Monday, November 27, 2017

Today's Blind Items - Family Killer

What do you do if you think you are the best in the family, but are just second best? Well, if you are this permanent A list musician you abuse your sister until she ultimately died. When the sister was about 12, her brother started sexually abusing her. He had a history of abusing other members of his extended family and to have someone so close in proximity led to her being abused on almost daily basis. The parents knew about it but would do anything for their son and sad as long as the daughter was not hurt that it was fine.

When the daughter wanted to go out on a date at 13, the parents said no because it would make the brother jealous. When she was in her mid teens and in a band trying to get signed. Her brother passed her out to record executives like candy. If an executive complained that the teen was not enthusiastic, the brother would beat her and make her do it again. At around that same time, the brother met this permanent A+ list mostly movie actor who was A+ list then and now. He promised the brother some songs in an upcoming movie in exchange for having sex with the sister for a weekend. He also promised the brother about $10K in drugs. Apparently the sister almost overdosed that weekend and the actor, along with the A+ list producer who seemingly will never die filmed her having sex with men and women including Sharon Tate. Roman Polanski was at this party and remembers having sex with the sister but doesn't remember the filming.

The brother continued to have sex with his sister for years and years while getting her more and more hooked on drugs. He verbally abused her and told her she would never amount to anything. He made her give him most of her money that she earned with the group. When she announced she had a boyfriend, her brother beat her and raped her for days.

Within two years she was dead and as her brother forced her to do, signed over everything to him before she died. 


  1. Karen and Richard Carpenter

    1. That is the most sickening thing I've read in a long time. That's saying something considering the blinds we've had lately.

    2. +100 I couldn't even finish it.

  2. Robert Evans is the producer/Beatty the actor

  3. Jack Nicohlson as the actor and Clive Davidson as the producer?

  4. if true, wow.....

  5. Richard Carpenter was, by his own admission, addicted to quaaludes. But Karen's problems were more anorexia/bulemia, rather than drug issues.

    1. But eating disorders might be a symptom to the verbal/mental abuse she endured (Enty says he'd verbally abuse her telling her she'd "never amount to anything", remember). Self-esteem issues (and sometimes a need to feel in control of SOMETHING, when everything else in life is so out-of-control) might have been the root of the eating disorder. 💔

  6. Richard also was (is?) married to his first cousin - the cousin was adopted, so it is not a blood relative first cousin, but that still could fit with the part of the blind about family issues.

  7. It is Karen and Richard Carpenter with Evans and Beatty.
    E! made a documentary on Karen Carpenter and they said that her brother was a jealous creepy with a weird sexual relation with his sister.Her mother hated her

  8. I'm not sure Karen Carpenter completely fits this. The part signing everything over to her brother fits. Her emotional troubles and anorexia are supposedly blamed on her mother not showing her love. Her husband was a liar and abusive.

    1. I agree too. Her biography is very clear that Richard was the favorite especially the mother's.

  9. sandy, i'm sure her beast of a mother had a lot to do with her problems, but that doesn't mean this didn't add to them tremendously. poor thing. nobody helped her.

  10. This is incredibly sad. Karen was so talented and seemed like a sweet girl. Horrible, horrible story.

  11. I believe the Carpeneter's parents put all their hopes and resources into making the brother a success and didn't really take much notice of Karen, who was obviously just as talented as a drummer and a vocalist. Karen's relationship with her parents has been described publicly as 'complicated'. Which as we all now, means 'messy' at best. Karen also married an older man who was pretty awful to her and drained her fortune. Pretty standard stuff for someone brought up to disregard her own happiness.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Her abusers ( those that are still alive) all deserve a slow, painful death.
    It's never too late.

  14. A+ list actor certainly Jack Nicholson, he was good friends with Polanski, and he will be forever A list.
    Wasn't that A+ list producer in other blind? One of the old Hollywood ones..

    I think Carpenters fit it - brother and sister, Karen was addicted to drugs, also had eating disorders, looks like these monsters destroyed her. That's awful..

  15. The rumors about the Carpenter siblings have been around forever. Poor woman. Hollywood is a rotten place.

    1. Really??? I was a big fan and have never heard about this. He is creepy though....

  16. Only problem with the Carpenters guess is that Karen was actually married for a few years in the 80s. Could this be a member of DeBarge, maybe?

