.

    i posted this video clip on a recent spielberg blind, here it is again. "ira siegel" who appears to hump a little boy is a spielberg look-alike and it's believed seth was outing him as a pedo. pretty damned brave. i think the cybill cap is a hint that spielberg has a split personality or image. (cybill...sybil...)

    The Goonies Remake - American Dad

  136. @Glue: UGH! I guess I have gradually come to understand that these folks like young women/men, but younger than 15 is pre-pubescent. That is the body and mind of a child.

    The kindest way I have chosen to seen some of these people is that they are strongly in a state of arrested development, but I cannot see them like that anymore. There is something wrong with them.

  137. Anyone but SS. It can’t be and I won’t believe it, tho I’m feeling sick...

  138. Found the kate capshaw thing with Elle Mac pheromone. Wow what a cast wonder who bank rolled it. Hallmark were involved I thought they only did fluff.


    In this interview Corey calls SS a great guy. Even though they weren't close, would he have said that if SS was the guy would did all this? Surely he would know.

  140. I'll never believe it's Spielberg or Lucas, neither one. I can't imagine this being either one's "M/O". I most certainly believe it's Michael Jackson, but It's probably about the time accusers came out, Spielberg started distancing himself from Jackson, causing the Voodoo Curses (smh!). Someone needs to check that timeline too.

    oh and DAMN people are sick jerks.

  141. My guesses:

    -Permanent A+ Director : Chris Columbus ( S.S. is a permanent A+++ director I think)
    -Old friend : Sean Astin in the Goonies, 13-14 years ( Columbus wrote the screenplay)
    -Actress : Emma Watson in Harry Potter,11 years( a lot of kids in that one. Also, she was the youngest, and DVD was still new)
    -Teenage actress : Angela Goethals, 13 or 15 years ( Home Alone 1 or 2)
    -Her younger actor co-star : Macaulay Culkin, 10 or 12 years

  142. i've always found it bizarre that corey feldmann said that michael was so pure. come on, if anyone was one of michael's pets it was corey. then coming out and defending spielberg? this is not a coincidence. corey got some big payoffs. corey...if you read your lawyers really feel that a non-disclosure payoff that is covering up a crime is still valid? there's gotta be a away around's obstruction of justice.

  143. I wonder how scared you can be of the bad guys. If I or my family were threatened I would be down the rabbit hole in an instant. I would tell everyone if asked what a great guy gal X was. How many of us would publish and be damned?

  144. Feldman has also defended Spielberg

  145. OK so I was cheerfully playing the amateur detective game and reading along in the comments...and then I read the Raiders story conference transcript snippet and ***record scratch***. WTF??? That is one of my all-time favorite movies and I always assumed when she said "I was a child!" she didn't mean LITERALLY. Well slap me on a carousel and call me naive. Ugh ugh ugh everything is ugh

  146. Question for you CDAN old schoolers...the title of the blind is “Long Time Coming” - does this mean people are about to call these animals out? Like they’re about to go public?

  147. It seems like Feldman has said a lot of contradictory things about people over the years. It probably depends on whether they'd recently "invested" in his band or something.

  148. As far as Cory goes, he defends Michael and Steven. The big issue is, we all know Corey was molested, how much did Corey play a part in others getting molested. I still think Corey won't point the finger at any big guns because he himself has a few fingers pointing back at him. Its the nature of the disease so to speak.

  149. SS appeared in the MJ Liberian Girl video in 1987

  150. If this blind is NOT about Steven Spielberg, then Enty is playing a nasty game. There is a big difference between hinting that Britney Spears may not sing her songs (and then letting us know that this was just a misdirection from Jennifer Lopez), but it is quite a different thing to imply that someone is a pedophile. No amount of click traffic should be a motivation to point a finger at an innocent man about something like this- and there is nothing covert about this blind. It is barely blind. Whether or not Steven Spielberg IS a predator, this "blind" is clearly implying that he is. If he is NOT a predator, then this blind is protecting whoever the stories are really about. (sigh) So sad either way.

