Friday, November 03, 2017

Random Photos Part One

One part today.

As Johnny Depp attends the London premiere of his new movie,
his ex, Amber Heard is struggling through a coke and booze hangover.
Meg Ryan and her daughter shopping in NYC.
Nicole Richie was at some award show last night.
Also at an award show was Padma Lakshmi.
Harvey Weinstein was spotted in an orange wig while
one of his rape victims, Rose McGowan hung out with Anthony Bourdain.


  1. Ha ha,Amber looks worse than Johnny.

  2. Bwahaha Amber
    I hope Padma wasn't voted Sexiest Woman of the Year😣

  3. Weinstein tried to bleach his hair himself. Thats what happens.

  4. Oh Amber. Anyone else picturing her pulling a “Departed” last night ala Nicholson style? Cause it looks like she soaked in the coke and vodka.

  5. Why does everyone look so strung out?

  6. WTF i thought bourdain quit smoking!

  7. Nothing on Johnny Depp and can't see it either.

  8. Bourdain started smoking again with his new Italian girlfriend.

    I used to love him but I am so over him now. I met him last year and he was THE WORST.

  9. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Susan, he always struck me as a supercilious jerk. Amber looks like she was rode hard and put up wet.

  10. What did you mean the worst? @susan

  11. @Susan, I thought he had lung cancer?

  12. bourdain just gives off such a dick vibe. i'm sure he's insufferable to deal with if you're a peon.

  13. I met him at a book signing. He talked about the book for an hour or so. Did his schtick hating on the usual food network celebs and ragging on food trends. Then we got to meet him as part of the very expensive tickets my husband purchased. Bourdain wanted to be anywhere than there talking to his fans and you knew it. The message was loud and clear. I knew right then and there his act on tv is a complete fraud. I was so disgusted I haven't even cooked anything out of his cookbook. I try to go into celeb things with no expectations but man he was a downer. And then a few weeks later it came out about his divorce and his new romance with the Italian actress. I have just lost a lot of respect for him over the years, and I have read all of his books and really admired him. It just felt like a giant fuck you and he seems really really into himself right now, in my opinion. No offense to his fans.

  14. Remember when there were lots of blinds about Paz de la Huerta on here? This may explain some of Paz’ issues over the years.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I remember when Johnny Depp was actually beautiful.Now he looks like a dump after the Hollyweird Evil Machine took after eating him up.

  17. Johnny Depp appears worse-for-wear as security guard seems to prop him up during red carpet arrival

  18. Nicole Ritchie + 20 lbs = Normal

  19. Nicole Richie looks like a man.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Depp does look rough. I'd imagine going through a divorce and then all the issues with his finances are pretty stressful. From what I've heard, he's not a bad guy, just out of touch with reality.



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