  17. MIND BLOWING. OMG my head is spinning!!

  18. Where does nicky chinn fit into all of this? this is horrible.

  19. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Did any Nicholson/Evans movies have Richard Carpenter on the soundtrack?
    Seems like this should be easy to figure out.

  20. Definitely Richard and Karen.

  21. @Sharon - I thought about the DeBarges as well - but there is only one sister, and she is still alive.
    The other group I thought of was the Sylvers - but again, the girls are still living.

  22. anorexia is very, very often tied to sexual abuse in the family. arrested development due to trauma at puberty, the anorexia is an attempt to maintain one's status as "little" girl, prevent breasts and curves from growing which invite more unwanted attention. i always suspected there was more going on behind the scenes. their toothy smiles, hollow eyes, and saccharine lyrics like "close to you"'s screamed "weirdos" to me.

    1. Yep.I was sexually assaulted at 16
      Couldnt talk for 3 days,people thought it was cause I had exam stress.Within a year was anorexic
      .Only times I felt anything near happiness was when I was mistaken for a young boy.

    2. @piglet: It's great you're finally talking about it hear. It's hell to suffer in silence and pretend everything is okay. It sucks that everyone thought you were silent because of your exam when it was all about something else.

  23. I have a confession. I actually cry a little when I read these stories. How are you supposed to feel after you find out about this stuff? I love listening to the Carpenters music. But there he is singing background vocals on every single track. Should we still listen? not listen?

    1. I believe Richard Carpenter is an ass but I don't think this is them.

    2. You're being a decent human being, John Doe.

  24. According to Randy Scmidt's excellent biography, "Little Girl Blue", following Karen's 1980 marriage, she signed over her entire estate to Richard and her parents in September 1981, while still married to developer Thomas Burris. She subsequently filed for divorce from Burris in 1982. She died in 1983.

  25. Karen's voice is so sad. John, I'd say listen to it if you want, Karen did nothing wrong.

    I stopped listening to Don Henley's music and anything he sang lead on with the Eagles after reading that recent blind, though. So appalling and such a letdown.

    1. And the Eagles are going out on another moneygrab tour with Vince Gill filling in for Glenn Frey-skip!

  26. If Mama Cass shared her ham sandwich w/ Karen, they would both be alive.

    1. lmao that is GREAT

    2. To be honest, I ripped it off a porn whore. Way too topical not to share.

    3. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Eating disorders aren’t funny

    4. You dont giggle when a 300lb dude has a tshirt on that says "i beat anorexia"?

    5. so true fifi, I find jokes about bulimia difficult to swallow

      speaking of swallowing, count I bet you dig bulimics with their acid eroded teeth and lack of gag reflex. hehe high five. you are a sickie

    6. Lucy: i wish my cock could reach a bulimic's lack of a gag reflex. Unfortunately all i can exploit is their lack of self esteem.

    7. now *that* is a tshirt

    8. I can always count on Count Jerkula to diffuse tension and make me laugh.

  27. doesn't look like he's lifted a finger but continues to make money as his music is still featured in new movies. and he has 4 daughters. that gives me hives.

    1. Oh god, please. I hope his daughters are ok

    2. I find it ironic that these men always have end up having female daughters ... It's ironic

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Wow, I had no idea. Obviously I knew about her anorexia and had an inkling with the lack of mother love, but omg. She did come across as a sweet, lovely woman, and to me, Richard did seem weird - I saw an interview with him (part of a documentary on The Carpenters) and he seemed wired and erratic and strange.
    @John Doe - Listen to the music when ready, if you like it and it makes you happy, concentrate on her beautiful voice and not the dick. At the risk of sounding mawkish, I think it would have made her happy that you love it.

    1. @Kimberley; I wonder if it was the same one(s) I saw? I remember quite a big documentary on them some years back: I want to say early 00s to tie in with her 20th anniversary.
      They had Richard, natch, who came across as a creepy arrogant git. But worse were the elderly fans who were friends of the family, who were super-defensive cultists. Even my mother remarked on how weird one in particular was (she was asleep for most of it). Notably those being interviewed were ALL about Richard even when discussing Karen.
      I moderately liked their music before but came away with a visceral dislike of Richard Carpenter and his cronies.

  30. My first thought was Karen and Richard Carpenter as well.

  31. Richard Carpenter doesn't have any sountrack credits on prior to 1973, when he started doing TV, and is first movie credits are from 1979. Sharon Tate was murdered in 1969, so that's the latest this weekend party could have been held. Therefore, either the A+ actor didn't deliver on his promise, or it's not about them. Or Enty's mixing up the timeline on purpose again.

