Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Today's Blind Items - Himmmm

#1 - This actress (B list mostly television actress who can't get work after her hit show) was heard saying, direct quote: "I'm so pissed about all these feminists hags bitching about casting couches! Like anybody would rape half of them - and yeah, like (A- list mostly television actress/former beard) would have to be raped. Please! B**ch is a walking mattress. What's fucked up is that now all these guys are so scared that I can't even get a f**king call-back to suck a guy off for a role! Maybe I enjoy masturbating in an office for a part! They ever think about THAT?? Where's my rights?".

#2 - This celebrity offspring model-actress-whatever of two stars is in bad shape. Like dangerous, trainwreck type of bad shape. After being asked to take a break from college, by the college, due to her partying/drugs/sex, she needs lots of help, prayers, and rehab.

Last year she was affiliated with a high-price escort service run by a sleazy paparazzi agent (who uses bottled water ads as a catalog of available girls). The so-called "Fashion Water" is a front company who lists this always broke rapper as a spokesman and co-owner. A real co-owner is this momager herself. Most if not all the models posing in these water company ads are available for a price. Including this sister of this ex-Disney actress turned escort.

Our beautiful young celebutante raised eyebrows when she posted her modeling shoot for the water company all over her social media last year. Now, her drug use spiraling out of control, she's gone back to some of her ex-sorority sisters trying to get them to join her "career". The daughter clearly doesn't need the money or connections for fame. Maybe she's following in the footsteps of her Dad's ex-girlfriend.  The girl is certainly following both parents' footsteps of drug abuse that has nearly killed them both over the years.  She's gone from All-American goddess, California Girl cheerleader to coke-addicted escort.  And is still not yet 21. 


  1. 1 - Ashley Benson..?

  2. PMK_Momager and co-owner of Fashion Water
    Ali Lohan for sister of Ex-Disney Actress

  3. I still don't understand what being a "former beard" means LMAO. Please, someone explain beard..?

    1. A beard is someone hired to be a girlfriend (or boyfriend) to a celebrity so the celebrity appears to be straight. Like Taylor Swift has done for 99% of the men she’s been with for example.

  4. Hailey Baldwin is 20 today - not yet 21! Not sure about the college bit ...

  5. 1. Olivia Munn? Though assigning her any level within A list is painful to contemplate

  6. 50 Cent partially owns Vitamin Water.

  7. Jeezy is an "owner" of defiance fuel water

  8. The model\actress--Delilah Hamln?
    The beard--Olivia Munn

  9. 1) Nina Dobrev
    2) Some Baldwin relation, Ali Lohan and at a huge push maybe Ava Phillipe

    1. Scratch that. Maybe Ava Sambora

  10. Ash Ben bad mouthed both PLL & Pixels, like anyone would want to hire her. But, this makes me laugh what she said about Munn, because everyone knows how she gets her roles. Enty also has revealed Munn harasses her "competion" through fake SM accounts.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. 138 Water for #2, Tyga is on it's homepage.

  13. Heather Locklear's daughter was one 138 water's "models".

    Daddy's ex GF is Denise Richards, who was one Heidi's girls.

  14. #1 Some extremely stupid "actress" who is devoid of acting talent and self-worth.

    1. Then it would have to be Ashley Benson.

  15. 138 Water’s instagram is full of bikini girls, definitely that one. I saw Ireland but she’s 22. Mischa Barton is there, wonder why?

    OT: AJ Benza’s podcast today prominently features Cdan!

  16. Yep 138 water and Tyga it is

  17. Definitely 138 water - their "advertisements" look just like an escort portfolio.

    Interesting that Tyga is fronting a business for Mama Kris...

  18. Tyga's water company with Kris Jenner as the real co-owner.
    Ava Sambora. She posed for the water company and is enrolled at Loyola.

  19. alexandria anna - a beard is a woman who dates or marries a gay man to help him hide his sexuality.

  20. 1. Ashley Benson talking about Olivia Munn.
    2. Ava Sambora. Ireland Baldwin was never enrolled in college, and as Dena pointed out, is 22.

  21. #1 is obviously my ex wife.

  22. Naya rivera for the first. PMK as momager .

  23. I haven't finished reading but I nearly died laughing at #1. OMG. Somebody better help her out with a part real quick.

    @ Alexandria, a beard is a person who is paid to go out on dates and pretend to be the girlfriend or boyfriend or spouse (depends on the terms of the bearding contract) of the opposite-gender person who is paying them...usually to hide the persons homosexuality.

