Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Random Photos Part One

One part today.

I love the woman in front of David Beckham. She has zero f**ks to give he is there.
Jenna Dewan cornering the market on bottled water.
Jennifer Garner on the set of her new movie.
Jon Hamm enjoying a beer or seven.
Kate Middleton definitely gets a crowd wherever she goes.
Long time no see Diane Lane who hit a red carpet.
Nicole Murphy met the pap at the gas station. This is not accidental.


  1. Nicole got dressed well to pump her gas.
    I think that bitch is pissed Becks is there with her.
    Oh joy Garner's making some movie!😣

  2. We are all that woman in front of Beckham...

  3. I'm so glad I'm NOT that woman in front of Beckham. He looks like he's dressed up as Batman, but Halloween is OVER.

    Fair play to Nicole. I wonder if she scouted locations for the best lighting to for pumping. And yet she has her limo shoes on.

  4. Don't we all dress like Nicole when we pump gas? I mean,I would,but I'm in NJ and stay in the car.

  5. That beer in Hamm’s hand looks like iced tea

  6. Should I know who Nicole Murphy is?

  7. Garner's people planted a gushing article in US mag today, I see. The bitch needs to move on.

  8. Diane Lane will always be hot!
    As will Kate Middleton...that is HER color, love it!

    And with all the creepy blinds I have been reading lately regarding Channing Tatum's penchant for 17 year olds, I officially feel Jenna is the hottest one in that couple.

  9. @B626 Admittedly I am not a tea drinker but how can iced tea have a head of foam?

  10. Looks like condensation on the glass, not foam.