  32. It does sound like it's supposed to be the Carpenters but a few things don't quite fit. I can't think of any other brother/sister duos where the sister died though.
    If it is them, I wonder if John Wayne fits in somewhere. He was said to be a bit obsessed with Karen on meeting her on their first television appearance and offered her a part in True Grit.
    Richard is said to be very closeted though, not that closeted men don't rape women but I'm surprised that wasn't mentioned in the blind.

  33. Is Richard Carpenter really permanent A list?!?

  34. I knew Karen Carpenter had bulemia - didn't know she used drugs as well. Although, wouldn't surprise me after reading this blind.

    This blind <<< WTF is wrong w/ some people in this world...worse yet, the people who know but do NOTHING to stop bad behavior?! /shakes head in disgust/

  35. Did any of the girls in the Cowsills try to go out on they’re own?

  36. My god the blinds have been shocking the last few weeks between this Don Henley and Heather o' Rourke it is really really sad these foke get away with it too!

  37. It has to be the Carpenters, right?

    Though some of the details are definitely fuzzy and the timeline isn't perfect.

  38. This fits the Carpenters on some clues, but not others. The blind does not say the brother was in the group with the sister. Plus Jack Nicholson was not A+ in the 60's, he was just starting out.

  39. I would definitely call Richard Carpenter permanent A list if one considers him in the context of the success of the Carpenters duo. They were famous all over the world and had a massively successful Top 40 career that lasted for a long time: multiple gold and platinum albums, with numerous top 10 hits. He also has quite a few credits under his belt as a writer and producer.

    Why in the world did Karen put up with this? She was the star, she could have walked. He must have really hated and envied her! How the hell does he live with himself. WTF!!!

  40. If the actor was A+ at the time, could not have been Nicholson. Easy Rider had just come out by the time Tate was murdered. He was just a supporting character in Easy Rider and did not become A+ until later.

  41. he's been added to the imdb list of alleged pedophiles, so someone at imdb follows cdan closely?

    Alleged Pedophiles in the IMDb

  42. @Mag - Carpenters worked on the sountrack to "Bless The Beasta and Children", which came out in 1971 - but there are no A list ocnnecitons to that movie.

  43. Sly Stone had sisters in his group
    And plenty of drugs around

  44. Ok, this is the first I've seen the Alleged Pedophiles lists... can someone fill me in on Guy Fieri???

  45. There's no other obvious answer that comes to mind, but the Carpenters never really had trouble getting signed. They were very musically talented and didn't have to resort to begging for labels to notice them. This inference in the blind doesn't really make sense. What 70's movie soundtrack features Carpenter songs?

    1. Bless the Beasts and the Children. The theme to the movie is used as the opening theme to the soap opera The Young & the Restless.


  46. here's a link to the guy fieri pedophile blind, erin keith, but you're gonna be reading for awhile. the answer to blind #2 comes as fieri comes directly from himmmm:
    Four For Friday - More On The Island And A Child Rapist That Needs To Be Brought To Justice

  47. the clues in this blind follow the wikipedia bios of karen carpenter and the carpenters almost to a "t". the only thing i can't corroborate is robert evans putting carpenter's music into one of his movies: an imdb "collaborations and overlaps" search of evans and the carpenters yields zero results. but that could be an imdb data mistake, on oversight on my part, or they could have been empty promises.

  48. B626 - the only female member of Sly's family that was in the band was Rose "Sister Rose" Stone - and she is still alive. The other women were not siblings.

    1. I’m looking for A-List bands from the 70’s that aren’t the Carpenters
      Anyone but the Carpenters!

  49. jen: according to the wikipedia page, the carpenters moved to southern california in 1963 and the kids formed various bands, entered competitions, made demos until they were signed to a&m in 1969. so this would be the period when the hollywood sex and drugs activity was going on. karen didn't graduate high school until 1967...poor thing.

  50. The Carpenters fit so many of the details, it has to be them (if Enty put in some fuzzy wuzzies that is)

  51. Thanks, @just sayin'. I did read that but it must have immediately left my brain afterwards. I think I'm just becoming more and more skeptical of Himmmm. I think he's more of a means to draw visitors to the site than anything. And he's definitely not RDJ in my opinion.

  52. Does the A+ "then and now" actor have to actually be alive now, or is it enough that he's still considered A+ list forever? In the latter case - John Wayne would fit.