  24. here's the imdb list aj talked about (now deleted, this is an archive):Alleged Pedophiles in the IMDb

    and here's the new, less shocking version made the same person who's hoping it won't get taken down so fast:Hollywood Sex Rings and Alleged Pedophiles in the IMDb

    1. I can’t believe both lists (from your links) are still up and no lawyer from any of those guys has made them take it down. The second link has been up for a week. Can’t remember how long the first link has been up at IDMB.

  25. just sayin' - Thank You so much for explanation, now it makes sense!!

    Why is this called beard?? Hoomans lol.

  26. John Doe, Thank You for explanation too!!

  27. The celebrity offspring is ava sambora, she had the 138 modeling pics on social media.Alexandra Anna,you must be new to this game,lol. A beard is a woman who dates a gay man so people think he's straight. Olivia Munn, dating Aaron Rogers,for instance. She gets bonus points for ha ing a reputation, so more believable.Beard used because a man wearing a beard looks more Masculine. I'm sure you got answered already.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Guesser, yes I'm quite new in the game, but I'm also from far from here hahaha! Never heard of that before, I saw term beard in certain blinds, but I was kind of embarassed to ask ayy lmao!

  30. Alexandria its a leftover term from old Hollywood (the black and white days) that was used to describe the super glamorous megastars who were in the closet. Its a metaphor that is used to literally imply covering something--- up as how a beard covers up a man's face.

  31. Enty got a lot of newcomers after returning to blogger ,so time for an Enty dictionary.

  32. Well Alexandria you now know there there is no such thing as being embarrassed to ask questions in a gossip community.

  33. Why do so many celes back water companies? Are they all fronts?

  34. The caliber of the celebrities on 138 Water's "Who's drinking 138?" page is quite amusing.

  35. alexandria anna - because having a female companion "masculinized" the man. it's a fairly new term, from the 20th century, and i believe it may have originated in hollywood/early gossip columns.

  36. guesser: not all fronts, but it's a super high profit margin item if you're selling tap water, which many are.

  37. John Doe, term beard is that old? Oh dear, I kind of feel like ignorant, I feel like it's something I should knowww..ayyyy sorry about that!

  38. and vice versa, krispypc!

    not copying you, john doe, yours posted before i got around to it.

  39. Just sayin', I see now! Myself I would never come up with term beard for that, but it's okay hahaha!

    Thank You guys, all of You for educating me a little bit!!

  40. Beard was also used to hide who was having an affair, back in the day. Joe would be having an affair with Sarah, but he had dinner with both Sarah and Anna, pretending he and Anna were a couple. Anna was the beard in that case. (Names made up.)

  41. I think the first one was put up here just to make Count's day.
    Hell, the 2nd one too.

  42. #1 Wooo! You tell 'em girl!

  43. Yup, Enty has hinted as Ashley in another blind not long ago. She can't get any acting work since her show ended. Maybe that's her cue that she needs to learn a skill and get a real job instead of being angry about not being able to find a man who will let her suck him off so that she can get a role.

    She's only 27, and she's a smart and very attractive woman. She could do better things with her life but she clearly doesn't respect herself at all. I can totally see her on her knees performing that act to get parts.

  44. @ Low Key, you are probably right. It is the funniest Enty BI I have ever read.

  45. Yeah..where is Count? I feel like this blind is giving him a looot of material for comment LMAO

  46. @Just Sayin, you are correct. I have heard that a lot of the 'brand name' bottled waters out there are actually tap water.


    Ava Sambora

  48. For #1 January Jones talking about Paz de la Hurta

  49. @sleuth, you beat me to it! 138 water, Tyga is broke. the 138 water ads are obviously not about the bottled water... wow...

  50. #1 is definitely Ashley Benson. She's rather annoyed that all the other PLL have got jobs, but she's still flailing. Supposedly not that nice either.

  51. Ava Sambora is a butterface. Sorry but she is. She's not as attractive as either parent.

  52. Absolutely 138 water. Their website even has a section called "138 Models". What water company devotes a whole section of their website to the models?!

    They also have a section "Who's Drinking 138?" with a bunch of celebrities (client endorsements?): Tyga, Paris Hilton, Biebs, Rob K, Blac Chyna, Eddie Murphy, Daniel Craig, James Franco, Steve Carrell, Sly Stallone, Rod Stewart, and others.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Ava Sambora is an Alpha Phi, definitely her.

  55. #1. Good for her. That is some truth. Someone finally said it.