  151. Michael Jackson was absolutely a disgusting perverted pedophile. The investigators were sure of it. I know from people who worked on the case what they found on the computers. There big problem for trial was proving it was MJ. He had so many people there that they had trouble proving it was him. Easy to blame it on others who had access.

    I really don't want it to be SS. How awful for so many of my favorite movies. Hope the title means the names will be coming out.

  152. that's my take, xyz.

  153. years ago the singer rockwell (berry gordy's son kennedy gordy and mj's protégé -- he produced and did backup vocals on the song "somebody's watching me") was asked if michael ever molested him. he replied no, but that michael taught him how to masturbate and they did that together as teens. my guess is that this was michael's cup of tea from the time he was young, that he had a developmentally arrested sexuality. hence the "asexual" reputation. of course, this sort of behavior as a man, "playing" with other people's children is full-blown sex abuse, even if there's no penetration. and it may have justified his indignant claims that he'd never "hurt"
    a child. i can't find any references to that interview with rockwell online, but i remember it well. so, allegedly.
    Rockwell - Somebody's Watching Me

  154. I'm surprised people are surprised about Spielberg. I grew up watching and loving his 80s movies when I was a kid but he always seemed "off" to me. Sorta creepy even. It's in his eyes.

  155. Weird, but I thought of Ivan Reitman...he did a lot of kid friendly movies and did Kindergarten Cop...a lot of the kids were 5 and 6 years old.

  156. I will also say, he did the Beethhoven movies...

  157. Ok just to be different.

    Not DVD players, but Discmans (the cd version of Walkmans)

    Not SS but Bob Z.

    Back to the Future came out in '85 but most likely was filmed at least a year prior.

  158. Speilberg never seemed off to me....socially awkward maybe...Lucas was the one I always thought was off...

  159. Recall these lyrics:

    “Jew me, sue me, kick me, kike me....”

    - Michael Jackson, 1995

    Did Spielberg remain friendly with Jackson afterward? Did Jackson decide to use those lyrics on his own? If so, by any chance was it in response to the events described in this blind, at least in part? Or did someone put him up to it somehow, or "approve" the lyrics? If so, was the intent to wreck his career, or was it some kind of subterfuge?

    Other notes:

    "Long Time Coming" seems to me to mean that Enty has gathered this information over a long period of time.

    I agree that we shouldn't speculate on Enty's identity, lest this blog disappear, not to mention Enty himself (I will assume that Enty is a man). Having said that, there is no absolute anonymity these days; the very high-ups know who Enty is. Writers of this kind of blog are almost all either (1) protected by high-ups and allowed to publicize certain true stories; (2) agents of disinformation; or (3) reckless, to put it mildly. The longer they publish without being doxxed, the less likely is #3.

  160. Always take a step back when something "doesn't make sense".

    Even when they "make sense for a character's storyline, "these "bonding" experiences are prone to becoming "sexual harassment/assault" experiences. I was just VERY LUCKY that it only went as far as an experience that made me "uncomfortable".

    When I was vulnerable from being molested at an acting school, this woman took advantage of me by "casting" me in her short film (it had to be me—which makes NO FUCKING SENSE because I'm a complete no-name, in fact I don't think she'd ever seen any of my work before). FTR, I'm an adult by any jurisdiction's standard.

    She cast me in this short film where I basically have sex with my female domestic worker. Human rights organisations do advocacy for domestic workers, and I know how vulnerable live-in domestic workers are (I play the employer, domestic workers are some of the poorest members of society; so I won't blame anyone for questioning just HOW "consensual" the relationship is). It almost felt like a commentary on how directors/producers have all this POWER over actresses/actors to molest them...

    But I went along with it because I figured I was helping the "LGBTQ cause" by portraying a woman trapped in a sham marriage (now in hindsight, I TOTALLY REGRET IT because now I think I made the gay community all look like Kevin Spacey).