  53. They were signed to other labels before 1969. Also, she was incredibly frail. I'm trying to understand how she could be "raped for days" in the physical condition she was in. Her bones simply couldn't withstand anything like that. Lots of old interviews are on You Tube that show this. I don't know. My mother was a really big Carpenters fan, so in our house we never missed a news story, documentary, or tv movie about them. I think they we were a really weird family, but not this weird.

  54. This is meant to be the Carpenters, but it just has so
    many aspects wrong to make it click bait. As a result,
    I have become totally fed up of this website.
    Karen Carpenter died of anorexia nervosa,
    a deadly serious but relatively obscure disease at that time.
    As someone else noted, the mother of the Carpenters
    adored Richard, Karen's older brother, and
    Karen was always second best to the mom, and Richard
    was considered the "musical genius".
    Karen lived in NYC in 1979-1980 trying to
    produce her own solo album with
    Phil Ramone while Richard was being
    treated for his Quaalude addiction.
    Phil's wife knew Karen abused laxatives etc.
    Then after all that work on her album,
    Richard and Herb Alpert
    told Karen that the solo album was
    no good for the Carpenter "brand"
    and needed to be shelved.
    The only drugs Karen abused were
    syrup of ipecac and laxatives because of her disease, but
    that was enough to kill her.

    The siblings were too busy making their recordings in 1968-69
    to meet Sharon Tate and/or Roman Polanski
    and/or Jack Nicolson and/or Warren Beatty-
    those suggestions are just ridiculous.
    Karen's death and the disease of anorexia are tragic
    enough without adding the extra stupid sex and hard
    drugs stuff, as Enty did, for whatever dumb reason he had.
    The mom and brother controlled her too much, that much is
    sad and true and the results were visible to all.
    I don't believe the Himmmmm stuff anymore either.

    1. Anonymous12:49 AM

      In New York she was taking thyroid medication and hiding it and too much of it caused her heart to be over worked . It was part of the anorexia she felt they gave her energy and kept the wait off. She didn’t have a thyroid condition. It was sad. I don’t believe Richard sexually abused her. Her mother did play up Richard and both were very controlling.

      When Karen recorded the album during Richard’s rehab he was incensed. He felt that she owed him. While a good musician. Karen’s got the glory both her mom and Richard were taken aback by it.

  55. Working within the timeline Karen graduated high school in 1967 and Sharon Tate died in 1969. So the A+ list actor even then as Jack wouldn’t fit he wasn’t even nominated for anything until 1970. Kirk Douglas however was nominated 3 times before 1960, making him A+ List even then. I'm sure there are more!
    Carpenters weren't even signed until 1969 so this is before they were (really, really) famous.
    Also just because this person promised a soundtrack doen't mean it actually happened. It was just the promise that allowed him to say yes.

  56. @ Aris - just musing, but when 'Easy Rider' came out, didn't Jack Nicholson shoot to fame through that movie and could be considered A+ from that alone? I went to see that movie when it came out and it was huge here in the U.K so would have been even bigger in the U.S and elsewhere. Just wondering. I don't know if he got nominated for that.

  57. Movie "Bless the Beast and the Children" finally released in 1971.

  58. This sounds like a V.C. Andrews novel. Yeah, I'm a bit skeptical. This site is going a little Alex Jones. It does sound like the Carpenters, but I always thought Richard's issue was being extremely closeted. I guess anything is possible, but I'm having a hard time believing this one.

  59. @Catsup Yes! VC Andrews is a perfect description for this!

  60. Like a lot of people, I have started following this site closely since the Weinstein story was published. I'm up to date since then and have been working my way back in time. I'm only back to September 21, which might not be a meaningful sample, but I notice that before October 5, it's pretty much all lightweight gossip.

    This story apparently about the Carpenters is what I'm looking for here, and I appreciate the fact that this kind of thing is being exposed.

  61. if you look at the dramatic situations being exposed now (weinstein spacey etc) it seemed outrageous to the general public a month ago... but the sheer amount of victims coming forward gives the individual stories credibility) ...ffwd a month... the floodgates are opening... momentum is mounting finally the real evil doers are getting exposed... bring it, enty and himmmm whoever y'all are!

  62. Bob Rafelson for the director, and Nicholson.

  63. @Kimberley, yes Easy Rider put Jack on the path of A List stardom, but in the context of this blind, he still doesn’t fit. Easy Rider came out July of 69. He definitely wasn’t A list prior to this - He was a replacement of a role created for Rip Torn and his acting career was a bit dead. Though he was writing screenplays.