  56. ok so sounds like Tyga, through researching I just worked out who the VS shanghai pimp is and its not VS itself as I suspected. The guy runs a company called Fashion TV, they also produce Fashion Water and Fashion Vodka. He is a grotesque sweating mass of flesh. Fashion TV had backstage rights at the Shanghai show and it can be seen on their youtube channel. If you check Insta you see hundreds and hundreds of young women, most central and eastern european, though he is branching out into south east asia. He has been charged with child sex offences in the recent past. I have a link to a take down blog on wordpress but there is some antisemitic name calling and would rather not relink it here.

    1. Thanks for the research. I had the same initial thoughts as you for the VS blind.

  57. Ahhh good ol’ Alpha Phi aka All-For-Free.

    Anyone else read BI#1 picturing Melissa McCarthy / reading it in her voice?

  58. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Cheese and crackers Himmmm.....I hope you have a huge bottle of Purell around at all times. The crap you hear and see. It must be rather horrendous to live in all that mess and try to keep your sanity.

  59. 138 photoshoot of Joanne Krupa on the IG as well

  60. Alexandria don't worry you'll get up speed by the repetition of certain terms, like "yachting," that you have probably never heard in this context before. I know I hadn't before I started reading! Ditto bearding which I also wasn't aware of. Plus there's always backstory and subtext which are fun, like my favorite's about Irina's baby with Bradley Cooper. Once you know all the characters you can follow the little digs in the captions of photos. Which Enty please get back to...but maybe after BF if you're busy with your reveals!

  61. 138 is a total front. You can’t even buy it in stores! In LA, they run huge billboards of their “models”.

  62. GingerGirl, so even yachting doesn't simply mean..yachting? looool!
    This term, I saw yesterday, or day before, in Victoria's Secret blind maybe..?
    But now...Oh my goodness! I'm afraid what this might be, Hahahaha!

    DITTO BEARDING?? Is this some kind of upgraded version of "bearding"? lmao!

    Maybe once I'll find out meaning of this, I won't feel like full retard anymore hahaha!

  63. That's a damn shame. are these youngins stuck on stupid or what?!

  64. Alexandria "yachting" is just prostitution, usually in international waters. This site will make you wonder about things that were right in front of you that you had never considered before! Don't worry you'll catch up. I was lost at first too!

  65. I know it's not her, but the bottled water company reminded me of dodgy Diana Jenkins, who now goes by 'Sanela' Diana Jenkins' Neuro line of drinks s ... and her book of alleged whores featuring Haydn and the gang, Room 29.

  66. Can I call Superhero Himmmm this time? I always wanted to use that lamp that reflects sign on the sky lmao!

  67. john doe: it's also super easy to start a water business...all you need is a contract with a water bottler and a design for a label. takes less than a week to set it up.

  68. Anonymous2:40 PM

    1 has to be Lena Dunham

  69. GingerGirl, thank You! Yachting, I was imagining something weirder than prostitution hahaha! Well, this is CDAN...
    Expanding vocabularyyyyy!

  70. @Nerf Poodles the true american hero for finding 138 water well done

  71. Hun, your "rights" stop where they trample on other women's rights. It's women like you who encourage men to behave the way that do and assume ALL of us are okay with casting-couching. Selfish asshole. 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼

    1. "Selfish fameho asshole who's only interested in HERSELF getting ahead", if I may add...

  72. Thanks for grabbing and sharing that archived list, just sayin'. Well done.

    And I'm with Alexandria: I'm learning a whole new vocab from this site. Not sure that's a good thing?

  73. That scene from Wolf of Wallstreet where Mad Max said "It's a fucking prostitution!!!"

    That's what I thought when I learned what "Yachting" means!

    I don't know if that's a good thing either RingoSkater!
    But it's amusing, kind of! lol

    1. Yatching is more than prostitution. It involves doing despicable nasty things that most humans would not do. The infamous Derek Harvey mentioned a website to look at the pictures, so yours truly did and saw a VS Angel showering with another lady with fecal matter spread is not glamorous and it is bottom of the barrel nasty nasty gross things. Sorry I'm still traumatized

    2. Sd Auntie whaaaat? Now that is insane, what kind of girls would do that? Yeah, it takes really fucked up person to consent for that...or really desperate for money.

  74. #1 is hilarious. "Before, 5 minutes, boom! I got the part. Now I have to learn to fucking act!"


  76. @Alexandria asked why they use the term 'beard'....a false beard is used a disguise, these people are acting as a disguise for the true sexuality of their employer.