    Anyway, before filming, we were in her friend's apartment (I think it was just the 3 of us, IIRC—the director, the actress who played the maid, and I—I can't remember where everyone else was). And as a "bonding" exercise, she made me feel really uncomfortable. There was tacky music playing in the background, and she made us touch/kiss, I remember the whole thing was intimate. And she asked all these personal questions about how I feel about sex/relationships. I understand that it's a director's job to extract life experiences out of actors, but I honestly felt like I was performing a "sex live show" in the apartment that morning... I wished we just had the usual all-cast round-table character-development reading. She didn't touch either of us, but the whole thing felt so, SO creepy and PERVY (and that's saying a LOT because I'd been in an adult comedy before, and the character-development for that was 100% professional).

    I still remember how her face lit up when we first met and I instantly felt queasy. It felt sinister.

    And to make things WORSE: During post-production, we found out that the woman I kissed was BARELY LEGAL (she just turned 19). I'm going to say, "she looked mid- to late-20's", but that's what every sex offender says to defend themselves.

    Yes, she wasn't a minor. But the director/producers should've CHECKED. And she DIDN'T. I remember after securing the actors she already knew, we were struggling to find an actress for the maid's role and I suggested she do an open casting, but she refused because she only wanted people within our circles as she "didn't want 'social climbers' applying."

    I was NOT impressed when I found out a kissed a TEEN (and they never bothered to check our ages for an obviously mature-themed film). If that woman had been 1-2 years younger, I'd be a SEX OFFENDER (IRL, I'm a VIRGIN). Every time I think of how this woman almost had me kissing a barely legal TEEN just because she wanted to shut out "social climbers", I want to punch her in the face.

    And I want to shower whenever I think of the sleazy look on her face during the pervy "bonding" session with a barely legal TEEN.

    These "character-development" bonding sessions should be MONITORED. Why isn't the actor's guild/labour union (or whatever you have in America) doing anything to make them more transparent? Like assign an independent ombudsman to monitor these "bonding" sessions?

  161. I know this has been asked before, and I don't know if Enty or Himmmmm has ever come through: Can we have a "Blind" or better, a list of the Decent People in Hollywood? There must be some.

    As engrossing and, ultimately, stomach turning as this is, I feel like a list of the Decent People would be Chicken Soup for the Soul.


    Also, I can't believe I didn't think of the 'Hook" movie; Dammit. It fits like a key and the tumblers fall into place. I can see why every kid character would have abuse in their 'background' though it would never actually be stated to the audience.

  162. @Emmett Fitz-Hume:

    Yes, it would be really nice if Enty/Himmmm (how many M's are supposed to be in his name? LOL) drafted a "white list" of people who are SAFE to work with.

    Because it's starting to look like there are more unsafe people to work with and this is the NORM, not a few "bad apples".

    They could review periodically, or just remove people off the list when they do anything unethical.

  163. Never land ranch, Michael Jackson, Amber Scott, Spielberg, the kids from Jurassic Park? George Lucas was in Hook too, stands to reason the old perve was there as an executive

  164. I know he may be a long shot....but I'm surprised that nobody has yet mentioned Woody Allen.

    Especially because he writes in a lot of his screenplays about young characters who were molested as children...there are tons of references in his movies and plays to child molestation:

    I know WA isn't known for putting children in his films but they are there...remember in "Manhattan" where Allen's character a 42 year old man has a relationship with a 17 year old girl (Mariel Hemingway). Or "Husbands & Wives" where Juliette Lewis' 19-year old character has a series of sexual flings with her much older father's friends....his work is full of this stuff.

    Here's another list of movies with these younger women/older men relationships:

    Part of me thinks this blind was written to look like Spielberg but is actually somebody else...I don't think Enty would make a blind like this so obvious. I've seen about all of Spielberg's films and just don't ever recall any mentions of sexual molestation or child actors whose characters had been molested or any plot about younger women/older male sexual relationships...unlike Woody's movies.

    Plus Spielberg started directing when he was 25...I just find it hard to believe that over 50 years and all his movies, if all his alleged behavior was happening not one person has ever, ever hinted or intimated at such behavior....not once.

    Also Corey Feldman has said repeatedly that Spielberg is still a friend of his and he sees him from time to time. Feldman of all people I doubt would call Spielberg his friend if the allegations were true.

    Just my two cents....