    Nicholson did arrange the soundtrack for the movie Head which came out in 1968. But it still doesn’t make sense that an actor/screenwriter of B-movies could promise to use Carpenters songs in a movie featuring music of far better known acts.

    IF this is supposed to be about Nicholson, then this meeting with Richard Carpenter would have taken place after Easy Rider was released, but before (a heavily pregnant) Sharon Tate was murdered... like a 3-week window.

  64. So there is consensus that the permanent A list actor who was A list then and is A list now promised Richard that he would allow them to contribute soundtrack credits to a movie that was coming up but never delivered. I'm thinking that the actor might be Clint Eastwood. He was A list then and now. And he starred in an obscure musical in 1969. It would make sense if he offered to let them score the movie soundtrack. A+ List producer who won't die: Jerome Hellman??

  65. On the timing, Roman Polanski was out of the country for a lot of 1969. He definitely was not in the US three weeks prior to his wife's murder.

    Actually, the stuff about Weinstein would have not have surprised me at all. The stuff I find surprising - a cabal picking the President (a president whom that very same cabal - Boho Grove types - spent tearing down for his entire presidency) and murdering a comedian. A house in New Orleans that routinely blackmails people - wouldn't word get out about the would seem like something like that would work for a year max.

    And, this about the Carpenters. Having followed Karen's career and her eating disorders (as a fellow sufferer), I just find it really hard to believe. Although, as I said, anything is possible. But, the timing is tricky too.

  66. So utterly deplorable this blind is.

    On the topic of Easy Rider, although I wasn’t born yet, it was indeed YUUUUUUUGE stateside, and although Jack had been in films for a decade, he was still pretty much a complete unknown prior to that film (but instantly recognizable and shot up to A list from it). In fact, he was listed outside the alphabetical credits (Fonda and Hopper of course has top billing) “and Jack Nicholson as George Hanson”). Btw, at least on this production/this early in his career, “he was the most polite gentleman. Always kept his nose clean. No drugs, no womanizing, only a little drink...but those other two, Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper, they were always doped up.”

    Source: my old man, who worked on and was there for the entire film shoot. That’s what he told me and he was never one for bullshit..


  67. karen and richard carpenter on the show "this is your life" in 1971:

    This Is Your Life (Richard & Karen Carpenter)

  68. @catsup, I meant to mention this tidbit about Polanski too. The timing on this one is all over the place. As this blind leads us to the Carpenters, like you I am having trouble believing this. However, I did think of Mackenzie Phillips and her father, and began to wonder... though isn't the big secret about Richard Carpenter that is he deeply closeted?! 🤷🏽‍♀️

    I think John Doe's guess of Clint Eastwood is quite inspired... still Robert Evans for the producer.

    @itttt, Great info regarding Easy Rider! I always enjoy hearing/reading about the transition from "old hollywood" to "new hollywood". Such a fascinating time for a movie buff.

  69. Oh dear God.
    I'm reading the Randy Schmidt bio about Karen Carpenter now, "Little Girl Blue." My family was huge fans of hers, and I was almost nine when she died, I remember watching their TV specials in the 70s. I remember a lot of people suspecting ick nast between them then.
    Do read the Schmidt bio. It is really an insight into just how screwed up her family was.

  70. @delete account, so does this blind seem plausible in light of this book?

    Sex abuse can definitely lead to eating disorders, so that's why I'm not completely dismissing this. And, they were definitely a dysfunctional family.
    Another thing that bothers me, Karen Carpenter wasn't exactly hot - and, she was a bit chubby in the late 1960s...I apologize if this line of commenting is politically incorrect...

    @amused - yeah, the timing seems off.

  71. Warren Beatty was a sex crazed womanizer in the 60’s and a Robert Evans buddy.
    Karen was 15 in ‘65.
    Bonnie & Clyde had a Soundtrack out in ‘67

  72. @B626 I actually saw the Eagles this summer,Vince Gill was with them and Deacon Frey filling in for his dad. They sounded great and it was well worth the money.

    However, after all those details recently, I am off the Eagles/Henley.

  73. @Andrea "I can't think of any other brother/sister duos where the sister died though."

    The only other one I could find was a Pakistani act called Nazia and Zoheb, (The Hassans) who apparently sold 65 million records and were very, very big in Asia. In the 1980's. The sister died of cancer when she was 35. Probably not them.