  77. As Alexandria says, "Amusing, kind of." What an apt summary.

  78. Part one I think of Jennifer Aniston for some reason. After reading someone else’s comment about Melissa McCarthy I could see this bing said as a joke

    As for the second part, Ava Sambora came right to my mind. I think she’s got quality parents who have dabbled in excess from time to time but clearly are devoted to this child first and foremost. It is the only child for both of her parents! She really has no excuse for this bad behavior. An All-American spoiled princess only child doing this I do not feel sorry for.

    I am curious Himmm, did the parents do something to piss you off?!

  79. Julianne Hough was a 'beard' for Ryan Seacrest.

  80. #1 sounds like she was making a bad joke. Was she imbibing at the time?

  81. Anonymous11:03 PM

    @guesser what was the site with the vs angels??

  82. @Danielle you're kidding right?
    her mother is a quality parent?
    dabbled from time to time?
    devoted to this child first and foremost?
    She really has no excuse for this bad behavior?
    are you her publicist?
    Breaking News: Heather Locklear Checks Into Rehab For The 5th Time (fyi that was a year ago...)

  83. I love the Lena Dunham guess for #1 except for the fact she takes such pride in her own feminism... doesn’t seem to fit that she’d use that word as an insult. And I think Enty has described her as a actress/writer/producer before too.

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. @SD Auntie 1) whatever happened to Derek Harvey and 2) Which Angels?!

    1. Well I do not want to say other than she is mentioned Frequently as a yatcher. I think Derek pops in once in a while to diss tricia. It was an online thing that mainly talks about "party girls overseas and there was one that was a bartender in San Diego. Pretty open about the type of ahem services they provide and reviews of the acts. The Count may know the site! Derek is using another name and obviously refrains from commenting. Kind of miss the jerk

  86. Heather Locklear used to seem so together and like such a class act (Melrose Place era). I used to think it was cool that she had this duality of dating scummy rock dudes on one side and a clean-cut professional image on the other. Perhaps back then, like alot of addicts, she was functioning very well under the influence of drugs. She’s a great example of what inevitably happens to even the most functional addict, eventually. Shit falls apart and you start showing your messiness. Thank god paparazzi weren’t interested in taking my picture when I began my downward spiral. If this blind is true and about her daughter, I hope atleast one of the parents are mended enough to support her.

  87. In Fortune magazine there is an article about the ouster of Harvey from his studio. It is all business rather than gossip but I noted how HW responded to the initial NYT's article that exposed his abuse. HW told the Board of Directors of the studio that he would supply them with thousands of photos showing him arm-in-arm with the smiling actresses years and years after he allegedly assaulted them.

  88. #1 was saying what a lot of women think but know enough not to say out loud in public. Look, sex as a way of obtaining access to power is as old as time. For every woman stridently speaking up against it, there are ten hoping the system never changes. Those celebrities aren't on those yachts because they're blackmailed, threatened, traumatized victims. They are on them for money and the power that comes with it, and I'm sure sometimes the power of the connection they are making. Know any women who married for money? Know any parents who are happy their daughter is dating a doctor or a lawyer? How is that different from women who like the fact that they can use the casting couch to get roles?

    And it certainly isn't just Hollywood. Strategic relationships and marriages based upon the possibility of financial gain are used by people at all socioeconomic levels. The unemployed guy who moves in with the woman with six kids so he can live off her child support or welfare. The young gay man who hooks up with a pasty-faced married CEO with a spare tire and doesn't care what his friends say because, hey bitches, is that your new Porsche? No, didn't think it was.

    Should anybody be forced into this kind of relationship against their will? Absolutely not. But thinking there aren't a lot of people in a totally consensual sex-for-money/power arrangement is delusional. There always will be, those people aren't victims, and they do not want things to change.

  89. You’re right KittensRUs. JLaw was probably only peeved because people are now aware of how she and many others get their parts. Many women have gone abroad for sex knowing there’s payment for them.

  90. Why do I feel like Lea Michele for 1?

  91. She's had roles but my first thought on #1 was Anna Paquin.

  92. Lea Michele someone said, despite being in two shows since Glee ended. Do people even read these anymore before they reply??

    Anyways my money is on either the blonde from PLL or Naya Rivera. Both would totally say something like that, even if it was a shit attempt at an 'edgy' joke.

  93. #2 The Disney sister is Kai Thorne, sister of Bella

  94. @danielle do your research on the whole charlie & Heather child porn addiction & why denise & richie really started dating & why charlie is never alone & has no custody rights of sam & lola.It will disgust you the evil things that have been done to Eva Sambora.

  95. someone talk to Busy Phillips! she posted a funny story about getting tricked into holding 138 water by paparazzi on the way to her car.



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