  165. Wouldn't a list of Good People kind of imply that those missing from it are Bad People, especially if they've been mentioned lately as guesses for blinds?

  166. @Cail Corishev: You're right, and it would be a bit hard to keep up since there are new people coming into Hollywood everyday...

    Maybe limit them to those in the public eye? The more famous you are, the more power you have to abuse others. IDK.

  167. himmmm put out this list of good guys some time ago:

    "David Kelley
    John Hughes (was the best)
    Natasha Gregson Wagner
    Bryan Lourd
    Neil Patrick Harris
    Jon Hamm
    Guy Ritchie
    Tommy Lee Jones
    Susanna Hoffs
    Kevin Kline & Phoebe Cates
    Drew Barrymore
    Steve Martin
    Rachel McAdams
    Bob Kosberg
    Sofia Coppola
    Zoe Cassavetes
    Moon Zappa
    Brad Pitt
    John Favreau
    Amber Heard
    Jerry Bruckheimer
    Molly Ringwald
    Tom Hanks
    Rob Reiner
    Susan Downey
    Will Staeger
    Miranda Cosgrove
    Seth Macfarlane
    Richard Lovett
    Johnny Depp
    Akiva Goldsman
    Alan Horn
    Elton John
    Kate Beckinsale
    Ron Meyer
    and yes...even Mel Gibson (faults and all.)
    And about 2,000 other people whose names you'd never recognize.
    They're not angels, and not perfect - neither am I. But they are REAL people who know what it means to be a real friend. :-)"

    considering that even charlie rose and al franken are accused of being awful, can anyone truly vouch for anyone else? we just had blinds about jon hamm and mel gibson, johnny depp may be a wife beater, amber heard is, well, amber heard, i've heard that elton john has enjoyed the bryan singer-type hollywood party scene. what a world.

  168. @Scandi Sanskrit
    @Emmett Fitz

    Yes, Himmm shared a list of the "good people" in Hollywood at one point in the past. @Himmm please repost it. We are losing faith in humanity!

  169. @Cail Corishev

    Maybe. But I we do also see Blinds Revealed, eventually. So, I think its possible to do it with out revealing too much (and hence Enty and Himmmm's identities) and opening themselves up to lawsuits.

  170. Himmm, the sweaty adult actor couldn’t be Robin Williams or Dustin Hoffman as those are permanent A list, while the blind says “Also there was another actor from the movie who is probably B list today.” Bob Hoskins would fit, but for that particular story I like Jurassic Park as the answer (helicopter trip up to Neverland Ranch, female teen actress with younger male co-star) and leaning towards Sam Neill as the sweaty gross B lister, although Jeff Goldblum could also work. None of the other male actors would be B list today, unless maybe it was Wayne Knight ?!? aka Newman from Seinfeld. Only other notable adult male actor in JP is Samuel L. Jackson but I’d say he’s A list.

    Key info from the 3 distinct stories about the permanent A+ list director:

    Story 1: late 90s/early 2000s as DVD players were given out and noted as expensive. Chartered/Tour bus with young actress in 1st grade at the time (6-8 years old) while the film had many other children but older than her. 2 hour drive north to ranch with carnival, carousel etc., met by permanent A list director and permanent A+ list musician.

    Story 2: male actor (Enty’s friend) who was a big part of a huge hit for director, older at the time of this incident than the 1st grade actress in story 1, taken on studio tour and groomed/molested by the director.

    Story 3: female teen actress and her younger male costar, from a HUGE hit, are flown up to the ranch in a helicopter, meet same director and musician, another costar adult male B list today follows around actress being disgusting, younger male goes off with “executives”

  171. @just sayin’

    Thanks! I needed that!

    Interesting to see Seth McFarlane’s name on the list. Ever since his little jabs at SS and Spacey have been pointed out to me, I wondered if he was, in his own sly way, trying to fight the good fight.

    Or maybe it’s just me looking (and really really wanting to find) for an honest person in what seems to be a Sea of Filth.

  172. Amber Heard's inclusion on the list ruins its credibility. Known predatory golddiger



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