  74. As an aside to my post, I saw an article where Nazia's brother Zoheb admits he told her she never should have gone into singing, and there is a rumor/story that Nazia was kidnapped and raped by a man named Altaf Hussain, who is a controversial Pakistani politician living in the UK.

  75. @b626 - the only Cowsill sister is Susan, who wasn't old enough to drive when the group split. She's very much alive. Their mother is dead, cancer - the father was a tyrant who lost their millions and physically & mentally abused them all. See the documentary Family Band for more.

  76. First,I want to say to the newcomers,welcome, but you need some explaining.Over the years Enty has done these long blinds that nearly always have red herrings, some of them a little out there. This may be for legal or entertainment reasons, but it is the style. We often get in his face about errors in the solved blinds, but at least we are allowed to do it. This mostly sounds like the Carpenters, however, since it doesn't state that the two were in a band together,maybe we are looking at the blind wrong. Maybe they were both talented musicians, but the woman is more talented,not more famous.He is called permanent A list, she isn't.Having said this, I don't have another answer,not yet!

  77. Karen's voice is haunting. Warren Beatty was an A list buddy of creepy Evans. I remember the rumor that one of the Osmonds broke her heart. That his family made him break up with her for some mysterious reason. I hope this isn't her but it fits. My science teacher used to listen to the carpenters during class and cry. Very strange days

  78. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Rest In Peace, Karen.

  79. @Guesser. She's no longer referred to as A list probably because she's dead. But she was the better and the more talented of the broader context if he was second banana and she was the real star this would make her A list also? The blind says that she was in a band that was trying to get signed, it doesn't say in the details that they were actually in this same band together but they were. The Richard Carpenter Trio was Richard's band. He was apparently pimping Karen around to different record company executives in order to get a recording contract. She was 15 at the time, which fits the blind. This would be sometime between 1965 and 1966.

    1966 was the year when Sharon Tate met Roman Polanski and began moving in his circle. 1966 was also the year when The Richard Carpenter Trio finally got a recording contract with RCA records, but their album bombed and they were dropped from the label. So they were once again looking to get signed through 1967 and 1968. Quite possibly, Terry Melcher was one of the producers that Richard pimped Karen to during this time. It was likely through Terry Melcher that Richard and Karen met Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate. And the rented mansion that Melcher was living in at the time is probably where the sex party took place. Polanski loved this house, and he and Sharon Tate rented it shortly after Melcher moved out. Its the same house where Sharon Tate and her friends were murdered not long afterwards.

    Warren Beatty was an A list actor back then and now, and he was close friends with Polanski so its possible that he is the actor. The soundtrack he promised them was for the movie Bonnie and Clyde. Beatty was notorious for attending these sex parties and whoring around with thousands of women, and lots and lots of drugs.

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. Anonymous12:49 AM

    WOW, so much evil.

  82. Thank you for the on point, detailed breakdown of the blind, John Doe. Truly tragic.

  83. aww austin you dumped your comment! however it is forever immortalized in my inbox. just wanted to say Spacey narrated American Masters 2012 I think that counts as being on a series!
    (I was never here)

  84. You guys have said it all. Its just too sad for words. I love Karen's voice. Richard can rot.

  85. Karen's voice makes me want to jump off a cliff. jump off a cliff while clutching a puppy

  86. So tragic. Great comments everyone.

  87. My heart goes out to her. If the anorexia was in fact her way of being in control, I can't help but wonder if it was also her way of controlling how others saw her,regarding the abuse. Like maybe if she made herself as unattractive as she could, she would be left alone.

    There's a special place in hell for her mother. I hope she rots there, right alongside the son she loved so much, and enabled at the expense of her daughter.

  88. did anyone else watch the episode of "this is your life" i posted above? some of the most uncomfortable body language between family members i've ever seen. pretty sure i didn't imagine the fear i saw in their eyes, and the one person who's their contemporary -- a former band member from the 60's -- looked so freaked out. he sat in the back staring at the ground the rest of the show.

  89. Sounds like the Carpenters, with Nicholson as the permanent A+ actor, and Robert Evans as the Producer who will not die.

    Nicholson was famous after Easy Rider in 69, and did Chinatown with Polanksi (who was specifically mentioned in this blind).

    Chinatown was written in 71, but that doesn't mean all of them weren't hanging out before then.

    And here is a super weird trivia fact:

    In the movie "Anger Management," Nicholson's character sites the Carpenters as being an "angry'" band.

  90. i found it odd that polanski would be there filming but not having sex himself, given his prediliction for teens. i think there may be a red herring in that party scenario.

  91. For the Clint Eastwood guess: The film in question could’ve been 1971 Play Misty for Me. Clint plays a disc jockey and music features heavily in the film. I could see The Carpenters being considered for the soundtrack.

  92. Also, to add to the skepticism about these blinds of late, it really seems like Enty is drawing dead celebrities names out of a hat and then inventing scandalous rape/incest/political corruption stories to attatch to each death: Karen Carpenter, Heather O’Rourke, Sam Kinnison, etc. I’m betting Phil Hartman and Brandon Lee will be showing up on here sometime in the near future. Any celeb who died rather enigmatically and we’ve barely given them a thought since. Can anyone think of any others that they predict will be featured in a long blind?

  93. @Lane, why would you be skeptical? I'm curious to know why you feel that any of the things that Enty is saying in these blinds is beyond Hollywood culture. The majority of the blinds on this site are about people who are alive and kicking, and, for most of the rest, many of the alleged perpetrators are still alive even though the celebrities themselves are dead. If their names appear in scandalous items that are not true they can sue for libel and defamation. Do you ever wonder why they don't?

    The blinds on this site are copied and posted all over the internet. Its not like the people involved in these stories don't know that people know about them and the things they did. They often carried out their acts with other people around, and they keep quiet for a reason: They are guilty as hell! None of them of them imagined that the disgusting shit they did to other people years ago would ever come out. Look at them many of the big shot Hollywood icons falling one by one to lurid rape scandals.

    These people are not gods. Money, fame, and drugs only make them think that they are. Just because some of them are dead and gone doesn't mean shit either. The stories are all out there, its just that many of them are from so long ago that most people today either don't know or remember who the characters are. To give just one example, Alfred Hitchcock was one of the Hollywood greats who was also well known to screw all the actresses who he hired to star in his movies. He made sure that the ones who resisted him had a hard time finding work in Hollywood afterwards. Tippi Hedren was one of the actresses who told this story years later.

    Similar stories with worse scandals have been published in many unauthorized biographies of celebrities---celebrities who no one cares about anymore. The vice they all have in common is the Hollywood culture of wealth, fame, power, sex, drugs, and self-indulgence.

    Pimping, whoring, rape, drug overdoses, screwing people to get a part or a recording contract, etc. in Hollywood isn't all that incredulous. Everybody has heard of the 'casting couch'. It was going on back then and its still going on now. Just ask any of Harvey Weinstein's victims.

  94. Karen Carpenter ...

  95. Something about this doesn't feel like the Carpenter's, but I spent an hour on Google trying to find anything else that fits and I can't.

  96. @Danilo: As opposed to the Beattys, Bonos and Schriebers who have female sons?

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. I just read the Wikipedia entry for Karen Carpenter and remembered this blind:

    "Karen's first words were "bye-bye" and "stop it", the latter in response to Richard."

    Since Wikipedia is user submitted/edited, and could have been entered by anyone, I researched that line and it looks like it was originally published in Little Girl Blue: The Life of Karen Carpenter

    "Her first words were "bye-bye" and "stop it," the latter a natural response to the antics of an older brother."

  99. Oh please. In no way is this about The Carpenters. Karen never did drugs a day in her life & they earned their fame through "Battle of the Bands" & working their way up with little crummy labels before finally having a hit. Not beatings & prostitution.

    Karen died of emetine poisoning, which was a complication of her long-standing eating disorder. You can view the autopsy report online. There's no vaginal trauma, no illicit drugs or anything of the kind. Karen was fully in control of her finances until her shady husband Tom Burris came along & bled her dry. So then she changed her will to leave everything to her brother & parents some time around 1981. Another bit that doesn't add up with this so-called blind item.

    There are plenty of other celebrity families that DO engage in horrors like this... The DeBarges come to mind. All were molested by their father & all are addicted to hard drugs. I think people are really reaching with The Carpenters because they had such a clean cut image & Karen died so unexpectedly, but she was just one of many, MANY eating disordered celebrity women--she just got unlucky & died while others recovered. Anorexia is the single most deadly mental illness so it's not like some huge conspiracy was required.

    Y'all need a step stool 'cause ya REACHING.



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